25 Mar 2015

Washington halts drawdown of troops from Afghanistan

Bill Van Auken

US President Barack Obama announced Tuesday his reversal of a plan to withdraw some 5,000 more troops from Afghanistan. Instead, the present contingent of approximately 10,000 US military personnel will remain in the country until the end of this year.
Obama made the announcement at a joint White House press conference with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. Despite optimistic rhetoric from both Obama and Ghani about the so-called “security transition” and Afghan forces taking “full responsibility” for security throughout the country, underlying the abrupt change in the withdrawal timetable is a steadily deteriorating situation on the ground.
The Taliban and other armed groups opposed to the US puppet regime in Kabul are inflicting heavy losses on the Afghan police and army and regaining control of territories that have been abandoned by the US and other foreign occupation forces, particularly in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand.
Tuesday’s press conference came in the middle of a state visit by Ghani, who was installed as president last year following a disputed and fraud-plagued election to succeed the longstanding US front-man Hamid Karzai. Ghani was accompanied by his former presidential rival, Abdullah Abdullah, who was named to the newly created post of “chief executive officer” under a power-sharing agreement imposed by Washington last September in a bid to forestall clashes between the two camps.
On Monday, the visiting Afghan officials huddled at Camp David with US Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and other US security officials to discuss the growing military, economic and political crisis of the US client state. On Wednesday, Ghani is scheduled to speak before a joint session of the US Congress.
Following the Camp David sessions, Kerry announced that the US was creating an $800 million aid fund to “create Afghan self-reliance.” This is over and above the $4 billion to $5 billion—roughly triple the Afghan regime’s annual revenues—needed to fund the Afghan security forces.
Obama indicated at the press conference that Washington would continue picking up the tab for these forces until 2017. The US has already spent $65 billion to organize, arm and train the Afghan army and police forces.
The total cost of the nearly 14-year war, the longest in US history, is estimated in the trillions. The war has cost the lives of more than 2,215 Americans and left more than 20,000 wounded. There has been no accurate recording of the number of Afghans killed and wounded, but the number is certainly in the tens if not hundreds of thousands.
While the Obama administration formally declared the “end of US combat operations” in Afghanistan last December, US special operations troops are continuing night raids and other counter-insurgency actions, while US firepower is still being employed to support the Afghan forces.
This is the third revision of the troop drawdown plan first announced by Obama last May. In December, with a larger than anticipated decline in the number of other NATO troops in Afghanistan, the White House announced a postponement of the drawdown of the US force to 9,800. Prior to that change, Obama altered the rules of engagement for US special operations troops, making it clear that they would be used not just to pursue remnants of Al Qaeda, but to attack any forces challenging the regime in Kabul.
While Obama insisted there would be no change in his ultimate goal of pulling out by 2017, when he leaves office, all but 1,000 troops comprising an embassy protection force and military assistance group, the realization of that promise is clearly open to question.
The decision to maintain the present troop levels in Afghanistan through the end of this year has reportedly been under discussion for weeks. It is a response not so much to Ghani’s request, as to the recommendation of the top US commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Campbell.
The most tangible effect of the troop withdrawal suspension will be the retention of American forces at two key bases in the east and south of the country, where the armed insurgency has dealt some of the heaviest blows against Afghan security forces. Attack helicopters and fighter jets operate out of the bases in Kandahar and Jalalabad, providing air cover without which the Afghan National Army faces being routed.
US military commanders have described the level of casualties and desertions experienced by the Afghan security forces as “unsustainable.” While the paper strength of the Afghan forces is 352,000, US officials admit that the real number at present is probably less than 330,000 because of such losses. Civilian casualties, meanwhile, soared by 22 percent last year.
At Tuesday’s press conference, Obama and Ghani engaged in banter about having both obtained degrees from Columbia University and about Ghani pursuing the same field as Obama’s mother, anthropology. US officials have described the new president as more “cooperative” than his predecessor, Karzai, who occasionally denounced US night raids and air strikes that killed Afghan civilians and refused to sign a bilateral security agreement allowing US troops to remain in the country.
Ghani, who spent a quarter of a century out of Afghanistan—including as an official at the World Bank—before being brought back with the US occupation force in 2001, signed the agreement on his first day in office.
US officials have touted Ghani as a technocrat and head of a new government dedicated to carrying out reform and combating corruption. Reality, however, does not rise to the level of this rhetoric.
Nearly six months after taking office, Ghani and Abdullah Abullah have managed to fill only one third of the seats on the Afghan cabinet, and many other senior posts also remain vacant. The paralysis of the regime is the outcome of bitter disputes over positions between the opposing camps that backed the two candidates, including rival Afghan warlords.
Earlier this month, the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction reported that as much as half of all recent revenues from the Afghan customs service has been stolen. The customs service accounts for over one third of all Afghan government income.
Sources close to the US military and security apparatus have in recent weeks directly contradicted Obama’s glowing predictions of a successful “security transition.”
Last month, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, delivered the faintest praise for the Afghan security forces, allowing that they “will probably maintain control of most major population centers” for the rest of this year, while warning that without sustained US funding they “will probably not remain a cohesive or viable force.”
Similarly, retired Army Lt. Gen. David Barno, a former senior commander in Afghanistan, warned in an interview with Bloomberg News, “Within six months of [the US withdrawal], it could be game over for the Afghans, especially if the American money doesn’t stay there, too.”
Anthony Cordesman, a former Pentagon official and adviser to the US military, issued a report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies on March 20 warning that the US transition in Afghanistan “may well repeat key previous US failures in Vietnam and Iraq.”

