31 Aug 2019

Behind Islamophobia Is a Global Movement of Anti-Semites

Nafeez Ahmed

The global rise of white nationalist violence proves that the threat of fascism is not just about one community — it threatens all communities: white people, black people, Muslims, Jews, and beyond.
The spate of mass shootings at the end of July comes head on the heels of an escalating epidemic of U.S. gun violence. Since the beginning of the year, there have been at least 257 mass shootings, which have killed 9,080 people. This is nearly triple the number of people that died on 9/11, the terrorist attack which justified U.S.-led wars that have killed at least a million people.
Over the last decade, nearly three quarters of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have been linked to domestic right-wing extremists, with just a quarter linked to Islamists. And in 2018, every terrorist murder in the U.S. was linked to the extreme right.
The ideology of extreme white nationalism is now a bigger U.S. national security threat, and a bigger cause of death, than Islamist terrorism or immigration. Yet millions of white Americans have been brainwashed into believing the exact opposite.
How could this happen?
There is an unmistakeable line of transmission between the white supremacist views that helped inspire the California and El Paso attacks, burgeoning anti-Muslim hysteria around the world, and the traditional bedrock of anti-Semitic neo-Nazism that is normally associated with the far-right. Yet this nexus between Islamophobia and anti-Semitism is little understood.
Digital tipping points into mass violence
The El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius, posted his white nationalist manifesto online in the 8chan message board. The manifesto not only railed against the “Hispanic invasion of Texas,” it also praised the Christchurch mosque massacre. Since January, Trump’s re-election campaign has funded 2,199 Facebook ads characterizing immigration as an “invasion.” The ads were viewed by at least a million, and as many as 5.6 million, people.
There is now compelling research suggesting a link between social media and spikes in racist violence. Last month a joint study by academics at Princeton University and the University of Warwick found “a clear pattern” in data correlating Trump’s tweets about Muslims with a higher frequency of anti-Muslim hashtags on Twitter, and increased actual hate crimes against Muslims.
The study found that the start of Trump’s presidential campaign preceded a shift in anti-Muslim sentiments on pro-Trump Twitter accounts and a rise in the rate of hate crimes. In more quantitative terms, a one standard deviation higher social media use was associated with a 38 percent larger increase in hate crimes against Muslims.
Trump has personally gone out of his way to amplify far-right anti-Muslim figures. Within the last few months, he has repeatedly retweeted racist British commentator Katie Hopkin, who has a long track record of denigrating blacks, Muslims, immigrants, and Jews.
Last month, Trump retweeted Hopkins multiple times, including her attacks on London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan over knife crime in the capital, her endorsement of crowds at a Trump rally shouting “send her back” in relation to a Muslim American Congresswoman, and a description of the majority black city of Baltimore as a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” where “no human being would want to live.”
Trump’s engagement with Hopkins is revealing. Although he does not follow her, nor have her on any Twitter lists, he is consistently able to locate her choice racist tweets and amplify them — suggesting that far from merely being an accident of Trump’s personality, amplifying these tweets is a deliberate strategy of his White House communications team.
The shared ideology of global white nationalism
In one of these tweets, Hopkins openly endorsed the rise of extreme nationalist politicians around the world, including Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, and leader of the Polish Law and Justice party (PiS) Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
All four politicians have promoted divisive, xenophobic policies.
Bolsonaro has promised to “disappear” minorities that do not “bend to the majorities,” granted the police a “carte blanche to kill” criminal suspects, which potentially includes leftists and opposition forces, and described black activists as “animals” who should “go back to the zoo.”
Salvini has called for “ethnic” shops to be forced to close at 9pm because they are “managed by foreign citizens” that harbor “drunks and drug dealers” who “piss and shit” on the doorstep; and threatened to “bulldoze” the home of a woman he called a “dirty gypsy” on the eve of the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, commemorating the murder of 3,000 Romani and Sinti people in Auschwitz gas chambers.
Orban has promoted the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jewish philanthropist George Soros is orchestrating the mass migration of millions of Muslims to Europe, accused the EU of having “secretly launched a programme to breed a Soros-like human race,” and declared that “we do not want our own color… to be mixed with those of others.”
Kaczynski has claimed that migrants from the Middle East could trigger “epidemics” in Europe as they carry “various parasites and protozoa, which don’t affect their organisms, but which would be dangerous here.” He has also been accused by Polish Jewish leaders of covering up and failing to address their concerns about growing hostility to minorities and Jews in the country, and his ruling party is closely aligned with neo-Nazi movements in Poland.
By amplifying Hopkins’ tweet about these politicians, Trump demonstrated his affinity with these emerging proto-fascist movements across Europe and South America, as part of a global far-right network with converging aims and a shared ideology.
The making of the ‘great replacement’ mythology
It is now widely recognized that at the core of this shared far-right ideology is the so-called “great replacement” theory, which posits that a genocide of white people is being achieved through their replacement by migrants, mostly from Muslim countries (or, in the United States, from Latin America).
The overlapping xenophobic agendas of these politicians illustrates how latent anti-Semitism remains a driving force in this global movement, which nevertheless masquerades under the guise of anti-migrant and anti-Muslim sentiment as a mechanism to achieve mainstream reach.
In short, the focus on a “Muslim invasion” through a combination of mass immigration and birth rates allowed far-right groups inspired by neo-Nazi ideas to rehabilitate themselves and conceal their traditional anti-Semitic roots.
It is no surprise then to see that many of the groups that have played the biggest role in spreading the core tenets of the “great replacement” mythology through the scepter of a global Islamist conspiracy are simultaneously allied with longstanding white nationalist movements.
Among the most entrenched narratives that cross these different far-right groups is that Muslim citizens and civil society groups in the West represent “fronts” for the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist group founded in Egypt in 1928.
Many of the same far-right think tanks which have promoted the white genocide thesis that has inspired recent terrorist attacks started off scapegoating Muslims as closet extremists attempting to takeover Western societies from within.
