10 Feb 2018

College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) PhD by Research Programme in Humanities and Social Sciences (Fully-funded) 2018

Application Deadline: 16th February 2018

Eligible Countries: African Countries

To Be Taken At (Country): Uganda

About the Award: The College now invites eligible applicants,whose proposed projects show an explicit Inter-disciplinary focus in the Humanities and Social Sciences and adhere to the eligibility criteria below, to apply for seven (7) 2018 PhD fellowships. Funding is available for a three-year-fulltime programme of study for qualifying candidates to pursue studies leading to the award of a PhD in disciplines under the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Makerere University.

Type: PhD, Fellowships

Eligibility: The eligible candidates should:
  • Have practical research experience from working in Humanities and Social Sciences research projects at a University or Research Institute and a strong foundation in scientific writing and research methods.
  • Be a full time or part time member of staff in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Makerere University (please attach your appointment letter as proof of your employment status at Makerere University). The specific schools of CHUSS whose staff are eligible are Social Sciences; Women and Gender Studies; Liberal and Performing Arts; Languages, Literature and Communication and the School of Psychology.
  • Be a holder of Masters degree in Humanities and Social Sciences from a recognised university. The Master’s degree must have been completed not less than ten years at the time of application.
  • Be a holder of an undergraduate degree in Humanities and Social Sciences from a recognised university with a Second Upper Class or above.
  • Satisfy all the Makerere University Graduate admissions regulations and criteria.
  • Provide two letters from two academic referees who are intimately familiar with his/her work recommending his/her application. It is important that the referees give the recommendation letter to the applicant to scan and send it with his or her application.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with a maximum age of 40 years (men) or 45 years (women) before April 2018.
  • Qualified female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
Number of Awards: seven (7)

Value of Award: It is a fully-funded three-year programme of study with generous financial support from the Andrew W Mellow Foundation. The scholarship will cover the following costs: living expenses, accommodation, medical insurance, a laptop computer, critical books, data processing / analysis, photocopying and fieldwork related costs. The maximum value of the scholarship for the 2018 Fellows is approximately UGX 45,290,000 in the first year, UGX 45,290,000 in the second year and UGX 41,790,000 in the third year. In the second year of study, the Fellow and his or her supervisors will apply for Fieldwork funding to enable them conduct research and collect data in the field.

Duration of Program: 3 years. The doctoral training programme by research, starts April 2018 and ends in April 2021. The key deliverables for successful candidates are a full proposal within 6 months, presentation of two (2) seminars a year from their work in progress, 1 public dissemination of their work at a local or international forum, proof of accepted 2 peer-reviewed journal articles or book chapters and a PhD dissertation within 36 months. Fellows are advised to have a ready draft of their dissertation by the 20th month of the programme.

How to Apply: The complete application form and supporting documents must be submitted by Friday, 16th February 2018 to the following email addresses:
graduate.college@chuss.mak.ac.ug with copy to principal@chuss.mak.ac.ug

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: Andrew W Mellow Foundation.

Short-Term Visiting Scholars Program at Michigan State University for Nigerian Scholars 2018

