20 Jul 2017

Kanthari Scholarship for Social Change Training for Young Innovators 2017 – India

Application Deadline: 31st December, 2017
Offered annually?: Yes
Eligible Countries: All
To be taken at (country): India

About the Award: Do you carry a plan for social change? Or do you know someone who does? Kanthari would be the place to be to be trained. Kanthari is an accredited “leadership for social change” training institute in Kerala, India that offers a 7 month leadership training program.  This course is also accessible for blind, visually impaired and/or people with physical disabilities.
Image of the participants from 2016
Type: Training

Selection/Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Applicants need to be 22 years of age or older and must bring;
  2. A plan to create an impactful social project/venture or initiative, have
  3. Intermediary English skills (reading, writing and speaking) and
  4. Basic knowledge of how to use a computer
Number of Awardees: 25
Value of Scholarship: The scholarship will cover the costs of food, boarding and tuition. Travel fees and incidental expenses will be the responsibility of the participants.
Duration of Scholarship: 7 months from May 2018 to December 2018
How to Apply: To apply online, please visit kanthari.org/personal-information
  • Step 1: Application via online application form kanthari will get a clear understanding of you, your project and vision for social change.
  •  Step 2: Initial interview In which our intake team will interview you over Skype to get a feel for your passion and clarity in regards to your chosen project. We will also answer any questions you may have about the program and application process.
  •  Step 3: Write up of an Essay In which you write about your history, your challenges, how you have dealt with these, and about your vision for social change.
  •  Step 4: Follow up Interview: This Skype interview will be conducted by an independent expert to determine your suitability for this very intense course by building a personality profile.
  •  Step 5: Final interview This Skype interview will be done with the management of kanthari before a final selection decision is made.
Award Provider: Kanthari

United Nations – Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Program for Developing Countries 2017/2018

Application Deadline: 15th September 2017
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: International
To be Taken at (Organisation): Participating host institutions and the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
About the Fellowship: On 22 April 2004, the United Nations and The Nippon Foundation of Japan concluded a trust fund project agreement to provide capacity-building and human resource development to developing States Parties and non-Parties to UNCLOS through a Fellowship Program.
The Program is jointly executed by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) of the Office of Legal Affairs and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). DOALOS serves as the focal point in charge of all substantive elements of the Project. DESA, in its capacity as implementing agency for the Project, is responsible for providing certain administrative services to the Project on behalf of DOALOS.
The objective of the fellowship is to provide opportunities for advanced education and research in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea, and related disciplines including marine science in support of management frameworks, to Government officials and other mid-level professionals from developing States, so that they may obtain the necessary knowledge to assist their countries to formulate comprehensive ocean policy and to implement the legal regime set out in UNCLOS and related instruments.
Type: Fellowship
Offered Since: 2004
Who is qualified to apply? Candidate wishing to be considered for a Fellowship award must:
  • must be between the ages of 25 and 40;
  • must have successfully completed a first university degree, and demonstrate a capacity to undertake independent advanced academic research and study;
  • must be a mid-level administrator from a national government organ of a developing coastal State, or another government related agency in such a State, which deals directly with ocean affairs issues, and your professional position must allow you to directly assist your nation in the formulation and/or implementation of policy in this area. This includes marine sciences and the science-policy linkage. Your “Nomination and Recommendation Form” should be completed by a Government official who can attest to the nature of your work with respect to the Government’s ocean affairs and law of the sea related activities, and indicate how an Award would directly contribute to these activities; and
  • Candidate’s proposed research and study program must contribute directly to your nation’s formulation and/or implementation of ocean affairs and law of the sea policies and programmes.
  • Candidates must be free of all non-Fellowship obligations during this entire period unless otherwise authorized by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs, United Nations. Phase 1 is approximately 3 months at United Nations Head Quarters in New York (normally April through June) and phase 2 is approximately six months at the host institution (normally July through December).
Selection Criteria: Satisfaction of the above criteria must be clearly demonstrated by the candidate through the application forms and confirmed by a nominating authority.
Number of Awards: 10
Value of Award: Fully-funded. Fellows will receive a stipend in accordance with the cost of living in the country in which he/she will be studying; travel costs and other support.
Programme Structure: The 9-month Fellowship Program is composed of two consecutive phases which provide Fellows with advanced and customized research and training opportunities in their chosen fields:
  • Phase One: 3-month Research and Training – normally undertaken at DOALOS at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
  • Phase Two: 6-month Advanced Academic Research and Study – undertaken at one of the prestigious participating Host Institutions and under the guidance of subject matter expert(s) who have recognized in-depth expertise in the Fellows’ chosen field of study.

