4 Jul 2014


 Wasbir Hussain

India and China signed three Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) during the Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari’s recent five-day visit to Beijing from 26 June– 1 July. One of them was on the ‘flood data’ of the Brahmaputra River – also called the Yarlung Tsangpo in China. In the past, we have heard of similar MoUs between the two neighbours on the Brahmaputra, and it is all about the sharing of the hydrological data of Brahmaputra River during monsoons. In the latest MoU on the subject that was signed on 30 June – in presence of Indian Vice President Ansari and his Chinese counterpart Li Yuanchao – Beijing agreed to provide 15 days’ additional hydrological data—from 15 May 15 to 15 October each year.

Bluntly put, the latest MoU on the Brahmaputra flood data means nothing as an additional 15 days worth of hydrological information will not enable India to deal with the problem any differently. What India needs is input from the Chinese side on dams and other projects Beijing is pursuing or intends to pursue based on the waters of the Yarlung Tsangpo. The 510 MW Zangmu dam built at the Gyaca County in the Shannan Prefecture of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region is expected to be commissioned next year. What must be noted is that Beijing has given clearance for the construction of 27 other dams on the Yarlung Tsangpo River that flows 1625 kilometres across China, and 918 kilometres through India in its downstream course.

Moreover, China actually plans to divert water at the Great Bend, located just before where the river enters India, also known as the Shoumatan Point; and also intends to build hydroelectric power projects that could generate 40,000 MWs of power. The plan to divert the Brahmaputra is a reality because China wants to solve the water scarcity in its arid northern areas. The diversion of the water is part of a larger hydro-engineering project, the South-North water diversion scheme, which involves three man-made rivers carrying water to its northern parts. If the water is diverted, the water levels of the Brahmaputra will drop significantly, affecting India's Northeastern region, and Bangladesh. Estimates suggest that the total water flow will fall by roughly 60 per cent if China successfully diverts the Brahmaputra. Besides, it will severely impact agriculture and fishing as the salinity of water will increase, as will silting in the downstream area.

With an unprecedented mandate and a demonstrated policy to improve ties with its neighbours, the new Narendra Modi government in New Delhi can initiate setting up of something like a South Asia Shared Rivers Commission or Authority by bringing Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal on board. The Commission can begin by formulating a framework agreement among the states that share rivers for their use, development, protection, conservation and management of the water and related resources, and establish an institutional mechanism for cooperation among these states. Once such a commission emerges and a cooperative framework on the shared rivers is agreed upon by the concerned states, it can engage with China and try to bring Beijing on board. After all, eleven major rivers flow out of China to countries in its neighbourhood and there is enough commonality of interest.
Cooperation on the Brahmaputra with China is of utmost importance to India and Bangladesh. The principle of cooperation between China, India and Bangladesh—the Brahmaputra basin states—can be on the basis of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, mutual benefit and good faith in order to attain optimal utilisation and adequate protection; conservation of the Brahmaputra River Basin; and to promote joint efforts to achieve social and economic development. These actually are the guiding principles of an effective and successful Nile River Valley Cooperative Framework (NRVCF) involving Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as well as Eritrea as an observer. The NRVCF has enough flexibility in the sense that two of the nations who are part of the Framework can have certain specific bilateral understanding or arrangements. What is significant is that every member nation must maintain total transparency on its plans about utilising the resources of the shared river and inform the states concerned of any project at hand.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has already demonstrated India’s big power ambitions by his proactive foreign policy push, will be well advised to come up with a comprehensive shared river water policy, keeping China’s plans and/or intents in mind. Delay may cost India dearly and we may have a case of non-utilisation of waters of shared rivers such as the Brahmaputra – one that has neither being tapped for hydro-power or navigation, 26 years after it was declared National Waterways Number Two.

3 Jul 2014


Brian and Garrett Fahy 

Since the 1648 Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years’ War, the conception of “Westphalian sovereignty” has been understood to mean that individual nation states control the sovereignty of their borders, without meddling by neighbor states, and that separate states stand on some degree of equal footing by respecting each other’s borders. For over 350 years, the system more or less worked, as endless wars have been fought to maintain borders and re-establish borders compromised by aggressors, e.g. the Sudetenland in World War 2.

However, globalization, the development of regional political entities (the EU), the rise of international institutions (the UN), and the development of non-state actors (al Qaeda), have challenged the Westphalian paradigm. Today, porous borders pose the greatest threats to states by facilitating political upheaval, economic chaos, and worst of all, terrorism, as on 9/11.

The effects of a porous border policy magnify the weaknesses of a leader by revealing the consequences of his ineptitude in ways other failings cannot. President Obama has countless such problems, but three border conflicts clearly illustrate the consequences of his incompetence, and the effects at home and abroad.

First, Ukraine. In the fall of 2013, Ukraine, a small light for freedom in a sea of post-Soviet political darkness, stood on the precipice of NATO membership. Vladimir Putin read the political tea leaves and disliked what he saw. After taking the measure of President Obama, no doubt an emboldening experience for the former KGBer, Putin sent his special forces, the Spetsnaz, into Eastern Ukraine to foment insurrection.

President Obama, asleep at the switch amidst the false confidence of his Administration’s pathetic “reset,” watched Russia make a mockery of Ukraine’s borders as it strolled into the Crimea and annexed it before NATO knew what was happening. Since then, Ukraine has been under siege by Moscow and has been subject to military and economic assault. Putin sets the agenda as statesman provocateur, while the president lamely sends the world’s most feckless diplomat, the wind-surfing John Kerry, to scold Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov. To no one’s great surprise, Lavrov politely ignores Kerry.
Second, Iraq. President Obama conveniently withdrew troops to match the political calendar so he could boast about ending the “dumb war.” He is the only one looking foolish now, as the stability Iraq enjoyed at Obama’s inauguration has given way to sectarian civil war. Hard fought American gains from the surge were lost in mere days as cities with familiar names – Mosul, Tikrit, Fallujah – fell back under terrorist control.

After quickly and easily overrunning Iraq’s fledgling army with weapons recently provided by the American taxpayer, ISIS promptly declared the existence of an Islamic caliphate. Reaching from Syria almost into Baghdad, the succinctly named entity, “The Islamic State,” renders non-existent almost overnight Iraq’s western border with Syria. In response, the president lamely sends 500 military advisers to protect the Americans who haven’t been evacuated. Faint echoes of Benghazi, or Saigon, can be heard.

Third, Mexico. Seeking political domination through an increased Latino vote, and not trifling with that annoyingly inconvenient co-equal branch of government called Congress, the President has by executive order re-written existing immigration laws, granted de facto legal status to millions of young illegal immigrants, and encouraged an open border.

Not surprisingly, Central America heard the message loud and clear. Hundreds of thousands of people, including children as young as ten, have made the dangerous trek through Mexico and across the border to the United States. If you travel as a family, the rumor goes, Obama will allow you to stay.

To accomplish this journey, many immigrants rely on the drug cartels for passage, to which they pay upwards of $7,000 per person for transport. The money is apparently not much of a deterrent, however. “This year, Border Patrol agents across the Southwest have detained more than 52,000 unaccompanied minors, with a particular concentration along the Rio Grande border in Texas, according to federal records,” reports the Los Angeles Times. The president’s actions have separated families, created a humanitarian disaster, brought violence and crime to the border areas of Texas and Arizona, and empowered the cartels. Quite the record.
Americans understand failure when they see it, and they are seeing it aplenty across the world. Or, if you live in El Paso, Texas, Murrieta, California, or Nogales, Arizona, in your own backyard. Unsurprisingly, a clear majority of respondents in recent New York Times/CBS News and Real Clear Politics polls disapprove of the president’s handling of Iraq and foreign affairs generally. It’s not difficult to imagine even worse poll results for his handling of the immigration disaster unfolding along the country’s southern border.

An America incapable of rising to meet the challenges of globalization at home and abroad produces only one result: a more dangerous, dysfunctional world. There is no back-up to America, no plan B, no other indispensable nation. Turkey will not root out radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. Mexico will not secure America’s borders. Americans know this, and they are increasingly willing to take action where Washington will not.

After outraged citizens of Murrieta, California turned away buses of illegal immigrants headed for a federal immigration processing facility there, Murrieta’s mayor Alan Long stated, “Murrieta expects our government to enforce our laws, including the deportation of illegal immigrants caught crossing our borders, not disperse them into our local communities.” Americans might not vote to send troops to Ukraine or Iraq, but they know when fecklessness abroad begins to take root at home. The time is coming when Americans will no longer put up with their government’s refusal or unwillingness to protect them and America’s sovereignty by securing our borders. Perhaps, God willing, that time is already here.


Japan: The Cabinet approved a change in the interpretation of the Constitution regarding Japan's right of self-defense. At an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, the Cabinet approved the "Cabinet Decision on Development of Seamless Security Legislation to Ensure Japan's Survival and Protect its People."

The Cabinet said that until the reinterpretation, the government could only authorize the use of force in the event of an armed attack against Japan. Under the new interpretation, Japan has broadened its definition of self-defense to include the right to collective self-defense.

The Cabinet said the government has concluded that the Constitution should be interpreted to permit the use of only necessary force for self-defense under certain conditions. It said these include an armed attack on a foreign country that has close relations with Japan, which poses a clear threat to Japan's survival and which threatens a fundamental overturning of people's rights.

Comment: The decision represents a milestone in Japanese strategic thinking. The idea of collective self-defense is not new. It has been debated for many years. For at least 20 years the US has urged Japan to broaden its definition of self-defense as a means of shifting more of the burden of Alliance costs and responsibilities to Japan.