Application Deadline: 28th February, 2018

Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: Nigeria

To be taken at (country): Michigan State University, USA

About the Award: Toward component 1), the project offers a visiting scholars program. Short-term Project Scholar positions for Nigerian graduate students (studying at an accredited Nigerian university) are offered at Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, Michigan, USA, during August 2018–May 2019. FIVE short-term post graduate student scholar positions are on offer for either Master’s or PhD level. The Master’s Level positions are for 1 semester, and the PhD Level, 2 semesters.
Project scholars will enroll in analytical/technical courses such as Statistics, Econometrics and Agricultural Development. The courses will be taken for credit, and depending on the Nigerian University requirements, would count towards the scholars’ Nigerian degree program. Also, while at MSU, the scholar will be expected to continue research work on their selected topic or a topic of interest to project stakeholders in Nigeria in addition to the course work. They will work under the supervision of MSU faculty/IFPRI researchers. The scholars’ tenure will be considered a full-time position with the expectation that the scholar will invest the requisite amount of work, study and time to be successful. Upon return home, scholars will be expected to support project activities (as determined by the project) based on their skills and competencies.
The student’s primary research supervisor (from a Nigerian University) will actively participate in the program. The advisor will be invited (and funded) to visit MSU for up to 30 calendar days and occur within the duration of the residence at MSU of their student, the short-term scholar. The research supervisor invitation has three accompanying obligations:
1) Give at least one presentation in the faculty of agriculture or an African studies research forum
2) Interact with MSU faculty in related areas. This interchange will enhance on-going research collaboration between MSU faculty, IFPRI researchers and Nigerian scholars.
3) Upon return to Nigeria, the professor will organize presentations and seminars for students at department, faculty and university levels at the home institution..

Type: Masters, PhD

Eligibility: Applicants must be/have:
  • Nigerians studying in the area of Agriculture, at Post Graduate level in an accredited higher education institution in Nigeria
  • Good academic standing in their academic institution having the equivalent of a minimum GPA of 3.5 out of 5 (or equivalent for a 2nd class, upper division).
  • Good moral standing and found to be a fit and proper persons and in no way have any pending disciplinary cases before a duly recognized and constituted disciplinary body.
  • Demonstrated interest in an area being studied by researchers working under the Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project.
  • Accept the responsibilities attached to participation.
Selection Criteria: Candidates will be selected on the basis of their previous research and academic achievements, the short write-up (included in the application packet), GPA, their ability to demonstrate strong commitment to research and their academic advisor’s willingness to participate in the program.

Number of Awardees: 5. 3 Masters, 2 PhD

Value of Program: 
  • Travel related costs, lodging and meals. Travel related costs are limited to visa fees, visa procurement, and round trip air tickets from Nigeria to East Lansing, Michigan USA.
  • Monthly stipend of $1,000. Up to 4 months for the Master’s Level, and up to 9 months for the PhD level.
  • Medical insurance for the duration of the Project Scholar’s MSU program.
  • No support whatsoever is provided for dependents.
How to Apply: Applicants must submit the following documents:
  1. A completed expression of interest application form
  2. A short write-up on the role of research in the Nigeria Agricultural Policy Process and how the applicant’s work fits into this (no more than 2 pages double spaced).
  3. A writing sample (e.g. research paper, chapter of University Project/Thesis etc.)
  4. Official Copy of Student’s academic transcripts
  5. Updated CV showing publications and awards
  6. A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s head of department or dean on official letter headed paper
  7. statement from applicant’s primary academic advisor indicating willingness to support the application and the advisor’s availability to work with the Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project and participate under the Academic Advisor segment of the Award.
Submission: e-mail address and deadline
Application documents must be submitted to NAPP2017@msu.edu by midnight on 28 February 2018. The email should have on the subject line: Application for 2018-2019 FTFNAPP Short-Term Visiting Scholar Program at MSU.All application materials need to be submitted as attachments to a single e-mail, preferably in a “zip” file. Successful applicants who have been shortlisted will receive word of acceptance and details on next steps by April 1, 2018.
All enquiries related to this call should be addressed to: Project Specialist, Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project, Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48823 and submitted to:  NAPP2017@msu.edu

Visit Program Webpage for details

Award Provider: The Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Policy Project is funded by the Nigeria Mission of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented jointly by Michigan State University (MSU) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) Fellowship Program for Early-Career African Researchers 2018

Application Deadline: 15th March 2018

Eligible Countries: African countries

About the Award: The STAARS project is a collaboration between Cornell University, the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), the Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP), and the World Bank. The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) established a collaboration agreement with Cornell University to provide technical mentorship and funding support for selected early-career African researchers.
Type: Fellowship, Research