How to Apply: It is important for interested candidates to go through the Application Requirements before applying.
Sponsors: The United Nations, The Nippon Foundation.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Solve Global Challenges for Entrepreneurs 2017

Application Deadline: 1st August 2017
Eligible Countries: All
To Be Taken At (Country):
  • MIT Massachusetts, Boston
  • New York, USA (Pitching)
Global Challenges:
  1. Brain Health: How can every person improve their brain health and mental resilience?
  2. Youth, Skills and the Workforce of the Future: How can disadvantaged youth learn the skills they need to prepare them for the workforce of the future and thrive in the 21st century?
  3. Sustainable Urban Communities: How can urban communities increase their access to sustainable and resilient food and water sources?
  4. Women and Technology: How can women and girls of all socioeconomic backgrounds use technology to fully participate and prosper in the economy?
About the Award: Solve at MIT is an flagship annual event held on the MIT campus in Cambridge, MA, bringing together over 300 leaders from the tech industry, business, philanthropy, government, and civil society. Solvers and their solutions will be featured on stage, in online and written materials, and through dedicated challenge workshops. Solve staff will continue supporting Solvers to match-make partnerships with our community members who will help make Solvers’ solutions a reality.
Anyone the world-over can participate in a Solve challenge and submit a solution. Whether you’ve just started building your solution and your team, you’re running a pilot, or you’re ready to scale, Solve is looking for innovators and entrepreneurs with the best solutions to these global challenges.
Solvers then gain access to Solve’s community. The Solve staff helps match-make between Solvers and leaders from the tech industry, business, philanthropy, government, and civil society who are seeking partnerships and opportunities to implement innovative, scalable ideas. Partnerships between Solvers and members will be announced at the flagship event Solve at MIT.
Type: Entrepreneurship
  • Optimistic solutions. Innovative solutions. Human-centered solutions. Tech solutions. Solutions that need partnerships across industry.
  • From research, to pilot, to growth, Solve accepts solutions at all stages of development. If you’re researching, Solve can help you develop a partnership to pilot. If you’re already piloting, Solve can help you grow. And if you’re already growing, Solve can help you scale.
  • The most important thing is that your solution will solve the challenge posed.
  • At MIT, every solution must include technology — whether new or existing — as a key component.
Selection Process and Criteria: In the first round, Solve staff will perform an initial screening of all applications for completeness, for coherency, and for whether the solution appropriately addresses the challenge. Then Solve judges will score the screened applications to determine finalists. Here are the criteria the judges will use to score the applications on the website:
  • Alignment: Does the solution address the challenge that has been set forth?
  • Scalability: Can the solution be grown and scaled to affect the lives of more people?
  • Potential for Impact: Does the planned implementation of the solution have the potential to impact lives, and does the theory behind how it will work make logical sense? Does the team have a robust plan for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution?
  • Novelty: Is this a new technology, new application of an existing technology, or new process for solving the challenge?
  • Feasibility: Is it feasible to implement the solution, and does the team have a plan for the solution to sustain itself financially?
In the second round, each finalist will pitch before the challenge judges and a live audience. The judges will determine which solutions are the most promising. These new “Solvers” will receive support and partnership from the Solve community.
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: Solve is a community. Once the solutions are selected as Solvers, those teams will gain access to everyone in our community from other Solvers, to Solve staff, to MIT faculty, to leaders from the tech industry, business, philanthropy, government, and civil society.
Solve will work with you to provide:
  • Match-making with Solve community members that can lead to partnerships to fund, pilot, and scale each solution.
  • Funding commitments from our partners if available, as laid out on each challenge page.
  • Mentorship and training opportunities to help you workshop and pitch your solution.
  • Access to our flagship annual event Solve at MIT where Solvers and Solve community members come together.
Duration of Program: 
August 16, 2017 – Finalists announced
September, 2017 – Finalists pitch in New York during the U.N. General Assembly
How to Apply: Select a challenge and submit a proposal to the challenge. Each proposal must include a technology element. The finalists in each challenge will be invited to present their ideas at an event in New York (simultaneous with the UN General Assembly, September 2017), after which the selected winners will be offered partnership opportunities.
It is important to go through the application information in Program Webpage (See link below) before applying.
Award Providers: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