Growing warnings of another financial disaster

Nick Beams

Global financial markets are on the road to another crash, with consequences even more serious than the collapse of September 2008. There have been a series of dire warnings from within the ruling class itself that present monetary policies have created massive financial bubbles with devastating consequences.
In an interview with the Financial Times, James Bullard, the head of the Reserve Bank of St Louis, and a non-voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee, said the Fed had to start normalizing interest rate policy as soon as possible. Continuing the present near-zero rate would feed into an asset price bubble which would “blow up out of control.”
Bullard and others are pointing to what has now become an obvious fact, that the combined effects of quantitative easing (i.e., printing money) and interest rate cuts by central banks are powering a feeding frenzy in global equity and bond markets.
Last week, an analysis of the S&P 500 Index from the Office of Financial Research, attached to the US Treasury Department, concluded that the US stock market had entered a situation comparable to patterns seen in 1929, 2000 and 2007. That is, a major downturn, if not a crash, was looming. Entitling his report “Quicksilver Markets”, the author noted: “Quicksilver markets can turn from tranquil to turbulent in short order.”
There are growing fears of a “liquidity crunch” if all the major investors and speculators, which operate on basically similar financial models, try to make an exit at the same time, only to find that there are no buyers.
According to a report in the Financial Times on Tuesday, some fund managers have warned “not since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and the freezing of money markets in August 2007 has there been such widespread concern over the structure of fixed income [i.e., bond] markets.” It said that prices of bonds had risen appreciably as investors had “gorged” on the cheap money provided by the low-interest rate regime of central banks and warned that there could be a “liquidity crunch” if they “collectively run for the exits.”
The same situation has developed in corporate and government bond markets, which have surged ahead on cheap money, making commonplace the previously extremely rare phenomenon of negative yields. (The price of the bond moves in the opposite direction to the yield.)
Negative yields mean that investors are in effect paying governments for the privileged of lending them money. The phenomenon is the result of a situation in which, despite the fact that bondholders would make a loss if they held the high-priced bond to maturity, they can still make a capital gain because the outflow of central bank finance will push bond prices still higher. They can simply sell the bond to another investor, who is himself operating under the assumption that he can do the same.
In effect, corporate and bond markets have been turned into a giant Ponzi scheme where profits can continue to be made so long as money continues to pour in. In other words, the modus operandi of what started as a criminal venture in the US during the 1920s has now become the central operating principle of the global multi-trillion dollar financial markets.
The official justification for this system advanced by its promoters is that these measures are necessary to stimulate economic growth. Such claims are refuted by facts and figures. The world economy as a whole is characterized by growing deflationary trends coupled with stagnant or low growth rates.
Yesterday it was announced that in Britain consumer prices for February had failed to show a rise for the first time in 55 years, a sure indicator of economic contraction. At the same time, a key indicator of manufacturing activity in China fell to an 11-month low. Decreases occurred in the key areas of new orders, export orders, employment and output prices.
The day before in Europe, projections prepared by the European Central Bank found that its quantitative easing program, aimed at pumping more than €1 trillion into financial markets over the next 18 months, would do virtually nothing to boost employment. The jobless rate will continue to remain at above 10 percent even after the program has been completed.
The main effect of the QE measures has been to boost European stock markets, which so far this year have risen at a faster rate than in the US, even as European economic output still remains below where it was in 2007, with investment in the real economy down by more than 25 percent on pre-crisis levels.
While the corporate and financial aristocracy continues to enrich itself, the conditions for the working class are subject to an unending austerity drive. The dictates of the financial oligarchy with respect to Greece are the consummate expression of what is a global program: the forcible impoverishment and starvation of ever-wider sections of the population.
In the aftermath of the devastation of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the political representatives of the ruling classes—desperately fearful of socialist revolution—claimed that they could regulate the worst effects of the profit system through so-called Keynesian measures based on government spending to simulate growth and secure a return to “normalcy.”
For a very short period, in historical terms, these policies seemed to bring success. However, they rested on the strength of US capitalism and the boost that its more productive methods provided for the global economy as a whole.
The situation today has been completely transformed. The US economy is no longer the center of economic expansion but is the headquarters of global parasitism. The central position in the world economy is no longer occupied by corporations such as Ford and General Motors, but by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and their equally parasitic counterparts internationally, which are not engaged in the creation of new wealth but in its appropriation, often through outright criminal methods.
The utter bankruptcy of the entire profit system is exemplified by the policy debate now taking place in ruling financial and economic circles. It is between those who maintain that the cheap money policies of the central banks must be continued lest a disaster result, and those who insist the taps have to be turned off, and the system purged, if necessary through bankruptcies and financial collapses, in order to try to prevent an even bigger catastrophe.
The various defenders of the profit system, in the media, academic circles and in pseudo-left organisations such as Syriza in Greece, maintain that the perspective of a planned world socialist economy is not possible and therefore the only alternative is to try to “save capitalism from itself”.
In fact, the perspective of international socialism is the only viable and realistic answer to the historic crisis of capitalism. To be realized, it must be made the basis of the political program for which the international working class begins to fight.

Vietnam's Major Regional Thrust For A Malaria-Free Asia Pacific By 2030

Citizen News Service (CNS)

Vietnam signals greater regional leadership in malaria elimination by hosting health officials and experts to discuss challenges to achieving a malaria-free Asia Pacific by 2030. This week, Vietnam will host Ministry of Health officials from the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network (APMEN); a group of 17 countries in Asia Pacific who each share the ultimate goal to become malaria-free. Last year at the East Asia Summit meeting in Myanmar, leaders from 18 Asia Pacific countries, including Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, decisively committed to the goal of an Asia-Pacific free of malaria in the next 15 years. With expanded leadership and FINANCING, both Vietnam and other Asia-Pacific nations, may reach that goal even sooner.
Drug resistance alarming
The commitment to eliminate malaria aims to address growing concerns of resistance to the drug artemisinin - the frontline treatment for malaria. Elimination of malaria has been adopted as the only strategy that can ensure resistance does not undo decades of malaria progress. Reaching the regional malaria elimination goal will require significant INVESTMENTS from governments and donors, sustained political commitment, and strong collaboration among countries.
On the international stage, Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has been a role model in delivering high-level political leadership for malaria elimination, by building the support of regional leaders to an Asia-Pacific free of malaria by 2030. As co-chair of the Asia Pacific Leaders' Malaria Alliance (APLMA) with the Prime Minister of Australia, Vietnam's Prime Minister Dung has an unprecedented opportunity to bring Vietnam to the forefront of malaria elimination efforts in Asia Pacific.
Dr Ben Rolfe, Executive Secretary of the APLMA Secretariat stressed Vietnam's critical leadership in the region.
He stated: "The emergency of malaria drug resistance threatens the well-being and economic prosperity of Vietnam, the Greater Mekong Sub Region and much of the world. That Leaders across this region have agreed to an Asia-Pacific free of malaria by 2030 shows extraordinary vision and leadership in addressing this emergency and APMEN has a pivotal role to play in supporting elimination across the region."
Since 2000, Vietnam has reduced malaria cases by 90% and reported 35,406 cases in 2013 (World Malaria Report 2014). Strong political and financial commitment from the Minister of Health, Dr Nguyen Thi Kim Tien will ensure continued success of the malaria program in Vietnam.
Vietnam’s Deputy Minister of Health, Dr Nguyen Thanh Long, will officially open the APMEN annual meeting in Hoi An on Tuesday, March 24. Officials from Vietnam’s Ministry of Health, malaria experts and country program managers from the 17 APMEN countries will meet from March 25-27. The meeting will also celebrate newest country partner, India, who JOINED the Network earlier this month.
The move by these important countries to JOIN the network signals a significant shift towards greater commitment to elimination that will facilitate closer collaboration with their low-transmission and malaria free neighbors.
Sir Richard Feachem, Director of the Global Health Group at the University of California, San Francisco, and co-chair of APMEN, underscored the necessity of regional networks in achieving elimination goals.
“APLMA and APMEN will play critical political and technical roles in achieving the ambitious but attainable goal of freedom from malaria by 2030. The economic and social benefits of this achievement to the people and countries of Asia Pacific will be immense.”
The Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network provides a platform for countries to share knowledge on common challenges, promote cross-border collaboration and regional political commitment to the elimination of malaria by the year 2030.

