30 Jul 2019

A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan

Thomas C. Mountain

With the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan winding down its time to take a brief but comprehensive look at the origins and history of this most secret of Pax Americana crimes in Africa.
It is in the national interests of the USA to deprive China of access to African energy resources, with the Sudanese oil fields being the only Chinese owned and operated in Africa. It was no coincidence that one of the first targets of the “rebellion” in South Sudan was the Chinese oil fields. It has been US vs China in South Sudan from the start.
To begin this history we must go back to the origins of the South Sudan peace process that developed in 2004. This new breakthrough came about following the East Sudan uprising and subsequent intervention in Sudan by the Eritrean military in support of the Beja and Rashida peoples movement in 2003. Eritrean commandos cut the Port Sudan-Khartoum highway, the lifeline for 25 million residents of Sudans capital. For two weeks the Sudanese army counterattacked and ended up utterly defeated by the Eritrean special forces.
Facing critical food and fuel shortages the Sudanese officer core that was then the base of support for the recently deposed Omar Al Bashir capitulated and as part of the peace deal agreed to begin good faith negotiations with the various Sudanese resistance groups, both east, south and even, supposedly, in the west.
This resulted in John Garang, head of the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement and the President of Sudan Omar Al Bashir sitting down together to sign a comprehensive peace deal in Asmara, Eritrea late in 2004.
In December of 2004 we flew into Asmara, Eritrea and checked into the old Imperial Hotel, the Emboisoira, and found ourselves sharing breakfast with senior leaders of the SPLM. We had a satellite dish back in the US with EritreanTV so we had seen our breakfast mates on the news covering the recently signed peace deal in Asmara. They were all in high spirits, still excited about the prospect for peace in Sudan.
Later, after returning home to the USA in 2015 we heard of a new peace deal, this time being signed in Navaisha in Kenya. And this time the deal was brokered by the USA. The only real difference between the 2004 Asmara agreement and the 2005 Kenya deal was the inclusion of a clause calling for a referendum on independence for South Sudan.
The USA forced Bashir and Garang to accept this independence referendum after forcing a new peace “negotiation” and eventual, deal, in Kenya, away from Eritrean mediation efforts. Carrot and the stick, inducements and threats by the worlds superpower forced Garang and Bashir to accept the dismemberment of Sudan and created the conditions for one of the most brutal civil wars in African history. This was the doings of the USA from the get go.
After signing the peace deal John Garang, as head of the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM), held his first public rally in Khartoum and drew a million people or more, three times the largest crowd Bashir had ever had. There he made a fateful speech.
John Garang made it clear that he was strongly AGAINST independence for South Sudan, instead calling on his fellow Sudanese in the North to help elect him president to build a new Sudan based on equal rights and justice for all Sudanese.
Garang stated his intent to be politically independent from the western powers instead looking to China, already in the oil business in Sudan, to develop Sudans economy. Sudan, as a whole, is the largest and potentially richest country in Africa and for the USA to lose Sudan to China wasn’t acceptable to Pax Americana.
John Garang was dead two weeks later in a mysterious helicopter crash and with him died a unified Sudan.
With in a few years a referendum was held for “independence” for South Sudan and voila it was a done deal. The irony is that John Garang, who was vehemently against independence for South Sudan, is now proclaimed “The Father” of the South Sudanese independent state.
In 2009 my old friend Alexander Cockburn contacted me asking for a story about what was going on vis a vis Sudan/South Sudan. I had been living next door in Eritrea for the past few years and I responded with “Storm Clouds Over South Sudan” which Alex and Jeffrey St. Claire published on their website “Counterpunch” where I predicted the upcoming holocaust in the worlds newest “independent” country.
I only wish my words had not come true.
I was repeatedly forced to continue exposing the CIA’s dirty war in South Sudan over the next few years with titles like “US vs China in South Sudan”, “The CIA’s DIrty War in South Sudan” amongst others in an attempt to shine the light of day on this most dirty, and secret, CIA covert war.
I am not exagerating when I call the civil war in South Sudan the most secret major covert military operation by the CIA in the Agency’s history. The proof of this is the fact that not a single writer other than myself has made this charge. This might be explained by the lengths prominent western journalists have attempted to point the blame away from the Agency and instead at the South Sudanese peoples themselves.
Its been horrific first hand stories by award winning progressive journalists like Nick Turse that painted this dirty war as black on black, African tribal violence at its worst.
When I pointed out to Nick Turse that the rebels were being paid $300 a month salaries, Mr. Turse denied the accuracy of my claim. In an exchange on Twitter he said that the rebels were making maybe $300 a year if that, so no need to explain the $6 million a month it would take to pay 20,000 rebel combatants salaries?
The problem with Mr. Turse assertion is that former South Sudanese rebel fighters have confirmed being paid $300 a month when they were under arms. In South Sudan young men join the army because it’s the only way to get enough money to feed your family, not out of patriotic zeal. When the money periodically dried up, usually stolen by the rebel generals, the soldiers start to leave, as my sources had experienced.
Do the math, 20,000 rebels paid $300 a month times 6 years plus food, fuel and ammo and you come out with over $500 million and counting? Honestly now, who has a history of coming up with that amount of cash, entirely secret for that long but the CIA? Must we be reminded of the CIA’s dirty wars in Angola and Mozambique in support of South African Apartheid back in the 1970’s and 80’s?
Show me the money, right? How come no one in the international media has ever asked this question? The rebels have no visible means of support, where could they be getting their funds from?
This story remains the best kept secret “dirty war” the CIA has ever operated. Until the Chinese brought in a couple thousand armed “peacekeepers” to protect their oil fields this CIA operation was successful, shutting down, temporarily Chinese oil production in South Sudan. But more importantly, it pretty much shut down Chinese expansion in South Sudan. That is what this dirty war was all about, preventing China from gaining a major foothold in Africa’s oil fields.
Show me the money? Show me the ONLY party that benefits from this war? Thats right, the ONLY party to benefit from this brutal, foreign funded African holocaust has been Pax Americana, the U.S. of A, by shutting down Chinese oil production and expansion in South Sudan.
Today peace has broken out in South Sudan, shaky as it may be. The CIA had been using the former regime in power in Ethiopia, the TPLF, to funnel their filthy lucre to the rebel armies in South Sudan but with the “Peaceful Revolution” breaking out in Ethiopia this avenue to the rebels was cut off. The rebel leadership had no choice but to cut a deal with South Sudan President Salva Kiir for cash so they could pay their troops salaries. No money, no honey, you get what you pay for and without hard CIA cash to pay their troops it became “Give peace a chance”. Of course corruption remains rife and stolen salaries for various ethnically based military departments have continued to cause revolts and instability.
Yet so far the peace deal signed, sealed and delivered in Asmara in 2018 has been holding. The CIA are now almost completely out of the picture in South Sudan though one should never underestimate the Agency’s capacity for evil. Its in the US national interest to deny China access to African oil so it will always continue to be US vs China in South Sudan, as part of Pax Americana’s designs for Africa as a whole.