World YWCA Paid Internship Program for Young Women 2018

Application Deadlines:
  • One-year Internship: 31st August, 2017
  • Short-term Internship: 30th November, 2017
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: All
To be taken at (country): Geneva, Switzerland
About the Award: Every year, the World YWCA offers two or more one-year internships and two short-term internships for young women from the movement.
The internships provide unique opportunities for young women from our movement to work as part of the World YWCA staff and volunteer team in Geneva. This includes opportunities to develop skills in advocacy through communications, programmes and movement building on the priority themes of violence against women, sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV, and young women’s leadership.
These experiences are truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for young women to grow and develop their leadership. Not only will they benefit personally, but the internship programme is intended to increase the number of globally experienced and trained young leaders who will return to their associations to share what they have learned and to pass on their skills.
Field of Internship: As part of the World Office team in Geneva, Switzerland, the internship provides opportunities to develop expertise on global issues particularly in the World YWCA’s global focus areas of:
  • Transformative young women and girls’ leadership
  • Violence against women and girls
  • Child, early and forced marriage
  • Peace and justice
  • Sexual reproductive health and rights
  • Economic empowerment and information and communication technology
  • Social, economic and environmental justice and faith and culture.
Offered Since: 2016
Type: Internship
Short Term Internship:
  • Successful candidates must be actively involved in their YWCA, either as a volunteer or staff member and demonstrate strong interest and enthusiasm in the World YWCA movement.
  • Generally applicants should have a minimum of two years active involvement with their YWCA.
  • Successful candidates must commit to sharing the experience gained with their YWCA and region following the internship, and their association must commit to integrating their leadership into the association upon their return.
  • A strong commitment to women’s rights and leadership.
  • Previous experience in advocacy and/or activism on women’s rights is an asset.
  • A good working knowledge of English, both oral and written, is essential.
  • Applicants must be between 22 and 30 years of age.
  • Independent and self-reliant, willing to take initiative, creative, hard-working, and flexible.
  • Each candidate’s participation must be endorsed by her National Association.\
One Year Internship:
  • The ability to be flexible, independent and creative with a desire to learn and a willingness to take initiative and to manage multiple priorities simultaneously.
  • Generally applicants should have a minimum of two years active involvement with their YWCA.
  • A strong commitment and passion in achieving women’s rights and leadership.
  • A good working knowledge of English, both oral and written, is essential. Knowledge of French and/or Spanish is appreciated.
  • Information Communication and technology competencies related skills.
  • Programme development and implementation knowledge and experience.
  • Applicants must be between 22 and 30 years of age.
  • A willingness to be independent, hardworking, flexible, creative and take initiative.
  • Previous experience and/or knowledge in advocacy and/or activism on women’s rights.
  • A commitment to sharing the experience gained with their YWCA following the internship, and their association must commit to integrating their leadership/experience into the association upon the return home.
  • Each candidate’s participation must be endorsed by her Member YWCA.
Number of Awardees: 4. 2 for each program (short term and one year internships)
Value of Programs: The YWCA will provide the following for candidates of the two different programs:
  • Costs and Provisions
  • Travel: Participants must possess a valid passport. The World YWCA will assist with letters of invitation and advice to facilitate the visa process, however it is the responsibility of the intern and her national association to obtain a visa for the country concerned.
  • The World YWCA will cover the most economical and direct route airfare from and to the home country of the participant. Any additional contributions by the national association to the travel and accommodation costs would be greatly appreciated as funding for this programme must be continuously sought.
  • Accommodation and Health Care: The World YWCA is responsible for the accommodation, basic food allowance, local transport and health insurance.
Duration of Programs:
  • Short Term Internship:
    • UN Commission on the Status of Women (New York) – March 2018
    • UN Human Rights Council (Geneva) – June 2018
    • Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) – One of the sessions in February, July or October 2018 (Geneva)
  • One Year Internship: The one-year internship begins 5 February 2018 and ends 14 December 2018
How to Apply:
  • Interested candidates are encouraged to fill in the application form below, send their CV, Endorsement form signed by the national association, a short essay and one reference letter by email to the Human Resources Officer at: hresources@worldywca.org.
  • All applicants need to have been active members of a local YWCA for at least two years.
  • This application form must be typed or handwritten in capital letters and completed in full. Personal information is needed for Swiss work permit.
Award Provider: Young Womens Christian Association