  • The call is open for early-career African researchers, either late stage Ph.D. students or those who completed their Ph.D. in 2013 or later.
  • Researchers must be based and working in Africa, with priority given to proposals relating to the research themes indicated above.
  • Qualified female researchers are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • While a Ph.D. is not mandatory, STAARS encourages fresh Ph.D. graduates who can benefit from a mentorship and additional training.
  • Fellows are expected to complete the proposed project by publishing findings as a working paper and submitting to a peer-reviewed journal by December 15, 2018.
Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: The fellowship will cover travel and training. STAARS fellows will be paired with mentors at Cornell University with whom they will jointly author a paper on a topic of mutual interest relating to structural transformation in Africa south of the Sahara. PIM will support the publication of resulting research findings in high quality journals and as working papers. In addition, PIM and Cornell will facilitate fellows’ participation in scientific and policy conferences.

How to Apply: 
  • Applicants are required to prepare a maximum 2500 word (5 page) concept proposal, which motivates the selected research issues and objectives, outlines data sources, proposed methodology and contains a convincing plan for completing the project by December 15, 2018. All proposals shall be prepared in English. All proposals will be peer reviewed by experts from PIM and Cornell University.
  • The deadline to submit a concept proposal is March 15, 2018. Applicants should submit their completed proposal via email to staars@cornell.edu. Accepted applicants will be notified in mid-April and are expected to begin remote collaboration with their mentor immediately upon acceptance.
Template for preparation of concept proposal
  1. Completed 2018 STAARS Fellowship Applicant Information Form (PDFExcel)
  2. Concept Proposal:
    • Title of the proposed research
    • Targeted country (countries)
    • Introduction and motivation that includes clear statement of research objectives and hypotheses
    • Description of data source(s) and any prior experience working with the proposed data.
    • Proposed methodology
    • If applicable, summarize any preliminary results
    • Proposed timeline for the research
  3. Bibliographic references (not included in the 2500 words)
  4. CV of the applicant (not included in the 2500 words)
Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: Cornell University in collaboration with the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and other partners.

Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF) 3D Africa Internship Program for Undergraduate Students 2018

Application Deadline: 30th June 2018

To Be Taken At (Country): Nigeria

About the Award:  The interns should be part of the YTF team and also will be among the prestigious 3D Africa ambassadors. They will learn from the 3D Africa programs and from the entire YTF team on 21st-century engineering/technology skills and organizational behaviours. They will be able to translate the skills they learned to tackle their immediate community challenges, gain a successful pathway into entrepreneurship and civic leadership.
  • Classroom Training: Interns will attend structured classes and workshops during the placement period.
  • Training: Support trainer for 3D Africa (for University Students) and 3D Africa Clubs in Secondary Schools.
  • Design: Support program officers to implement organization-wide programs. Involvement in program design, implementation and measuring results.
  • Program Planning: Organize and support the implementation of #HackforGood2018, 3D Africa’s annual hackathon.
  • Ambassador: Actively engage with 3D Africa stakeholders and supporters on social media to share impact stories and YTF’s work.
Final Project: Implement final project based on learning acquired and internship related activities. The project must be approved by 3D Africa at the beginning of the internship and implemented satisfactorily at the conclusion of your internship after which sign off will be provided to your university.

Type: Internship

Eligibility: Open to undergraduate students in higher institutions in Nigeria

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award:
  • Successful candidates will learn from the 3D Africa programs and from the entire YTF team on 21st-century engineering/technology skills and organizational behaviours.
  • They will be able to translate the skills they learned to tackle their immediate community challenges, gain a successful pathway into entrepreneurship and civic leadership.
Duration of Program: 6 months

Apply Here

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: Youth for Technology Foundation (YTF)

FUNAGIB Scholarship for African Students Working on Cassava (Fully-funded to Brazil) 2018

Application Deadline: 31st March 2018

Eligible Countries: African countries

To Be Taken At (Country): Brazil

About the Award: The foundation FUNAGIB was established in 2015 by its founder Nagib Nassar thanks to Kuwait KFAS (Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science) Prize received by him in the same year.