Birth of an era for the LGBTIQ community in India

Rahul Sarkar 

LGBTIQ community has been one of the marginalized communities in the world history that has been suffering from disgrace and exclusion for a long time. There are around 70 countries where members from the LGBTIQ community are criminalized because of which they are not able to participate in the development of their country. These acts have resulted in several protests by the members of this community against this injustice. The foundation for these movements was laid by the members of the Mattachine society way back in 1950 in New York. In 1969, New York police raided Stonewall Inn, which was considered a clandestine gay club and this resulted in riots which lasted for five days. It marked the beginning of gay movements, which was followed by a series of demonstrations all over the world. Let’s pay some attention to the situation prevailing in India
Injustice faced by LGBTIQ in India
The past situation in our country was such that same-sex marriages and adoption of children by these members of LGBTIQ were prohibited. They used to stay in constant fear of being arrested by the police and being gang-raped. Victims of homophobic violence were not protected as they were unable to seek help from the policemen, who in this case, turned out to be the real villain. There have been several instances in the country which supports this claim. Let’s discuss some of the recent events which took place within the last few decades. For example, a 2003 report published by a civil liberties group in Bangalore provides testimony of a “hijra” sex worker who was gang-raped by a group of men and was later gang-raped by the police also. In 2006, the offices of HIV/AIDS organization were raided by policemen claiming that they broke the rules of section 377. In 2007 according to documents of Delhi High court, a gay man was gang-raped by policemen for several days.Like this, there have been several cases that have been unreported in the criminal history and thus justice has been denied to members of this community
Rise of gay movements in India
The first gay movement in India took place on 11th August1992, outside the police headquarter in Delhi when activists from an organization called AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan (ABVA) protested against the picking up of innocent men by the police from Central Park in Connaught Place. These type of harassments became a common practice in those days which resulted in the protest, but nothing positive came out of it
In 1994, public interest litigation (PIL) was filed by ABVA in Delhi High Court, challenging the validity of Article 377, and this marked the first legal protest against repression against the LGBTIQ members. Again in 2001, PIL was filed by Naz Foundations (an NGO) challenging Article 377. In 2004, Delhi High Court dismissed the petition. Naz Foundations filed a review petition which was also rejected a few months later
All the above-mentioned cases in 21st century resulted in widespread protests by various activists and other groups which led in several NGOs raising their voices against Article 377 as a result of which Home Affairs ministry filed an affidavit for decriminalizing homosexuality. In 2009, the Delhi High court had decriminalized sex within the same gender, but it was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2013. In Sept 2018, when Supreme Courtdecriminalized Article 377, it was marked as a remarkable victory of this community
After-effects of overturning Article 377
The response from the religious communities was not positive as many conservatives involving Christian, Muslim, and Hindu leaders called the ruling as a shameful act and condemned it. But decriminalizing Article 377 also brought new hope for this community as they will not be criminalized for homosexuality. This brought a good chance for large business and companies to create a welcoming and supportive workplace for these members. Several big companies like Goldman Sachs, Google have already started working on it. Several films have been released by Bollywood like Fire, My Brother Nikhil, Aligarh, etc. which have the potential to educate the citizens of the country and thus create a more friendly and acceptable society for this community. All these steps have helped to make the young generation more tolerant as compared to the old generation. There has been growing worldwide acceptance of LGBTIQ community members which has helped in influencing those countries where same-sex marriages are still decriminalized
Way forward
Many improvements are still required. For example education system can be modified to increase acceptance of LGBTIQ communities among children at a very early age, making it mandatory to have third gender as a category for sex in every application forms, ensuring quality education is provided to children from these communities so that they can work for the development and upliftment of their community. Successful people from these communities can act as a perfect role model for other children and hence can inspire them. Indian Government should take positive steps to increase the participation of these members in the nation-building activities. It can focus on sectors like tourism, which is currently seeing an increase in numbers after the Supreme Courtruling. According to World Travel and Tourism Council reports, the LGBTIQ market over the whole world is estimated to be $5 trillion out of which Asia’s proportion is $1.1 trillion. Countries like Thailand have already started making investments to attract tourists from this community. Therefore its right time for India to form partnerships with organizations like IGLTA and other LGTBIQ travel associations for capturing this market
LGBTIQ members are seen as an integral part of the community in almost all the countries including India and we as Indians should work for the betterment and upliftment of these members in the best possible way.

Factory explosion in central Chinese city kills 15

Robert Campion

A gas plant explosion in Henan province this month killed 15 people, with another 15 seriously wounded. The blast occurred in the air separation unit of a coal-to-gas factory in Yima City, around 5:45 p.m. on July 19.
The blast is another reminder of the official lack of regard for the safety of workers in Chinese factories and for that of residents living near factories.
The explosion shattered glass windows and propelled doors off their hinges within a three-kilometre radius. Streets were littered with debris. A number of houses collapsed, including one 500 metres from the site, injuring an eight-month-old child, according to the state-owned video news agency CCTV+.
The toll could have been worse. A local school was caught in the blast zone but avoided casualties because its students were on summer vacation. As it was, the explosion was so large that 46 fire trucks and 270 firefighters were mobilised to the blast site, as well as 90 medical workers and 30 ambulances.
Like many hazardous facilities in China, the Yima plant was built near residential areas, with no regard for the potential impact on people in the area. A local resident said: “The sound was extremely loud with a ball of fire and clouds of smoke in the air.” Another resident, surnamed Tang, said her home was outside the blast radius and she only experienced “vibrations and a bad smell.” But her friends’ homes had been destroyed. They were “currently homeless,” she said.
Coal gasification plants are a key technology in oil refining, power generation and metallurgical industries. They often handle highly flammable or toxic substances, such as chemical fertilisers and methanol.
Residents feared a secondary explosion, lacking any faith in the authorities to protect local people. In response to these concerns, the Yima municipal government issued a circular saying the public security department would crack down on “rumour-mongers.”
Owned by the Henan Energy and Chemical Group, the plant employs 1,200 people. Officials had recently declared it to be one of the top safety-compliant workplaces in Henan. It was one of 72 “province-level benchmark enterprises” for risk prevention. It also received a China Chemical Safety Association award in January for an “extraordinary contribution” to chemical industry safety standards.
However, according to the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE), a non-profit based in Beijing, the Yima factory had a record of excessive emissions and the company was fined several times by the local environmental department between 2014 and 2016.
Matt Hyu from Reach24h Consulting in Hangzhou told Chemistry World recently that enforcement agencies were under-resourced and unable to address safety issues competently. “Many local enforcement staff do not have enough professional knowledge of chemical engineering,” he stated. “Besides, there are many small plants, so it’s very difficult to inspect them all.”
This is the reality facing millions of workers and residents. In many cases, investigators are simply not prepared properly. In the worst cases, investigators actively cover up violations. In November, a gas plant in the northern city of Zhangjiakou claimed the lives of 24 people while injuring another 21. Authorities claimed that the firm responsible had concealed information and misled investigators.
Such accidents also pollute working class neighbourhoods. CCTV+ reported that Lu Huachao, deputy director of Sanmenxia City’s Eco-environment Protection Bureau, said contaminated water from the Yima explosion had flowed into the local Jianhe river and was being treated and quarantined. A Yima government official announced two days later that the air and water had been brought back to within standards, despite concerns about the pungent smell in the air.
IPE director Ma Jun told the Global Times that “within standards” did not indicate no pollution. While the gas could quickly disperse and would not affect people in an immediately noticeably manner, the water and soil could still be polluted.
Environmental testing operations have been severely compromised, especially since the privatisation of these operations in 2015. Chinese newspaper Caixin reported in January that “glaring falsifications and outright corruption persist” throughout the process, leading to “chaos.”
The frequency and severity of industrial “accidents” in China is a product of the systemic exploitation of the working class and the slashing of environmental and safety standards, which has generated rampant wealth accumulation for the capitalist class over the past three decades. Whatever the unsafe and corrupt practices of private industry, the Stalinist Chinese Communist Party leadership is responsible for enforcing the conditions for them to flourish.
After a 2015 explosion in Tianjin that claimed the lives of 173 people, the Beijing government claimed it would undertake serious measures to locate and move potentially hazardous chemical facilities away from residential areas.
The Yima plant was identified in 2016 as posing a “significant risk” to residents but nothing was done to address the situation.
On March 21, a similar blast at a chemical plant in Yancheng, in eastern China’s Jiangsu province killed 78 people and injured hundreds, blowing out the windows of nearby homes. The “Work Accident Map” compiled by China Labour Bulletin has recorded 34 deadly fires and explosions in chemical plants and storage facilities since 2015.