The milestone is Prime Minister Abe's political judgment that the public supports adoption of a more assertive defense policy. This means that one of the cornerstones of international relations in the Pacific region that the US laid after World War II has been overturned. Asians are taking more responsibility for Asian security.

North Korean missile launches and nuclear tests have been influential in reshaping Japanese official and public attitudes about defense. Now, if North Korea threatens South Korea and the US by threatening to shoot a missile at US bases in Japan, Japan can act in self-defense as an Alliance member without waiting to be damaged first.

This is a particularly bad day for North Korea because its strategists can no longer presume that Japan would wait to be attacked before engaging North Korea in combat.

South Korea-North Korea: The Republic of Korea issued a short, formal statement rejecting North Korea's special proposal as insincere. It said in part, "If North Korea truly wants peace on the Korean Peninsula, it should not only stop its slander and provocative threats, but also show sincerity on resolving the nuclear issue, which is a fundamental threat to peace on the Korean Peninsula."

Comment: The North Koreans knew their proposal would be rejected and the South Koreans knew they knew. This pattern of exchange sometimes is the prelude to a provocation, justified by South Korea's rejection. The North Koreans won't stage an event that would embarrass Chinese President Xi during his visit to Seoul on Thursday, but they probably will use the exchange to coach Chinese leaders that the South rejects peace proposals.
Iraq: Military. An Iraqi press source reported that a Russian-supplied Su-25 ground attack aircraft flew today over Baghdad.

Most Iraqi news sources reported continued slow government progress to recover territory north of Baghdad in Salah-al-Din Governate and in Diyala, which is northeast of Baghdad. Government forces lost no ground in Anbar, which is west of Baghdad.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). In an audio message today, ISIL's leader called on Muslims to travel to Iraq and Syria to help build an Islamic state. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called on Muslims to immigrate to the "Islamic State", saying it was a duty. He made a "special call" for judges, doctors, engineers and people with military and administrative expertise.

Comment: ISIL is short of manpower. If government claims of ISIL casualties are close to accurate, ISIL is losing several hundred fighters a day. Government losses are understated, but ISIL does not appear capable of surviving that level of attrition.

Political. The first session of the new Council of Representatives (COR) on 1 July was supposed to be devoted to the swearing-in ceremony for 255 deputies and other housekeeping details associated with leadership. However, candidates for the posts of COR speaker, president, and prime minister were not nominated.

The session broke up in confusion and disarray. Lawmakers surfaced old grievances. Many were unfamiliar with the rules and the Constitution. Others insisted on threatening each other. After a break called to calm tempers, many Sunni and Kurdish deputies refused to return so that the session had to end for lack of a quorum.

The presiding deputy said the Council would reconvene on 8 July, provided the deputies can agree on the three leadership positions.

Comment: Several Iraqi commentators wrote that the mood was against al-Maliki, except in al-Maliki's political bloc, which is the largest single bloc in the council.

Turkey-Kurdistan-Iraq: Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said today that the Turkish Government opposes the separation of the Kurdistan Region from Iraq. He said, "Iraq should not be divided" and that "there is a state and a constitution in Iraq."

Comment: Arinc's formulation remains the official public policy of Turkey. Turkish policy appears to be disjointed. Turkey aided and abetted ISIL while it stayed in Syria. Now that ISIL refuses to recognize borders, Turkey must now oppose its proxy.

The leaders in Ankara don't seem to know what to do about the Iraqi Kurds to whom they are indebted for blocking ISIL's advance. The Islamic State claims Turkey too. If Iraq fractures, Turkey's unofficial support for a strong Iraqi Kurdistan might become official policy.

Ukraine-Russia: Russian President Putin condemned Ukraine for ending a truce with separatist rebels in the east. He said Ukrainian President Poroshenko must now bear direct responsibility for the conflict.

Putin vowed he would continue to defend ethnic Russians abroad, using all means available from humanitarian aid to "self-defense".
Putin also said the West was using the Ukraine crisis to destabilize the whole region as part of a policy to "contain" Russia. "We need some kind of insurance net around all of Europe so that the Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian - and unfortunately we have to mention the Ukrainian - scenarios do not become a contagious disease."

Comment: Poroshenko betrayed Putin. Relations are now reset. The crisis enters a new phase. Russia will even the score.

Nigeria: At least 56 people have been killed in an explosion at a market in Maiduguri in northeastern Nigeria, a medical worker said. The explosives were reportedly hidden in a vehicle carrying charcoal.

Comment: More Boko Haram work. The periodicity of attacks is daily. The frequency will soon be two or more a day.


Emmett Tyrrell

BOSA, SARDINIA -- That is right, you read "Bosa, Sardinia." Well, you might ask, how did I get into this place high atop vertiginous hills along the Temo River in western Sardinia with not another Yank for miles and only the Internet to keep me abreast of the Obama terror?

My Italian adventure began last summer in Rome. There my wife and I were sitting, having dinner with an Italian friend of 40 years, Antonio Martino, and his wife Carol. In his distinguished career he began teaching his Italian countrymen free market economics, which had he learned at the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman. Eventually, Italy came alive, and he served in the Berlusconi government as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense. Through the evening we had much to talk about, and when we shut down he invited us back to his summerhouse this summer.

Upon returning home my wife with superb efficiency booked our return flights for Sardinia in June and fun in the sun with the Martinos. She got an enviable discount for booking early and shortly thereafter I emailed Antonio with the good news. "Antonio," I wrote, "we arrive in Sardinia on June 21. Have a glass of red wine waiting!" Unfortunately, there was a snafu. Back came Antonio's reply, "Bob I am from Sicily not Sardinia." Alas our flights were booked. Our hotel reservations were made. My wife was adamant. We would go to Sardinia. And so here we are, and my only lifeline with America is the Internet.

Yet, Sardinia is full of surprises. All the local wine -- both white and red -- is very good and somewhat unusual. Both the whites and the reds are medium bodied but quite delicious. The fish -- after all this is a Mediterranean island -- is delicious. Finally, the pace of the island is slow -- just what we were looking for, though it would have been more amusing with Antonio.
En route to Bosa we stopped off at La Speranza, a very cozy -- if remote -- beach for a swim and a fine lunch, which reminded me again of the old apothegm: "You cannot get a bad meal in Italy." As I say, the beach was lovely and the Italians frolicking with their children made a very agreeable scene. Yet there was a discordant note. Down the beach, to the north, tucked ever so tastefully, in fact unobtrusively, into the foliage were two angry-looking concrete edifices. Upon closer observation they appeared to be concrete pillboxes with menacing slots for machine guns. I asked the jolly Italian lifeguards, members of the rising generation, what these concrete monstrosities might be. They did not know and in their insouciance did not care.

A bit later we stopped by the beachside restaurant for lunch, where the waiters were older than the lifeguards and mindful of the Italian past. One answered, "Germans." The scales fell from our eyes. These edifices were German pillboxes. They and those like them in the hills above would have made heavy weather of it for any invasion during World War II. The Sardinians had not chosen to eliminate them. It would be too expensive.

We climbed up to the two pillboxes above the beach and discovered that one was inhabited by squatters, complete with their lounge chairs and drying laundry. Once again history makes a fool out of Hitler.
These fortifications never saw action in World War II. On July 10, 1943, the Allies executed Operation Husky, choosing to invade Italy through Sicily. Sardinia was spared. Unlike the pillboxes along the coast of Normandy these pillboxes never saw action, which leaves them as silent testimonials to a terrible war -- as they peer down on the frolicking Italian families, they represent the war that might have been. Call it trouble in paradise.


Jackie Cushman

We declared our independence from Great Britain 238 years ago this week. It was a declaration long in coming, brought about by the overreaching rule of King George III and Britain's insistence on taxation without representation.
The taxation began in the 1760s, the Boston Massacre occurred in 1770, the Boston Tea Party in 1993 and the Battles of Lexington and Concord in April of 1775.

Patrick Henry's call to action, "Give me liberty or give me death," was the first strong public statement that, if we were to be free, if we were to have liberty, then we would have to fight Britain. Prior to Henry's speech to the gathering of Virginia delegates in Richmond, the prevailing belief was that we could negotiate with Britain.

Henry laid down the gauntlet and clearly presented his understanding of what we were facing.

Our choice was liberty or death.

Our founders chose to take the challenge and declared our Independence from Britain on July 4, 1776.

Our Declaration of Independence is a three-part document: the first a declaration of freedom, including our understanding of the natural order of authority and power; the second a long list of grievances, reinforcing the belief that there was no choice but to declare our independence as a free country; the third an acknowledgment of risk and the oath of the signers to one another.

The first section is the one that is most often quoted: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
The second part, less often referenced, lays out the reasoning for why we were seeking independence, a reasoning that included a long list of grievances against King George III.

Our founders concluded the document with the pledge to each other and an invocation of God. Knowing that their declaration would be seen as an act of treason by the king, the signers also knew that, if they were not successful, they would risk losing their lives.

This document declared us free, outlined the foundational understanding of our rights, from whom they came, and our responsibilities to maintain them.

According to a Gallup poll released this week, "the percentage of Americans dissatisfied with the freedom to choose what they do with their lives more than doubled, from 9 percent to 21 percent." (Face-to-face and telephone interviews with approximately 1,000 adults per country, sampling error ranges from plus/minus 1.7 percentage points to plus/minus 5.6 percentage points.) The same release from Gallup speculated that, "the decline in perceived freedom among Americans could be attributed to the U.S. economy."

It also speculated that, "another possible explanation for the decline in freedom is how Americans feel about their government." Gallup noted that 79 percent of Americans believe that "corruption is widespread throughout the government."