Barbarians Are Coming - Western or Arabs?

Mahboob A. Khawaja

Moral and Intellectual Abyss
The US and the Europeans see war as an instrument of political hegemony and control over the precious natural resources of the Arab-Muslim world. The super-ego American and the allied Europeans are missing sense of guilt for the vice and ruins of decade long occupation and destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan. To heighten the demands of human conscience, Arab masses view them barbarians of a new age more savage than their predecessors crusader of the 12the century. Incapacity joined by insane egoism makes complacent oil producing Arab rulers to follow the Western dictates despite internal challenges and intrigues of their governance. Temptation and compulsion of evil and failure of moral and intellectual leadership have jeopardized the present and future of whole of the Arab-Muslim world. Viewing the mental microscope, aggressive sectarian daily bloodbaths and militarization have articulated a sense of unreality. Morally indifferent and intellectually exhausted and incapacitated as they look, Arab and Muslim leaders are waiting and waiting to see what happens NEXT, missing initiative  and new imagination to the world of reason and prevalent reality – planned violence and resulting cruelty are BECOMING the societal hallmark across the Arab-Muslim world.  They wait for miracle to happen out of nothing. Exclusive materialism and militarization have devastated the Arab traditional culture and psyche. Perhaps petro-dollar transitory prosperity has removed the sense of fear and shame to embolden them to commit any crimes against the human nature and the people. The struggle is between the Western supported authoritarianism and the reasoning for political change by the Arab masses. All and everybody is fighting. Throughout the century, Arabs have lost the battles. The leaders appear entrenched in a new barbarianism unknown in human annals. If ONE is asked, what are they fighting for? There is no logical connection to the on-going American-led war against ISIL or the Iranian-operated Shiite group Al-Badr and others committing crimes against the Sunnis-Shiite and minorities.  There is no moral in a proxy war. All belligerent acts enjoin their own intents and motives.
The Arab and Muslim world is turning into complete political cruelty and quagmire. Man killing fellow man, all killing all, and reason not to be questioned. The leaders and people appear to be on the same page of bloodbath, insecurity and breathing oxygen in a conflicting time zone falling apart into the unknown. They believe in nothing as if the Earth was dormant, as if there is no God and life ceases to have a noble purpose of peace, harmony and co-existence. Western war strategists are a crucial factor in bringing them to this perverted status-quo of moral and human equilibrium. In an advanced 21st century of knowledge, wisdom and information, man remains ignorant and arrogant of his wrong thinking. Arab-Muslim authoritarianism enforced by the self-image to commit planned violence and aggression against the revolutionary masses is radiating across SyriaIraqYemenEgyptLibya and Bahrain. After five years, the global community is just a symbolic spectator watching the heinous crimes of the few against many. There is no World Order in place to protect the victims of the on-going bloody atrocities. There is no International Law to forbid the disorder. Most Arab-Muslim leaders lack capacity to imagine a viable political future and  understanding of the purpose of human life and its priorities within the scope of living Earth and living Universe in which there is stern accountability of man in relation to time and place. How should this man-made cruelty and prevalent anarchy be stopped and mankind is saved from the scourge of bloody sectarian and highly politicized war gone so wrong and BECOMING unthinkable in consequences?
Had they believed in God, humanity and purpose of life with defined accountability, the Earth could have been a better place for all to co-exist peacefully. The outrageous sectarian divides and killings of Sunnis, Shiite, Christians and other minorities in the Arab societies are reaching to an appalling catastrophic magnitude. Does the informed global community want to see the Arab world to determine its own sadistic ending?  Killing unjustifiably ONE innocent human being is like killing of the whole of the humanity. The global warlords represent cruel mindset incapable to see the human side of the living conscience. William T. Hathaway (“America is under Attack!” Dissident Voice), author of  A World of Hurt and  an adjunct Professor of American Studies, University of Oldenburg, Germany,  attempts to clarify how the US and Britain have culminated havoc world of atrocities in the Arab Middle East:
“The USA and Britain committed similar atrocities in IraqSyriaLebanonLibyaIndonesia, and Afghanistan. We overthrew their governments, installed dictators, undermined their economies — all to strengthen our business interests. In every nation where we now have terrorism, we had first assaulted them. America is under attack only because it is on the attack. It's no wonder they hate us. Imagine how we would feel if a foreign country were doing this to us. We'd be fighting back any way we could…… If people knew this — knew how easy it would be to stop terrorism — they wouldn't want to fight this war. That's why the media ignore al-Qaeda's demands. Western leaders don't want people to see that the war's real purpose isn't to stop terrorism but to control the resources of this region. They actually want the terrorism because that gives them the excuse they need — the threat of an evil enemy.” 
Who are the Real Barbarians -  Western or Muslims?
“It was under the influence of Arabian and Moorish revival of culture and not in the fifteenth century, that the real Renaissance took place. Spain not Italy, was the cradle of the rebirth of Europe...It is highly probable that but for the Arabs modern European civilization would never have arisen at all; it is absolutely certain that but for them, it would not have assumed that character which has enabled it to transcend all previous phases of evolution. For although there is not a single aspect of European growth in which the decisive influence of Islamic culture is not traceable, nowhere is it so clear and momentous as in the genesis of that power which constitutes the paramount distinctive force of the modern world and the supreme source of its victory.” Robert Briffault, ProfessorCambridge University (The Making of Humanity, London, 1919).
Arabs were once the pioneer of knowledge-based sustainable civilization lasting for 800 years – the longest period in human history. Today, the former colonial thinkers and occupiers describe the Arabs and Muslims as “extremists”, ‘terrorists” and barbarians.” Throughout the 20th century and well into the 21st century, the oil richness failed to deal with emerging social, moral, intellectual and political problems. Instead with militarization of the region, increasing bloodbaths depicts a havoc political spectrum- floating without roots and reason. Islam enriched the Arabs to become global leaders of a progressive civilization, but the oil enhanced prosperity transformed them into ‘camel jockeys' and object of hallow laughers after dinner jokes in the Western culture. When the Arabs had a missionary zeal to “forbid evil and invite mankind towards goodness”, they excelled in human change, moral leadership, material progress and civilization. Money cannot buy wisdom, honor and human integrity. The late Saudi King Abdullah and Sheikh Sabha al-Sabah of Kuwait were both complacent in providing logistic support to George Bush's 2003 invasion of Iraq and the massacre of approximately three millions Iraqis during the prolonged occupation. The bogus “war on terrorism” could not have happened if the Arab leaders - the frontline bogyman of the US Empire had useful mind, intellectual capacity and integrity to challenge the most irrational and cruel act in human history. The Arabs created a knowledge-enshrined pioneering culture of tolerance, encompassing various ethnicities, faiths and languages -- thus inspiring the development of everything from mathematics to astronomy, medical sciences, poetry, and imagination of futuristic human civilization, education, law and justice, splendid architect defy gravity onward to library science and lot more.
But the Arab-Muslim world failed to produce any leader of vision and intellectual integrity for the changing and complex global affairs of the 21st century. When Arabs were the leaders in Faith (‘Emaan') and human values, they articulated a unique civilization tolerant of diversity and varied cultural ethnicities and built upon the unity of Islamic faith to nurture peaceful co-existence and human development. If you list the discoveries and contributions of Muslim scholars, they are countless. Do you know any other scientists or scholars whose contributions were used in text books for six centuries in European medical schools? Consider Mohammad Hussein Bu Ali Sina's Cannon of Medicine. The Europeans changed his name to Avicenna so that nobody would recognize that he was a Muslim scholar. It is said that Ibna Sina alone discovered and authenticated 36 pharmaceutical formulas being used to this day. Marai Rosa Menocal (A Golden Reign of Tolerance: The Ornament of the World: How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain, 2003), explains:  "The lessons of history, like the lessons of religion, sometime neglect examples of tolerance. A thousand years ago on the Iberian Peninsula, an enlightened vision of Islam had created the most advanced culture in Europe....In Cordoba, the library housed some 400,000 volumes at a time when the largest library in Latin Christendom probably held no more than 400."
Daily barrel bombs across Syria, Jehadi car bombings in Baghdad, Houti's led Iranian-backed Shiite insurgency in Yemen, bloody street encounters in Cairo and Tripoli – millions are being displaced and wiped out in seconds as if they were not human beings - all tell of a dehumanized Arab culture of irreversible frightening trend. The future is darkened by the forces of evil.  Violence and hatred are fast sinking the large landscape of Arab-Muslim societies into massive deaths and societal destruction. Daily killing statistics generate media-frenzy supporting Samuel Huntington's (“The Clash of Civilizations”, Foreign Affairs, 1993), claim of “Islam has bloody borders.”  