Soraya Al Salti Masters Scholarship for Female Students of the MENA Region 2018/2019

Application Deadline: 31st August, 2017 Thursday at 5.00 p.m. (Cairo Local Time)
Eligible Countries: MENA countries
About the Award: This scholarship, managed by Newton Education Services, offers a number of fully funded and partial scholarships for Arab women looking to pursue a masters degree in various fields, for  up to two years. Upon graduation, scholarship recipients are required to work within the MENA region and/or projects related to the MENA region for a minimum of one year.
Type: Masters
  • Female national of the MENA region
  • Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited academic institution
  • Demonstrate excellent professional and academic record
  • Demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills (extracurricular activities, community development or entrepreneurial initiative)
  • A minimum of two years of work experience and/or significant community service-related activities.
  • English language proficiency is required. Valid TOEFL or IELTS exam scores with a minimum of 600 (paper-based), 250 (computer-based), 100 (internet-based, minimum 22 on each section) on the TOEFL, or 7 for the IELTS.
  • Depending on the field of study, candidates may be required to sit for the GRE or GMAT exam
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value and Duration of Award: Full or partial tuition and/or living expenses coverage for a maximum of two years.
How to Apply: Interested candidates are encouraged to download the application and fill in all the required fields then mail your hard copy application and required documents to Newton Education Services.
Award Providers: Newton Education Services on behalf of MBC Al Amal.
Important Notes: Please note that the Soraya Al Salti Scholarship candidates must apply to, and be accepted at, one of the programs the candidate mentions in his/her application form. Applications to the universities will be applied to separately after the candidate has been selected for the scholarship. Being shortlisted for the Soraya Al Salti Scholarship does not guarantee acceptance at the universities of choice.

Switch Africa Green (SAG)-SEED Starter for African Entrepreneurs 2017

Application Deadline: 20th August, 2017
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: African countries
To Be Taken At (country):  Kampala, Uganda
Challenges: Find solutions for one of the following challenges
  • Agriculture Challenge: What is your business idea to generate decent employment, preserve resources, and feed populations in an unpredictable environment?
  • Manufacturing Challenge: What is your business idea to produce goods or provide services for the manufacturing sector while ensuring energy and water efficiency as well as employment opportunities?
  • Tourism Challenge: What is your business idea to promote tourism benefiting local communities and ecosystems?
About the Award: The SAG-SEED Starter Ideas Competition invites entries from teams who develop green and inclusive business solutions to one of the key social and environmental challenges in Uganda. The winning teams will receive support on turning their idea into reality during the third round of the SAG-SEED Starter Months in Uganda
 The SAG-SEED Starter promotes the incubation of new eco-enterprises. Setting up a business is both an exciting and challenging task: Turning an idea into a product or service customers actually want to buy, requires not only a deep-dive into the market, but also business skills and bringing together the right team and partners. Considering all aspect can be challenging, therefore, SEED supports young teams of entrepreneurs with innovative ideas through the SAG-SEED Starter Months.
Type: Entrepreneurship
  • Individuals who have a basic business idea or a problem they want to solve and teams in the very early stages of setting up their enterprise.
  • Teams with 2-5 team members and an idea for addressing one of the three challenges above can apply.
  • Applications from women and youth are particularly welcome.
Value of Program: Selected participants will receive training free of charge (travel & accommodation costs are not included).
Duration of Program: 14-16 September & 27-28 October 2017
How to Apply: Please send the completed application form to starter-uganda@seed.uno by 20 August 2017.
  • An internal team will evaluate all applications and inform you about the outcome.
  • You can access the application form here: www.seed.uno/support/starter.
Visit Program Webpage for details
Award Provider: SAG-SEED