Additionally, "Americans' confidence in all three branches of the U.S. government has fallen, reaching record lows for the Supreme Court (30 percent) and Congress (7 percent), and a six-year low for the presidency (29 percent)," based on another Gallup poll (conducted June 5-8, sample of 1,027, plus/minus 4 points).

The introduction of our Declaration of Independence provides for recourse if government becomes destructive to individual rights, "to alter or to abolish it," meaning the government.

As Americans increasingly believe that our government is corrupt and cannot be trusted, our responsibility, based on our Declaration of Independence, to alter our government becomes more clear and more compelling.

Just as our founding fathers fought for our freedom more than 200 years ago, so must we continue to fight to ensure that our government remains ours and our freedoms remain intact.


Michael Schaus

Well… I’m starting to run out of places to shop. Target Corporation (TGT) made the announcement on Wednesday that they have acquiesced to the Bloomberg fanatics who believe no-one should be armed while shopping. The company (politely) asked customers to keep their guns at home the next time they wander in for a DVD or Cuisinart.

Of course, it’s not all bad news. After all, a Target store in San Antonio recently booted anti-gun activists from its store. The Bloomberg inspired group, Moms Demand Action (moms I know carry .380 automatics), was asked to leave the premises as they petitioned shoppers to sign a ban on open carry.

So, when taken in the context of recent events, it kinda looks like the retail chain simply wants to be left out of the gun/anti-gun debate. And really, who can blame them? Picket signs, petition drives, and even AR-15s aren’t always good for business. I mean, sure, Target is creating a “solution” to an imaginary problem by banning gun-loving America… But they’re not exactly doing this in a vacuum.

Now, don’t get me wrong: Their decision is absurd. It’s pretty well documented that “gun free” zones tend to advertise a victim-rich environment to would-be criminals. Jack in the Box learned this the hard way when armed robbers took advantage of newly disarmed customers, mere days after the company declared their new anti-gun policy. And, if you really need proof of failure, just look at America’s favorite gun-free zone: Chicago.

A far more amicable solution might have been to allow local laws to preempt store-wide policies on firearms. But, Target is a business… And those who run it have every right in the world to make stupid, ill-informed, or even unfair decisions. Heck, they’re even allowed to make wrong decisions. But their decision does bring up an interesting point about the tactic of open carrying for Second Amendment rights:

In all honesty, recent high-profile open carry stunts have done little to help the proliferation of firearm rights. In fact, it has hurt the cause. And this isn’t the opinion of one “carry advocate” with a Townhall column… Even Open Carry Texas seems to understand that there are potential pitfalls to toting an AK around the grocery aisle of your local Super Target.
Smashburger, Jack in the Box, Wendy’s, Applebees, Chipotle, Starbucks, and even Chili’s have asked patrons to start leaving their guns at home… And most (not all) of these decisions were made Bloomberg minions rallied in response to ill-advised open carry demonstrations. Now, I’m going out on a limb here, but I have to assume that an expanded prohibition on firearm-friendly-policies is not what open carry activists had in mind when they started their organized patronage.

But, welcome to the world in which we live. Movements, people, and even activists are generally judged by their ability to affect positive change. Prior to these most recent skirmishes, many of these locations allowed carry (provided it was in compliance with local laws) on their premises. Now things have changed… And not for the better. Now, please: don’t misunderstand me… I’m a very pro-gun guy. I have a 1911 on my hip right now because – well – because I’m awake. (And even when I’m asleep, it’s not far away.) But, if we are going to judge the activist-open-carry movement by its results, it appears to be a failure.

If the goal is to expand gun rights, let’s try not to bog ourselves down in skirmishes with national retail chains who are primarily interested in avoiding controversy. After all, discriminating against law-abiding citizens is in vogue; but discriminating against the main-stream media, Michael Bloomberg, and rabid-anti-gunners is generally viewed by CEOs and investors as corporate suicide.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that presentation goes a long way in making, or breaking, a political point. Target is absolutely (without qualification) wrong for trying to ban law-abiding armed citizens from their stores. They may, or may not, feel the pain of their decision as gun-owners begin foregoing their visits to the newly created “victim-rich” retail stores… But, Target’s main goal of avoiding prolonged exposure in the media over a controversial social issue has been achieved.

Battles are launched in an effort to win wars… So, yeah: Moms Demand Action won this battle. Target is wrong. But, it is now up to Second Amendment advocates to make sure they are taking steps that perpetuate their cause – not infringe upon the lives of sympathetic supporters.

And, just to make it clear, here’s a quick guide on how to open carry in a way that disarms the ideologically bankrupt Bloomberg groups who lobby for the dissolution of gun rights:


 Sonia Hukil

The recent geo-strategic positioning of China in the maritime domain has been much talked about. With this in view, the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), in collaboration with National Maritime Foundation (NMF), engaged few prominent dignitaries in a discussion on “China’s Maritime March West”. The seminar was chaired by Adm. Pradeep Kaushiva. Briefly, Mr. Jayadeva Ranade mentioned about China’s strategic focus in the Indian Ocean by delving into China’s pursuit for reinforcing its navy and to exert a legitimate presence in the Indian Ocean. He concluded that there is urgency for India to prepare for gear up its navy for any anomaly in the region.Cdr. Kamlesh K Agnihotri interpreted China’s maritime activities in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. Taking the discussion further, Ms. Teshu Singh spoke on the perspectives from the littorals and explained the reactions from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan, on the maritime security. Cdr. Gurpreet S Khurana provided an analysis of the geo-strategic implications of China’s increasing presence in the Indian Ocean, both in terms of maritime security and regional stability.

Admiral (Retd.) Pradeep Kaushiva
Director, National Maritime Foundation

Given China’s geographical location, it is possible for China to access the world via three different directions: eastwards across the Pacific, westwards across Central Asia or westwards via south to the South China Sea (SCS). Historically, China went west in the first instance via the silk route and eventually reached Europe. Today, China is positioned across the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), the Mediterranean, the west coast of Africa, and continues to reach out globally. However, there has been no historical record for it to have crossed the Pacific. Furthermore, China’s dependency on Africa for its resources, West Asia’s energy lines and its stretch across the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) makes many practitioners question the strategic contours of China’s maritime engagement.

A focus on four different aspects of China’s presence in the maritime domain will help stimulate a discussion on the issue:

•China’s strategic focus in the IOR; and an analysis of China’s pursuit of reinforcing its navy and exerting a legitimate presence in the Indian Ocean.

•Interpretation of China’s maritime activities in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea (SCS).

•The perspectives from the littorals, especially reactions from Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Pakistan, on maritime security.

•An analysis of the geostrategic implications of China’s increasing presence in the Indian Ocean, both in terms of maritime security and regional stability.

Jayadeva Ranade
Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi

Since the mid 1970s, China has had a deep desire of exerting its influence in the IOR. Several Chinese articles circulating around the mid and early 1970s viewed the identification of the IOR with great scepticism. For them, the Indian Ocean should not have been termed the ‘Indian' Ocean.  However, no provocation existed at that time due to negligible competition between India and China. China always had a clear ambition of establishing its dominance in the IOR, which reflected in its national policies. In the 1980s, China, pursuing its ambition of developing into a regional naval power, appointed military officials for constructing and modernising its navy. This was achieved by following two trajectories: first, while planning the construction of ships, a ground work for “Self-Reliance” in the defence field was laid, which was viewed crucial at the time. Second, a major ship building program was initiated for construction of new shipyards, where new fighter ships could be built.

China’s initial priorities consisted of building a capacity of deterring and denying the foreign powers from gaining access into the SCS. Their primary focus was on building a fleet of submarines and missiles. Over the years, a lot of progress has been made in these two arenas. Several adequate markers point to China’s maritime ambitions and capabilities, such as the entry of the Chinese Navy flotilla extensively for anti-piracy operations. Successful flotillas comprising of different ships remain present in the area, demonstrating the capacity of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) for carrying out different operations. In 2008, the first flotilla entered the IOR, followed by a navy fleet public demonstration, marking the arrival of the Chinese Navy at the international stage. In 2009, China gathered increased attention in its naval capacity and sought to develop aircraft carriers.

An aircraft carrier is a manifestation of power, which is ideal at operating in the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. In 2011, photos of aircraft carriers under construction flourished on the Chinese military websites. Another Chinese ambition was the initiation of an unmanned underwater vessels program in order to improve the quality of their control and the depth to which they could progress in the IOR.

Beijing has been determined to exert its influence in the IOR. As for its dominance in the Pacific, it remains unperturbed and has left it to the US. The allocation of the seabed for resource exploitation by the International Seabed Authority (ISA) gives China legitimacy in remaining in the Indian Ocean. Interestingly, China has ensured continued legitimacy in the region for a long period. Beijing has proposed two plans in this regard: first, a rail link between Beijing up to Madrid serving as a cargo transplant and second, a rail link from Beijing through Turkey up to London and finally to India. Chinese plans mesh very neatly with their boundless national interest. As for India, it is time for it to catch up to their counterparts. The speed with which China is reaching its objectives must be a grave matter of concern for India so as to not get overshadowed in the near future.