Greece’s New Democracy party seeks to overturn law protecting students from police repression

George Gallanis

The proposal by Greece’s new Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, a member of the right-wing New Democracy (ND), to end the country’s Academic Asylum law must be taken as a serious warning by the Greek working class. The Greek ruling class is preparing the grounds for a dictatorial state reminiscent of Greece’s 1967-1974 junta, from whose bloody legacy the law was born.
The law, put in place in 1982, bars police from entering university campuses. Police can only enter campus grounds if given permission by university administrators. The law guarantees students protection from arrest or state brutality. Such a law exists nowhere else in Europe.
The law was put in place in response to the brutal murder by the US-backed military junta of at least 23 students and pedestrians, including a five-year-old boy, during the uprising at the Polytechnic University in Athens, now called the National Technical University of Athens, on November 17, 1973. On that day, the third day of protests, students launched a strike under the slogan of “bread, education, freedom.” Students were calling for the downfall of the Greek military junta, led by CIA-connected George Papadopoulos, which had taken power in 1967. That day, tanks and soldiers would come crashing through the university’s gates and carry out the slaughter.
November 17 is marked annually by demonstrations of youth and workers throughout Greece in remembrance of the victims of the Greek military dictatorship.
In 2011 the law was scrapped under the PASOK government, and for the first time since the collapse of the junta in 1974, Greek police entered university campuses on November 17 of the same year, a day marked by Greece’s largest protests in years. That evening, police entered the campus of Aristotle University after chasing a group of youth into the grounds.
The Syriza government, led by former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, reinstated the asylum law in 2017. This cynical ploy, two years after Syriza took power, was done knowing full well the law could easily be overturned by successor governments in the near future, something of a certainty given the deep hostility by the Greek working class to Syriza at the time.
After coming to power on the promise that it would fight austerity measures, and receiving the undying adulation of pseudo-left groups like the Democratic Socialists of America and Jacobin magazine, Syriza betrayed the Greek masses and implemented the austerity diktat of the European Union (EU). The Greek working class, students and youth were thrown to the wolves. Youth unemployment reached devastating levels and today stands at 40 percent, while Greece’s adult population suffers 18 percent unemployment. This is in addition to the ending of universal health care and the slashing of incomes and public pensions.
Syriza also oversaw the strengthening of the police apparatus, which it brutally unleashed on Greek workers and students during protests. At the same time, the Syriza government corralled helpless refugees fleeing from war and certain death into concentration camps, in which many still languish today. Syriza’s embrace of state repression found its sharpest expression with Tsipras’s flowering relationship with the butcher of the 2011 Egyptian revolution, military dictator General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
The right-wing ND is only intensifying Syriza’s repressive measures. After it defeated the pseudo-left party in the legislative elections earlier this month, new Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis (ND) promised to increase state violence and repression. He said, “We will strengthen the police, which has to do its job well. We have to protect policemen, while there has to be more police activity in the centre of Athens. For the next government security is a political priority ... Police commanders of precincts that go into hostile areas will be rewarded.”
Mitsotakis is putting forth the lie that the Asylum law has allowed university campuses to become festering centers of violence and drug use. He said, “We want universities where students and teachers aren’t afraid; universities that we are not ashamed of … I pledge that no space will be occupied in our public universities. The gangs that today exist there will be eradicated.”
In reality, Mitsotakis, representing the aims of the Greek ruling class, wants to strip away protections from the working class and students that would prohibit the ND government from violently repressing, or as Mitsotakis bluntly put it, “eradicating” demonstrations and strikes by students and workers. This aim is also bound up with the fact that campuses have also been used by refugees as shelters from the Greek police.
In every country the ruling class is responding to the growing revolutionary challenge from below with a sharp shift to the right and toward dictatorial measures. The threat to scrap the Academic Asylum law comes at a time of growing class tensions that have seen a wave of explosive protests and strikes.

