23 May 2016

Netaji Subhas/ICAR International Fellowships for Agriculture Scholars – India

Application Deadline: 30th of June, 2016
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: Global
To be taken at (country): Select Agriculture Universities listed here
Brief description: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is offering thirty Netaji Subhas-ICAR international fellowships for the academic year 2016-2017. These fellowships are available for pursuing a doctoral degree in agriculture and allied sciences at the recognised agricultural universities/ institutions in India and abroad.
Eligible Field of Study: Crop Sciences, Horticulture, Biotechnology and nanotechnology, Animal Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Agricultural Engineering and Fisheries. Subtopics of these fields listed here
About the Award: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) invites applications from the Indian as well as overseas national having Master’s degree in Agriculture and allied sciences for the “Netaji Subhas – ICAR International Fellowships (NS ICAR IFs)” for the year 2016-17. Overseas candidates will be eligible for study in Agricultural Universities (AUs) in the ICAR-AUs system.
Type: Doctoral Degree in Agriculture and Allied Sciences
  • Master’s degree in agriculture/allied sciences with an Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) 6.60 out of 10.0 or 65% marks or equivalent will be the eligibility requirement for the NS-ICAR IFs.
  • The fresh candidates should not be more than 35 years of age on the last date prescribed for receipt of applications. The upper age limit for In-service candidates will be 40 years on the last date for receipt of applications.
  • Age on the closing date for receipt of applications will be considered for eligibility. 
  • Also, date of completion of qualifying degree will be the date of completion of both course and thesis work as declared by the university. Netaji Subhas- ICAR IF would be available for both, fresh and in-service candidates. However, the fresh candidates should have completed their qualifying degree not more than two years before the specified date in the year of admission. The in-service candidates from India should be employed in the ICAR-AU system.
  • The Council will identify and announce the priority areas of research and the list of institutions for admission, one year in advance, for availing the Netaji Subhas- ICAR IFs.

Number of Awardees: Thirty(30) fellowships
Value of Scholarship: The fellow will be entitled to the following:
  • To-and-fro, economy class air ticket for international travel, by the shortest route, from the airport, nearest to the residence/ work place of the candidate to the airport, nearest to the destination University in respect of both Indian and Overseas candidates (Air tickets to be provided by the Council).
  • The fellows will be entitled for economy-class-travel cost reimbursement from port of arrival in India to the destination University in India and back.
  • Indian Rupee 40,000 per month
  • The fellowship amount for the first six months, as first installment, will be released by the Council to the fellow through government notified/ approved bank to be deposited in the bank account of the fellow on receiving his/ her acceptance for the fellowship and admission letter received from the host University.
  • Thereafter, the amount of fellowship will be released to the fellow, every six months, after receiving the academic progress report from the fellow duly certified by the concerned advisor/ supervisor/ head of institution.
  • The fellow will meet all other costs including medical insurance etc. from the above fellowship or from his/ her own resources.
  • During the tenure of fellowship, an in-service fellow may continue to receive his/her salary, types of leave and benefits etc. from the parent organization as per rules.
Duration of Scholarship: Three (3) years
How to Apply: Candidates should fill the Application form. Filled in application along with supporting documents should be submitted (one hard copy by post and one soft copy by e-mail) to:
The Assistant Director General (EQR), Education Division, ICAR,
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan II, Pusa,
New Delhi-110012
Email:  adgeqricar@gmail.com
Award Provider: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Important Notes: The other frontier areas in agriculture and allied sciences may also be appropriately considered.

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