Would America and Israel Determine the Future of the New Middle East?
Are the Arab leaders collaborating with the US and Israel policy agenda to undermine the Arab nation states and the future ofPalestine?  The ultimate goal is aimed at complete militarization, destabilization and continuous destruction of the people, culture and economic environment of the Arab peninsula. Throughout the oil exporting Arab world, some of the contemporary rulers have turned out to be complacent in the US-Israeli strategic plans for the future of the Middle East. The recent outcomes of the Israeli political elections and return of PM Netanyahu gives ample concerns that Palestinian will face formidable problems in pursuing the freedom goal out of the continued occupation. Perhaps, Palestinians need new, educated and proactive coherent leadership to deal with the 21st century's critical political challenges. Somehow neglecting the history, Israelis and Palestinians are not overcoming the missing humanitarian, moral and intellectual communication norms and linkages. When the European massacred and displaced Jews, Arabs welcomed them in their own hearts and governance extending excellence in human dignity and political prominence in An-Andalusia (Spain) and elsewhere. There is an urgent societal need on both sides to rethink and to capitalize on moral, social and intellectual communications between the Palestinians and Israelis to avert violence and reject political hatred. Whenever any antagonists keep means of communication open and accessible, human problems could be tackled by reason and necessity of the human nature. Israelis and Palestinians are living and informed entities and they must come up with action plans to co-exist at human level of decency and sustainable future. Denying freedom to Palestinians would be a denial to the freedom of self-oppressed Israelis politically and intellectually with continuing occupation and wars. None of the Arab leaders have ever come out to represent logically the public conscience on the issue of Palestine and the establishment of an independent homeland for the people ofPalestine.  An internationally acclaimed Canadian author, Eric Margolis (“Middle East Peace is Buried”, Information Clearing House: 3/21/2015) brings home the much perceived reality:
Who is going to force Israel to follow this sensible, two-state solution to the misery of the Palestinian people?  Obama could not even stop Netanyahu from coming to Washington and humiliating him before Congress.    Is Obama going to force Israel and its 650,000 armed settlers out of the West Bank? …..As for the Palestinians, they don't seem to have much hope.  Chances for even a rickety, feeble Bantustan state on the West Bank are gone.  Netanyahu declared no Palestinian state at the end of the elections race.  He will, of course, continue flirting with the US and EU over this worn-out question,  making small tactical concessions to allow his western allies to continue going along with the charade that “peace talks” are still alive. They are not and have not been for a decade.  It just suits the western powers to continue this deceitful game while Israel relentlessly annexes the Occupied Territories.
In view of the unstoppable cycle of political killings and daily bloodbaths in so many Arab states - Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Bahrain and spill-over to other oil producing Arab nations - and continuing militancy of the ISIL and its chain reactionary rivalries of other extremist groups, vengeful deaths and destruction unleashed by the Iranian backed Shiite militias in Iraq, Syria and the Houtis in Yemen and dismantling of the socio-economic infrastructures - is the Arab world coming to its own end?  None of the Arab leaders seem to care or to think of creative political initiatives and measures to stop the cycle of sectarian killings and massive destabilization of the region. Any objective-oriented analysis will point out that Arab authoritarian leaders interdependent on America and Britain expect their masters to come and rescue them in political crises. Obviously, America and Britain enjoin their own political and military agenda and follow it through.
How to Change Political Insanity into Moral Reasoning?
One finds a fatal deficiency in the mindset of the Arab-Muslim leadership – a moral and intellectual behavioral sinking with missing soul of curiosity and internal mindedness. In situations of crisis and unusual emergencies, COMPETENT and responsible leaders do not look towards convenient escape from reality but get engaged and extend intellectual security to manage problems. What is the cure to raging indifference and cruelty to the interests of the people of the Arab-Muslim world, AmericaEurope and for that matter to the whole of the global community?  Looking at the Nature of Things, the universe encompasses many challenging opposites - time, space, sun, moon, gravitational rotation of the earth, fire, water, air, sand, floods, earthquakes, tsunami, disasters, explosions, wars, destructions, bombing and all that can be imagined to destroy the mankind and endanger the continued movement of the splendid, inspiring and harmonious Universe. How it is that Man - a creation of God cannot co-exist with fellow Man?  Is Man by nature a blood thirsty creature?  Why should few West European leaders and President Obama have free hand in launching bombing campaigns and killing the innocents in IraqAfghanistan and Syria?  Would they dare to do the same againstRussia in the Ukraine crisis? What rights do these insane barbarians enjoin to engage in military intervention and massacre the innocents in AfghanistanIraqYemen and Syria day in and day out?  American shifting metaphor in policy will not end the Syrian bloodbath. It shows how the ill-fated bombing coalition against ISIL is futile and meaningless. All Western leaders are playing sadistic games of survival and exploitation. Dictators never reason but dictate and so the landscape of the Iraq-Syrian conflicts.
When would this planned and continuing cruelty come to an end? Is there a sense of superiority and indifference to the interests of the global mankind?  In its 2014 Global Thinkers statistics, Foreign Policy (“A World Disrupted: The global Thinkers of 2014”) pinpoints that “something big requires a team rather than an individual….” To enhance global peace and to undo the bogus wars on terrorism, there is an urgent need for teamwork by all concerned not just the few self- addicted warmongers who have consciously undermined the vital interests of the mankind.  The teamwork if undertaken with unbiased mind and  without pre-conceived notions could usher sustainable change and a new beginning between those who claim to be at peace and somewhat superior than the ordinary folks and those who are fighting reactionary wars of freedom against insanity and catastrophic devastation of the human habitats.
To change the world into peaceful co-existence and sustainable harmony, it is incumbent upon the intellectuals, academics, visionaries, poets, philosophers and thinking hub of the informed contemporary global community to perceive and articulate new and creative ideas, new political imagination for the 21st century organizations to be functional for the people, by the people and accountable to the supremacy of the people's will. Time and encompassing opportunities warrant new thinking and new leaders enriched with new and innovative visions for change and coherent future-making - The ONE Humanity. But change and creativity and new visions will not emerge out of the obsolete, redundant and failed authoritarianism of the few insane leaders. None have the understanding of tangible peace or respect for human life and co-existence in a splendid Universe. To challenge the deafening silence of the US and Europeans (the powerful and hegemonic forces of the world governing system), for global peace and security, the global humanity must find ways and means to look beyond the obvious and troublesome horizons dominated by the few warlords as if there were no rational being and people of reason populating the God-given living Universe. The informed and mature global community looks towards those Thinkers, educated and honest proactive leaders enriched with coherent unity of moral, spiritual, intellectual and physical visions and abilities to be instrumental to rescue it from the planned encroachment of the few Western warlords. Wars never end but obsess the succeeding generations with unthinkable physical pains, psychological, injuries and tormenting anguish to dehumanized effects for ever. Pete Dolack an activist, writer, poet and photographer, blogs Systemic Disorder; attempts to share the first-hand life experiences of the few US combatant soldiers fighting the bogus war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan:
. …That 22 veterans commit suicide per day is a grim reminder not only of the harsh demands of military life but that the Pentagon effectively throws away its veterans after using them.
There are those whose injuries are obvious, such as Tomas Young, whose struggles were shown in full intensity in the documentary Body of War. In the letter he wrote to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney when his death was impending, he put into words his agony:
“YOUR cowardice and selfishness were established decades ago. You were not willing to risk yourselves for our nation but you sent hundreds of thousands of young men and women to be sacrificed in a senseless war with no more thought than it takes to put out the garbage. I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical [disabilities and] wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician. We were used. We were betrayed. And we have been abandoned.”
Kelly Dougherty, “talk about my feelings of shame for participating in a violent occupation.” She writes:
“When I returned from Iraq ten years ago, some of my most vivid memories were of pointing my rifle at men and boys while my fellow soldiers burned semi trucks of food and fuel, and of watching the raw grief of a family finding that their young son had been run over and killed by a military convoy.
Are the Arab-Muslim leaders waiting for the unthinkable catastrophic end to their own life cycle and time in history?  To inhabit the world of new political imagination beyond the obvious horizon, these leaders could imagine the same ending as happened to the Romans by their own wishful constructs.  Would the estranged Arab leaders ever know and understand the cruelty of Wounds that can be seen and those not seen!