In the U.S., groups like the Gatestone Institute (formerly chaired by Trump’s current National Security Advisor John Bolton), Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy, Robert Spencer’s JihadWatch, David Horowitz’s Freedom Center, Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum, Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism, and Raphael Shore’s Clarion Project have made it their business to accuse prominent Western Muslim civil society networks of being hotbeds of extremism conspiring to conquer the West by stealth.
“With the massive migration of Muslims to Europe, the Brotherhood — with its history, organization, cadre, clear ideology, and international connections — was in the perfect position to affect their thinking and compete for their leadership,” claimed a Gatestone article earlier this year. “The Muslim Brotherhood has, over the last decades, also successfully implanted itself in the United States,” the article continues, concluding that: “In fact, nearly all prominent Islamic organizations in the United States are rooted in the Muslim Brotherhood.”
One organization that has repeatedly come under fire from this sort of far-right propaganda is the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), the largest American Muslim philanthropic foundation, founded in 1981. Like many other ordinary American Muslim civil society groups, such as the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) or the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), IIIT is routinely portrayed as little more than a front for an Islamist conspiracy to infiltrate America and impose “Shariah Law.”
Yet the “fake news” playbook used to build up this picture is revealing — a close inspection reveals that the claim is built-up entirely from innuendo, non-sequiturs, and false generalizations.
Widening the net 
After 9/11, the U.S. government launched a major multi-agency investigation into terrorism financing across multiple agencies known as Operation Green Quest, focused on uncovering Muslim charities operating as “front organizations” for terrorists.
The problem was that U.S. government agencies like the Treasury Department, FBI, and many others had a nebulous and weak understanding of the Muslim world, often leading investigators to see connections and ties which were not there, and to read conspiratorial meaning into every association or relationship that might potentially link individuals or organizations to extremism — however tenuous.
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the net of suspicion was thrown over virtually the entire American Muslim community. IIIT was just one venerable organization that found itself caught up in Operation Green Quest’s vast effort.
“All the major Muslim charities have had their assets frozen and raids have been conducted on homes and businesses around the country without any kind of accountability or redress,” noted the ACLU. “Raids were mounted in scores of cities across the country, with special attention given to convenience stores. Once a business, charity or other body was ‘flagged’ as having some kind of connection to ‘terrorism’ — no matter how tenuous — the investigation would proceed entirely in secret, giving the organizations no opportunity to clear their names.”
According to Michael Isikoff, reporting in Newsweek in late 2003, Operation Green Quest’s “most highly publicized case — its raids on the offices of a large network of Islamic charities and foundations in northern Virginia in March 2002” resulted in no charges or prosecutions relating to terror financing. “Customs agents, armed with federal search warrants, hauled away truckloads of documents and computer files. But so far the investigation, which created a ruckus within the American Muslim community, has yet to yield any criminal charges.”
Even in relation to a number of successful indictments, Isikoff noted that “it is still unclear whether these connect to the financing of terror groups or simply involve networks of Middle Eastern immigrants attempting to send money home to relatives.”
Eventually, Operation Green Quest did yield some results. But IIIT and its most senior founders and officers — such as Jamal al-Barzinji and Hisham al-Taib — having fully cooperated with U.S. investigators, were eventually exonerated completely when it became clear there was simply no meaningful evidence whatsoever they had ever organized or facilitated terrorist financing.
Much of the “evidence” cited by far-right groups implicating IIIT in a terrorist-Brotherhood conspiracy is based on cherry-picking documents that came to light from Operation Green Quest, including alleged Muslim Brotherhood documents as well as FBI files relating to inquiries at the time.
Yet innocent Muslims were regularly caught up in this sweeping process. A 2004 report by the U.S. government’s General Accounting Office pointed out that having provided a list of 30 suspected terrorists to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement identified from July to October 2003, the FBI went on to find that only “10 of the approximately 30 subjects had a confirmed nexus to terrorism or terrorist financing.”
Far-right penetration of the FBI 
Indeed, part of the problem is that for years the FBI has suffered from institutional Islamophobia.
FBI training manuals obtained by Spencer Ackerman for Wired revealed that after 9/11 the agency was teaching its counterterrorism agents that “main stream” [sic] American Muslims are likely to be terrorist sympathizers; that the Prophet Mohammed was a “cult leader”; and that the Islamic practice of giving charity is no more than a “funding mechanism for combat.” And “combat” can include numerous techniques including “immigration” and “law suits”. Thus, a Muslim who immigrates to the U.S. or sues the FBI for harassment is seen as just another agent of the jihad.
One FBI training manual instructed its agents that Islam “transforms country’s [sic] culture into 7th century Arabian ways,” and that “It is characteristic of the Arab mind to be swayed more by words than ideas and more by ideas than facts.”
Most surprisingly, many FBI anti-Muslim briefings were inspired by the same nexus of far-right anti-Muslim bigots promoting conspiracy theories about the Muslim Brotherhood and, more recently, elements of the “great replacement” theory. For instance, among this FBI manual’s recommended reading materials are two books by Robert Spencer, whose JihadWatch website portrays IIIT and other American Muslim groups as terrorist-supporting Brotherhood fronts.
Many other FBI anti-Muslim briefings were drafted by intelligence analyst William Gawthrop, who had previously given an interview to WorldNetDaily (WND) blaming the Prophet “Muhammad’s mindset” as “a source for terrorism” and calling on counter-terrorism efforts to focus on getting Muslims to abandon the Qur’an. WND, of course, is a notorious extreme right website which has promoted numerous conspiracy theories such as the “birther” theory denying Barack Obama’s U.S. citizenship.
It is no surprise then to see that some FBI files used by these far-right groups to justify their claims wrongly painted IIIT’s founder as Muslim Brotherhood members, when this was simply never the case.
The Brotherhood did, of course, have its own agenda and as such was trying to insert its members into groups like IIIT and many other American Muslim networks. However, the very Brotherhood documents cited by far-right ideologues as “proof” of the alleged conspiracy actually confirm not only that the Brotherhood had no real control over IIIT and other American Muslim groups, but was increasingly losing whatever presence it once had among American Muslims.