Commodore Kamlesh K Agnihotri
Research Fellow, National Maritime Foundation

The doctrine tactics and procedures of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) all emanate from a combined military strategy of “Active Defence.” The naval component of the “Active Defence” strategic guidelines is the off-shore defence strategy. The PLAN’s tasks have been divided into two parts: traditional (inclusive of maintaining constant combat readiness; national, defence and coastal security) and non-traditional (comprising of supporting economic and social development; rescue of oversees personnel; disaster relief; anti-piracy missions; port visits etc.). These strategies translate into maritime activities in terms of two imperatives: securing their maritime interests, endeavours and boundless national interest and also the need for a growing power to find larger operating space, and striving for greater global presence. This has enabled capacity-building of the PLAN for “Blue Water” roles for effective distant water missions. It has also resulted in a quantitative up-scaling of civilian maritime activities – an indication China’s presence and purpose.
Post the deployment of the PLAN’s 15th and 16th task force – covering Kenya, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, South Africa, among others – China had circumscribed the African continent. This was initiated with a well-planned vision of building linkages in West Asia, North East and West Africa. Chinese activities in the IOR consist of anti-piracy escort missions in the Gulf of Aden; participation in the ‘Aman’ maritime exercises etc. Its first ever symbolic exercise in IOR is south of the Lombok Strait.

Chinese activities in the Pacific are also significant. They comprise of regular maritime exercises beyond the 1st Island Chain; and the first ‘Three Fleet’ Joint Exercise in East China Sea; extensive work up of aircraft carrier ‘Liaoning;’ an aircraft carrier in the SCS; and naval diplomacy, among others.

China is following their economic and boundless national interest which is protected by the PLAN. As a result, India stands to be affected first and to the greatest degree since the passing PLAN ships would continuously keep them in midst of critical Indian maritime area; threaten SLOCs security; negatively affect India’s naval operations and constrain maritime space for training and other exercises. For the near future, there seems to be no scope for a short-term resolution between India and China. One can only hope for the maintenance of a stable equilibrium between the two.

Teshu Singh
Coordinator, China Research Programme, Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, New Delhi

Today, a new kind of geopolitics is evolving in the IOR. The region is no more a just a highway. It has become economically, strategically and politically important for all the powers. However, the most important development is the emerging role of the IOR littoral states.

There are asymmetries of power in the region with big, small and external powers taking keen interest. Smaller powers such as, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan and Bangladesh have the flexibility to meet their national interest by playing with their strengths and the major powers’ dependence on them.

Major Powers that look at the Indian Ocean as a dynamic region – one that is vital to their power and commercial ambitions – find it difficult to sustain their stakes without some support and acceptance by smaller powers. The construction of the Indian Ocean into the IOR has therefore complicated the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean with the shift to new geographies – that enhance the representation of smaller powers and the increasing stakes of major and dominant powers in the IOR.

These developments will have serious challenges to the Indian Ocean security initiatives. An Indian Ocean Security regime is still taking shape, but it is still in a very nascent stage. In the given scenario, India and China have major stakes in the region. The new regional security architecture will have to take into account all the factors, especially that of the littorals.

Commodore Gurpreet S Khurana
Research Fellow, National Maritime Foundation

While the broad contours of China’s maritime strategy is amply clear, accessing China’s increasing strategic presence in the IOR in a very objective way has become the necessity.
Social Constructivist’s view of positive-sum would help in understanding both positive and adverse implications of China’s march west into the IOR. Common stakes in the IOR are security of maritime trade/energy flow; safety of seafarers; access to natural resources (including the sea-bed) and economic connectivity – for further sustaining Asia’s ‘rise’. Salient challenges in the IOR are piracy and other maritime crimes; terrorism; adverse effects of climate change; maritime disasters; geographical constraints for economic connectivity; and naval access for China in the IOR. India encounters a similar predicament in the Western Pacific. Facilitating factors between India and China are the ongoing operational coordination and information-sharing for countering piracy and China’s quest to be a part of IOR security mechanism; enhancing cooperation on China’s ‘Maritime Silk Road’ concept; and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor. Possible outcomes for such cooperation would be: PLAN complementing IOR naval capacity for humanitarian missions in the region, and security cooperation leading to major sea-borne commerce and economic integration of not only the IOR but also of broader Asian region.

On one hand, maintaining the regional stability in the IOR is important for securing economic investment, markets and citizens of the region. On the contrary, intra-state separatist tendencies, economic disparity leading to socioeconomic instability and fragile political systems of the region are major challenges for maintaining stability.

Facilitating factors are China’s “historic mission” for stability and humanitarian operations in the region which will discourage it from being a ‘free-rider’ during a regional crisis – that has been the case so far. Multi-faceted regional integration in the IOR will pave the way for crystallisation of norms for regional and extra-regional stakeholders that could enhance China’s stakes in the Region – further reducing the risk of regional instability.

Viewing through the realist’s view of the Zero-Sum concept, assumptions are: China wants to displace the US’ influence and create a favourable balance of power in the region–by improving ties with India. However, China’s ‘March West’ could be also seen as answer to India’s ‘Look East’ Policy. Aggravating factors in the region are: the debate over the String of Pearls that it is just a ‘sleeper facility’ or military utility; the demonstration of Chinese naval power in the Lombok Strait and other regions; increasing focus of the US rebalance strategy in the Western Pacific; China’s disregard for international norms, Chinese arms sales to the IOR littorals guided by self-interest. Possible outcomes in view of this development are: China could draw the IOR states from democracy; regional arms race; skirmishes the between PLAN and the IOR navies; China-US conflict in the West Pacific can spill into the IOR, and India-China conflict across the Line of Actual Control escalating horizontally to the Indian Ocean etc.
In the Indian perspective, China’s presence in the IOR may lead to increased avenues of maritime and economic cooperation. However, a strong Chinese naval presence in the Region would weaken India’s overall conventional deterrence against China. Future course of action for India could be strengthening operational coordination; standing agreement for mutual assistance; development of operational compatibility among navies leading to mutual trust; code of conduct for international naval encounters at sea and building strategic deterrence vis-à-vis China. It could also reinforce its partnerships with the US and the IOR littoral states.

•Is China only focused on the IOR or they are interested in going west from north as well?
•Military bases are a double-edged sword. Military bases could be counter-productive not only in terms of opposition from local forces but also from the vulnerability of operationality.
•If China is exercising an ‘aggressive maritime strategy’ in the region, how can Beijing ignore that all the Southeast Asian countries could unite against it?
•What could be the implications of the increasing population of Chinese citizens in the IOR and Pacific Islands?
•Is there any hope for peace and stability in the IOR, when so many great powers (read US and China) are involved in pursuing their own self-interests?

•China is looking for holistic presence in all maritime hotspots. China is trying to get access to every feasible area in the region and beyond. However, they follow a dualistic policy on different platforms. On the global scene, China would like to be in a bipolar world but on the regional scene they would like to be unipolar.
•China is not going to be a world power in recent future. While they have indeed signaled their intention, translating it into capability would take many years. It would take decades for the Chinese aircraft carriers to exercise sea control in the IOR. However, China’s nuclear submarines have tremendous power and endurance, which is worrisome for India.
•Maritime peace and stability in IOR is a difficult aim to achieve due to the complexity of the region, based on different languages, cultures, religions and traditions.
•Repercussions of Chinese bases are not dependent on China’s preferences but on those of the littoral states of the IOR.
•For the first time in history, the US influence is relatively decreasing in the IOR. India has also become vulnerable in its own area. Therefore, appropriate action should be taken to secure New Delhi’s interests.
•For the next two to three decades, China will be look to establish support systems for the deployment for the security of maritime resource generation, trade and energy lines. China will have self-defendant units but they do not have capability to defend geographical areas.


 D Suba Chandran

It all started during the third week of last month in Pakistan. The Punjab police raided the office of Tahirul Qadri, the maverick “Visiting” political leader of Pakistan, in the garb of clearing the encroachments made as a part of securing the Minhajul Quran headquarters of the latter. In the process, there was violence, and few supporters of Qadri were killed during the police action.

Subsequently when Tahirul Qadri decided to come back from Canada to lead a revolution in Pakistan, his flight was re-routed to Lahore, instead of landing in Islamabad. By refusing to exit from the plane, but actively engage the media sitting within the place, not only he caused considerable mayhem, but also gained significant political mileage for himself.

What makes some of our politicians, who have left the country under one pretext or another to return? What do they gain in doing so, or do they play to a different script written by someone else within the country? And in the process, do they really add value to the democratic process, or end up in becoming a nuisance for themselves and the larger nation that they profess to serve?

Certainly, Tahirul Qadri is not the first political leader in Pakistan, who has decided to return. In the recent years, Pervez Musharraf returned to Pakistan after a self imposed exile; unfortunately, the return has been a huge disaster for him. He did not get the reception he expected, or thought he deserved. There were no mammoth rallies welcoming him back to Pakistan, nor the political paradigm within Pakistan shifted. For many he was just a former dictator and responsible for many of contemporary ills of Pakistan.

Worse, for Musharraf, the cases in judiciary and Nawaz Sharif as the Prime Minister did not help at all. More than being a saviour of Pakistan, he was treated as an accused and had to be hidden in the hospital. The media did not give a positive coverage, nor did the political parties which benefitted under his rule came openly for his support. Today Musharraf is a sorry figure within Pakistan’s political landscape. He would have been better, had he not returned to Pakistan.

Another leader, who had a totally opposite reception (to that of Musharraf) within Pakistan was Benazir Bhutto. Not just once, twice she came back from an exile and both time she got a historical reception. Following the death of Zia ul Haq, the then military ruler of Pakistan, Benazir returned to Pakistan in 1988; she was received by a mammoth crowd, ultimately resulting in her becoming the Prime Minister for the first time. Though her government did not complete the full term, the reception to her return was grand.

After another exile during the last decade during Musharraf’s period, she returned to Pakistan for the second time in 2007. She got a bigger reception; in fact those who opposed her return were so terrified about her leadership and the popular support, she had to be assassinated brutally while she was leading an election campaign.