The Massacre of Mosul: More Than 40,000 Civilians Feared Dead

Patrick Cockburn

More than 40,000 civilians were killed in the devastating battle to retake Mosul from Isis, according to intelligence reports revealed exclusively to The Independent – a death toll far higher than previous estimates.
Residents of the besieged city were killed by Iraqi ground forces attempting to force out militants, as well as by air strikes and Isis fighters, according to Kurdish intelligence services.
Hoshyar Zebari, until recently a senior minister in Baghdad, told The Independent that many bodies “are still buried under the rubble”. “The level of human suffering is immense,” he said.
“Kurdish intelligence believes that over 40,000 civilians have been killed as a result of massive firepower used against them, especially by the Federal Police, air strikes and Isis itself,” Mr Zebari added.
Mr Zebari, a native of Mosul and top Kurdish official who has served as the Iraqi Finance Minister and prior to that Foreign Minister, emphasised in an exclusive interview that the unrelenting artillery bombardment by units of the Federal Police, in practice a heavily armed military unit, had caused immense destruction and loss of life in west Mosul.
The figure given by Mr Zebari for the number of civilians killed in the nine-month siege is far higher than those previously reported, but the intelligence service of the Kurdistan Regional Government has a reputation for being extremely accurate and well-informed. Isis prevented any monitoring of casualties while outside groups have largely focused on air strikes rather than artillery and rocket fire as a cause of civilian deaths. Airwars, one such monitoring group, estimated that attacks may have killed 5,805 non-military personnel in the city between 19 February and 19 June 2017.
Mr Zebari accuses the government in Baghdad, of which he was until recently a member, of not doing enough to relieve the suffering. “Sometimes you might think the government is indifferent to what has happened,” he said. He doubts if Christians, Yazidis, Kurds and other minorities, who have lived in and around Mosul for centuries, will be able to reconcile with the Sunni Arab majority whom they blame for killing and raping them. He says some form of federal solution for future governance would be best.
Reading from Kurdish intelligence reports, Mr Zebari says that a high level of corruption among the Iraqi military forces occupying Mosul is undermining security measures to suppress Isis in the aftermath of its defeat. He says that suspect individuals are able to pass through military checkpoints by paying $1,000 (£770) and can bring a vehicle by paying $1,500. He says corruption of this type is particularly rife in the 16th and 9th Iraqi Army Divisions and the Tribal Volunteers (Hashd al-Ashairi), drawn in part from the Shabak minority in the Nineveh Plain.
The ability of Isis militants to remain free or be released from detention by paying bribes has led to a change in attitude among people in Mosul whom Mr Zebari says “were previously willing to give information about Isis members to the Iraqi security forces.” They are now wary of doing so, because they see members of Isis, whom they had identified and who had been arrested, returning to the streets capable of exacting revenge on those who informed against them. Several anti-Isis people in Mosul have confirmed to The Independent that this is indeed the case and they are frightened of these returnees and Isis “sleeper cells” that continue to exist.
Civilians in Mosul say they do not fault the behaviour towards them of combat units that have borne the brunt of the fighting, such as the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS), but they are concerned about what to expect from less well-disciplined troops. A belief that Isis fighters and officials detained in Mosul are later able to bribe their way free explains why soldiers, most of whom are not complicit in bribery networks, have summarily executed Isis prisoners, sometimes by throwing them off high buildings.
Corruption by the occupying military forces takes different forms, according to Kurdish intelligence information cited by Mr Zebari. Some people are “being charged $100 for removing a body from the rubble and others $500 to reoccupy their house”, where it is still standing. Iraqi army and militia units have always been notorious for exacting fees and protection money from civilians, with trucks moving goods on the roads being a particularly profitable target when they pass through military checkpoints.
Much of the blame for the calamitous level of destruction in west Mosul has been put on air strikes, but it is evident at ground level that a lot of the damage was caused by artillery shells and rockets. This is confirmed by an Amnesty International report issued last week titled At Any Cost: The Civilian Catastrophe in West Mosul, which points to a greater and more indiscriminate use of its firepower by pro-government forces in the final stages of the attack on east Mosul, starting in January 2017 and continuing over the following six months during the assault on west Mosul. It says that Iraqi government and US-led coalition forces “relied heavily upon explosive weapons with wide area effects such as IRAMs (Improvised Rocket Assisted Munitions). With their crude targeting abilities, these weapons wreaked havoc in densely populated west Mosul, where large groups of civilians were trapped in homes or makeshift shelters.” The UN estimated that Mosul had 1.2 million inhabitants at the start of the siege.