Now, under Trump, Islamophobia inside the FBI is reportedly at record levels, and even Muslim special agents and intelligence analysts — sorely needed in the fight against Islamist terrorism — are being discriminated against and hounded at the agency purely due to their faith and ethnic backgrounds.
Suppressing American Islam
By defaming and denigrating organizations like IIIT, the far-right are ironically disempowering the very forces among Western Muslims that are on the frontlines of the fight against Islamist extremism.
Over the years, IIIT has harnessed research and education with the goal of improving Muslim societies and building the next generation of American Muslim leaders. This has included publishing ground-breaking theological work undermining the core narratives of Muslim extremists.
IIIT’s research has encompassed work on ‘tajdid’ and ‘islah’ covering the need for Islamic scholarship to continually renew and reform itself; developed the ‘maqasid’ approach to interpretations of Islamic law around questions of Islamic reform focusing on universal ethical principles and values; challenged extremist claims that apostates should be put to death and established an Islamic basis for freedom of religion and belief; pioneered new Islamic approaches to understanding ‘jihad’ which engage critically with the classical tradition while delegitimizing extremist interpretations that promote terror; demonstrated how Islam underpins “liberation and the equality of women” as fundamental; promoted Islamic grounds for Muslim minorities in the West to become integrated, active citizens that contribute to their host societies based on a “humanistic vision.”
Yet the far-right would never know this body of work exists, because it is irrelevant to their goal of portraying Islam and Muslims as a civilizational threat to the West.
More insidious is that the narrative of “Muslim invasion,” propped up by suppressing authentic visions of American Islam produced by the likes of IIIT, is in reality not just about Muslims.
Rather the “Muslim invasion” narrative is central to the goal of legitimizing a broad, xenophobic agenda rooted in anti-Semitic movements historically aligned with neo-Nazism.
The alliance between Islamophobes and anti-Semites
That is why so many of the same groups promoting Islamophobic myths play a lead role in amplifying white nationalist concepts.
Bolton’s Gatestone has published material claiming that white people could go extinct thanks to Muslim birth rates and mass migration; Clarion Project has featured far-right politicians like Geert Wilders insisting that Muslims should be deported en masse from Europe; Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy has called for naturalized American Muslims who practice their faith to be deprived of their citizenship and deported.
Yet these groups frequently cultivate ties with anti-Semites. In 2016, I was commissioned to investigate the trans-Atlantic networks behind the rise of the far-right as a global movement by the London-based hate crime charity Tell Mama UK. Among the most shocking findings of our reportReturn of the Reich: Mapping the Global Resurgence of Far Right Power, was that anti-Muslim groups were often rooted in political movements that were traditionally anti-Semitic, and often worked closely in secret with active neo-Nazi movements.
I described this alarming phenomenon as a form of “reconstructed-Nazism,” “indicating that the core ideology [of the global far-right] embraces core Nazi principles, but embeds them in a range of cosmetic narrative adjustments which allow those principles to function subliminally in a new postwar, anti-Nazi, and post-9/11 global cosmopolitan context.”
Part of the strategy for this movement has been to brand itself precisely as fighting against “foreign invaders” who are themselves depicted as “Nazis” or “fascists,” thus cementing the movement’s self-portrayal as an “anti-Nazi” movement defending freedom and civilization. In this case, the specter of Muslims as tentacles of a near omnipresent Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy has functioned as an ideal bogeyman against which far-right groups can legitimize their existence, and distract from their own fundamentally fascist goals.
For instance, in 2017 Gatestone partnered with Rebel Media to produce a video series featuring racist bigots like Daniel Pipes and Geert Wilders. Yet Rebel Media is a far-right Canadian website with what reporter Eli Clifton describes as “a history of bigotry and anti-Semitism that once published a ‘satirical video’ titled ‘Ten Things I Hate About Jews.’”
Rebel Media has not only released materials defending Holocaust denial, its staffers have disturbing connections to white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups. The website has, for instance, hired former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka, who was belatedly fired after being outed for ties with Hungarian Nazi collaborators.
Similarly, Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy has a long established partnership with the International Free Press Society in Denmark, an anti-Muslim coalition whose senior staff are affiliated with the neo-Nazi Belgian Vlaams Belang party. The party, described by Professor Etienne Vermeersch at the University of Ghent as racist “in the Nazi sense of the word,” was born out of the Flemish Legion — a German Waffen-SS division recruited from Flemish volunteers.
Vlaams Belang’s leader Filip Dewinter once admitted that the party’s rebranded focus on Muslims and migrants was entirely tactical. His party, in turn, sits within the Identity and Democracy Group in the European parliament (formerly Europe of Nations and Freedom), whose members include far-right parties accused of neo-Nazi sympathies, including the Freedom Party of Austria, Poland’s Congress of the New Right, and France’s National Rally, which has been unable to shake off revelations about the pro-Nazi attitudes of several Marine Le Pen associates.
Both Gatestone and CSP have direct ties to the Trump administration. Their advancement of Islamophobic ideology has provided them ideal cover to not only sanitize “white genocide” and “great replacement” theory, but to conceal their anti-Semitic heritage and ongoing partnerships with neo-Nazi political parties in Europe.
The upshot of this is clear: Jews and Muslims cannot afford to be at loggerheads in the fight against fascism. Both communities are in the firing line of a global far-right agenda advanced by groups and political parties forged in the historic bowels of Nazism.
Whatever their political differences and disagreements, both communities need to forge bonds of solidarity in the struggle against racism. If they are to survive, our communities have no choice but to resist being distracted by efforts to divide us and turn us against each other, which is a deliberate far-right strategy to debilitate both Jewish and Muslim communities. Instead, we need to identify new lines of strategic cooperation to resist and disrupt a global far-right movement which threatens not only our communities, but the very foundations of our democracies.
This means that no matter what our political leanings might be, the struggles against Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are fundamentally about the same thing: protecting diverse, inclusive, and free societies.