Type: Masters, PhD, Research

  • Candidates for this scholarship should have completed their course credits and should be in phase of preparing their thesis.
  • Major field of his (her) study should be on cassava plant breeding.
Value of Award: R$ 20,000 (twenty thousand reais – US$ 1.00 = R$ 3.2 more or less according to real fluctuation), including air ticket.

Duration of Program: 5 months. Study should begin at Brasilia by 1st August 2018.

How to Apply: Applicants must send by e-mail the following documents:
  • A recommendation letter from faculty or supervisor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Academic history
  • Statement by candidate endorsed by his supervisor declaring commitment of the student to five months of the research on cassava periclinal chimera to improve the crop to be conducted at Brasília, Brazil. This subject should be a part of the final thesis.
Contact: Prof. Nagib Nassar (E-mail: nagibnassar@geneconserve.pro.br )

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: FUNAGIB

British American Tobacco Nigeria Global Graduate Operations Program 2018

Application Deadline: 28th February 2018

Eligible Countries: Nigeria

To Be Taken At (Country): Ibadan, Nigeria

About the Award: Our Global Graduate Programme (Operations) enables you develop exceptional skills – a deep understanding of the dynamics of the market you operate in and how the BAT Operations work to achieve outstanding business results. It offers you the opportunity to challenge yourself on international projects, network with graduates from around the world and strengthen your leadership skills, through participation in our Global Academy and with the support of your dedicated Coach and Mentor.

Type: Jobs/Internship

  • Do you have a university degree in Engineering?
  • Are you a recent graduate within the last 3 years, with a high-performance academic track record – minimum of Second Class Upper division or equivalent?
  • Have you completed the National Youth Service (NYSC)?
  • Do you have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English?
  • Are you ambitious, resilient and more proactive than others when it comes to learning new things?
If yes, an inspiring journey awaits you here at BAT. The question is; Are you up to the challenge?

Number of Awards: 3

Value of Award: This is a paid position

How to Apply: Apply here

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: British American Tobacco Nigeria (BATN)

KNUST/MasterCard Foundation Scholarship for Ghanaian & African Students 2018/2019

Application Deadline: 11th May, 2018

Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: Ghana and other African countries

To be taken at: The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Ghana

About Scholarship: The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST provides academically talented yet economically disadvantaged young people in Ghana and Africa with access to quality and relevant university education.  It embodies an array of mentoring and cultural transition services to ensure student academic success, community engagement and transition to employment opportunities which will further social and economic change for Africa.

Eligible Field of Study: A preference for Science students; however, all subjects are considered

Offered Since: 2013

Type: Undergraduate

Selection Criteria and Eligibility: For the 2018/2019 Academic year, the opportunity is open to;
  • All Applicants with WASSCE or GBCE or ABCE or GCE O’Level and A’Level or their equivalent Results from an accredited/recognised institution and Certificate Ready and Satisfies KNUST’s Admission Requirements. NO AWAITING RESULTS candidate will be accepted.
  • The Applicant must have Critical Economic Needs.
  • The Applicant must have Proven Records of Leadership and Community Engagement (s).
  • Females and Physically Challenged Applicants shall be given top priority.
  • All Subjects are considered; however, there is Preference for Science Students.
  • The Applicant must be prepared to Go-Back and Give-Back to his or her Community.
Number of Scholarships: several

Value of Scholarship: The Scholarship includes;
  • Comprehensive financial support (full tuition, fully paid on-campus accommodation, learning materials, transportation and monthly stipend).
  • Regular group meetings with other scholars that focus on personal and professional development opportunities and activities tailored to build societal relationships and scholars’ capacity.
  • Continued academic support through academic mentoring, virtual learning, life and career coaching, and tutoring.
  • Opportunities to participate in leadership congresses, community services and mentoring (Go-back Give- Back), and uniquely sourced internships.
  • An academic environment where faculty and students engage with global issues.
  • The prestige of becoming part of the growing family of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Alumni and the Global Scholars Community.
  • The opportunity to be enrolled on an accelerated Master’s Degree after undergraduate studies with an MCF Partner institution in the USA.
Duration of Scholarship: full period of study