Now back to Tahirul Qadri, he is neither Musharraf nor Benazir. He has a small constituency inside Pakistan. With no stretch of imagination, this constituency of Qadri, which is a part of his educational and social welfare institutions, can help their leader lead a revolution.  Though he is also the leader of Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), a political party founded in 1989 by himself, it hardly has any popular support and will find it difficult to garner votes and win seats in any free and fair elections.
In fact, it was the police action against his Headquarters by the Punjab Police, and the diversion of his plane from Islamabad to Lahore, which has provided him a larger profile. Why did the Sharif brothers commit such a blunder? And why did Qadri decide to return in the first place?
This is not the first time that Qadri had decided to return to Pakistan from Canada. Holding the citizenship of Canada, he came immediately before the elections in 2013. His objective at that time was confusing; in fact many within Pakistan believed he is playing someone else’s agenda (read the intelligence agencies) in terms of derailing the electoral process and democracy in Pakistan. His idea of creating a “revolution” in Pakistan in 2012 envisaged a “million men march” against corruption, dissolution of Parliament and impractical electoral reforms. Less than 30,000 people took part in his million men march; however, the much abused Zardari handled the Qadri “revolution” better by allowing his march, making his “million men” claim a popular joke in electronic and social media. Qadri was engaged politically by the government, resulting in signing a declaration but ending his return to Pakistan as a comical affair.

His second return last month was dealt differently by the Sharif brothers. As mentioned above, the Punjab Police used force, which was thoroughly rebutted by the media and people. Qadri did not become a hero, but the government was seriously criticized. Worse, was the decision to re-route his flight.

Why did the government get jittery? And what did Qadri achieve in his second coming. To the first question, perhaps the government, especially the Sharif brothers smell a conspiracy in his return. During the last few months, the civil-military relations within Pakistan appear strained. The decision to talk to the Taliban, the gap between the civilian and intelligence agencies in dealing with Hamid Mir and Geo Channel and the Musharraf trial had created tension between the Prime Minister and the GHQ.

The sudden decision by Imran Khan to question the election results along with Tahirul Qadri’s proposed revolution makes a section within the government to believe that there is a conspiracy by the military and intelligence agencies against the elected government.

The role of security agencies in the return of an exiled (self or otherwise) leader is a reality in this region. However, their success is dependent on the popular support for them. This is where, the Sharif brothers over did; they could have allowed Qadri to return and organise a “million men” march with 30,000 people; except for being a nuisance value and blocking the traffic and throwing the ordinary life out of normalcy for a couple of days in Islamabad, Qadri could not have achieve much. In fact, even today, after the mis-handling of his return, there is not much support for Qadri within Pakistan. Zardari did that and made Qadri a sorrow figure; Sharif brothers did the opposite and ended up increasing Qadri’s profile.

Besides the intelligence agencies, do other factors result in the return of these leaders? Perhaps, for few, such as Musharraf, there is a self perception of a messiah, who strongly believe that they could lead their country. Musharraf’s return was more a result of his own perception about his popularity, than based on any realistic assessment. There are many such individuals, not only in political field, but also in cultural, business and sports fields, who suffer from this messiah syndrome.

Finally, the sycophants and that small section, which would benefit monetarily, also play a substantial role in boosting the ego of the leaders, resulting in their return.
But have such returns helped the country? Except for Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, there are no such case studies. This shows the need for a strong party network at the ground level and the political experience of leaders and the party as primary reasons for successful returns. Else, they will end up as disasters. South Asia has witnessed numerous such returns in different fields.

2 Jul 2014


Walter E. Williams 

A couple of years ago, President Barack Obama, speaking on the economy, told an audience in Osawatomie, Kansas: "'The market will take care of everything,' they tell us. ... But here's the problem: It doesn't work. It has never worked. ... I mean, understand, it's not as if we haven't tried this theory." To believe what the president and many others say about the market's not working requires that one be grossly uninformed or dishonest.
The key features of a free market system are private property rights and private ownership of the means of production. In addition, there's a large measure of peaceable voluntary exchange. By contrast, communist systems feature severely limited private property rights and government ownership or control of the means of production. There has never been a purely free market economic system, just as there has never been a purely communist system. However, we can rank economies and see whether ones that are closer to the free market end of the economic spectrum are better or worse than ones that are closer to the communist end. Let's try it.

First, list countries according to whether they are closer to the free market or the communist end of the economic spectrum. Then rank countries according to per capita gross domestic product. Finally, rank countries according to Freedom House's "Freedom in the World" report. People who live in countries closer to the free market end of the economic spectrum not only have far greater income than people who live in countries toward the communist end but also enjoy far greater human rights protections.

According to the 2012 "Economic Freedom of the World" report -- by James Gwartney, Robert Lawson and Joshua Hall -- nations ranking in the top quartile with regard to economic freedom had an average per capita GDP of $37,691 in 2010, compared with $5,188 for those in the bottom quartile. In the freest nations, the average income of the poorest 10 percent of their populations was $11,382. In the least free nations, it was $1,209. Remarkably, the average income of the poorest 10 percent in the economically freer nations is more than twice the average income of those in the least free nations.

Free market benefits aren't only measured in dollars and cents. Life expectancy is 79.5 years in the freest nations and 61.6 years in the least free. Political and civil liberties are considerably greater in the economically free nations than in un-free nations.
Leftists might argue that the free market doesn't help the poor. That argument can't even pass the smell test. Imagine that you are an unborn spirit and God condemned you to a life of poverty but gave you a choice of the country in which to be poor. Which country would you choose? To help with your choice, here are facts provided by Robert Rector and Rachel Sheffield in their report "Understanding Poverty in the United States: Surprising Facts About America's Poor." Eighty percent of American poor households have air conditioning. Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more. Almost two-thirds have cable or satellite TV. Half have one or more computers. Forty-two percent own their homes. The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France and the U.K. Ninety-six percent of poor parents stated that their children were never hungry because they could not afford food. The bottom line is that there is little or no material poverty in the U.S.

At the time of our nation's birth, we were poor, but we established an institutional structure of free markets and limited government and became rich. Those riches were achieved long before today's unwieldy government. Our having a free market and limited government more than anything else explains our wealth. Most of our major problems are a result of government. We Americans should recognize that unfettered government and crony capitalism, not unfettered markets, are the cause of our current economic problems and why the U.S. has sunk to the rank of 17th in the 2013 "Economic Freedom of the World" report.


Cliff May

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL -- I pay lots of taxes. Some of my money supports U.S. Special Forces, and that pleases me. I have no problem helping fund the U.S. Park Service or the Centers for Disease Control. I am, however, a tad uneasy about my tax dollars -- and yours --going to support terrorists.

You think I’m joking? The U.S. government gives more than $400 million a year to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Last week, the Israeli prime minister’s office presented figures on the PA’s payments to terrorists imprisoned in Israel: In 2011-2012, the PA’s Ministry of Prisoners Affairs transferred $150 million to imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, and the families of terrorists. Some prisoners are better paid than Palestinian police officers.

One might argue that these payments are charity – that most of the money goes to women and children who have no breadwinner at home. But Palestinian Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake has not made that argument. He recently said that the salaries are paid “out of esteem for [the] sacrifice and struggle” of those who, under Palestinian laws, are seen as “martyrs,” “prisoners of war,” and resistors of “occupation.”

In other words, both incentives and rewards are in place for the killing of Israelis (and, in some cases, Americans and other foreigners) anywhere in Israel – not only in the so-called Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

The salaries reflect the severity of the crimes. A terrorist serving a five to 10 year sentence gets $1,200 a month, a terrorist serving 25 to 30 years receives $2,900, and those serving sentences of more than 30 years – for example, for the mass murder of women and children – is eligible for $3,500.
At a congressional hearing in Washington in April, Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) asked Assistant Secretary of State Anne W. Patterson: “If the PA is paying for terrorists in prison, we ought to also be willing to hit them with some economic sanctions of that sort, don't you agree?” Ambassador Patterson replied: “I think they plan to phase it out.”

Two months later, Hamas, the U.S.-government designated terrorist entity that rules Gaza, publicly ended its often lethal, seven-year feud with the PA, which rules the West Bank. The two entities announced a “government of national unity.”

Among the changes this new government has announced: The Ministry of Prisoner Affairs is moving from the PA to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and being renamed the “Authority of Prisoners’ Affairs.”

The PLO, and its political party, Fatah, are usually described as the main forces within the PA. In fact, there are no clear lines separating the three – and all are headed by Mahmoud Abbas. (To be fair, Abbas has said many times that he opposes terrorism, that it is unhelpful to the Palestinian cause. Also to be fair, he has never taken serious steps to end anti-Israeli incitement or eliminate financial incentives for terrorism.)

Speaking on official PA TV on June 5, PA spokesman Ehab Bessaiso explained with refreshing candor the reason for the name-change and bureaucratic shuffle. Doing so, he said, will "provide political and legal cover" and "eliminate arguments ... that [foreign] aid money [to the PA] is going to the prisoners."

The interviewer asked if it was correct to say that the prisoners’ “rights -- under a ministry that became an authority -- will remain the same." Bessaiso said that was correct: salaries will continue to be paid as usual, no changes, no interruptions.

Where the PLO and Fatah get their funds is something of a mystery. Presumably from the PA but also probably from the Palestine National Fund (PNF), which has been described in the past as a PLO clearinghouse. Testifying recently before the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa, my colleague, Jonathan Schanzer, recommended that Congress attempt to determine whether the U.S. directly or indirectly funds the PNF.

Under current U.S. law, aid is prohibited to any Palestinian government that has “undue” Hamas presence or influence. The Obama administration argues that despite the creation of the unity government, so long as the ministries within the “unity” government are run by “technocrats” with no formal Hamas affiliations, American funds may continue to flow. The administration adds that these funds provide “leverage.”