America's Global Dominance (Since WW II) Has Just Ended

Eric Zuesse

On March 22nd, I headlined Why the Western Alliance Is Ending,” and I listed the recent events which indicate that the Western Alliance doesn't have much longer to go. And, now, it has actually already ended. The handwriting is on the wall, for everyone to see; it's so out-in-the-open, as of today.

HERE is what has just happened (as reported in German Economic News, and translated by me), which virtually brings down the curtains on America's dominance of the world — a dominance that STARTED when World War II ended in 1945:

March 21: “GEOPOLITICS: Washington nervous: China, Japan and South Korea forge an Alliance.” This news story reports: "For the first time in THREE years, the foreign ministers of the three countries met. They agreed on Saturday in Seoul to work towards a summit of their leaders, and to take on problems with the interpretation of history [which have separated them till now]. They also expressed their intention to continue to work for a free trade agreement and for new multi-party talks on North Korea's controversial nuclear program.”

HERE'S the important context of that: The U.S. in WW II conquered Japan, which had invaded China and conquered Korea; but, now, Japan, China and South Korea are moving toward one-another, while China, and indirectly the BRICS group of rising economic powers as a whole — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — are making their move past the previous U.S.-European control of the world. Furthermore, these Asian powers are collectively inviting North Korea to move toward them, and to JOIN this group, which would finally bring an end to the stalemated hostilities between South and North Korea. So: welcome to the 21st Century! (For more details on that, see the terrific news reporting in GEN.) 

And, in addition: for these THREE economic powerhouses to “work for a free trade agreement” that's outside the orbit of Obama's secret negotiations for his TPP or Trans-Pacific Partnership with them, may mean that they all will be less likely to accept the trade-deal that he is trying to negotiate collectively with them. So: this three-party ministerial meeting is, in itself, potentially an extremely important historical event. But it is part of this larger and interconnected whole, which is far more important than any trade-deal.