European Union threatens Iran with naval mission to Persian Gulf

Alex Lantier

As the British Ministry of Defense announced on Sunday that a second UK destroyer, the HMS Duncan, had arrived in the Persian Gulf, calls were escalating across the European ruling elite to deploy a European naval flotilla or “eurofleet” in the Persian Gulf to threaten Iran.
The pretext for this European escalation is the military crisis provoked by Washington in the oil-rich Persian Gulf. After Washington unilaterally tore up the 2015 Iranian nuclear treaty and reimposed sanctions on Iran last year, and Trump said this year that he had been 10 minutes away from bombing Iran, British troops illegally seized an Iranian tanker off Gibraltar on US orders, and Iranian boats seized a UK-flagged tanker, the Stena Impero. The European Union (EU) powers are reacting, however, not by opposing Washington, but threatening Iran.
After the July 19 capture of the Stena Impero, officials in Britain and other EU countries launched a campaign calling for an EU naval intervention targeting Iran. Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called for “better securing the Persian Gulf maritime zone” at the French National Assembly on July 23, adding: “This is why we are now launching a European mission with the British, the Germans, so there will be a mission to observe and ensure maritime security in the Persian Gulf.”
Amid the US war drive against Iran, this mission is a reckless attempt by the European imperialist powers to grab a share of oil resources in the strategic Persian Gulf region.
In 2013, as Berlin remilitarized its foreign policy for the first time since the fall of the Nazis in 1945, a group of German firms formed the Raw Materials Alliance. In a piece titled “Will we see resource wars?”, one of its officials, Dierk Paskert told Handelsblatt: “History shows that many conflicts have their origin in the fight for resources… The supply of raw materials is the basis for added value and the well-being of a country, and so has geopolitical significance.” The paper added that industry wants “more state—and military—involvement in securing raw materials.”
Yesterday, Dieter Kempf, the head of the German Industrial Association (BDI), came out in favor of German military participation in an EU intervention in the Persian Gulf. Echoing Handelsblatt’s earlier call for resource wars, Kempf said: “For Germany, an exporting nation and industrial power, freedom of navigation is of critical importance. … At least one fifth of world oil demand is transported through these shipping lanes.”
Cynically calling the EU expedition to the Persian Gulf a “defensive intervention,” Kempf added, “It is a question of solidarity between us Europeans; Germany should participate in such a mission.”
Kempf’s positions are shared by capitalist politicians across Europe. Norbert Röttgen, a top official of Germany’s ruling Christian-Democratic Union (CDU), called for “a genuine contribution to a European mission” from the German military. German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (AKK), Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ostensible successor, did not rule out participating in the EU mission, declaring: “We can talk about it, once we know exactly what is being planned.”
Last week, it was reported that French, Italian and Danish officials supported the British plan for an EU naval mission, while Spanish and Dutch officials were still studying it.
Yesterday, Iranian officials condemned the planned EU naval missions. “The presence of foreign forces will not only not help the security of the region, but will be the main factor for tension," said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, while government spokesman Ali Rabiei said: “We heard that they intend to send a European fleet to the Persian Gulf, which naturally carries a hostile message, is provocative and will increase tensions.”
It is an open secret in European ruling circles that these plans are coordinated with the Pentagon, which has called for EU powers to send their warships to the Persian Gulf as part of its war plans against Iran. A senior EU diplomat cynically told Reuters: “Britain’s request, rather than Washington’s, makes it easier for Europeans to rally round this. Freedom of navigation is essential; this is separate from the US campaign of maximum pressure on Iran.”
Similarly, officials in South Korea are reportedly discussing sending a warship to participate in “freedom of navigation” operations in the Persian Gulf, targeting Iran.
The campaign for an EU naval mission targeting Iran underscores the hysterical shift to the right in ruling circles across Europe and internationally. Amid a new march towards an ever-greater Middle East war, Washington is reprising the methods of provocation that led to the illegal, US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq, based on lies that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction.” Yet the EU powers led by Berlin and Paris, who criticized US provocations against Iraq at the United Nations in 2002, today make no public attempt to oppose the war drive against Iran.
Despite the unpopularity of Middle East wars and of Trump in the US, European and international working class, the European bourgeoisies are preparing military operations that, for now at least, largely dovetail with the war plans of American imperialism.
Nonetheless, deep contradictions and conflicts persist between the imperialist powers who are all sending forces to the Persian Gulf. While the Trump administration tries to include EU warships in its war plans, it is also threatening EU corporations with hundreds of billions of dollars in trade-war tariffs and demanding that the EU powers abandon plans for an independent EU army. At the same time, the EU is being shaken by the looming Brexit crisis. These conflicts have led to visible tensions among the EU powers as they try to work out an anti-Iran policy.
After Boris Johnson became British prime minister last week, calling for a no-deal Brexit from the EU, UK officials abandoned the fiction that the “eurofleet” was unrelated to US war plans. “I think we do want to see a European-led approach, but that doesn’t seem to me to be viable without American support as well,” incoming Foreign Minister Dominique Raab told the Times of London. The Daily Telegraph said that Raab’s remarks were “likely to unsettle Germany and France, both of which have stated that any European effort must be independent from the US.”
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas responded by declaring, “We have made clear that we do not subscribe to the United States’ policy of maximum pressure. Our efforts in the region must be recognizably European.”
French Defense Minister Florence Parly told L’Est Républicain, “We are working to organize ourselves only between Europeans, but one thing is clear: our policy must have only one objective, to calm the current tensions and defend our interests. … We do not want to contribute to a force that could be perceived as aggravating the tensions.”
The attempts of Berlin and Paris to distance themselves from US war plans against Iran are shot through with hypocrisy. While proclaiming that they do not want maximum pressure or aggravating tensions with Iran, they are stirring up the crisis, threatening to send warships to one of the world’s most volatile military and commercial flashpoints—a move playing into the hands of US war policy.
The EU’s militarist policy underscores that the only way to oppose the war drive against Iran is to mobilize the vast opposition and disaffection with war among workers internationally in a struggle against all the capitalist governments including the EU imperialist powers threatening Iran.