Republican Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois and Marco Rubio of Florida don’t see it quite that way. They have termed the White House position an “end run” around the law and called for a suspension and review of aid to the PA. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) has suggested that, at the least, further conditions should be attached to U.S. assistance. On June 2, Rep. Nina Lowey (D-NY) said that unless Hamas adopts pro-peace policies “funding for this unity government is in jeopardy.”
Ten days after she said that, three Israelis teenagers (one of them also a U.S. citizenship) were kidnapped while hitchhiking near the West Bank settlement of Gush Etzion. On Monday their bodies were found, partially buried, less than 12 miles from where they had been abducted.

Israeli authorities have named two Hamas members as suspects, adding that the pair acted with the knowledge and approval of senior Hamas political officials. In particular, suspicions are focusing on Saleh Arouri, the founder of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades who, according to multiple sources, is based in Turkey. “I have no doubt that al-Arouri was connected to the act,” an unnamed security official told The Times of Israel.
Should any of those responsible for the kidnappings and murders end up in an Israeli prison, they may be eligible for $3,500 a month. Some of that money may come from American taxpayers like me and you. I can imagine better uses for our hard-earned dollars. We will soon learn how many members of Congress agree.


Erica Wanis

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:1-2, NIV.

As a Christian, I'm quite familiar with this passage, and always took it as an admonition against the kind of "worldly" sins addressed in this particular Pauline epistle. Be honest, love your neighbor, don't be a lover of material things, shun the pleasures of the flesh, etc...

Recently, however, I've begun to consider these words in a different, more fundamental way. The seemingly endless litany of scandals rocking the Obama Administration is largely responsible for this. Like most conservatives, I'm outraged and horrified at the conduct of our President and his appointees. His willingness to abuse Executive authority with impunity and his cavalier attitude about the responsibilities of his office seems to betray a contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the principles it embodies. His reticence to exert American influence and leadership in foreign affairs is condemnable. His blithe dismissal of issues like the Benghazi terror attack and the IRS targeting debacle as "phony scandals" bespeaks an arrogance of massive proportions. His refusal to enforce immigration laws is leading to a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. The Middle East is imploding.

One could go on and on. Predictably, the frustration on the Right is epic, and it's not just directed at the Oval Office. The impression among many is that President Obama has been aided and abetted by a complicit Congress, including "establishment" Republicans who are more concerned about feathering their own political nests than they are about representing the people and principles that got them where they are. People are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore; or at least, they aren't going to keep voting for the same people they've been voting for. It's time for change! Time to throw the bums out and install some fresh blood – people of principle who will not betray their constituents at the first opportunity.

The Tea Party is often the group seen to represent this sentiment, but on the Left the same dynamic is present to some extent in movements like Occupy Wall Street. There is a general feeling that something's gone terribly wrong in Washington – in America – and that something major needs to happen in order to set things right.
And here's where I've begun to see a problem. On both the Right and the Left, the perpetual tendency is to place the mantle of blame on specific, iconic bogeymen. For the Right, of course, the root of all evil and dysfunction in Washington lies with President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder and their ideological ilk. On the Left it's "Wall Street," the infamous Koch brothers, Fox News, and pretty much anything "big," e.g. Big Business, Big Oil, Big Pharma, etc. And of course Dick Cheney. Always Dick Cheney.

"If we could just neutralize these influences and infuse the system with people who think like us," goes the sentiment, "everything would be okay. Government would be ethical and society would be just. Prosperity and equity would reign and America would finally live up to the promise of her founding ideals."

Would that this were true, but it's not. The entire government could be taken over by an ideological majority of one stripe or another and it's quite likely that ultimately very little would change. This is because it's not Progressive people or Conservative people or Libertarian people that are the problem, per se, but people in general. People are the problem, and Power is the problem.

I capitalize the word Power in tribute to French philospher Bertrand de Jouvenel, who wrote his seminal work, On Power, as World War II raged. For Jouvenel, Power is not merely a tool used to achieve an objective, but a self-serving force that seeks first and foremost to aggrandize itself. Power seeks above all else, more power for its own sake. This maxim has been true in all times and in all places but has been allowed to flourish with particular vigor, suggests Jouvenel, under the mantle of democratic liberalism. Mark Mitchell, professor of Political Theory at Patrick Henry College and editor-in-chief of Front Porch Republic (a website "dedicated to political decentralism, economic localism, and cultural regionalism") articulates well Jouvenel's insights into the seemingly intractable relationship between power and the modern nation state:

The social contract theories of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau argued that sovereignty originally resides in individuals who are absolutely free and equal in a state of nature. People freely cede their rights to the sovereign in order to gain the benefits of civil and political order. But in a regime based on popular sovereignty, there is little distrust of Power, for Power is wielded by the people, and no one would oppress himself. The limits that were placed on Power in the Medieval world were seen as superfluous in the new age of rule by the people, but this cavalier attitude toward Power is the very thing that leads Jouvenel to claim that democracy "paves the way for tyranny."

Jouvenel sees the modern nation state as the ideal vehicle for carrying the consolidation of Power forward to new heights. And herein lies a profound criticism of liberalism, itself, for the state has steadily eroded the social powers that could stand against it and in so doing limit it. This process has been cheered on by the people who, in seeking liberation from all social power, unintentionally encouraged the nation state’s corrosive work.

Jouvenel argues that only those capable of fighting Power will enjoy any semblance of political liberty. He suggests that Power must be countered by "make-weights," alternative centers of power that resist consolidation. The separation of powers described by Madison in Federalist 51 is an example of an institutional mechanism established to oppose the expansion of power, yet the steady growth of power since the Founding suggests that this mechanism alone is insufficient.

If Jouvenel is correct, authentic, ordered human liberty and the social flourishing that should flow from it has been and continues to be subverted by the very system design to sustain and advance it. The innate hubris that undergirds democratic liberalism provides ideal fodder for the endless growth and consolidation of power under the guise of popular sovereignty.


Marco Rubio

As we gather with family and froiends this week to mark the Fourth of July, let us keep in mind the defining value that sets this nation apart – the founding principle that stands as our greatest cause for pride and celebration: that every American deserves an equal opportunity to achieve a happy and fulfilling life.

Equality of opportunity is the driving force behind the American Dream. Yet while this Dream was born on a July day in 1776, one of its greatest strides toward full realization came on a July day in 1964. The enactment of the Civil Rights Act 50 years ago today helped bring the American Dream within reach of millions who had been excluded from its promise.

By outlawing discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or country of origin, the Civil Rights Act gave legal backing to our core value of equal rights so that America could begin to heal its racial fractures and, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “live out the true meaning of its creed.”

The movement that gave rise to this legislation was the work of many men and women in many cities and towns around the country, but Florida is proud to be home to one of the central fronts in the entire Civil Rights Movement: the city of St. Augustine.

The struggle against racial discrimination and segregation in St. Augustine lasted for years and attracted nationwide attention. Even today, many are familiar with the images of the marches down King Street, the chaos in the swimming pool of the Monson Motor Lodge, and peaceful integrationists met with violence on the beaches of Anastasia Island.

Many have credited the images of horror and the stories of courage that came out of St. Augustine with helping to awaken the conscience of a nation and propel the Civil Rights Act toward passage.

As we’ve seen in the papers in recent weeks, many of the Floridians who showed outstanding courage in the St. Augustine Movement are with us to mark this anniversary. To them, we say thank you for having the courage to stand up for what was right, and for setting our people and our nation on the path toward equal opportunity for all, and toward a more complete American Dream.


Jeff Jacoby

IF ANYONE ought to appreciate the power of immigration to stimulate employment, it is America's energetic anti-immigration advocates, whose jobs wouldn't exist if it weren't for the influx of immigrants they spend their days seeking to curtail.

Then again, appreciating anything about immigration — least of all the ironies of our endless debate on the subject — goes against the restrictionists' grain. Fulminating about immigrants is one of America's enduring pastimes, and it doesn't leave a lot of room for wry humor. Or for logical consistency. Which helps explain why immigrants can be depicted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as indolent leeches who flock to the United States to go on welfare — and condemned on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for taking away jobsthat would otherwise go to Americans.

Last week the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors sharp reductions in immigration, released a report purporting to show that all net jobs created in the United States over the past 14 years have gone to immigrants, both legal and illegal. Using data collected by the Census Bureau, the report's authors, Steven Camarota and Karen Ziegler, note that between 2000 and 2014, the number of working-age native-born Americans with jobs declined by 127,000, while the number of immigrants with jobs climbed by 5.7 million.

"This is truly remarkable," Camarota and Ziegler write, "because natives accounted for two-thirds of overall population growth among the working-age population." As a result, the number of US-born natives who don't have jobs — both the unemployed as well as those who have dropped out of the labor force altogether — has swelled by 17 million since 2000. The takeaway? Far more native-born Americans would be working if immigrants hadn't soaked up all the job growth since the turn of the 21st century.

But the report's incendiary conclusion — "What employment growth there has been has all gone to immigrants" — doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
To begin with, the number of native-born Americans working in 2014 has not declined since 2000. It has increased by 2.6 million. The authors of the report acknowledge as much — in an endnote, on page 17. It is only by excluding the record-high cohort of workers 65 and older, one of the fastest-growing age groups in the labor market, that Camarota and Ziegler can claim that immigrants are taking all the available new jobs. But it is just as plausible to blame the long-term stagnation in the employment of "working-age" American natives on older employees as on those born in other lands. Should senior citizens who wish to work be forced to retire at 65?