G7 – The Cost of Uselessness

Peter Koenig

The G7 Summit is an obsolete, useless talking shop, as Finnian Cunningham so adroitly says. RT calls it The Unbearable Pointlessness of G7. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, and the United States constitute the G7 gang. It should strike any logical thinker as extremely odd that the world’s largest economy (by purchasing parity-based GDP), China, is not part of the club. Why is that? – It’s clear, the club is for western turbo-capitalist ideologues only; the self-proclaimed world hegemons.
Yes, the G7 are, no doubt, a useless talking shop – and much worse. These seven self-nominated leaders of the world are also among the greatest war criminals of the globe. They are involved in and initiate conflicts and wars that have in the last 20 years – roughly since 9/11 gave them a ‘free pass’ to raise in the name of fighting endless terrorism havoc around the globe – killed an estimated 15 to 20 million people, either directly or by proxy and mercenary armies.

That is of course much worse than uselessness.

Does anyone ever talk about the value and cost, of these ‘summits’? – The value, i.e. the output, is at best zero – and in most cases negative. These conferences highlight conflicts, create new ones and add to the fire what was just smoldering. And I am not talking about the Brazilian amazon fires. This was the case of the G7 in Biarritz. The high-ranking delegates were insulting each other, plus, as this was not enough, barbs were thrown back and forth across the Atlantic between Macron and Bolsonaro. That just shows about what level of human consciousness we are talking.
Trump was confusing the lot, or those who paid any attention to the outbursts of the creator of pure chaos, more tariffs on Chinese goods, then not, then again, levying tariffs for French wines, new sanctions against Iran, Venezuela, threats of new aggressions and even war with Iran; and surprise-surprise “Kim Jon-un, North Korea’s President, is a friend”. Peace talks were not even on the back-burner. So, it would be fair to say, the benefits or values of this summit were less than zilch, they were negative. It was a laughable propaganda stint, but an expensive one at that.
Defining the costs of the event is a rather complex algorithm. However, any cost for an event that produces a sum of negative values, is money thrown into a bottomless pit. The costs, of course, do not just amount to travel, lodging, good food and drink – they include for starters also the entire entourage of the megalo-politicians, police and military security. Biarritz alone was protected by about 20,000 police and military troops combined, they shielded the worldly leaders (sic) from anti-G7 / anti-establishment demonstrators.
Protests are widely justified against this clan of smiling tyrants and despots, with the audacity to appoint themselves to the world’s rulers. No UN or other international body has selected or ratified them. Their arrogance with impunity is meant to irradiate power around the globe. Their smoke of grandeur emanating from their heads can most likely be seen from space. The sad story is that the vast majority of this world, especially the western world, takes them seriously. They bow to the G7 nonsense; they accept their often-criminal decisions for wars, conflicts and killer-sanctions, as God-given. – The G7 decide over the fate of sovereign nations, like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, Afghanistan – and who is next? – If it wasn’t for Russia and China the damage, they cause would indeed be unbearable.
They selected themselves as rulers of the universe. Unheard of, only half a century ago, that something so aberrant like the G7, the G20, the WEF (World Economic Forum that meets every January in lush Davos, Switzerland), are able to assemble many of the same rulers to hold the scepter of power over the planet. How come the peoples of this world allow their supremacy with impunity? – One can but shake one’s head about this lunacy – what has humanity become?
The Trump delegation usually travels with a flock of aids, journalists, advisors, let alone his bodyguards – and the blinded cars he brings from Washington by special air carriers. And all the others? Maybe slightly less, as they are – as vassals of the Great US Emperor – bound to be a bit more modest. Nevertheless, the total cost must be in the hundreds of millions – all counted, including shadow costs, environmental damage, CO2 emissions, and ‘externalities’ – which includes everything that establishment economists don’t want you to know, say a total cost of 200 to 300 million dollars?
Maybe that’s an underestimate. The published figure on what Biarritz alone spent on this illustrious event is around US$ 41 million equivalent, 15,000 police and about 5,000 troops, but not counting for the damage caused by the authorities fighting peaceful protesters. Add to this the cost of all the other attendants. Never mind the exact cost – the sheer fact that a grotesque amount of money in the range of 200 to 300 million dollars, is spent for nothing, zilch, for the bolstering of egos of some megalos, is an absurdity of our western civilization.
Hundreds of millions of dollars – a fiat currency produced at will and whim by the Federal reserve (The FED – the entirely privately owned US Central Bank) – nevertheless a currency that still drives much of the world, is used to pay for basics, like food, housing, clothing, health care and what’s left of education  – meaning what the world rulers are still allowing young people to be educated with.
Just think about it – who pays for all these hundreds of millions of dollars, euros, yen, or whatever other fiat currency? – You – the tax payer. So, you, the tax payer have something to say about how your money is spent. Don’t you think?
Therefore, we the people have to stop this arrogant nonsense – that leads to less than zero, or worse, but costs hundreds of millions that could be spent on education and health services and other public services, including taking care of refugees – in the G7 countries, or alternatively in countries to be rebuilt after the destruction by wars for greed and hegemony by the very G7.
So far – and every time more – the money spent on G7 and similar events, is like negative interest – destructive. You the citizen and tax-payer, spend money for something that has a negative return. It is as nefarious as if you deposit your savings in a bank and the bank, instead of giving you an interest on your savings, charges you interest for keeping your money, then lends it to, say, a corporation, but the corporation has to pay back less than it borrowed. In other words, you the ‘small saver’ subsidize the big corporation, or anybody who can afford and is considered ‘eligible’ and solvent enough by the bank to borrow money. – It’s a new form of transferring resources from the bottom to the top.
The money spent on the G7 – or other comparable events – is similar. The event rulers take your money (taxes) and transfer it upstairs, where you will never see it again. Not only do you get nothing for it, but it costs you more, as the G7 foment wars and conflicts which kill millions, annihilate entire countries’ infrastructure, housing, schools, health facilities and generate an influx of refugees, for all of which you pay again.
Let’s see – a year of primary education, say in Africa, costs about US$ 400 / per student, and about US$ 650 for high school education (2017). Providing decent health care, preventive and curative, per person in Bangladesh amounts to about US$ 650 per year. Assuming the money spent on the G7 Biarritz summit was about 250 to 300 million, you could provide education for a year to about 550,00 students in, say, Kenya, or provide a year of decent health care to about 430,000 Bangladeshi. – Or – the G7 funds could build drinking water and sanitation facilities for about 2.5 million people in developing countries. These figures may have a margin of error of plus or minus 20%. But you get the picture.
Or closer to home – how many refugees could xenophobic Europe, especially France and Italy,  take care of – refugees driven from their countries, precisely for wars started and sustained by the G7s, to line their weapons industries with huge profits, to dominate the world’s natural resources and eventually put all the people under one hegemonic, globalized roof – one culture, one currency, and only one kind of thinking and ideology allowed – their final goal.
Well, these refugees streaming to Europe, children without parents, divided families, sick people, people dying in the ditches, on the sides of roads in self-built camps, camps exposed to the climate elements, camps that are eventually erased by bulldozers – these human beings – put into misery by the very G7 – why not use the money spent on such nefarious fora to impress the lot of the well-off populations on either side of the Atlantic, instead on a little humanitarian act – act of consciousness, what’s left of it – taking care of the trans-Mediterranean refugees?
Mr. Macron, you are besieged by the Yellow Vests, who will not go away – what do you think canceling the event and instead pledging the funds for humanitarian shelter for refugees, and lobbying with the remaining G6 to do the same – would have done to your Presidency, to your ever-sinking popularity? – Maybe some uplifting? – You could badly need it. But the image – that’s what it is, the image of grandeur, rubbing elbows with the so-called “leaders” of the world, is of all-overarching importance. Isn’t it? – Never mind the unbearable suffering of many of the people you claim to democratically represent.

First ‘green village’ and its struggles

Sheshu Babu

‘The soul of India lives in its villages’
Mahatma Gandhi
While cosmopolitan cities and even many villages are being polluted increasingly, there are some villages which are resisting environmental pollution by the people living there. One such village is Khonoma in the North East of India.
Khonoma is Asia’s first green village in the hills of Nagaland. The village is blessed with the largest rain forests in the state. Due to the community driven efforts of inhabitants, the success story of this village came to light in 2005. (Khonoma- Travel guide to Asia’s first Green Village, by UPSY, updated July 2 2019, unconventionalandvivid.com). Once known for aggressive hunting, abuse of forest resources, the village today stands in unity conserving 2000 hectares of forests by banning hunting, cutting down trees and fishing.
The village is located 20 Kms from Kohima, the capital of Nagaland. The village is also referred to as Khwunoria ( named after Angami term for a local plant Glouthera fragrantisima) and is estimated to be around 700 years old and spread over 123 sq kms. KHONOMA – The First Green Village – Northeast India, northeasttourism.gov.in). The population is around 3000 settled in 600 households.
The people of this region (Agami tribe) stood bravely in times of insurgency resisting both British and Indian army. It is famous for its unique type of agriculture . In northeast, the shifting cultivation, or Jhum ( slash and burn) is a well – known practice where forest patches are cleared leading to soil erosion and water shortage. In Khonoma’s form of jhum, Adler trees are grown with the crops, recharging the nitrogen levels in the soil and preventing soil erosion, besides, also serving as a firewood source. (Khonoma: Nagaland’s Warrior Village That Banned Hunting and Logging, by Kalpana Sunder, updated 19.02.19, thequint.com). The village, divided into three segments, is safeguarded by its own fort.
This village is an illustration of maintaining environmental balance and protecting flora and fauna in the face of deforestation and plunder of corporates for forest wealth. The environmentally – conscious Angami tribe decided to put a total ban on logging and hunting in 1998, the first of its kind in the state of Nagaland. The people of this village are resolute and firmly believe in ecological and environmental protection of their village and pride themselves in showing natural wealth to the tourists.
Such measures are needed in the entire country so that forests along with wild life are protected. The rural folk are backbone of the country and guardians of Nature and clean environment.

