18 Mar 2015

Agricultural Crisis And Remedial Pathways For India

Sunny Sandhu

Agriculture is one of the main engine of society . Modern society rests on this very ancient profession . In India like in many parts of the world , it has been looked up as a spiritual activity from age immemorial. Many festivals across different cultures are related to harvests and the changing seasons , as all over the world farming is one of the most important occupation. In India there is a saying Uttam kheti , madhyam vyapar and neech naukri (best is farming , business is medium and servitude is least desirable ). But this is no longer true , farming is no longer a very sought after profession . Farmer suicides and debt are making news headlines across the world . Governments across the world are trying to support their farmers with subsidies , waiving loans etc . Farmers are selling their land and sending their children abroad to study especially in Punjab , as they see that there is no future for them .
The reason for this are in the new agricultural paradigms and technology which were introduced as the Green Revolution and now the genetically modified crops . Both these paradigms have changed totally the way farming was done in the past . From a spiritual profession it has been turned into a chemical warfare and a purely economic pursuit . The connection of the farmer with mother earth has disappeared . The entire planet has been poisoned with the various pesticides . Pesticides can be found in the arctic and the antarctic , where nothing really grows . Modern Agriculture System has been one of the biggest CO2 producers and thus has induced climate change . Biodiversity has suffered as well .Fresh water resources are being depleted at an ever faster rate .Land is becoming toxic and loosing its fertility . Food quality is also suffering.
Rising cancer incidence , infertility , diseases of the reproductive system are all related to pesticides . Changing Food culture has triggered the epidemic of diabetes and heart diseases as well . People have moved away from traditional foods to fast foods . From natural products to artificial products . The quality of foods have changed and this has affected human health across the globe .
India now gets bumper crops , but there is nowhere to store these crops , hence they lie rotting in the open . And people are still dying of hunger . So one has to really rethink the logic of green revolution and genetic crops for food security .
Genetically modified crops were introduced with genes from other species so as to fight pests , they were supposed to free the farmer form pesticides . But they have failed as well . Pesticides continued to be sprayed everywhere . GM crops comes with added danger of loosing our sovereignty of our seeds . GM farmers cannot plant their own seeds , which is a new form of slavery .Monsanto continues to pursue the agenda of Control the food ,control the people .
We the people of India are paying taxes which are given as subsidies to farmers which in turn are being used to pollute and destroy our ecosystems and health . We have to change this for better future .
The future lies in farming methods which work in harmony with nature . Permaculture , Organic farming and natural farming are giving us the right direction . Current world record for rice production is to a Natural farmer in Bihar which speaks volumes of the capability of natural farming . Organic farming ensures biodiversity . Food is of better quality and there are no harmful pesticides in it . Organic farming brings in more traditional crops which are better suited for local populations . Different techniques are used to preserve moisture , thus reducing water usage and wastage . Preservation of seeds is an important part of the organic movement . Land quality is improving as well . By not depending on Oil based fertilisers and products , it reduces carbon footprint .
Organic foods are expensive as input cost is higher , this can be changed if the current agricultural subsidy is shifted into organic farming instead of poison farming . States like Kerala and Sikkim are going to be fully organic in 2015 . Kerala was the first state to declare a cancer epidemic due to pesticides . Punjab is the other but the current political regime of AKALI DAL -BJP has failed the people of the state .Punjab has been producing 60 percent grains of the entire country and has paid the price of poison farming . Its now famous for its falling water levels , cancer train express , farmer suicides and villages for sale . At a recent National Organic Farming Convention , CM Prakash Singh Badal proudly said that there is 550 acres of organic farm in Punjab and 1000 organic farmers . This is too little . I wonder how much did Badal family profit from the Cancer Hospitals which were set up across the state ?
Its upto the youth to take the challenge , know where your food is coming from . Know whether your eating toxic food or healthy food . Ask the politicians why are our taxes being used for poison farming ? Is it because they have corporate interests in the Poison agriculture industry ? How much is Monsanto paying them to introduce GM seeds ? Are our own seeds not good enough ? If you love river ganga so much , then why let pesticides poison it ?
NaMo model of development has already spelt doom for the farmers , its clear that its pro corporate and anti farmer government , like the previous government as well . Changing of Land laws in favor of corporates is the start . GM crops are being cleared at an alarming rate . Lip service is being done to promote organic and natural farming . We the youth of india has to rise to this toxic challenge and ensure to safeguard our ecosystems , biodiversity , bhoomi , river goddesses and beej (seeds).

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