21 Mar 2015

To Survive, We Must Act Now On Global Warming

Lionel Anet

To ensure that our offspring can live through this and next century, we must do what seems impossible. And that’s to have a worldwide united action to stop that dangerous warming. The wealthy 1% is now focused on maximising their wealth;we must showthe unavoidable disaster they will face in pursuing this ridicules goal. They must see their wealth will be useless in the future onour lifeless planet. That ignorance of those educated 1% is not due to stupidity, they’re acting according to the system. They’ve had a highly focus education and interest on their all-important finance, the one that validates greed, its arrogant self-importance, and with its fictional value for the world economy.
Nevertheless, we must,somehow change their attitude. We can already see that it’simpossible to deal with our warming planet by using the present financial system. If it would be possible we would have already acted on it, at least a decade ago.That pursuit of wealth can only lead to human extinction and maybe even the end of life on earth.
The competitive pursuit of wealth determines nearly all information we get, starting from our education,which is geared to grow the economy, it also guides our thinking. Therefore, we must convince as many of those individuals who have captured the financial market and their supporters that it will be fatal for them to maintain that state. However, we mustn’t see them as enemies; on the contrary we must save them from committing unintentional suicide, as it would also include everyone. To save ourselves we mustn’t have enemies, or else we can’t have the necessary unite action to put us on a survival course and deal with global warming as the number one priority.
According to current Atmospheric studies we will need to drastically reduce our carbon emissions very soon and work on reforestation as a life or deaf issue to avoid a runaway warming that would last, maybe for ever. Just think of a 3metre sea level rise within 85 years, and still going up. It’s a high possibility, and with the wildest weather ever and an over two degrees higher temperature.
This isn’t a fight against anyone; it’s a struggle for everyone’s life. To survive we will need a vast cooperative effort, this in turn can only work in a fair and honest world of very social societies. By pursuing that struggle for survival, the benefits to everyone will out do any loss encountered even by the 1%, and that’s besides just surviving.
The ticklish aspects of that propose tactics isthat we must change smoothly with no real or perceived sacrifice on anyone. The first change we must make is withthe financial sector, which feeds on and produces the wastages in the capitalist system. That system must have increasingthroughput to function to its standard. This can no longer be so. Therefore, whichever waywe decide, changes will happen, so let’s do it the way that will improve our lives instead of letting the system run over us. Just a few changes would go a long way to reduce some of the unfairness and place the economy in a better state to deal with global warming. But we must convince those few who control societies through its public relation companies- the media, that their existence is at stake to have any worthwhile change.
As they are the vital influence on public opinion, they have their salvation and ours in their hands. We may only convince a few at first, but survival is contagious. That proposal for our survival may seem farfetched according to most concerned people and therefore they may notconsider it.Yet I haven’t seen any solutionthat would ensure our children’s survival. That’s because the problem is less than fifty years old, it’s completely new and therefore needs a new approach.

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