14 Aug 2019

Explosions at Russian military facilities leave eight dead

Andrea Peters

Seven workers killed in a nuclear military accident last Thursday in Russia’s far north were buried on Monday. Details of the events surrounding the men’s deaths are still largely unknown, with the Russian government providing few specifics about the explosion that took place at its naval facility near the town of Nyonoska on August 8.
According to Rosatom, the country’s nuclear energy corporation, the blast was set off by the ignition of some form of liquid propellant, which experts say is a component of cruise or ballistic missiles, during a failed test. After several days, officials acknowledged that the test took place on an offshore platform in the White Sea.
In addition to the seven dead, more than a dozen others were injured.
Defense ministry officials initially denied that the explosion discharged any radioactive materials into the atmosphere, flatly contradicting reports by the Civil Protection Department in nearby Severodinsk—home to nearly 190,000 people—of a sharp spike in background radiation. It took several days before the Kremlin acknowledged that there had been a nuclear accident.
Maritime officials have since banned shipping in the White Sea’s Dvina Bay for a month-long period. There are also reports that a military vessel designed to clean-up and store nuclear waste has sailed to the area. Online sources show images of emergency responders in hazardous materials suit working with victims and deploying to the area.
In Arkhangelsk, a city of 350,000 about 90 kilometers from the site of the accident, there has been a run on the pharmacies. Frightened residents are buying up iodine, which can help protect parts of the body from certain radioactive isotopes.
The experience of Chernobyl, the 1986 nuclear accident in Soviet Ukraine that sickened thousands and threatened the world with catastrophe, is a recent memory for the people of the former USSR and no doubt shaping the response of Arkhangelsk’s inhabitants to news of the explosion. The deceit and corruption that contributed to the Chernobyl disaster, well portrayed in an immensely popular recent HBO series, can be found in equal measure among the occupants of today’s Kremlin.
Within the press there is widespread speculation as to which weapons system was being tested last week outside of Nyonoska, with the explosion happening as the Russian government presses to expand its nuclear capabilities in the face of growing threats from the United States. On August 3, Washington formally scrapped the decades-old Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
Last week’s nuclear-test-gone-wrong underscores the immense dangers posed by both the American war drive and the frenzied efforts of Russia’s ruling class to shore up its position in response. Even as it guts social spending for an increasingly discontented, impoverished population, the Kremlin is trying to arm itself to the teeth.

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