How to Apply: Download a copy of the 2018/2019 application form.
  • Submit the completed application form THROUGH EMS/ any other courier mail to:
The Program Manager,
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST Secretariat,
℅ Office of the Dean of Students
Private Mail Bag
KNUST, Kumasi


International Applicants

When submitting your scholarship application form to the Secretariat, submit these additional documents
  1. The print out of KNUST’s online admission
  2. Both O’Level and A’Level results or their equivalent
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be called for interviews which would be held at the KNUST Secretariat of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at the Office of the Dean of Students.
  • Interviews will be done by an independent panel constituted by the Vice Chancellor of KNUST.
  • Verification of ALL examination results and information provided, as well as community visits of SUCCESSFUL applicants, will be conducted before admission is approved.
Award of the Scholarship will be published on the Program’s website

Visit Program Webpage for Details 

Sponsors: MasterCard Foundation

Important Notes: There are absolutely no charges/ fees/ facilitation/ agents or intermediaries required at any stage of this process

Tertiary Education Scholarship Trust (TEST) for Ghana Scholarships for Undergraduate Students 2018/2019

Application Deadlines: 
Thursday, 28th June, 2018
  • First time applicants (Continuing Students)
  • Renewal of Existing Scholarship Awards
Thursday, 30th August, 2018
  • First year students (FRESHERS).
Offered annually? Yes

To be taken at (country): KNUST – Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

About the Award: The Tertiary Education Scholarship Trust –TEST – provides four year Full or Partial Scholarships to Needy but Best Students to undertake new and/ or continuing Tertiary Education studies at Ghanaian Public Universities and Polytechnics in their own country. The scholarship is currently open for current and new students to study at KNUST – Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

Offered Since: 2008

Type: Undergraduate

Eligiblity: The scholarship is opened to all brilliant but needy students (current and new) at KNUST – Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

Number of Scholarships: not specified

Benefits of Scholarship: Full or partial scholarship

Duration of Scholarship: Four years

How to Apply: Application Forms are invited from:
  • First time applicants (continuing students)
  • Renewal of Existing Scholarship Awards;
  • First year students (Freshers, 2018/2019 academic year)
The Forms and Guidance notes can be downloaded from the Test for Ghana website, www.testforghana.com Students should carefully read the Guidance Notes provided for the completion and submission of their Application Forms.
Completed Application Forms and all required attachments should be submitted at the Students Financial Services Office, Room 19, at the Dean of Students compound, Commercial Area.
Alternatively, applicants can post their applications straight to the Address Below:
P. O. BOX 1851

Visit Program Webpage for Details

Award Sponsors: The Tertiary Education Scholarship Trust

Important Notes: Applicants who are already beneficiaries of the scholarship must make sure they renew their application by downloading the renewal Application Form otherwise they will automatically lose their status as beneficiaries.

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation (QHSF) Graduate Scholarships for Egyptian Students 2018/2019

Application Deadline: 15th April, 2018

Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: Egypt

To be taken at (country): Successful candidates will be eligible to undertake masters studies in foreign countries abroad

About the Award: The Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation was created in 2007, out of a strong will to contribute to national development through creating high caliber professionals to help enhance Egypt’s growth in all sectors. The Foundation is funded by an endowment from Qalaa Holdings to grant academic scholarships for talented and promising young Egyptian men and women to pursue master degrees abroad in all fields of study.