March 20: “General Motors ends Opel production in Russia.” This news story reports yet another sign of the separation between the Western and the Eastern economic blocs, which, yet again, is both a direct and an indirect result of Obama's sanctions against Russia, and of his Secretary of State John Kerry's agreement with the king of Saudi Arabia to increase oil production in order to drive down the OIL PRICE and thereby starve Russia of its crucial foreign-exchange earnings from Russia's huge oil-sales. However, countering Obama's purpose of harming Russia, GM's Russian production facilities might now be acquired as abandoned assets by Russia's oligarchs or the Russian state, and produce new models, the profits from which will remain inside Russia and accrue to Russians. In this regard: Reuters headlined on March 19th “Lada maker's hopes rise as rival flees Russian car market," and reported that, "Russian carmaker Avtovaz, producer of the ... Lada, expects to grab a bigger share of the shrinking domestic market as its international rivals pull back.” That money will stay in Russia, building up Russia's economy, instead of Germany's (Opel) and America's (GM).

March 23: “Volkswagen Drives Back Russian Production.” Germany's largest car-maker adds yet further to the opportunities for Russia's INVESTORS, and for investors in other BRICS countries (since they're not participating in Obama's anti-Russian sanctions).

March 23: “Spain: Protest party, Podemos, comes third in regional election.” "The Socialists won the [Andalusian] election, the Conservatives of Premier Mariano Rajoy clearly lost the election.” The conservative party, and its leader of Spain, Mariano Rajoy, which have been strongly pro-American and have supported America's fascist anti-Russian coup in Ukraine as much as they thought the Spanish public would tolerate (given that Spain's public are overwhelmingly anti-fascist after the dismal fascist Franco decades), were trounced in regional elections. Spain's new socialist party, Podemos, was silent on foreign policy because of Spain's domestic problems, but will likely be less supportive of America's anti-Russian war than the conservatives have been — which already has not been very supportive (because Rajoy fears a voter-backlash).

March 23: “France: Sarkozy-bloc ahead, National Front strong, Hollande beaten.” The party of the ‘socialist' Francois Hollande, who has been as cooperative with Obama's anti-Russian policies as he can be (given the public's sentiment against those policies), has been beaten in local elections throughout France, by two politicians who have spoken out strongly against Hollande's kowtowing to American supremacy and his caving to Obama on Ukraine and Russia (such as by defaulting on the Mistral deal): Nicolas Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen. Nominally, these are ‘right-wing' politicians, but in this matter they are predominantly against imperialism, they're progressives here, because the imperialism is being practiced by America against their own country, France; and they are more like Charles DeGaul, who was a French patriot who opposed American domination of French affairs.

Public pressures in Europe are largely behind the breakaway from America of European leaders (the phenomenon which was discussed and documented in my “Why the Western Alliance Is Ending”). However, the signal event isn't really in Europe; it's in Asia: “GEOPOLITICS: Washington nervous: China, Japan and South Korea forge an Alliance.” What that indicates, and which is only being supported and reinforced by these European events, is a re-alignment of world-powers, in which, Russian leader Vladimir Putin's “EurAsian” concept is being endorsed virtually world-wide, except perhaps among the Arabic oil-sheikdoms such as the Saudi, Qatari and Bahraini aristocracies, all of whom are allied with the U.S. aristocracy and crucial to the dollarization of the oil-price and thus of the trading of weapons for oil and gas.

Vladimir Putin's multipolar world is winning; it's attracting support from non-fascists in all corners of the globe. Barack Obama's opposite vision — reflected especially in his often-repeated phrase, in which he refers to the United States as “the one indispensable nation” (meaning that all other nations are “dispensable”) — is the likes of which the world hasn't even heard, from anyone else, ever since the time of Adolf Hitler's infamous “Deutschland über alles” in the 1930s and '40s; and it really means the very same thing, only for a different country: it's actually nationalism, instead of patriotism; and only a small minority of people, even in today's nazi Ukraine and in Nazi Germany, have supported it, or sought to impose it. It's far stronger among aristocrats than among the public.

The shock of the world, to find a President of the United States saying that, and his going so far as to tell America's military to view America's economic competitors as being what they will be fighting against, is driving away the publics, and now even the leaders of other nations. For example, Obama told West Point cadets:

"The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. … Russia's aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China's economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes COMPETE with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums.” 

He thinks our military should be fighting against nations (such as Russia) that have rising economies. For him, it's about conquest, and not only about national defense. And he's obsessed with conquering Russia. Even the aristocrats in most other countries are now backing off from that. He has the support for it, at home, of virtually all members of Congress, but even in the U.S., more than two-thirds oppose it. He has over-reached, so very far, that it's finally beyond his grasp, and it's only driving the world faster into the multipolar vision that Russia's leader, much maligned by the Western press, has been championing for the world's future: a world of free and independent states, which recognize that for any one of them to benefit at the expense of others is wrong and brings no one any good in the final analysis — much less in the PRESENT (just wars such as in Ukraine).

Whatever may happen to Vladimir Putin, his vision has actually taken over the world, and he has made clear that Russia itself (and he himself) has no intention or desire to do so. (He even refuses to accept the rebelling region of the former Ukraine into becoming a part of Russia. He had accepted Crimea only because it's vital to Russia's national defense and had been a part of Russia until 1954.) This is remarkable. And his contrast to Obama is also remarkable. 

Obama's arrogance is what's driving the world away. It has brought about the end of The American Century, in world affairs. It has given entirely new meaning to the old phrase “the ugly American.” In its new meaning, this phrase refers not to the American public (who never really deserved such opprobrium anyway), but clearly to the American aristocracy, the billionaire elite whom Obama and the U.S. Congress actually serve. They are America's problem, but perhaps they won't become the world's, after all. That is what is at stake HERE: whether an overreaching national aristocracy will succeed in imposing its will upon and against the entire world. Other aristocracies are now deciding: no. They won't. And that's today's big news-story.