Panorama documentary exposes human cost of gambling industry profits

Tom Pearce

The BBC Panorama documentary “Addicted to Gambling,” aired this month, gave an insight into the exponential growth of the gambling industry, particularly online gambling, and the terrible human cost being reaped.
Over the course of the programme, the viewer is introduced to a number of people who have been affected by online gambling. These people have been allowed to accrue enormous debt without any assistance from the companies involved, leading to some taking their own lives as a result.
According to industry figures from May 2019, UK gambling is worth £14.5 billion a year. The industry has expanded rapidly since the Gordon Brown led Labour government relaxed restrictions on betting and advertising in 2007. This has had a ruinous effect, with gamblers losing almost twice as much to the betting companies as they were a decade ago. These losses make the industry a cash cow for the companies and tax for the government, which is extracted in the main from the working class. Customers are bombarded with enticing advertising and schemes to extract ever more money from them.
It is no surprise that the biggest rise has been in online gambling, where new games and products have attracted new customers. Online gambling accounts for a third of the industry’s revenue at £5.6 billion. The reach of the UK gambling industry is staggering. UK gambling firms have a 39 percent world market share of the remote betting, bingo and casino sector. This area of the industry is expected to increase year on year, and it is this sector that the documentary focuses on in terms of the victims it highlights.
There are stark parallels that show that the deregulation of betting and its advertising accounts for the number of complaints rising considerably over the past decade. The BBC found that “the number of gamblers complaining about British betting firms has risen almost 5,000% in the past five years.” Gambling Commission figures gathered by Panorama revealed there were a record 8,266 complaints last year. That compared to just 169 in 2013. The programme found that most of them were about firms refusing to pay out on winning bets or failing to operate in a socially responsible way.
In the programme, one person, who was assigned the name Amanda as she didn’t want to be identified, was in her 50s when she started betting on an online site called Jackpotjoy. Panorama explained that she gambled away all her money from the sale of her home. Events took a turn for the worse following her father’s death. After she inherited a share of his house, she lost that on Jackpotjoy as well. In total, she lost £633,000.
Amanda made her last bet on the day she was made bankrupt. “I was in a complete sort of lost bubble world,” she said. “To me it was just escapism and I would just sit online and I would just be pressing the button on my computer. It’s horrific what I’ve done to myself really. Everything that I had worked for. My children looked up to me and now I have blown their inheritance.”
The company involved did not ask once about whether she could afford the amount of money she was betting and even credited her account the day of her father’s funeral.
Another interviewee on the programme, Tony, was so addicted to gambling that he committed fraud to pay for his habit. He spent vast amounts, over £100,000 in a matter of hours at one point, at the Ladbrokes bookmaker. Tony said that the firm “didn’t check [where the money was coming from] and didn’t care.” He was rewarded rather than given help, and the firm, in order to keep him betting, credited his account.
There were also VIP offers given to ensure his loyalty to the company, such as high-flying functions at Wembley Stadium. Before he knew it, Tony had lost millions of pounds. The Guardian reported that “last month, the regulator imposed a £5.9m penalty on Ladbrokes Coral, one of the largest ever, over ‘systemic failings’ at the company to protect problem gamblers who lost large amounts of money.”
Other experiences by gamblers reported by the Guardian highlight the way the industry keeps their customers playing. One addict said that the companies “have algorithms where if you’re spending a lot they make you a VIP, or send you a bonus email and they use that to their advantage.” She added, “They could also use it to prevent problem gambling, which is what the commission say they should be doing.”
Panorama covered the tragic case of Daniel Clinkscales, who took his own life at the age of 35 after struggling with a gambling addiction for years. He was a well-paid sales manager, but he took on two extra jobs just to fund his betting habit. Interviewed by Panorama, his mother Jo Holloway said Daniel hid his gambling for many years.

Up to 600,000 children in England either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless

Margot Miller

More than half a million children in England are living in families classed as homeless or about to become homeless.
A report by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England also exposes the Dickensian-like conditions for homeless families living in temporary accommodation. Some are forced to take refuge in converted office blocks and even shipping containers.
Aptly named Bleak Houses, the report found that 120,000 children live with families in temporary accommodation, a rise of 80 percent since 2010. Another 90,000 children are “sofa surfing” (staying temporarily with friends or relatives), while 375,000 are living in families at risk of becoming homeless.
The Children’s Commissioner is a public body responsible for promoting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in England.
Official government figures on homelessness do not include children who are “sofa surfing.” The English Housing Survey provided an estimate for this group.
The figures are even higher when including children with families in temporary accommodation organised by children’s services rather than local councils. This is due to their families falling into the category “intentionally homeless” or because of their immigration status.
Including all groups, the report estimates that between 550,000 and 600,000 children in England are either homeless or at risk of becoming so. The impact this has on the mental and physical well-being of the developing child is immeasurable.
In 2013, the government offset the desperate shortage of social housing by changing planning rules. Profit-hungry developers no longer need planning permission from local councils to convert office blocks into residential accommodation, thus bypassing size and quality stipulations. Dozens of former commercial buildings, in Harlow and Basildon in Essex and Croydon in South London, have been converted into dwellings.
Families are dumped in areas without amenities to live in tiny units. Some flats in Templefields House in Harlow, Essex measure 18 square metres. The average sized house in England and Wales is 90 square metres.
There are 13 converted office blocks in Harlow consisting of 1,000 individual flats “no bigger than a parking space” and so cramped that whole families must eat and sleep in the same room.
Included in the report are interviews with children. Daisy, aged 9, said, “We have to eat on the floor as there’s not enough space.”
The report also identifies areas, including Brighton, Cardiff, Ealing in West London and Bristol, where an unknown number of homeless families are housed in converted shipping containers.
Last year Bristol’s mayor joined 76 other council leaders in writing to Tory government Communities Secretary James Brokenshire complaining that councils’ budgets were near collapse. Since 2010, 60 pence out of every £1 has been cut from central government funding, including a funding gap of £159 million to tackle homelessness.
While Labour-run Bristol council eschews responsibility for housing the homeless in container homes—the project is operated by a charity—the council provides the land.
The containers with one or two bedrooms, a bathroom and kitchen facilities are small and not fit for human habitation.
According to the report, they are “… very hot in summer—one mother told us she had to sleep with the front door wide open and that her baby got heat rash—but are too cold in the winter … Ovens … can be too close to the ground… in reach of very young children.”
Lulu Abakar lives in a container “home” in Ealing with her four young children, one of whom is autistic. She told Sky News,  It was 36C last week, the floor was boiling, it was hot, flies were all coming to our home ... How are we going to breathe? How can we sleep or relax?”
This is the sixth time Lulu and her family have moved in recent years, searching for accommodation to suit the needs of her autistic child.
“[Containers are] where people keep their storage. We are not animals, we are not storage or furniture. We are human,” she continued.
In December, the report states, 2,420 homeless families were living in bed and breakfast (B&B) accommodation with shared bathroom facilities. By law, this temporary arrangement should last no longer than six weeks—but this was exceeded by a third of families, and some were in B&Bs for as long as 13 months.
Homeless families denied any council help sleep on the streets, in hospital Accident and Emergency waiting rooms, on night buses or police stations. The Project 17 London charity attempts to remedy this by taking legal action against councils, citing the Children’s Act. Only then are 90 percent of families offered temporary accommodation.