In addition, Isis snipers killed great numbers of civilians trying to escape whose departure would have robbed Isis of its “human shields”, though in the event their presence shielded very little. Mr Zebari said that intelligence had even intercepted messages “from Isis fighters to their commanders saying they were tired of killing civilians”.
Mr Zebari says that he is disappointed by the lack of Iraqi government plans to reconstruct Mosul. As Finance Minister in Baghdad until late last year, he had made provision for $500 million in the budget for rebuilding Mosul. He says: “I wanted $500 million upfront to encourage other donors, but now the government has withdrawn from the fund and used the money elsewhere. This was not an encouraging sign.”
Even if there is reconstruction, Mr Zebari, who grew up in Mosul and still has a house in the east of the city (though long confiscated, first by Saddam Hussein and later by Isis), laments that “the soul of Mosul has gone and its iconic buildings are destroyed.” He says he cannot imagine Mosul without the Nabi Yunus mosque (the tomb of Jonah) that Isis blew up as a heretical shrine in 2014 and the al-Nuri mosque, with its 12th century leaning minaret, which Isis destroyed in the last stage of the battle to prevent its capture by government forces. In addition, there is “an unimaginable level of human suffering with more than one million people displaced.”
He agrees that the government has won a big victory by destroying the Islamic State as a state structure controlling extensive territory. But he warns that Isis has shown that it is capable of “adapting themselves to new realities.” He says that the arms and heavy equipment from three Iraqi army divisions that Isis captured when it seized Mosul in June 2014 has never been fully accounted for. He says that there have been reports that much of it was hidden by Isis in tunnels, gorges and valleys in the arid wastelands of western Iraq and eastern Syria. “This is where they came from when they started their attacks,” he says.
Asked if the self-declared Caliph Abu Baqr al-Baghdadi is alive or dead, Mr Zebari said he did not know. But he added that, if Baghdadi was dead, it was strange that no new Caliph or Isis leader had been declared since part of the ideology of such movements is that they do not rely on a single human being. Successors had been quickly announced when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, was killed in a US air strike in 2006 and Osama bin Laden was shot dead by US special forces in Pakistan in 2011. Moreover, he says that there “has been no sign of a change in the Isis command and control structure.”