Secrecy And Democracy Are Incompatible

John Avery

It is obvious, almost by definition, that excessive governmental secrecy and true democracy are incompatible. If the people of a country have no idea what their government is doing, they cannot possibly have the influence on decisions that the word “democracy” implies.
Dark government
Governmental secrecy is not something new. Secret diplomacy contributed to the outbreak of World War I, and the secret Sykes-Picot agreement later contributed to bitterness of conflicts in the Middle East. However, in recent years, governmental secrecy has grown enormously.
The revelations of Edward Snowdon have shown that the number of people involved in secret operations of the United States government is now as large as the entire population of Norway: roughly 5 million. The influence of this dark side of government has BECOME so great that no president is able to resist it.
In a recent article, John Chuckman remarked that “The CIA is now so firmly entrenched and so immensely well financed (much of it off the books, including everything from secret budget items to the peddling of drugs and weapons) that it is all but impossible for a president to oppose it the way Kennedy did. Obama, who has proved himself to be a fairly weak character from the START, certainly has given the CIA anything it wants. The dirty business of ISIS in Syria and Iraq is one project. The coup in Ukraine is another. The pushing of NATO's face right against Russia's borders is another. Several attempted coups in Venezuela are still more. And the creation of a drone air force for extra-judicial killings in half a dozen countries is yet another. They don't resemble projects we would expect from a smiley-faced intelligent man who sometimes wore sandals and refused to wear a flag pin on his lapel during hhis first election campaign.” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article41222.htm
Of course the United States government is by no means alone in practicing excessive secrecy: Scott Horton recently wrote an article entitled “How to Rein in a Secretive Shadow Government Is Our National Security Crisis”. He dedicated the article to the Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov because, as he said, “Sakharov recognized that the Soviet Union rested on a colossal false premise: it was not so much socialism (though Sakharov was certainly a critic of socialism) as it was the obsession with secrecy, which obstructed the search for truth, avoided the exposure of mistakes, and led to the rise of powerful bureaucratic elites who were at once incompetent and prone to violence.”
Censorship of the news
Many modern governments have BECOME very expert in manipulating public opinion through mass media. They only allow the public to hear a version of the “news” that has been handed down by power-holders. Of course, people can turn to the alternative media that are available on the Internet. But on the whole, the vision of the world presented on television screens and in major newspapers is the “truth” that is accepted by the majority of the public, and it is this picture of events that influences political decisions. Censorship of the news by the power elite is a form of secrecy, since it withholds information that is needed for a democracy to function properly.
Coups, torture and illegal killing
During the period from 1945 to the PRESENT, the US interfered, militarily or covertly, in the internal affairs of a large number of nations: China, 1945-49; Italy, 1947-48; Greece, 1947-49; Philippines, 1946-53; South Korea, 1945-53; Albania, 1949-53; Germany, 1950s; Iran, 1953; Guatemala, 1953-1990s; Middle East, 1956-58; Indonesia, 1957-58; British Guiana/Guyana, 1953-64; Vietnam, 1950-73; Cambodia, 1955-73; The Congo/Zaire, 1960-65; Brazil, 1961-64; Dominican Republic, 1963-66; Cuba, 1959-present; Indonesia, 1965; Chile, 1964-73; Greece, 1964-74; East Timor, 1975-present; Nicaragua, 1978-89; Grenada, 1979-84; Libya, 1981-89; Panama, 1989; Iraq, 1990-present; Afghanistan 1979-92; El Salvador, 1980-92; Haiti, 1987-94; Yugoslavia, 1999; and Afghanistan, 2001-present, Syria, 2013-present; Egypt, 2013-present, and Ukraine, 2013-present. Most of these interventions were explained to the American people as being necessary to combat communism (or more recently, terrorism), but an underlying motive was undoubtedly the desire to put in place governments and laws that would be favorable to the economic interests of the US and its allies.
For the sake of balance, we should remember that during the Cold War period, the Soviet Union and China also intervened in the internal affairs of many countries, for example in Korea in 1950-53, Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and so on; another very long list. These Cold War interventions were also unjustifiable, like those mentioned above. Nothing can justify military or covert interference by superpowers in the internal affairs of smaller countries, since people have a
right to live under governments of their own choosing even if those governments are not optimal.
Many people in Latin America have been tortured:
However, torture has also occurred elsewhere. The long history of CIA torture was recently investigated, but only small portions of the 6000-page report are available to the public. The rest remains secret.
Extrajudicial killing of civilians by means of drones is also shrouded by secrecy, and it too is a gross violation of democratic principles.
Secret trade deals
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is one of the trade deals that is being negotiated in secret. Not even the US congress is allowed to know the details of the document. However, enough information has been leaked to make it clear that if the agreement is passed, foreign corporations would be allowed to “sue” the US government for loss of profits because of (for example) environmental regulations. The “trial” would be outside the legal system, before a tribunal of lawyers representing the corporations.
A similar secret trade deal with Europe, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), is also being “fast-tracked”. One can hardly imagine greater violations of democratic principles.
Secret land purchases in Africa
According to a report released by the Oakland Institute, in 2009 alone, hedge funds bought or leased nearly 60 million hectares of land in Africa, an area the size of France.
As populations increase, and as water becomes scarce, China, and other countries, such as Saudi Arabia are also buying enormous tracts of agricultural land, not only in Africa, but also in other countries.
These land purchases are very often kept secret from the local populations by corrupt governments.
Prosecution of whistleblowers
The frantic efforts of President Obama to capture and punish whistleblower Edward Snowdon indicate that the secrets that the US government is trying to hide are by no means limited to the massive electronic spying operations that Snowdon revealed.
Snowdon has already said most of what he has to say. Nevertheless, Washington was willing to break international law and the rules of diplomatic immunity by forcing its European allies to ground the plane of Bolivian President Evo Morales following a rumor that Snowdon was on board. This was not done to prevent Snowdon from saying more, but with the intention of making a gruesome example of him, as a warning to other whistleblowers.
Furthermore, President Obama has initiated an enormous Stasi-like program called “Insider Threats”, which forces millions of federal employees, in a wide variety of agencies, to spy on each other and to report anything that looks like a move towards whistleblowing.
According to an article written by Marisa Taylor and Jonathan S. Landay of the McLatchy Washington Bureau, ``...It extends beyond the US national security bureaucracies to most federal departments and agencies nationwide, including the Peace Corps, the Social Security Administration, and the Education and Agriculture Departments."
Apparently the US government has very many secrets to hide, and very many potential whistleblowers that it fears. But who are they? Who are the potential whistleblowers who must be forced into terrified silence by the examples made of Edward Snowdon, Bradley Manning and Julian Assange?
Are these potential whistleblowers CIA agents who have stories to tell about dirty wars and assassinations in Latin America? Are they people who know the details about how John and Robert Kennedy were shot? Are they people who know how Martin Luther King Jr. was killed? Are they the New York firemen who heard a series of explosions as the buildings of the World Trade Center collapsed? Are they the people in New York who collected samples of the dust that was collected from the falling buildings; dust that was shown by chemical analysis to contain nanothermite, a powerful heat-producing compound that could have melted the steel structures of the buildings? Are they the CIA insiders who could give evidence that the US government knew well in advance of the planned 9/11 attacks, and made them worse than they otherwise would have been by planting explosives in the World Trade Center buildings? Are they people who know Obama's own secrets?