Standard & Poor’s claims Argentina has “defaulted” on its debt

Andrea Lobo

As the fallout continues from the Argentine primaries last week, which foresees the defeat of right-wing incumbent president Mauricio Macri, the Wall Street credit agency Standard & Poor’s declared Friday that the government has effectively defaulted on its debt, sending chills across ruling circles.
Unable to continue servicing the debt, the Macri administration announced Wednesday that it would postpone payments on $101 billion in borrowings, including short-term and long-term bonds, and that it is re-negotiating its deal with the IMF.
The S&P statement said: “Following the continued inability to place short-term paper with private-sector market participants, the Argentine government unilaterally extended the maturity of all short-term paper on August 28. This constitutes default under our criteria.”
After publishing new schedules for payments, the Argentine Finance Ministry said the S&P decision could be reversed, but the S&P’s statement itself indicates that its conclusion is based on broader considerations of the global economy, explaining that “the heightened vulnerabilities of Argentina’s credit profile stem from the quickly deteriorating financial environment.”
These fears and the capital flight itself that deepened the Argentine debt crisis were not the result of fears of a possible government led by the candidates Alberto Fernández and ex-president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, but of growing social opposition among workers.
An Argentine banker cited by the Financial Times said they are recalling the strikes, riots and bank runs during the last default in 2001 and “are very afraid of what’s going on.”
Bloomberg warns that the vote doesn’t reflect “nostalgia for the so-called pink tide” in Latin America that included Kirchnerism. “This isn’t a revival: it’s buyer’s remorse.”
The financial network in fact applauded the reassurances of Alberto Fernández to IMF representatives last Monday, despite him blaming the IMF deal for the most recent crisis. The candidate reportedly said, “you’ll be able to charge us, and we’ll get along,” while his team members promised “the imposition of adjustments to wages and pensions as a mechanism to seek fiscal equilibriums and reduce pressures on prices.”
The Wall Street Journal also praised Fernández for being “pragmatic,” a “veteran politician,” and having “ample ties with the Peronist movement including trade unions, far-left groups and conservative provincial governors.”
Such commentary demonstrates that investors see in Fernández a representative of their class interests, as well as the broader superstructure of Peronist unions, parties and pseudo-left apologists that has constituted the backbone of bourgeois rule in Argentina since 1944. They are simply coming to grips with the fact that they find themselves again depending on these forces to find a resolution to another crisis, which resulted from their own financial predations, while demanding that Kirchnerists re-create the conditions needed to further their financial parasitism upon the social wealth created by Argentine workers.
In the context of a regional economic slowdown, fears of a global recession, “the persistence of income inequality and the vast informal sector,” Bloomberg adds, Argentina and the region are threatened by “extremists.” That is, what the ruling class fears is that future social protests overwhelm the political organizations they control amid a global resurgence of the class struggle and mass social protests.
The last year has seen rising poverty, hundreds of thousands of layoffs and a jump in chronic child malnourishment from 21.7 percent to nearly 30 percent. The Spanish El Pais commented that “Argentina is reaching the limit.”

UK Home Office set up fake social media network to target young British Muslims

Tania Kent

A freedom of information request (FOI) has exposed the existence of a covert spying operation by the Conservative government against primarily young British Muslims, through the setting up a fake website.
“This is Woke,” a social media network on Facebook and Instagram targeted at young people which describes itself as the work of a “media/news company” that is engaging “in critical discussions around Muslim identity, tradition and reform,” was in fact created by a media company on behalf of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office.
The revelation, after its exposure by news journal Middle Eastern Eye (MEE), produced outrage among many of the 75,000 followers of the site. Following the FOI request, the OSCT refused to disclose details to MEE about the network. It would not explain the reason it was created, claiming that to do so would “prejudice the national security of the UK.”
The OSCT told MEE that national security concerns were “of overriding importance” and that the “Disclosure of information about ‘This Is Woke’ would open up detailed information about organisations and individuals who are engaged in the delivery of, and who are supporting activities to prevent terrorism.”
This strongly suggests that the government has been storing information on the users of the website and particularly those who may have made critical comments about government policy, especially in relation to military operations by Britain in the Middle East, as well as having many spies in and around oppositional organisations.
The content of the “This Is Woke” Facebook page and Instagram feed was created for the OSCT by a London-based communications company, Breakthrough Media. The name of the network comes from a popular expression, being “woke,” referring to people who are conscious of social injustice, especially in opposition to racism.
Videos on the site talk about reasons for wearing the hijab as well as gender relations and extremism. One video, which has been shared on Facebook more than 1.7 million times, is called “It’s time to hold extremism to account for terrorism, not Islam.”
The Home Office confirmed to BBC News its involvement with “This is Woke,” saying, “We are committed to using all of the tools available to counter the threat from terrorism in the UK.”
It added, “The Home Office works in partnership with a range of organisations from across civil society, industry, private and public sectors to reduce vulnerabilities to organised criminal, extremist and terrorist threats in the UK.”
The project is part of the UK’s counter-radicalisation programme known as Prevent. As part of this programme, a secretive unit within the OSCT called the Research Information and Communications Unit (RICU) has for several years been mounting covert propaganda campaigns.
After an overhaul of Prevent in 2011, Theresa May, then the UK’s home secretary, told a parliamentary committee which provides some oversight of the OSCT that RICU was “road-testing some quite innovative approaches to counter-ideological messages.”
Internal RICU documents seen by MEE show that these messages are intended “to effect behavioural and attitudinal change” among what the unit terms “Prevent audiences.” These are defined as British Muslims, particularly males, aged 15 to 39.
Breakthrough Media, a private-sector contractor, says privately in internal papers that its work on behalf of the unit is intended to “promote a reconciled British Muslim identity”—that is to launch an ideological campaign in defence of British imperialist interests.
Breakthrough has recently changed its name to Zinc Network, a move that started in Australia, where the company had been caught persuading Muslims and a Christian clergyman to promote Australian government policies, including support for military intervention in Syria, without explicitly informing these individuals that it was working for the government.
“This Is Woke” is just a small part of the material being produced in the UK under the direction of RICU. In other internal documents, the unit says it is working “at an industrial scale and pace.”