In the zero-sum world of the anti-immigrant advocates, foreign-born workers can only gain at the expense of the native-born. But in the real world, immigration generally enlarges the economy, boosts productivity, and adds jobs. Immigrants amount to less than 13 percent of the US population. Yet 28 percent of all new American companies launched in 2011, as Rupert Murdoch wrote in a Wall Street Journal essay last month, were founded by immigrants.

Broadly speaking, immigrant workers and US-born workers are not substitutes but complements; because they tend to have different skills, they generally don't compete for the same jobs. Immigrants are more likely to be employed at the high or low ends of the labor market, explains Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute, while most Americans have skills in the middle. Supplying the immigrant skills needed by the economy simultaneously enlarges demand for native skills.

Restrictionists hint at some kind of inverse correlation between gains in employment for US-born and foreign-born workers, but they can't show what doesn't exist. Look past their tendentious presentation of the data, as Nowrasteh wrote about an earlier Center for Immigration Studies report, and you notice that for the most part "net gains in employment for natives and immigrants move in the same direction." When natives gain, immigrants gain, and vice versa. We all work in the same labor market.

Which isn't to say that all workers are created equal. Not only are immigrants disproportionately entrepreneurial, they are also more likely to move to wherever work is to be found. Almost by definition, newcomers to the United States are self-selected for mobility and flexibility. Less encumbered by local ties, they're quicker to take advantage of employment opportunities. Their hustle is admirable, not a cause for resentment.

Immigrants aren't taking jobs that "belong" to Americans. They are fueling the economic engine that creates more opportunity for everyone, and we would be poorer by far without them.


Ranjit Gupta

Since the Crimean Parliament’s 6 March, 2014, decision to seek independence, India has issued several official statements regarding evolving events in or related to Ukraine, including a warmly worded message of congratulations to Mr. Petro Poroshenko on his election as Ukraine’s President.

The statement issued on 6 March, inter alia, stated that “India hopes that a solution to Ukraine’s internal differences is found in a manner that meets the aspirations of all sections of Ukraine’s population.  It would be important, in this context, for a legitimate democratic process to find full expression through free and fair elections that provide for an inclusive society.  India calls for sincere and sustained diplomatic efforts to ensure that issues between Ukraine and its neighboring countries are resolved through constructive dialogue.”

Later on 6 March, India’s National Security Advisor speaking informally to the press said, “We hope that whatever internal issues there are within Ukraine are settled peacefully and that the broader issues of reconciling the various interests involved, and there are after all legitimate Russian and other interests involved, are discussed and negotiated.”

The statement issued on 18 March, inter alia, stated that “President Vladimir Putin telephoned the Prime Minister today and discussed the evolving situation in Ukraine and the recent referendum in Crimea…  The Prime Minister thanked President Putin for explaining the Russian position with regard to recent developments in Ukraine. He emphasized the consistent position India has had on the issues of unity and territorial integrity of countries. The Prime Minister expressed his hope that all sides would exercise restraint and work together constructively to find political and diplomatic solutions that protected the legitimate interests of all countries in the region and ensured long-term peace and stability in Europe and beyond.”

It would be relevant to note Russia’s take on this conversation. As per published excerpts from a press conference held by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 24 May at St. Petersburg, in relation to India’s position he stated that “Speaking of India’s stance, we are, of course, grateful to the Indian government and to the Indian people for their level-headed stance. I am glad that the Indian government considered the historical and the current political aspects in approaching this issue. I am glad that they based their opinion on these fundamental principles, including the importance of Russia-India relations. We appreciate it.”

The main reason why Putin was pleased with India’s stance despite the Indian Prime Minister specifically raising the issue of the importance of maintenance of the unity and territorial integrity of states in his conversation with Putin was because India had not condemned the Russian action and had – along with 57 other countries, including all BRICS countries – abstained in the vote on the UN resolution on 27 March.

Though India has been uncomfortable about the annexation of Crimea, India has also been cognizant of Russia’s very deep civilisational and historical linkages with Crimea. Also, India cannot entirely ignore the fact that Western activities and policies in the peripheral regions of Russia ever since the disintegration of the Soviet Union have hardly been altruistic, and appear motivated by a Cold War mindset.
Though the problem in Ukraine is pre-eminently a European problem, in an increasingly economically and geopolitically interlinked world, there are consequences even far away: the $400 billion Russia and China gas deal, which had been under negotiation for a decade, and prospects were not very optimistic, suddenly got finalised very quickly. Another and even bigger gas deal between them may soon see the light of day. These are significant strategic consequences and they enhance China’s strategic flexibility and leverage increasing its proclivity to be assertive vis-à-vis all its neighbours. Any strengthening of the Russia-China relationship has implications for India.

Even though India has very good relations with Ukraine and is sympathetic to its plight, India has a vital national interest stake in maintaining a strong partnership with Russia. The erstwhile Soviet Union, and later Russia, has been India’s strongest, indeed more often than not the only strategic supporter amongst the major powers for India for the best part of the past six decades. Lacking the leverage provided by Permanent Membership of the UN Security Council to protect its vital national interests, India needs to maintain a strong strategic partnership with Russia. Therefore, India cannot become a partner in any Western scheme of isolating Russia.

Notwithstanding the high sounding rhetoric about principles and values that great powers constantly spout, the unvarnished reality is that it is the mechanics of global geopolitics and the imperatives of national interests that determine the stances of every country on any particular issue. There is no reason why it should be any different for India.

Some or all of these reasons would perhaps have gone into determining India’s stance in relation to events in Ukraine, which has been somewhat ambiguous and decidedly nuanced, but admittedly tilted in favour of Russia.

Worse things have happened in the past decade – the unilateral invasion and occupation of Iraq and the complete dismantling of its erstwhile administration and army leading directly to the utterly tragic consequences we are witnessing today. No major power can claim the moral high ground.  

It is highly unlikely that the annexation of Crimea would be reversed. Attempts to do so will not succeed. However Russia must cease interference in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine should have a more decentralised and federalist internal polity. Neither Russia nor the West would like a major breakdown in their mutual relationship; nor can they afford it. There are indications that Russia is stepping back. A via media will be found. The Ukraine issue is amongst many and more dramatic geopolitical changes in Eurasia in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and all concerned countries have learnt to live with the changes and so it is likely to be with the situation in Ukraine.


Shujaat Bukhari

On June 26, the resolution adopted by Jammu and Kashmir Assembly asking for greater autonomy as it existed before August 9, 1953, completed 14 years but without any substantial movement forward. The culmination of six-day-long debate on the issue in the specially convened session with this resolution was in itself a historic development in the battered political history of the state. The National Conference government passed the resolution with two-third majority in the House. But it was summarily rejected by the then National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee. On July 4, the Union Cabinet rejected it as “unacceptable”.

After the cabinet rejected it the then Union Home Minister L K Advani pointed out that the State Autonomy Committee report (which the June 26 resolution recommends) questioned the very constitutionality of the post-1953 developments, including the 42 Presidential Orders passed since then in exercise of Article 370 of the Constitution of India. If the SAC report were to be accepted, these Presidential Orders would be deemed, as per Mr. Advani’s understanding, as “illegal”. So the chapter was closed there and then and there was no possibility of re-opening the case of autonomy.

The ruling NC, which was part of the NDA with Omar Abdullah as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, was in shock not just because they had lost the battle for “their people” but it was a challenge for the party to snap ties with the NDA.  It took the party at least six days to come to terms and then decide to meet on July 10 that year to deliberate upon the rejection of what it called the “political bible” of the party. But the party made it clear that the meet was only to decide about whether to remain in NDA or not. I remember the nervousness with which the top brass of the party converged at the then General Secretary Sheikh Nazir’s residence to take the final call. The old guard comprising veterans like Mohiuddin Shah, Mohammad Shafi Uri and Abdur Rahim Rather were vociferous in calling it a day as far as relations with NDA were concerned. The option of recalling Omar Abdullah was the only one on table though many suggested that Farooq Abdullah and his cabinet should resign en masse to register the protest. This really sent alarm bells ringing in Delhi, as after lot of efforts which included the “services” of dreaded pro-government Ikhwan, they had managed to conduct elections in 1996 and now the Assembly was sold to the world market as the “representative body of people of Jammu and Kashmir”.

Farooq’s resignation or at least recalling Omar at that time would have given a jolt to New Delhi’s projection of “return of democracy to Kashmir” at the international level.  Following the death of Farooq’s mother Begum Akbar Jehan just a day after the crucial working committee meeting had begun, it was postponed till July 14. In the meantime Vajpayee and Advani arrived in Srinagar for condolences. Vajpayee’s visit to her grave and then to Hazratbal shrine changed the course and thus rescued Farooq and his party from the most difficult test of his political career. Farooq, as I remember, was very keen to see some journalists at the shrine only to create a space for Vajpayee to say “I have invited Farooq Saheb for talks to Delhi (on the issue)”.
This is how the resolution and the report that was painstakingly prepared by his team were buried forever. Though Vajpayee maintained that it was not rejected but even during the remaining four years of his tenure it was never picked up.

“I have invited Dr. Abdullah to Delhi for further dialogue (on autonomy). Union Cabinet had not rejected the autonomy resolution outright but it was not accepted,” he told the journalists outside the shrine. But NC never followed it with seriousness. The autonomy found a routine mention in 2002 and 2008 Assembly manifestos. Till date we don’t know anything about the dialogue talked about by Vajpayee in the backdrop of the rejection and NC’s bid to part ways from the NDA.

NDA with Vajpayee as its face had rejected something that was within the ambit of Indian Constitution. This was done in spite of the fact that Vajpayee had set a different course in dealing with vexed Kashmir problem. He not only walked extra mile with Pakistan over the issue but also recognized political discontent on the ground by engaging with the separatists.