These scholarships are offered alongside the QHFS:
  • ERC Scholarship: The Egyptian Refining Company international Scholarship will go towards funding the studies of 1 master’s degree student per year in the field of education. Priority will be given to the residents of the areas of Musturud, Khousous and Matareya. Residents of these neighborhoods are requested to include a copy of their ID card in their application package. The ERC scholarship covers both tuition fees and living expenses.
  • The May and Ahmed Heikal Scholarship: The MAHS is a private award that goes towards funding the studies of 2 master’s degree students per year at New York University to study in any field. The MAHS award covers tuition fees only.
Type: Masters


  • Applicant must be under the age of 35.
  • Must be an Egyptian national and residing in Egypt.
  • Applicant must have a minimum of two years of work experience post-graduation.
  • Is planning to pursue his/her studies at one of the top universities in their discipline of choice.
  • Must have been accepted at the university and program of interest.
  • Applicant must submit an unconditional acceptance letter (with the exception of a funding condition).
  • Excellent command of language of study. Good command of the English language.
  • Involvement with activities in civic, public or international affairs (NGOs, volunteer work, etc) will be an asset. Must have a genuine financial need.
  • Not a beneficiary of any other partial scholarship or grants (with exception to waivers from the university of choice itself).
  • Upon completion of program, graduates must be committed to return to work in Egypt for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Military service status must be clear (for males).
Value of Scholarship: Each of these scholarships cover candidates’ tuition fees and living expenses. The MAHS award covers tuition fees only.

Duration of Scholarship: Duration of program

Visit Scholarship Webpage for details

Award Provider: The Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation

Important Notes: Please note that applicants to any of the other awards cannot apply for a QHSF scholarship in parallel.

QHSF reserves the right to apply exceptions or require additional conditions as seen necessary. QHSF also retains the right to withdraw scholarships at its own discretion.

Cambridge-Africa Molecular Lab Training Workshop (Scholarships available for African students to attend at Cambridge University) 2018 – UK

Application Deadline: 9th April 2018

Eligible Countries: African countries

To Be Taken At (Country): Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

About the Award: JR Biotek Foundation are pleased to invite you to apply to their annual Molecular Laboratory Training Workshop 2018 co-organised with the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge from 3rd-11th September 2018.

The University of Cambridge has been central to innovation and teaching in the field of Plant Sciences for centuries. It is the scientific home of famous botanists, Stephen Hales in the 18th century, Darwin’s mentor JS Henslow in the 19th century, and Blackman, Tansley and Godwin in the 20th century.
The Molecular Laboratory Training Workshop held in the Cambridge’s Department of Plant Sciences in March 2017 provided new knowledge, laboratory skills and networking opportunities to 17 agricultural researchers, PhD students and academics from seven countries in Africa. We look forward to welcoming a new cohort of trainees to Cambridge in September 2018.

Type: Workshop/Conference, Training, PhD

Eligibility: The Molecular Laboratory Training Workshop is designed for agricultural research scientists, academics and PhD students from universities and research institutes across Africa. We are looking for candidates who are currently involved in agricultural research and teaching at the undergraduate or postgraduate level. Candidates must demonstrate a clear need to learn new laboratory techniques that can help boost the productivity of their research and teaching at home.

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: 

  • The total cost for the workshop is £1,000 per person. This includes a single room accommodation (with breakfast and Wi-Fi) for 10 nights (Sunday, 2nd-11th September); coffee/tea and lunch and training-related expenses. The workshop cost does NOT cover your flight tickets, visa application fee (if applicable), local transport and dinner (except the Welcome Dinner on Sunday, 2nd September and the Research Symposium day on Tuesday, 11th September 2018).
  • Few competitive scholarships (part and full) may be available to support outstanding PhD students involved in agricultural research in Africa to attend the training workshop.
Duration of Program: 3rd – 11th September 2018

How to Apply: APPLY NOW

Visit the Program Webpage for Details

Award Providers: University of Cambridge, JR Biotek

Important Notes: You will receive an email from us indicating that your application to participate in the upcoming Molecular Laboratory Training Workshop at the University of Cambridge has been successful or not. If your application is successful, we will send you an offer letter to accept or reject within 7 days. If you accept our offer to participate in the training workshop, you will have up to 3rd July 2018 to make a full payment and confirm your place on the training workshop. Scholarship applicants are exempted from this although we encourage all applicants to look for external funding to support their application/participation.