US escalates regime-change machinations against Venezuela

Bill Van Auken

Seven months after proclaiming himself Venezuela’s “interim president” and gaining immediate recognition from Washington and its allies, the right-wing and previously unknown politician Juan Guaidó announced on Wednesday his creation of a new “Center of Government” to be staffed by a collection of like-minded US-backed political reactionaries.
This pretense of setting up a parallel administration or “shadow cabinet” follows a series of political fiascos for the US-orchestrated regime-change operation in Venezuela, culminating in an abortive coup attempt on April 30 that failed to elicit any significant support from the country’s military.
In the meantime, Washington has steadily escalated unilateral and illegal economic sanctions against Venezuela, with Trump signing an executive order on August 5, imposing a freeze on all Venezuelan assets in the US and threatening any company doing business with the Venezuelan state, its central bank and its economically critical state-owned oil company, PDVSA, with secondary sanctions.
This has been combined with undisguised threats of military intervention, with the commander of SOUTHCOM, Admiral Craig Faller, declaring recently that the US armed forces “remain on the balls of our feet” in readiness to carry out orders for military action against Venezuela. There were simultaneous reports that Trump has repeatedly pressed his advisors over the feasibility of imposing a direct naval blockade of Venezuela, militarily preventing any goods from going in or coming out.
Guaidó’s announcement Wednesday was carried out in direct coordination with the US State Department, which made its own announcement the day before that it is establishing a “Venezuela Affairs Unit (VAU)” that will operate out of the US Embassy in Bogota, Colombia.
Stressing that this unit had been created with “bipartisan support from the US Congress,” the State Department declared its mission that of working with “the legitimate government of Venezuela”—i.e., the US puppet Guaidó—”for the restoration of democracy and the constitutional order in that country, and the security and well-being of the Venezuelan people.”
Washington’s concern for “democracy” and “constitutional order” in Venezuela has found concrete expression in its attempts to foment a military coup. As for its dedication of the “well-being of the Venezuelan people,” this has been realized in practice through a sanctions regime that has cut off supplies of food and medicine and drastically intensified the immiseration of masses of working people. According to a recent report prepared by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), some 40,000 deaths in Venezuela can be directly attributed to US sanctions.
The individual named by Guaidó as his “presidential commissioner for foreign affairs” is the right-wing politician and founder of the Primero Justicia (PJ) party, Julio Borges, a former parliamentary deputy who lives in exile in Bogota under the protection of the Colombian government. Borges is wanted by the Venezuelan police for his alleged role in organizing a failed August 2018 attempt to assassinate Maduro with an armed drone.
The so-called Lima Group, consisting of the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay and Peru, immediately recognized Borges as Venezuela’s “legitimate” representative.
Named as the “coordinator of the Center of Government” is Leopoldo López, the leader of the hard-right Voluntad Popular party to which Guaidó belongs. He was sprung from house arrest—imposed in connection with his conviction on charges relating to violent demonstrations in 2014—in order to join Guaidó outside a Caracas air base on April 30, where the two issued their fruitless call for a military uprising.
After the failure of the coup, López found refuge in the Spanish Embassy in Caracas, where he has remained ever since. It is far from clear what precisely he will be able to coordinate under these conditions. Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell stated that his government “would limit” the right-wing politician’s activities and would not allow its embassy to become a “center of political activism for the opposition.”
The Socialist Party-led government of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, however, has bowed to Washington and recognized Guaidó as the “legitimate president” of Venezuela, cooperating with the Trump administration in furthering schemes to oust Maduro.
Other “presidential commissioners” named by Guaidó include a foreign-based “special prosecutor” who is wanted on criminal charges for defrauding the state-owned oil company PDVSA. Tapped as the “presidential commissioner for economic development” is a co-founder of the anti-government NGO Súmate, which was financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US agency created to back political destabilization operations previously run by the CIA. Designated as “presidential commissioner for human rights” is the director of a Venezuelan NGO that is financed by the US NGO Freedom House, which in turn gets 80 percent of its funding from the NED.
Neither Guaidó nor his “commissioners” control anything in Venezuela. They are merely a puppet government in waiting, staffed by US-paid operatives and dependent upon Washington to succeed in its regime-change operation.
Nonetheless, Maduro announced this week that his government has been in touch with both the opposition and the Norwegian government, which has mediated talks between the two. While Caracas broke off the talks earlier this month after the US imposed its most punishing set of sanctions and the right-wing opposition supported them, the Venezuelan president indicated that they would soon resume.

Harvard student deported over friends’ social media posts

Trévon Austin

US immigration officials turned away an international student accepted into Harvard University last week. Ismail B. Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian resident of Tyre, Lebanon, was deported just hours after he arrived at Boston’s Logan International Airport. According to a written statement obtained by the Harvard Crimson, immigration officers questioned him for hours and searched through his cellphone and laptop. His visa was subsequently cancelled and Ajjawi was sent back to Lebanon.
Ajjawi wrote in his statement that he spent eight hours in the airport before being refused entry into the US. He was questioned by immigration officials along with other international students. After the other students were allowed to leave, Ajjawi said he was still questioned about his religion and religious practices at home.
The officer questioning Ajjawi asked him to unlock his phone and laptop, and left to search through them for about five hours. After the officer returned, Ajjawi was called into a separate room and grilled about social media posts his friends allegedly made.
“When I asked every time to have my phone back so I could tell them about the situation, the officer refused and told me to sit back in [my] position and not move at all,” he said. “After the 5 hours ended, she called me into a room, and she started screaming at me. She said that she found people posting political points of view that oppose the US on my friends list.”
Ajjawi replied that he had not made any of the posts himself and should not be held accountable for others’ social media activity.
“I responded that I have no business with such posts and that I didn’t like, share or comment on them and told her that I shouldn’t be held responsible for what others post,” he said. “I have no single post on my timeline discussing politics.”