Trump threatens unilateral action against World Trade Organization

Nick Beams

President Trump has widened the scope of the US trade war, taking aim at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the “developing” country status it gives to China and other countries under agreements reached when it was established in 1995, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
The Trump administration has criticised the provision for some time, saying it gives China and other countries an unfair advantage under conditions where vast changes have taken place in the global economy over the past quarter-century.
The criticism has now led to a threat by Washington to take unilateral action. The White House issued a memorandum on Friday giving the US trade representative (USTR) power in 90 days’ time to no longer treat designated countries as having “developing” status unless “progress” is made on changing the rules of the WTO.
The memorandum has attracted little media attention, but it represents a significant US challenge to the structure of the WTO, the world’s major trade regulatory body. Trump has railed against the operations of the organisation for some time, issuing threats that the US might withdraw from it. Washington has refused to sign off on the appointment of new members to its appellate body, effectively crippling its operations in adjudicating trade disputes, on the grounds that it has made “activist” interpretations detrimental to the US.
According to Friday’s memorandum, while there have been major economic changes since 1995, “the WTO continues to rest on an outdated dichotomy between developed and developing countries that has allowed some WTO members to gain unfair advantage in the international trade arena.”
It said nearly two-thirds of WTO members had been able to designate themselves as “developing” countries, thereby obtaining “special treatment” under WTO rules.
The document declared that while some designations were “proper,” many were unsupportable in the light of current economic circumstances. It cited economies such as Brunei, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Macao, Qatar, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, which, despite being among the richest economies on the basis of per capita gross domestic product, currently claimed “developing” country status. It noted as well that Mexico, South Korea and Turkey, members of both the G20 and the Organization for Economic Development (OECD), also claimed this designation.
The main target of the US move is China. The memorandum said that since joining the WTO in 2001, China had continued to insist it was a “developing” country and was able thereby to avail itself of “flexibilities under any new WTO rules.”
“The United States has never accepted China’s claim to developing country status and every current economic indicator belies China’s claim,” the memorandum said. It pointed to China’s “explosive” growth to a position where it now had the second highest GDP in the world, topped only by the US, and the five-fold increase in its share of global goods exports between 1995 and 2017. These exports were not confined to low-wage manufactured goods, but extended to high-technology products. China, in fact, currently ranked first in this area.
The trade statistics, taken on their own, give a somewhat distorted picture because much of what counts as Chinese high-tech exports are goods that have been assembled as part of the operations of US firms. But the focus on this area underscores concerns in the US political, military and intelligence establishments that China is developing new technologies that will challenge the global dominance of the US.
Seeking international support, the memorandum said the need to “reform” international institutions was a challenge not just for the US, “but for all countries that participate in the global marketplace.” It added that there was “no hope of progress in resolving this challenge until the world’s most advanced economies are prepared to take on the full commitments associated with WTO membership.”
But rather than seeking changes through the framework of the WTO, the US is seeking to force the issue by taking unilateral action.
The USTR, the memorandum said, would use “all available means to secure changes at the WTO that would prevent self-declared developing countries from availing themselves of flexibilities in WTO rules and negotiations that are not justified by appropriate economic and other indicators.” It added that the US would “pursue this action with other like-minded WTO members.”
The USTR would report to the president within 60 days on progress made in such endeavours, and if within 90 days “substantial progress” had not been made, the US would take unilateral action.
This would include not recognising a country’s “developing” status if it was the USTR’s judgment that it was “improperly declaring itself a developing country” and “inappropriately seeking the benefit of flexibilities” under WTO rules.
“Where relevant,” the United States would not support any such country’s continuing membership in the OECD. This threat does not impact China, which is not a member of the OECD. But it would affect Mexico, South Korea and Turkey, all of which have come into conflict with the US.
The memorandum specified that the USTR should consult with the US National Security Council and the National Economic Council on the “advisability of interagency coordination,” meaning any action would be considered a “national security” issue.
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, non-recognition of a country’s claimed developing status would not have an immediate effect, unlike other measures taken by the administration on tariffs. The Journal cited Clete Willems, who worked on trade and WTO policy in the White House until last April, who said any change would affect only “small stuff” in the short term. But it would shape ongoing WTO negotiations in fishing subsidies and e-commerce.
In issuing the memorandum, Trump clearly has a broad agenda in view. In a tweet posted on Friday announcing the decision, he wrote: “The WTO is broken when the world’s richest countries claim to be developing countries to avoid WTO rules and get special treatment. No more!!! Today I directed the US Trade Representative to take action so that countries stop cheating the system at the expense of the USA!”
Beijing responded Sunday to the latest US move with an editorial in the state-owned People’s Daily declaring that the classification of a country as a “developing nation” should not be defined by the interests of the US, and reform of the WTO should not be determined by a few “hegemonic countries.” It said the 90-day deadline set down by the US had laid bare its “arrogance and impudence.”
The timing of the memorandum was obviously aimed at putting pressure on China in the face-to-face trade negotiations that resume in Shanghai this week, following the collapse of talks in mid-May. The US is seeking an immediate commitment from the Chinese side for increased orders of soybeans in order that Trump can tout a victory to sections of his electoral base in agricultural states.
The Chinese side may be prepared to make such an agreement, but it will depend on how far the US is prepared to go in relaxing the restrictions imposed on the telecom company Huawei when it was placed on the Commerce Department’s entity list, banning it from receiving components from US suppliers unless they received a license. Talks were held with the executives of US high-tech firms last week, but it was still not clear what would or would not be covered.
The substantive issues that led to the breakdown of the talks, including the retention of tariffs by the US even after a deal is signed and stipulation that Beijing must write into law measures demanded by the US for the protection of intellectual property rights, as well as reductions in state-subsidies to Chinese firms, remain unresolved.
Media reports in both the US and China hold out little prospect of an agreement emerging from the latest round of discussions. In a briefing to reporters on Friday, Trump suggested that Beijing might decide to wait until the outcome of the 2020 election.
White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow has warned that the addition of “hardliners” on the Chinese side—a reference, without naming him, to the inclusion of Commerce Minister Zhong Shan in Beijing’s negotiating team—could complicate efforts to make a deal. Kudlow had claimed in May that such an agreement was 90 percent complete.
This view was dismissed by China analyst Pauline Loong, managing director at the research company Asia-Analytica, in remarks to Bloomberg News.
“This is not some minor discussion with give and take on minor issues,” she said. “The concessions now needed to clinch a deal will require decisions at the Politburo Standing Committee level, not at the level of the negotiating team.”
China is by no means the only target of US economic warfare. Last Friday, as he issued his memorandum on the WTO, Trump also took aim at France, warning that it would face retaliation over the decision by the Macron government to impose a digital services tax on US tech giants, including Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Google.
“We will announce a reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly,” Trump wrote on Twitter. Expanding his remarks at a press briefing, he said: “I told them. I said ‘Don’t do it, because if you do it, I’m going to tax your wine—tariff or tax, call it whatever you want.’”
White House spokesperson John Deere said the US had consistently stated it would “not sit idly by and tolerate discrimination against US-based firms.” The administration had launched an investigation under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act into France’s digital services tax, he said.
This is the same legislation that has been used to impose a 25 percent tariff on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods, with the threat of more to come.

