20 Aug 2024

ARES Belgian Government Scholarships 2025

Application Deadline:

The application deadline for the ARES Belgian Government Scholarships 2025 for Masters and Continuing Education (Fully Funded) is 18 October 2024 at noon.

Tell Me About The ARES Belgian Government Scholarships 2025:

The ARES scholarships provide nationals from ARES partner countries with the opportunity to enhance their skills in development-related fields. Eligible candidates who hold a higher education degree and have relevant professional experience can pursue a one-year advanced bachelor’s or master’s degree, or a 2-to-6-month continuing education program at a higher education institution in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium.

Which Fields are Eligible?

The following fields are eligible:

Specialized Bachelors degree

  • Bachelier de spécialisation en Business Data Analysis

Specialized Masters

  • Master de spécialisation en droits humains
  • Master de spécialisation en gestion des risques et des catastrophes à l’ère de l’anthropocène
  • Master de spécialisation en gestion intégrée des risques sanitaires
  • Specialized Master in International and Development Economics
  • European Microfinance Programme
  • Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology
  • Master de spécialisation en sciences de la santé publique – analyse et évaluation des politiques programmes et systèmes de santé internationale
  • Master de spécialisation en transport et logistique
  • Master de spécialisation – Design d’innovation sociale
  • Master de spécialisation en Nexus Eau-Énergie-Alimentation

Continuing Training Courses

  • Certificat d’Université en Science des Données pour la Santé Mondiale
  • Formation internationale en pédagogie universitaire numérique
  • Certificat interuniversitaire et interdisciplinaire en justices transitionnelles
  • Formation continue – Comprendre et gérer les dimensions humaines des projets de changement en développement durable
  • Formations continues en assurance qualité et contrôle en qualité des médicaments et produits de santé
  • Formation continue en système d’information géographique libre



Who can Apply For The ARES Belgian Government Scholarships 2025?

Also, applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be a national of, reside in and work in one of the 31 eligible countries (list below);
  • Be a holder of:
    • a diploma comparable to a 2nd cycle diploma (300 ECTS credits) from a Belgian university for specialised masters and continuing education courses;
    • a diploma comparable to a 1st cycle diploma (180 ECTS credits) from Belgian higher education for specialisation baccalaureates.
  • Demonstrate at least two years of relevant professional experience in an ARES partner country.

Which Countries Are Eligible?

The following countries are eligible:

  • Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
  • South America and the Caribbean: Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Peru.
  • Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam.
  • Asia: Palestinian territory.

Where will the Award be Taken?


How Many Awards?

Not specified

What is the Benefit of the Award?

Additionally, successful applicants will benefit the following:

  • International travel expenses;
  • Subsistence allowance;
  • Exceptional costs associated with visa applications (only for bachelor’s degrees and specialised master’s degrees);
  • Tuition fees (only for bachelor’s degrees and specialised master’s degrees);
  • Indirect mission expenses (for continuing education only);
  • Insurance costs.

How Long Will the Award Last?

12 months 

How to Apply:

  1. Have a Giraf account (create one or use your account if it has already been made and validated by ARES).
  2. Access the application form by clicking on Application for international training > My TasksCompetitive calls.
  3. Fill in the form (it can be filled in several times. You can find it in Competitive calls > My tasks).
  4. Submit your application by clicking on Submit my application. Once submitted, you can consult your file in the My Submitted Files table. However, you will no longer be able to modify it.

Visit the Award Webpage for Details

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