Abel Visiting Scholar Program for Mathematics PhD Scholars in Developing Countries 2018

Application Deadlines: The following deadlines apply:
  • 1st December, 2017 for research visits between May 1 – August 31, 2018
  • 1st April, 2018 for research visits between September 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018
  • 31st August, 2018 is for visits during January 1 – April 30, 2019
  • 31st December, 2018 for visits between May 1 and August 31, 2019
Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: Developing Countries

About the Award: The program is designed for post doctoral mathematicians in the early stages of their professional careers.   It is designed to offer the opportunity for a ‘research sabbatical,’ a necessary complement to teaching and other academic duties for mathematicians desiring to also sustain a viable research program.

Type: PhD

Eligibility: Applicants must
     1.   hold at the time of application a PhD in Mathematics,
     2.   be based in a developing country at the time of application
     3.   hold a position in a university/ research institution
     4.   be in the early stages of their professional careers, more precisely: the applicants  should
            4. 1) not yet be of full professorial rank but have a working contract in a university/ college
            4. 2) be under 40 years of age at the day of the application deadline.
The maximum age may be increased by up to three years in the case of an individual with a broken career pattern (applicants who wish to apply for the April 30, 2017 deadline should be born on or after August, 31, 1974). This should be noted in the application together with the reason for the broken career pattern.
 Applications from women mathematicians are strongly encouraged.

Selection Criteria: The selection criteria is based on the the quality of the project and the benefit/added value for the home institution/country.

Selection: A selection committee decides which applications are successful.
The Selection Committee consists of
  • a) a member chosen by the Abel board
  • b) a member chosen by CDC
  • c) a third member chosen by the IMU EC
The time of members of the committee is three years for the members b) and c) with a maximum of two periods. The Abel Board decides for a).
Number of Awardees: Not specified
Value of Scholarship: The grant can cover for one month and only for the applicant:

  1. travel costs to the host institution (economy flight or equivalent) Please note that the flight will be booked and directly paid by the IMU Secretariat.
  2. accommodation expenses (monthly rent should not exceed 1,200 USD – in case you expect higher accommodation cost, please explain in your application the expected higher cost)
  3. travel health insurance
  4. Basic living cost  (daily allowance based on living cost of the visiting country/city, This amount includes the cost for public transport and all other living costs). For a list please go here.
  5. visa costs
The total maximum amount is 5,000 USD per grantee.
Family expenses and any other costs cannot be covered.
Duration of Scholarship: 1 month. In case the length of the visit exceeds one month, the candidate should provide evidence of financial support from the host institution to cover the living expenses beyond the first month.
How to Apply: Each application must include:
  1. The completed Online Application Form
  2. A curriculum vitae including a list of recent publications
  3. A research plan for the visit
  4. An official invitation from the institution of the international research partner
  5. One letter of recommendation If the letter of recommendation is not written by the international research partner (the host), the application should include a statement from the host approving the research plan.
  6. A copy of the PhD certificate
  7. A statement about the current employment status/ position in the home institution signed and stamped by your employer. The statement should include the duration of your employment
  8. A budget estimation. Please, use the Tentative Budget Form. (for more information see ‘Financial Support’)
  9. In case you are planning to stay for more than one month you must attached a proof of the matching funds for your living costs from the host institution
  10. Please submit the completed bank information form in order to receive your funds.
Please merge all required documents into one (1) PDF file.
Please always send your application form cc to “cdc.grants@mathunion.org”.
Visit Scholarship Webpage for details
Award Provider: The Abel Visiting Scholar Program is administered by the Commission for Developing Countries of the International Mathematical Union.
Important Notes: Mathematicians from Africa should also consider to apply to the IMU Simons African Fellowship Program which has the same conditions and approx. 10 Scholarships available per year. Please note that IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR the IMU-SIMONS AFRICAN Fellowship you cannot apply for the Abel Visting Scholar Program at the SAME time.