Layoffs mount as slump in world auto industry deepens

Shannon Jones

The global downturn in the auto industry is continuing with warnings of further massive job losses ahead as sales continue to slump in key markets and companies are seeking to put aside cash to carry out research and development of electric and self-driving vehicles. The escalating trade tensions between the US and China are putting additional pressure on automakers.
The global character of the attack on jobs exposes the reactionary nationalism promoted by the unions and big-business politicians around the world including the US Trump administration. The threat to jobs is not a product of the trade policies of this or that country but the failure of the capitalist system itself, which is hurtling toward another major economic downturn.
Workers at the Suzuki Powertrain plant carried out a sympathy strike in October 2011 to support the workers at Maruti Suzuki's Manesar car assembly plant.
This week, a leading industry figure in India warned that the continuing sales slump in India could lead to as many 1 million jobs cuts in the auto components sector out of a total employment of around 5 million in the country.
According to Ram Venkataramani, president of the Automotive Components Manufacturers Association of India, passenger car sales in India fell 18.4 percent in the first quarter of 2019 and sales in June were at the lowest level in 18 years. The auto sector accounts for almost half of all manufacturing in India and the downturn in auto is a major reason for slowing growth in that country. About 35 million jobs are dependent directly or indirectly on auto production.
China, the world’s largest auto market, is continuing to see a sales decline, with new vehicle sales down 14 percent year over year in the first half of 2019. General Motors’ first-quarter sales fell 10 percent and Volkswagen 6 percent. The slump has erased 220,000 jobs, about five percent of the total, in the Chinese auto industry since July 2018.
The decline is having a serious impact on many automakers, with some expected to pull out of China altogether in the not too distant future. Ford auto plants in China, for example, were only running at 11 percent of capacity the first six months of 2019. Profits from sales in China account for a significant percentage of the pre-tax income for many major global car companies, including Audi (over 40 percent), Volkswagen (38 percent) and General Motors (23 percent).
Last week Japanese-based Nissan announced the elimination of 12,500 jobs worldwide, including 6,400 in Japan, the US, Britain, Mexico, Spain, India and Indonesia by March 2020. Another 6,100 will be cut in fiscal 2021 and 2022.
The slump in Asia parallels a downturn in auto sales in North America, with a Bank of America/Merrill Lynch analyst warning that sales could fall 30 percent by 2022. Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler have all announced layoffs in the United States and Canada in 2019. In addition, about 2,420 of the Nissan cuts will hit plants in the US and Mexico. Earlier this year Nissan cut 381 jobs at its Canton, Mississippi factory when it eliminated a production shift.
This week GM closed its 78-year-old transmission plant in Warren, Michigan with the loss of 200 jobs. The plant, which as recently as 2006 employed 1,200, is one of five in North America the company has slated for closure by early 2020 at a total cost of 14,000 production and white-collar jobs. GM previously shuttered its Lordstown, Ohio assembly plant and is threatening to close two other assembly plants in Detroit-Hamtramck and Oshawa, Ontario.
Fiat Chrysler eliminated a shift earlier this year at its Belvidere, Illinois assembly plant and has scheduled the layoff of the third shift at its Windsor, Ontario assembly plant with the loss of 1,500 jobs.
Earlier this month, Ford in Canada announced it will lay off 200 workers at its Oakville, Ontario plant in September with the threat of further potential job reductions to come. The announcement follows a jobs bloodbath by Ford, including the elimination of 12,000 production jobs across Europe and 7,000 white-collar jobs in North America, 10 percent of its global salaried workforce.
Opel announced last week another 1,100 job cuts in Rüsselsheim, Eisenach and Kaiserslautern. In June, Ford effectively ended production in Russia, finalizing the closure of three factories.
The attack on jobs is being fueled by the incessant demands of investors for ever-higher rates of return in the midst of tightening market conditions. This requires squeezing ever-more production out of workers, rationalizations and the destruction of labor protections won over decades of bitter struggle.
A malignant feature of this has been the exponential growth of contract and casual labor, workers who are little more than pariahs, paid lower wages with few if any rights. Nowhere is this more evident than India, where contract workers comprise 70-80 percent of the automotive workforce, according to industry spokesman MS Unnikrishnan. The fight against contract labor was the major issue in the struggle of Maruti Suzuki workers at Manesar plant that led to the frame-up on bogus murder charges of the 13 leaders of the newly organized Maruti Suzuki Workers Union.
Terrified by the growing militancy of autoworkers, in June the Tamil Nadu state government invoked India's "essential services" legislation to effectively banstrikes in the auto parts sector.
In the US the use of part-time and contract workers has emerged as a major issue in the ongoing contract talks between the United Auto Workers and the Detroit-based automakers. There is powerful sentiment among rank-and-file autoworkers to convert part-time and contract workers into full-time employees with full pay and benefits while GM wants half its workforce to be temps.
A further assault on jobs and working conditions is anticipated with the increasing use of electric and driverless vehicles, which require fewer mechanical parts than gas or diesel trucks and cars. As one market analyst told investor website S&P Global, “(A)s demand for components related to internal combustion engines decrease, legacy suppliers will be forced to compete on a cost basis in a market of decreasing size to an increasing degree (even more than now) and this will drive benefits to scale players, which will force suppliers to merge over time.”
He noted that in his process “significant financial resources will be required and large and well-capitalized suppliers will have an inherent competitive advantage, again, likely forcing mergers and consolidation over time.” This has been reflected in a series of mergers and partnerships, including the recent alliance between Ford and Volkswagen on the development of autonomous vehicles and electric cars.
Mass Assembly at the Matamoros plaza during wildcat strikes in Mexico earlier this year [Credit: Esteban Martínez]
The assault on the conditions of the working class, which is not confined to auto, is meeting growing resistance. This was expressed by the recent strike of Faurecia auto parts workers in Saline, Michigan and growing struggles internationally, including a general strike earlier this month in Ecuador, mass protests in Algeria, Hong Kong and the US territory of Puerto Rico. Earlier this year a rebellion by 70,000 auto parts workers in Matamoros, Mexico cut off the supply of critical parts to US and Canadian auto factories.
Autoworkers around the world confront the same attack on their jobs, living standards and working conditions. That is why they need a global strategy to unite and coordinate the struggles of autoworkers across national boundaries.
The United Auto Workers, Unifor in Canada, IG Metall in Germany and all other unions are based on the reactionary and outmoded program of nationalism. Far from resisting the attack on jobs and living standards, the UAW and other unions are surrendering further conditions based on the bogus claim that if workers submit to the demands of their “own” capitalist exploiters this will save their jobs by undercutting workers in other countries.
Job cuts are not the result of unfair trade or foreign competition but of capitalism. As Karl Marx said in the “industrial war of capitalists among themselves” the “battles in it are won less by recruiting than by discharging the army of workers. The generals (the capitalists) vie with one another as to who can discharge the greatest number of industrial soldiers.”
In place of the corrupt, bureaucratic unions, workers must organize democratically elected and controlled factory and workplace committees to mobilize a fightback against the auto bosses. These committees would not start with the profit demands of corporate management but the needs of workers to secure jobs, decent wages and a safe and healthy workplace.
The fight to defend jobs poses the necessity of a reorganization of society. Against the right of corporations to close factories and devastate communities, workers must advance the social right to a job and decent standard of living. This is a political struggle, posing the need for the development of a political movement of the working class to unite workers globally in the fight for international socialism.

New draconian police law introduced in Germany

Tino Jacobson & Marianne Arens

At the same time that new neo-Nazi networks linked to the intelligence services, police and army are being uncovered across Germany, state governments are systematically expanding the powers of all of these forces. In the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the ruling SPD-CDU coalition, headed by Manuela Schwesig (SPD), plans to implement a new, much tougher police law after the summer break.
In common with the new police laws introduced in Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin, the so-called Security and Ordinance Act (SOG) in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will significantly strengthen the police apparatus. It undermines important democratic rights.
One focus of the new law is the use of so-called state trojans, which can be used to spy on the entire digital traffic of a targeted individual. In order to plant the spy software on computers and smartphones, police will be allowed to secretly enter and search apartments to “prepare” their eavesdropping operations. The state trojans can also be used against those who are not accused of any offence and are merely seen as likely to commit a crime in the future.
In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the police will be able to monitor source telecommunications, making it possible to read texts before encryption, as well as online searches, to gain access to all electronic data stored in a computer or smartphone. “If we are unable to finally acquire the data, the state police can simply shut down their operations,” state Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier (CDU) boasted.
Another important focus of the new law makes clear that the case of Julian Assange is to serve as a role model for suppressing the freedom of the press in Germany. The bill aims to further restrict the right of journalists to protect their sources and refuse to give evidence. It allows police officers to access journalists’ information, contacts and documents in the event of any “imminent danger” without a court order, thereby endangering both journalists and their sources.
At the end of 2011, the German constitutional court ruled that legislative bodies were not obliged to grant journalists the same protection as clergy, parliamentarians or lawyers. State governments are now using this ruling to justify their new police laws.
According to the new police law internet providers and platforms can be forced to release the data, including passwords and addresses, of “suspicious persons.” Police will also be granted increased powers to deploy undercover agents, control the documents and monitor the homes of people classified as so-called “threats.”
In addition, the new security law permits the use of drones and for police to shoot suspects with a “final rescue shot” should they decide that they, or other persons, are in danger. Last year electronic shackles were already introduced in the state.
Increasingly politicians from parties across the board are putting into practice the program of the xenophobic Alternative for Germany (AfD). They are expanding the powers of state agencies as new details about right-wing extremist networks in the police and army come to light. This is particularly clear in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
On 21 June, the parliament in Schwerin approved the new police law in a first reading. Less than 10 days earlier, the state prosecutor had issued a warrant against four police officers accused of stashing ammunition. One of them, Marko G., is the founder of the terrorist chat group “Nordkreuz.” The public prosecutor in Schwerin ordered a search of 13 premises, including homes and police stations, and arrested four officers who belonged to, or were formally members of the Special Task Force (SEK) of the state Criminal Investigation Office (LKA). The former SEK policeman Marko G. is also a member of the AfD.
His group “Nordkreuz,” which is part of the so-called “preparers,” is characterised by its ruthlessness. The group has been hoarding weapons, ammunition and supplies and conducting shooting practice to prepare for a “Day X”, i.e. the day when the state will collapse. On this day, the group plans to kill political opponents using lists of 25,000 names of “representatives of the left-wing political spectrum” (as stated in the search warrant). The members of the group are mostly police officers and army soldiers. They are said to have planned to procure 200 body bags and quicklime to dissolve victim’s bodies.
The state government and its Interior Ministry have been aware of the group “Nordkreuz” for a considerable length of time. The house of Marko G. was searched for 11 hours two years ago, but he was then only called as a witness. He has been able to work undisturbed for another two years and expand his huge network, which is linked to far right-wing groups throughout Germany.
Two years ago investigations were already being carried out against two members of the “Nordkreuz” group, a police officer and a right-wing lawyer. The investigating team found weapons and a list of 5,000 names. One of the suspects, the police officer Haik J., an AfD member, was merely suspended from duty. The other, the lawyer Jan-Hendrik Hammer, is apparently still active in the Rostock community; his name appears as a deputy on the website of the right-wing populist list, Independent Citizens for Rostock (UFR).
Jan-Hendrik Hammer joined the UFR while he was a member of the neo-liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) and maintains close ties to the Identitarian Movement (IB). The former AfD state spokesman Holger Arppe (now independent) wrote about Hammer: “The guy would fit perfectly in our ranks. He hates the left, has a well-stocked gun cabinet in the garage and lives by the motto: when the left eventually go completely crazy, I’m prepared.” Referring to some of his colleagues in the Rostock community Hammer said, according to Arppe, “Some people in the citizenry I can only imagine with a hole in their head, I cannot stand these left-wing pigs.”
The events in Rostock and Schwerin demonstrate the proximity of the AfD to the far-right networks in the police and army. With its new police law, the state government of the SPD and CDU covers up for these forces and at the same time implements AfD policy.
In the past, state Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier had awarded Marko G. a medal as a sports shooter, and Marko was a regular guest on a shooting range where the LKA organised training for special units of the police and army. This shooting range has now also been searched because its manager was probably active in “Nordkreuz.” Despite official requests from state politicians, Caffier has refused to inform those whose names appear on the “enemy” and “death lists.”
The SPD, which heads the state government, also implements this right-wing policy. The police spokesman for the SPD, Manfred Dachner, himself a former police officer, expressly welcomed the extension of powers embodied in the new police law. In order to cast the law in the most favourable light, the SPD has promised to carry out an evaluation in 2024 and then, as it says, perhaps a few measures could be relaxed. However, history has shown that once implemented, such laws are only likely to be further strengthened.