Now that a new NDA rather a Bhartiya Janta Party government is in power in Delhi, the intentions are almost clear. Though BJP has gone slow on the contentious issues it has been flagging strongly during the election campaign, its stand on Article 370 has caused fear among the people in the state.

People have a reason to be concerned about this last thread of autonomous character the state has. While in last 25 years, people have been agitating for political rights outside the Indian Constitution such as “Independence” or a section for “merger with Pakistan”, the BJP’s move to complete integration is not only to negate the aspirations of the people but also to go back on the numerous promises the leaders have made with the people since 1947. One thing is clear that people in Kashmir don’t want to live a sense of defeat and New Delhi must recognize the fact that pushing them against the wall is not the answer to the alienation on the ground, which is found more among the youth.

BJP’s oft repeated response to Kashmir is that solution could be found within the constitution. Taking that on its face value then the Autonomy does fall under that ambit. Vajpayee is believed to have been in favour of discussing autonomy but for the hawks he could not move forward. With Narendra Modi being the strong PM, and having liking for Vajpayee’s policy on Kashmir, he should not fall prey to rhetoric but should follow realism in addressing the issue.

NC also needs to come clear on the issue. At a time when it has faced poll debacle and its style of governance has no takers, NC could reenergize its efforts on something what its president Farooq Abdullah had told me on June 29, 2000 in an interview: “It does not mean separation from India but is a way the people of State can live with dignity and honour.”

The forthcoming elections to Assembly are an acid test for both NC and People’s Democratic Party as to how they would project the aspirations of people besides giving a model of governance on which they can rely more for prosperity and development.


 Ashok Bhan

A series of credible democratic exercises since 1996 have contributed positively to the peace process in Jammu and Kashmir. It may be recalled that the present conflict was triggered by what is often alleged to be the denial of political space to the Muslim United Front in the assembly elections in 1987. Therefore, it is not surprising that credible elections have helped in turning the clock backwards though with a caveat. Elections alone may not resolve the conflict, which has political connotations particularly related to Centre-State relations and involvement of an external player. But they have throw up alternatives and opportunities for conflict resolution.

Strengthening of democratic institutions in Jammu and Kashmir has been the most important positive political intervention post Pakistan-sponsored terrorism began in Jammu and Kashmir in the late 1980s. As soon as the security forces brought the situation under some control and the Jammu and Kashmir Police was strengthened to carry out anti-militancy operations, the Central Government and Gen KV Krishna Rao, who took over as Governor of Jammu and Kashmir in March 1993, began focusing on the resumption of the political process. Initially, it took a great deal of persuasion to rope in even the mainstream parties as terrorist violence had not abated and it was taking a heavy toll on political leaders and workers. Yet, despite the loss of precious lives, this was a decision with far-reaching consequences as the subsequent events have shown. The state had to be brought out of the vicious circle and governance restored to the elected representatives.

State Assembly elections were held in 1996 (with a voter turnout of 53.9 per cent) after a prolonged period of Governor/ President’s rule in the state. This, and following elections in 2002 and 2008 (43.1 and 61.5 per cent turnout respectively), have thrown up different possibilities, alternatives and opportunities. There is political stability in the state. The democratic institutions have provided enough opportunity to the people to raise their grievances before their elected representatives. The voter turnout in elections has seen a healthy improvement. A few separatists have joined the electoral politics and others have put up proxy candidates. The response to boycott the call to elections and routine the ‘hartal’ calls of separatists is weakening. The manifestos of regional parties for the forthcoming Assembly elections will prominently carry their prescriptions for the resolution of the ‘K’ issue. This will add to the churning process aimed at reaching a consensus.

Simultaneously, elections to the Lok Sabha were held in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2009, and more recently, in 2014. A historic election to Panchayats as part of strengthening grassroots democracy with 80 per cent voter turnout was held in 2011 after a gap of nearly 30 years.

The performance of successive Governments, their achievements and empowering of Panchayats can be the subject matter of debate but that democracy has taken roots cannot be disputed. This is a positive development in the peace process.

It may be recalled that the 1987 Assembly elections had witnessed a high voter turnout of about 75 per cent but the credibility of the polls has been widely questioned. The response of the electorate to the November 1989 Lok Sabha election held just before the conflict took a dangerous turn was a clear indicator of the events to come. Baramulla and Anantnag PCs in Kashmir valley polled a mere 5.48 and 5.07 per cent votes respectively and the Srinagar PC returned the NC candidate unopposed as no one showed a willingness to test the waters. The impact of discontent was felt even in the Udhampur PC of Jammu region by recording an unusually low poll percentage of about 40. This constituency, geographically close to south Kashmir, included areas of erstwhile Doda district which saw terrorist violence at a high pitch in later years. The National Conference won all the 3 seats from the valley getting a mere 6.8 per cent of votes polled in the state. The voters, particularly in the valley and Doda district, had shown their disenchantment with electoral politics and alienation was there for everyone to see. No elections could be held in Jammu and Kashmir due to the disturbed conditions during the May-June 1991 Lok Sabha polls.

Comparing the 1989 Lok Sabha elections with the recently concluded 2014 General Elections makes an interesting reading. The pattern of turnout is indicative of the change on the ground. The voter response in Baramulla, Srinagar and Anantnag constituencies in the valley has been 39, 26 and 29 per cent respectively. The poll percentage in the state increased from 25.6 in 1989 to 49.5 in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. There have been fluctuations in voter turnout in the valley in the intervening Lok Sabha and Assembly polls but it is gradually stabilising. People have shown faith in democratic institutions. Healthy poll percentages may not mean the end of the conflict but they do reflect the popular mood and increasing faith in democracy.

Separatists continue to hold sway in downtown Srinagar when it comes to election times. The low voter response in some areas in North and South Kashmir is due to the presence of terrorists as well as influence of separatists. There were terror-related incidents and some major operations by security forces in these low voter turnout areas in Sopore, Pulwama and Shopian districts before and after the recent Lok Sabha elections. Terrorists shot at and killed Mohd Anwar Sheikh, a village headman, in village Amlar Tral in Pulwama district on 01 April. In another incident, militants shot dead Sarpanch Ghulam Nabi Mir affiliated to Congress party and his son Firdous Ahmed Mir in the Tral area. A Sarpanch affiliated to the PDP Mohd Amin Pandit was killed in Awantipur area by terrorists on 17 April. A poll party was attacked on 24 April by militants in Pulwama district, killing a poll staff. A two-day encounter with terrorists ended in Shopian with the killing of 3 HM terrorists on 26 April. An Army Major and sepoy laid down their lives. A grenade exploded in Magam hours before the election rally of Dr Farooq Abdullah, injuring 17 persons on 27 April. These all were aimed at terrorising the voters.

The response of voters in the elections leaves telltale marks about the situation on the ground in different areas. The low voter turnout though confined to a limited area is a reminder of alienation, threat of terrorists and influence of separatists. In this election too low voter turnout in Sopore and parts of Baramulla town in Baramulla PC; certain assembly segments of downtown Srinagar in Srinagar PC and Pulwama- Shopian belt in Anantnag PC clearly delineate areas needing attention of the Government and its agencies. These areas will have to be ‘liberated’ from the influence of terrorists and separatists to allow people to exercise their democratic right to vote. The election authorities, state administration and security forces will have to create the right conditions particularly in these areas so that willing voters are able to exercise their franchise freely and fairly without harassment or intimidation during the forthcoming Assembly elections due towards the end of the year 2014.
The district wise breakup of poll percent in Baramulla PC brings home some interesting facts. Kupwara district which has witnessed the participation of separatists or their proxy candidates over the last few years has polled 63 percent votes, Bandipora district over 35 per cent and Baramulla district which includes the Sopore belt a mere 25 per cent. Mainstreaming of separatists by encouraging them to participate in the electoral process will be a positive step forward for the peace process. Having failed to capture power by the gun, some separatists are not averse to this idea. Jamaat-e-Islami is known to have allowed its supporters to vote in favor of select candidates and not to press for poll boycott in earlier elections. Can the ‘Kupwara model’ work in other areas to neutralise the effect of boycott calls, threats and violence?

Separatists, and terrorists at their behest, opposed the Panchayat elections. The elected members were threatened and killed. They were labeled as Government agents and often criticised by the separatists. The threat increased to such an extent that many Panchayat members decided to resign. It is another matter that the Government’s failure to empower Panchayats made the elections to these bodies much less meaningful. Terrorists and separatists were thus relieved of the fear of losing support at the grassroots to elected Panchayats. There is a need for a fresh look at empowering Panchayati Raj institutions including adopting the 73rd and 74th amendments of the Constitution of India and elections to local bodies.

Pakistan and their separatist supporters are averse to the strengthening of democratic institutions in the state. It is amply proved by the increase in infiltration, escalation of violence and killing of political activists during earlier elections. This time there is the additional threat that may be triggered by the drawdown of US troops from Afghanistan and apprehension in some circles of the threat posed by Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. The challenges that the Government is likely to face in the run-up to the assembly elections include keeping in check any attempts by Pakistan to send terrorists to escalate violence, dealing imaginatively with protests sponsored by separatists, and providing security to candidates, political activists and public meetings. It would be naïve to think that the role of the security grid has in any way lessened for the forthcoming Assembly election than in the last three held since 1996. An environment will have to be created particularly in low turnout areas by maintaining peace and keeping terrorists at bay so that voters can fearlessly exercise their franchise in the Assembly elections. Success in this will be another step forward in the peace process in Jammu and Kashmir.