Whoever these potential whistlelblowers are, it is clear that Obama fears them, and that the US government has many secrets. But if it has many secrets, then the present government of the United States cannot be a democracy. In a democracy, the people must know what their government is doing.
Can a government, many of whose operations are secret, be a democracy? Obveously this is impossible. The recent attempts of the United States to arrest whistleblower Edward Snowdon call attention to the glaring contradiction between secrecy and democracy.
In a democracy, the power of judging and controlling governmental policy is supposed to be in the hands of the people. It is completely clear that if the people do not know what their government is doing, then they cannot judge or control governmental policy, and democracy has been abolished. There has always been a glaring contradiction between democracy and secret branches of the government, such as the CIA, which conducts its assassinations and its dirty wars in South America without any public knowledge or control.
The gross, wholesale electronic spying on citizens revealed by Snowdon seems to be specifically aimed at eliminating democracy. It is aimed at instilling universal fear and conformity, fear of blackmail and fear of being out of step, so that the public will not dare to oppose whatever the government does, no matter how criminal or unconstitutional.
The Magna Carta is trashed. No one dares to speak up. Habeus Corpus is trashed. No one dares to speak up. The United Nations Charter is trashed. No one dares to speak up. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is trashed. No one dares to speak up. The Fourth Ammendment to the US Constitution is trashed. No one dares to speak up. The President claims the right to kill both US and foreign citizens, at his own whim. No one dares to speak up.
George Orwell, you should be living today! We need your voice today! After Snowdon's revelations, the sale of Orwell's “1984” soared. It is now on the bestseller list. Sadly, Orwell's distopian prophesy has proved to be accurate in every detail.
What is the excuse for for the massive spying reported by Snowdon, spying not only on US citizens but also on the citizens of other countries throughout the world? “We want to protect you from terrorism.”, the government answers. But terrorism is not a real threat, it is an invented one. It was invented by the military-industrial complex because, at the end of the Cold War, this enormous money-making conglomerate lacked enemies.
Globally, the number of people killed by terrorism is vanishingly small compared to the number of children who die from starvation every year. It is even vanishingly small compared with the number of people who are killed in automobile accidents. It is certainly small compared with the number of people killed in wars aimed at gaining western hegemony over oil-rich regions of the world.
In order to make the American people really fear terrorism, and in order to make them willing to give up their civil liberties, a big event was needed, something like the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.
There is strong evidence, available on the Internet for anyone who wishes to look at it, that the US government knew well in advance that the 9/11 attacks would take place, and that government agents made the disaster worse than it otherwise would have been by planting explosives in the buildings of the World Trade Center. For example, CIA insider Susan Lindauer has testified that the US government knew about the planned attacks as early as April, 2001. Other experts have testified that explosives must have been used to bring the buildings down
Numerous samples of the dust from the disaster were collected by people in New York City, and chemical analysis of the dust has shown the presence of nanothermite, a compound that produces intense heat. Pools of recently-melted steel were found in the ruins of the buildings before these were sealed off from the public. An ordinary fire does not produce temperatures high enough to melt steel.
Thus it seems probable that the US government participated in the 9/11 attacks, and used them in much the same way that the Nazis used the Reichstag fire, to abridge civil liberties and to justify a foreign invasion. Soon afterward, the Patriot Act was passed. It's Orwellian name is easily understood by anyone who has read “1984”.
Secrecy, democracy and nuclear weapons
Nuclear weapons were developed in secret. The decision to use them on the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in an already-defeated Japan was made in secret. Since 1945, secrecy has surrounded all aspects of nuclear weapons, and for this reason it is clear that they are essentially undemocratic.
Recently UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has introduced a 5-point Program for the abolition of nuclear weapons. In this program he mentioned the possibility of a Nuclear Weapons Convention, and urged the Security Council to convene a summit devoted to the nuclear abolition. He also urged all countries to ratify the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty.
Three-quarters of all nations support UN Secretary-General Ban's proposal for a treaty to outlaw and eliminate nuclear weapons. The 146 nations that have declared their willingness to negotiate a new global disarmament pact include four nuclear weapon states: China, India, Pakistan and North Korea.
Nuclear disarmament has been ONE of the core aspirations of the international community since the first use of nuclear weapons in 1945. A nuclear war, even a limited one, would have global humanitarian and environmental consequences, and thus it is a responsibility of all governments, including those of non-nuclear countries, to protect their citizens and engage in processes leading to a world without nuclear weapons.
Now a new process has been established by the United Nations General Assembly, an Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) to Take Forward Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations. The OEWG convened at the UN offices in Geneva on May 14, 2013. Among the topics discussed was a Model Nuclear Weapons Convention.
The Model Nuclear Weapons Convention prohibits development, TESTING, production, stockpiling, transfer, use and threat of use of nuclear weapons. States possessing nuclear weapons will be required to destroy their arsenals according to a series of phases. The Convention also prohibits the production of weapons usable fissile material and requires delivery vehicles to be destroyed or converted to make them non-nuclear capable.
Verification will include declarations and reports from States, routine inspections, challenge inspections, on-site sensors, satellite photography, radionuclide sampling and other remote sensors, information sharing with other organizations, and citizen reporting. Persons reporting suspected violations of the convention will be provided protection through the Convention including the right of asylum.
Thus we can see that the protection of whistle-blowers is an integral feature of the Model Nuclear Weapons Convention now being discussed. As Sir Joseph Rotblat (1908-2005, Nobel Laureate 1995) frequently emphasized in his speeches, societal verification must be an integral part of the process of “going to zero” ( i.e, the total elimination of nuclear weapons). This is because nuclear weapons are small enough to be easily hidden. How will we know whether a nation has destroyed all of its nuclear arsenal? We have to depend on information from insiders, whose loyalty to the whole of humanity prompts them to BECOME whistle-blowers. And for this to be possible, they need to be protected.
In general, if the world is ever to be free from the threat of complete destruction by modern weapons, we will need a new global ethic, an ethic as advanced as our technology. Of course we can continue to be loyal to our families, our localities and our countries. But this must be supplemented by a higher loyalty: a loyalty to humanity as a whole.
Freedom from fear
In order to justify secrecy, enormous dark branches of government and mass illegal spying, governments say: “ We are protecting you from terrorism”. But terrorism is not a real threat, since our chances of dying from a terrorist attack are vanishingly small compared to (for example) automobile accidents. If we are ever to reclaim our democracy, we must free ourselves from fear.