Blacks at Microsoft Scholarships

Blacks at Microsoft Scholarships

Blacks at Microsoft (BAM) is a company-sponsored employee network dedicated to supporting the continued growth and development of black employees at Microsoft Corporation. This year, BAM will award two US$5,000 scholarships to outstanding high-school seniors who are interested in pursuing careers in technology. The scholarships are renewable, so winners who continue to meet the criteria can receive an annual $5,000 award for up to four years.


To be considered for a BAM Scholarship, you must:
  • Be a high-school senior of African descent (for example, African American, African, or Ethiopian).
  • Plan to attend a four-year college or university in the fall of the year following high-school graduation.
  • Plan to pursue a bachelor's degree in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, or select business programs (such as finance, business administration, or marketing).
  • Demonstrate a passion for technology.
  • Demonstrate leadership at school or in the community.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher.
  • Require financial assistance to attend college.

How to Apply

To apply for a BAM Scholarship, print and fill out the application. Enclose it in an envelope with the following items:
  • Two letters of recommendation. At least one letter must be from a faculty or staff member at your school. Letters of recommendation should be original and should not be duplicates of college recommendation letters. (Letters must be on letterhead.)
  • Résumé. Your résumé should include the following information:
  • —Extracurricular activities (school and community related)
  • —Honors and awards that you have received (if possible, include awards that are technology related)
  • —Work experience
  • Picture of yourself.
  • Transcript. Include an official "sealed" copy of your current academic transcript. (Unofficial copies will not be accepted.)
  • Two essays.
  • 1. In no more than 500 words, describe how you plan to engage in the technology industry in your future career. (If you have done exemplary work using technology during high school, please describe that also.)
  • 2. In no more than 250 words, demonstrate your financial need for this scholarship.
Mail your completed application to the following address by March 1. You will receive a response by April 15.
  • The Seattle Foundation
  • c/o BAM Scholarship
  • 1200 5th Avenue, Ste. 1300
  • Seattle, WA 98101
Download the BAM Scholarship application (Microsoft Word document, 88 KB)

The Collapse of Carillion: Another Free Market Failure

Will Podmore

Carillion PLC, the British construction and facilities management services company has collapsed into liquidation. This is a failure of the ‘free’ market and capitalist dogma: Carillion workers will suffer, as will those who use the services Carillion was given to run.
The ground moved from under Carillion’s feet from the beginning of the year as the government called crisis meetings to try and assist in re-financing for Carillion. Crisis meetings with the creditor banks – Barclays, HSBC and Santander – came to nought. The inevitable result was that liquidators were appointed on 15 January.
Carillion’s stunning collapse is sending huge tremors through the government. The share price fell by over 90 per cent since July 2017. Its market value of £61 million dropped daily and in the end evaporated. The group had debts of over £1.5 billion, a pension deficit of £587 million and even the £300 million it required to keep going in January would most probably not have saved it in the long run.
The government cares nothing for the potential 20,000 British jobs
at risk or the 25,000 Carillion jobs overseas or the threat to the pension scheme or pensioners. What the government cares about is its ideological commitment to the so-called free market and its ‘principle’ of non-interference in bail-outs of failing companies. It is also firmly in the straitjacket of EU financial rules which prevent state assistance.
In the government’s own ideological mind-set, it should let Carillion go to the wall. In reality the government cannot contemplate the possible collapse of the £1.34 billion HS2 rail contract recently awarded to Carillion, intended to prop it up. Instead the government act to safeguard HS2 and avoid shock waves which would rip through their industrial strategy and British manufacturing.
Carillion’s public sector contracts are widespread – including hospitals, schools, prisons, railway maintenance, and armed forces services. All are at risk.
The government is caught between the failures of its free market philosophy, the failure of its decades-long outsourcing strategy and the subsequent chaos about to be let loose in the public sector areas that depend on these outsourced services.