30 Sept 2017

19th World Bank Annual Conference on Land and Poverty 2018

Application Timeline:
  • Deadline: 13th October 2017
  • Conference registration should be completed by 1st February, 2018.
  • Full papers should be uploaded by 15th February, 2018.
To Be Taken At (Country): Washington, DC, USA.
About the Award: The Land and Poverty conference will present the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. The 2018 conference theme will be: Land Governance in an Interconnected World
The conference has become one of the largest international events on land governance, attracting over 1,300 participants in 2017 from governments, academics, civil society, and the private sector. Please consult the  World Bank Land and Poverty Conference website  for video recordings, papers and powerpoints presented at the 2017 conference.
Field of Study: Conference priority themes for oral presentations and posters:
  1. New academic research on the impact of land tenure security for sustainable development, equity and prosperity, (results and their policy relevance;  new research methodologies);
  2. New rigorous impact evaluations on scalable approaches toward strengthening land governance;
  3. New ways of using spatial data (imagery, drones, mobile phones etc.) to strengthen land governance, sustainable land use, and/or support land administration services in urban and/or rural settings;
  4. Innovations for securing land and resource rights in customary settings, gender, collective action, and role of customary authorities;
  5. Progress with land governance performance monitoring, approaches to (gender) disaggregation, and Sustainable Development Goals;
  6. Requirements for moving from pilots to land administration service delivery at scale: good, cheap, fast and equitable;
  7. Improving resilience and resilience impact of national land and geospatial systems; and seamless, unified and comprehensive geospatial data for enhanced management of landscapes and inclusive land reform;
  8. Modernizing and financing land service delivery and organizations, contribution private sector;
  9. New insights on land governance strategies for conflict prevention and supporting peace agreements;
  10. Fair leverage of land for realizing and financing infrastructure, housing, urban expansion, and public goods;
  11. Achieving responsible large-scale land based investments: lessons learned 10 years on.
Type: Call for Papers/Conferences
  • Abstracts should be between 800 and 1,500 words, anonymous, written in American English, and submitted online in Word format. Abstracts less than 800 words will not be reviewed.
Selection Criteria: Abstract selection for presentation is on the basis of a double blind peer-review process. Criteria are
  • relevance to conference thematic tracks;
  • evidence-based and methodological appropriateness;
  • innovative and new;
  • significance of findings for policy or research agenda; and
  • clarity of presentation.
More than one abstract can be submitted; due to space limitation only one accepted abstract can be presented by a participant.
Duration of Program: March 19 – 23, 2018
How to Apply: Please submit abstract for oral presentation of an individual paper, poster, or MasterClass by October 13, 2017 via Conftool (Please view guidelines on how to create a new user account and submit an abstract).
Award Providers: The World Bank
Important Notes: 
  • Abstract acceptance for oral presentation, poster and masterclass will be communicated by December 4, 2017.
  • Kindly note that inclusion of an accepted presentation in final conference program is conditional on timely conference registration and uploading of full paper or poster.

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