Johnson’s proroguing of Parliament: The British ruling class declares war on democratic rights

Chris Marsden

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament is a historic attack on democratic rights and an attempt to force through a Brexit agenda that will have devastating consequences for the jobs and living standards of the working class.
Faced with plans by a majority of MPs to prevent at least a no-deal Brexit—leaving the European Union (EU) without a trade and customs arrangement—Johnson has determined to curtail the sitting of Parliament on Sept. 9 for a five-week period so that any deal he might strike with Brussels or a no-deal will become a fait accompli on October 31.
Johnson’s move to rip up British constitutional norms is part of a global assault on democratic rights. All over the world, the ruling elites, faced with an intractable social, political and economic crisis, are turning to increasingly autocratic and dictatorial forms of rule. Johnson’s proroguing of the “Mother of Parliaments” is of a piece with Trump’s government by emergency rule and the build-up of police-state powers and military rearmament by Germany, France and the rest of Europe.
Throughout Europe, the response of governments to the deepening crisis of world capitalism is more austerity, the whipping up of nationalism and anti-immigrant xenophobia, the resort to authoritarian forms of rule and cultivation of the fascist right.
Johnson acts on behalf of that section of the British ruling class that sees leaving the EU as a means of completing the “Thatcher revolution.” His goal is to consolidate the UK as a deregulated tax haven with no restrictions on the exploitation of the working class and with what little remains of the welfare state dismantled or privatized. The bedrock of his perspective is a political and military alliance with the Trump administration in the US designed to project Britain’s imperialist ambitions on the world arena.
President Donald Trump and Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson (left) speak to the media before a working breakfast meeting at the Hotel du Palais on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Biarritz, France [Credit: Erin Schaff, New York Times, Pool]
Johnson’s proroguing of Parliament exposes the anti-democratic and nationalist agenda of the factions of the British ruling class that pressed for Brexit. Many workers who voted for Brexit did so to register hostility to the ruling elite in Westminster, who have presided over the transformation of vast swathes of Britain’s major conurbations into industrial deserts. But this sentiment was exploited by the Brexiteer Tories and Nigel Farage, then head of the UK Independence Party and now the Brexit Party, who claimed that “liberation” from Brussels and anti-immigrant measures would provide funds for the National Health Service and “British jobs for British workers.” This was the biggest lie of all. Brexit will mean more austerity, the turn to state repression and the poisoning of society with xenophobia and nationalism.
Johnson’s proroguing Parliament shows that there is no line he will not cross in suppressing the political and social opposition produced by the savage austerity on which the post-Brexit “global competitiveness” of the UK depends. “Operation Yellowhammer” warns of “a rise in public disorder,” “community tensions” and strikes. To meet this threat 10,000 riot police will be mobilised, reinforced by 30,000 regular troops and 20,000 reserves.
Recognition of the grave threat to democratic rights and living standards has galvanised political opposition to Johnson among millions of workers and young people. But the decisive political task facing those entering into struggle against Johnson is an orientation to the international working class, in a struggle independent from all factions of the ruling elite.
The Remain faction of the British bourgeoisie, while it drapes its policies in invocations of the sanctity of Parliament, is no less hostile to the working class and to democratic rights than Johnson himself. It is made up of Tory Remainers that, until 2016, were the closest allies of the Brexiteers, Liberal Democrats who were their coalition partners until 2015 and Blairite stooges of big business. They differ only in championing the EU because the dominant view of business and finance is that membership and access to the single market is the best way for Britain to pursue trade war measures, while offering to be Washington’s main ally on the continent. Should they win the day against Johnson, the offensive against the working class would continue unabated—as was proved in Greece, Portugal and Spain where austerity was imposed by EU diktat.
No one should have any illusions that the “remain” wing of the British ruling class would protect workers’ democratic rights. Throughout Europe, the pro-EU wings of the European ruling class have carried out sweeping attacks on democracy, from the German grand coalition’s promotion of neo-fascists at the highest levels of the state, to Emmanuel Macron’s crackdown on peaceful protests in France and his praise of the Nazi collaborationist dictator Philippe Pétain.
The most insidious political role is played by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. He was elected on the basis of pledges to defeat austerity and militarism, end the Blairites’ domination of the Labour Party, and fight the Tories. For four years, he has met every attack by the Blairites and the right-wing media with efforts to convince his critics that a government he led could be trusted to safeguard the interests of capital. Now, he is offering to lead a “caretaker government” to unite all the pro-Remain opposition parties in alliance with pro-EU Tories and delay Brexit on October 31. He would act as a front man for a de facto unelected government of national unity in alliance with right-wing forces. This would serve to deepen divisions in the working class over Brexit and strengthen the far-right forces grouped around Johnson.
The bankers of the City of London understand Corbyn's role very well, which is why the Financial Times editorialised, “Those opposed to a no-deal Brexit must then cast aside their differences and pass a motion of no confidence in the government. This is unpalatable for even the most ardent Tory Remainers, and others such as the Liberal Democrats, since ousting Mr Johnson in time to affect the Brexit process may also require the creation of a caretaker government under Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn—an outcome they rightly fear. The overriding priority, however, must be to safeguard British democracy.”
The goal of the Remain faction of the ruling class is to safeguard not democracy, but the interests of the City of London. The last time Britain’s ruling elite resorted to a government of national unity was in 1931, when Labour leader Ramsay MacDonald joined the Tories to supposedly combat the impact of the Wall Street Crash. The working class paid the price in mass unemployment, the emergence of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists in an echo of the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy and the plunging of humanity, just eight years later, into the horrors of world war.
Writing in 1929, Leon Trotsky surveyed a European continent in which democracy was already giving way to dictatorship in country after country:
“Democratic institutions have shown that they cannot withstand the pressure of present-day contradictions, be they international or internal or, most frequently, both kinds combined. Whether this is good or bad, it is a fact.
“By analogy with electrical engineering, democracy might be defined as a system of safety switches and circuit breakers for protection against currents overloaded by the national or social struggle. No period of human history has been—even remotely—so overcharged with antagonisms as ours. The overloading of lines occurs more and more frequently at different points in the European power grid. Under the impact of class and international contradictions that are too highly charged, the safety switches of democracy either burn out or explode. That is essentially what the short circuiting of dictatorship represents.”
This description of the world situation holds true today. The Brexit crisis is only one manifestation of how intensified inter-imperialist conflicts over control of essential markets and resources are provoking trade war and military conflict accompanied by an unprecedented growth of social inequality that has brought class antagonisms to the breaking point.
At the same time, workers have entered into struggle all over the world: from China and India, to the “yellow vest” protests in France, to the fight for democratic rights in Hong Kong and Puerto Rico, to the strike of auto parts workers in Mexico, and the brewing strike movement by autoworkers in the United States. It is to this social force, the international working class, that workers in Britain can turn in their struggle to defend their social and democratic rights.
The only way forward for workers in Britain is to reject all alliances with pro- or anti-Brexit sections of the ruling class. Instead, they must fight for the development of an independent political movement of the British, European and international working class for socialism, expressed in the demand for the United Socialist States of Europe.