1,300 arrested in police crackdown on liberal opposition in Russia

Clara Weiss

In a massive police crackdown in Moscow on Saturday, over 1,300 people were arrested at a rally of the liberal opposition. The protesters demanded that 57 candidates, most of them associated with the right-wing opposition politician Alexey Navalny and his party, “Russia’s Future,” be allowed to participate in the Moscow city duma elections on September 8. Along with the Moscow elections, some 30 regional and municipal elections will be held on that day.
The city authorities had declared the demonstration illegal and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin had denounced them as a “security threat,” vowing that “order will be ensured.” The ensuing crack-down on the protest, which involved between three and five thousand people, in Moscow’s city center was unprecedented in its scope, even by the standards of the frequent police crackdowns on opposition protests in Russia. Video footage shows scenes that resemble a military occupation or a civil war.
Several heavily armored vehicles were stationed on Tverskaya Street. Along with Moscow city police, the state mobilized the OMON, a paramilitary formation of the Interior Ministry that forms part of the Russian National Guard. There were at least as many policemen and OMON on the streets as there were protesters. At several points during the protests, which lasted almost all day, hundreds of OMON men formed chains, surrounding large groups of protesters, before storming into the crowd, beating people up and carrying them away to arrest them.
Chants by the protesters included: “There will be freedom in Russia,” “Russia without Putin,” “Putin get out,” as well as “Russia” and “occupiers.” Banners held up by protesters said: “We will take Russia back,” and “Stop lying to us.”
Among the arrested were several of the candidates that had been barred from running in the election, among them Ilya Yashin, Liubov’ Sobol and Ivan Zhdanov. They are all involved with Alexey Navalny’s “Fund to Fight Corruption.” According to unconfirmed reports, passers-by were also arrested.
The crackdown on Saturday followed over a week of demonstrations by the liberal opposition, which were attended by several thousand people, demanding that its candidates be placed on the ballots. Alexei Navalny had been arrested at one of these protests last Wednesday and is still in prison. Overall, the authorities accepted over 200 candidates who are competing for 45 seats.
Most of them, including several who run as “independent” candidates, are affiliated with the ruling United Russia party, or with the main opposition parties in the Duma which for some two decades have functioned as the “loyal opposition” to the Putin regime – the ultra-nationalist and Stalinist Communist Party of Russia (KPRF), the fascistic Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR), and the nationalist Just Russia party.
The only other organization that was allowed to run candidates are the Stalinist “Communists of Russia,” an organization that is widely considered to be a Kremlin project set up to divert votes from other candidates. Among their candidates is the right-wing Stalinist Darya Mitina from the United Communist Party (OKP) whose ties to the Kremlin and far-right in Russia and internationally the WSWS has exposed in the past. Boris Kagarlitsky, another important figure in the Stalinist and pseudo-left scene of Russia, is running as a candidate for the nationalist “Just Russia” party. Like Mitina, Kagarlitsky has supported the East Ukrainian separatists during the Civil War that began in Ukraine after the US-backed fascist coup in Kiev in February 2014.
Over a dozen candidates that were affiliated with the liberal opposition of Alexei Navalny were barred from participation despite having collected the necessary 5,000 signatures.
The program of the liberal opposition is thoroughly reactionary: orienting toward a closer alliance with US imperialism, figures like Alexei Navalny and Ilya Yashin, speak for sections of the Russian oligarchy and the upper-middle class that feel like their economic interests are being overruled by the oligarchs around Putin and have disagreements with the Kremlin about foreign policy.
They have been built up for years by Washington as potential leaders of a movement by discontented sections of the upper middle class and the oligarchy. Similar to the Maidan movement in Kiev which culminated in the ousting of the pro-Russian Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych in a fascist coup in February 2014, such a movement would be aimed at ousting Putin through the mobilization of extremely right-wing forces and establishing of an oligarchic regime that would be more directly subservient to the foreign policy and economic interests of US imperialism.
Like Navalny, with whom he has worked for almost two decades, Yashin has been a long-standing advocate of a close alliance of the so called liberals with far-right forces in Russia. Yashin was also a close collaborator of the late Boris Nemtsov, who was killed under dubious circumstances in early 2015, and was one of the most important Russian politicians with close affiliations to Washington.
Support for the liberal opposition is largely limited to layers of professionals and the upper middle class, as well as sections of the oligarchy, that are centered in Moscow and, to a lesser extent, in St. Petersburg.
However, workers must understand the massive crack-down on the opposition protest on Saturday as a serious warning. It testifies to the extreme nervousness of the Kremlin under conditions of an escalation of the US war drive against Iran, the resurgence of the class struggle internationally, and growing anger and social discontent within the Russian working class. It was meant as a show of force and a demonstration of the state’s readiness to violently repress any opposition, above all opposition coming from the working class.
With the ruling United Russia party already deeply unpopular, ratings for Putin have also recently dropped significantly, above all in response to his backing of the widely hated raising of the retirement age. This “pension reform” was pushed through against mass opposition last year, and signifies a frontal assault on the already impoverished living standards of the overwhelming majority of the working population. In addition, recent months have seen the layoff of thousands of Ford workers with miserable compensations amid fears that Russia’s biggest auto company GAZ might shut down, threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs.
The liberal opposition, the Putin-regime, its “loyal opposition” of the LDPR, KPRF and Just Russia, as well as the Stalinist and pseudo-left forces are united in their hostility to any movement by the working class and determination to implement an agenda of social austerity. All of these parties are supported the dissolution of the USSR and are hostile to Trotskysim.
This was demonstrated clearly by last year’s bogus protests against the pension reform, in which Darya Mitina’s OKP marched alongside supporters of Navalny, the fascistic LDPR, the KPRF and the Russian Pabloites, and openly fascist forces. Their common aim was to disorient the mass discontent about the pension reform and prevent a movement by workers in opposition to the government.
There is no question that any protests and strikes involving broad sections of the working class would be met with even greater violence and ferocity by the state than the protests on Saturday. This makes it all the more urgent for workers and intellectuals who are seriously concerned about the danger of war, social austerity and the attacks on democratic rights, to establish their complete political independence from the prevailing reactionary political forces in Russia by turning to a socialist and internationalist program.

Johnson plans for a no deal exit from the European Union

Robert Stevens

The Conservative government of Boris Johnson announced over the weekend that it is “working on the assumption” that it will leave the European Union (EU) without a trade and customs deal on October 31.
In the Sunday Times, Michael Gove wrote, “No deal is now a very real prospect.” One of the central Tory figures in heading the Leave campaign in the 2016 EU referendum, Gove is now charged with coordinating Brexit across all government departments in Johnson’s Cabinet announced last week.
Denouncing the Withdrawal Agreement the EU reached with Johnson’s predecessor, Theresa May, which she failed to get through parliament, Gove wrote, “You can't just reheat the dish that's been sent back and expect that will make it more palatable.” The EU may agree to a new deal with Johnson, he said, “but we must operate on the assumption that they will not.”
Chancellor Sajid Javid announced in the pro-Brexit Sunday Telegraph that there would be “significant extra funding” for 500 new Border Force officers and new infrastructure around ports.
These moves followed a statement Friday by a spokesman for Johnson, insisting: “The withdrawal agreement has been rejected three times by the House of Commons. It’s not going to pass… That means reopening the withdrawal agreement and securing the abolition of the backstop.”
The backstop, opposed by the Tories’ hard Brexit wing, refers to the proposed measures agreed between May, the EU and Irish government intended to prevent the return of a hard border between the Republic and Northern Ireland post-Brexit.
Dominic Cummings, Johnson’s senior adviser, and the main Vote Leave campaign strategist in the referendum, told Downing Street advisers Friday that Johnson said Brexit had to be carried out “by any means necessary.”
Johnson claimed that he has “absolutely” ruled out a general election prior to the Brexit deadline date of October 31—though this is far from assured. The Sunday Times noted that Johnson has established a “war cabinet” of six members that will meet from today to “plot the nation’s course.” This cabinet consists only of Brexiteers who will back a no-deal outcome: Johnson, Gove, Javid, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay and the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox.
Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, said May’s deal was the “the best and only agreement possible.” Johnson’s demand to withdraw the backstop “is of course unacceptable and not within the mandate of the European Council.” He warned that no-deal Brexit “will never be the EU's choice,” but “we all have to be ready for all scenarios.” Germany’s Europe Minister, Michael Roth, said, “Boris, the election campaign is over. Calm yourself down … What do not help are new provocations.”
Summing up the growing conflicts, Financial Times columnist Wolfgang Münchau said the EU now “must prepare for the shock of a no-deal Brexit.”
The central concern of the EU is to preserve the unity of the bloc, as trade war with the United States escalates amid developing global recession. The Financial Times commented, “The brinkmanship, if anything, has stiffened resolve in European capitals.”
It cited a “senior EU official EU” who said angrily, “Will member states want to reward a Trumpist in No 10?... Is that the sort of politics that they think should be seen to be successful? Do you reward those who go rogue?”
The official warned that the EU has “a hierarchy of interest … The first is self-preservation, the continued existence and development of the union. The second is an orderly withdrawal. If there is a conflict between one and two, we give priority to number one. Leaders are resigned to the fact that Britain may leave without a deal.”
Britain hurtles towards a no-deal exit under conditions in which one study last week said that the economy may already be in a recession, with forecasts of a 10 percent collapse in the value of the pound and an increase in inflation to above 4 percent. These reports are devastating, but they underestimate the situation facing the working class. Brexit was an advanced expression of the deepening descent of world capitalism into bitter trade war and protectionism. Johnson’s perspective is based on uniting British and US imperialism for a trade war against Europe. The Remain faction favours Britain and Europe forging an alliance against the US or at least straddling the growing divide between the two rivals.
Johnson heads an unstable government of Thatcherites committed to a war agenda against the working class. But nothing they are planning could be contemplated without the role played by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. His every action since being elected has been to demobilise the working class, preventing it from intervening independently in a political crisis within ruling circles without precedent in peacetime. The Tories are now on their third leader in the nearly four years since Corbyn took office, but they still cling to power thanks to him.
As Leader of the Opposition, Corbyn has it in his gift to call a no-confidence vote in Johnson—who only has a working majority of three MPs—at a time of his choosing. Corbyn says that he will only move a no-confidence motion when this is “optimal.” What does this mean?
Corbyn is occupied with assembling a parliamentary majority—including dissenting Tories—for an alternative perspective serving that faction of the British bourgeoise who want a deal with the EU that preserves access to the Single Market and Customs Union. On Sunday, in an interview with Sky News, he complained: “What we proposed was actually a very credible deal. A bespoke customs union with the EU and the trade arrangements would have achieved those things. It didn’t go through parliament, that was the problem.”
For a genuine workers’ leader, the only point in calling a no-confidence vote would be to make clear the implacable opposition of his party to the government and to expose the refusal of its other “critics” to any fight to bring it down. It would be bound up with a fight to mobilise the working class against this hated government on an alternative perspective representing their class interests. But Corbyn fears a movement from below just as much as do the Tories and is absolutely opposed to bringing downing the government.
It was revealed last week that May’s former Remain supporting Chancellor Philip Hammond, who stepped down as Johnson became prime minister, has held “private talks” with Corbyn’s Brexit Secretary, the Blairite Sir Keir Starmer. The Guardian reported, “On Saturday night Starmer confirmed that Johnson’s arrival in No 10 had spurred more cross-party discussions at high levels involving senior Tories sacked by Johnson, or who chose to resign, as opponents of no deal prepared a cross-party counter-offensive against his new hard-Brexit cabinet and government.”
The only viable response for the working class, as fought for by the Socialist Equality Party, is to oppose both factions of the ruling class, Leave and Remain, Tory and Labour, and fight for the United Socialist States of Europe in unity with workers across the continent and internationally.