The Real Treason in DC: Turning Our Lives Over to Corporat


As we watch policy develop for the nation, disturbing warning signs jump to the headlines.
Foremost is the lack of concern by the GOP that the president’s family conducted secret meetings with Russia to undermine a US election. The president’s son and son-in-law met with Russians connected to the Federal Security Service, the old KGB intelligence service. Emails reveal that the Trump team received “very high level and sensitive information” to help the GOP win the election. Trump lawyers claim the only thing wrong was that the meeting became public. Evidently, the less the public knows, the better. Little mention is made of the possible hacking of election machines or how the GOP coordinated planning with the Kremlin, which both Russia and Trump try to keep secret.
Once known as Russia’s fiercest rival, today’s GOP has become a Russian ally coupled with a president described as “Putin’s boyfriend.” The president now calls for a joint US-Russian cybersecurity team, after Russia has hacked its way through America’s corporate computer system. Where once the GOP attacked Democrats for “being soft on communism, they now enable the current administration, as they pussy foot around what is rapidly becoming a kleptocracy. The president’s supporters evidently believe the winner takes all by any means necessary.
As private business takes control of the companies, who make billions off the US government, bring their owners and investors boundless wealth, and will be freed from many of the constraints placed on US soldiers. The president’s supporters try to keep the nation focused on an Islamic enemy, while milking the US budget for profit, and continuing the occupation of Afghanistan.
Today’s GOP is devoting itself to overthrowing the US government and wants corporations to have more control—long a dream of the party that became known as “the party of big business.” As the far-right forces take control of the GOP, they are attacking government on every level. The New York Times reports that the administration has 71 appointees who represented businesses in cases against government regulation, staff members from secret money groups, employees of industry who oppose regulations, and lobbyists. These appointees are working full time to overturn protections of air and water pollution, consumer protections, bank and financial regulations, and other rules that protect Americans from corporate misdeeds.
While the public sorts through stupid presidential Twitter posts—misnaming China’s leader as being the leader of Taiwan, calling the Japanese prime minister “President Abe,” and mixing up the leaders of Singapore and Indonesia—his appointees seek to end government support of birth control for women. Ideological fanatics, called “nutters” in England, have long opposed birth control in any form and find a sympathetic ear in the current president. “The longer you stay on the pill, the longer you ruin your uterus for baby-hosting,” claims the president’s special assistant for health policy. The president’s backers claim that their “religious beliefs,” exempt them from government laws that apply to every other citizen.
Even more egregious are the attempts of the GOP to roll back new rules of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that protect customers against arbitration. Under the old rules, companies  demand that you sign a contract, which includes mandatory arbitration for such things as credit cards, bank accounts, employment, and purchases. Under these “arbitration clauses” you give up your right to sue, and instead go to a company’s secret arbitration panel if you feel you’ve been cheated by their policies. Because you no longer go before a judge, companies can do things such as charge excessive fees on overdrafts, steal your wages, provide poor medical care, abuse you sexually, and even kill you, and prevent you from seeking justice in a courtroom.
Under old arbitration rules, as a customer you cannot join in a class action or seek other relief because you’ve signed away your rights. If you don’t sign, companies refuse to hire you, give you a credit card or do business with you. The GOP is fighting the new rules by rallying the public against “fat cat” Democratic lawyers who might make money when companies are sued for acting illegally. One Texas House member goes as far as to claim that the rules allow bureaucrats to control people’s lives. Presumably he believes that the government is infringing on corporations’ right to control your life.
The GOP gets away with such policies because the president’s supporters remain dead set on opposing government. They are willing to sacrifice their own well-being, their families, their futures, and their lives to a new group in Washington that is turning their lives over to corporations. They follow the president’s motto, “ethics are for suckers,” and none dare call it treason.

Are Amazon’s Shareholders Suckers?


Back in the 1990s stock bubble it was common for analysts to say things like price-to-earnings ratios (PE) no longer mattered. They were right, at least for a while, as the stock valuations of companies like AOL and Priceline soared way beyond anything that could conceivably be justified by current or future earnings.
Of course after a while, price-to-earnings did come to matter, as the stock market lost half its value from its peak in March of 2000 to its trough in the summer of 2002. The tech heavy Nasdaq lost close to 80 percent of its value. Many of the big tech enthusiasts were wiped out in this crash. While it might seem old-fashioned, people presumably value stock based on how much earnings a share commands, not the beauty of the stock certificate or how cool the company is.
With this in mind, it is interesting to think about what the Amazon future might look like given that it now has a market capitalization of roughly $480 billion with current profits of roughly $2.6 billion. This gives it a price-to-earnings ratio of 184 to 1.
Suppose we assume that ten years from now Amazon looks more like a normal company with modest growth potential, since at that point it will be thirty years old. This means it might have a price-to- earnings ratio closer to 20 to 1. This is still well above historic averages in the stock market, but we are plausibly in an era in which price-to-earnings ratios will be higher, and returns lower, than in prior decades.
Let’s assume that people expect a real return of 7.0 percent annually on their Amazon stock. This is the long-term average return in the stock market. While returns are likely to be somewhat lower going forward,  it is reasonable to think that investors would expect a higher return on its stock than say GM or Walmart since Amazon is a fast-growing company and doesn’t pay a dividend.
This assumption implies that in ten years Amazon’s market capitalization will be just under $980 billion, in today’s dollars. If Amazon has a price-to-earnings ratio of 20 in 2027 then it will have after-tax profits of $49 billion in 2027. The Congressional Budget Office projects that after-tax corporate profits in 2027 will be just under $1,400 billion (in 2017 dollars), which means that Amazon will be earning an amount roughly equal to 3.5 percent of all U.S. profits in 2027.
There are three ways to get from its current profit level to the $49 billion it will need in 2027 to have a 20 to 1 PE ratio in that year. It can keep its current profit margin and have sales expand to a point where its profits are $49 billion. It can have its share of the market stay roughly constant, implying 2.0 percent annual growth, and have its profit margin increase, or it can have some combination of the two.
In the first scenario its sales will have to expand to $2.44 trillion by 2027. This is shown in Figure 1 below
This implies that in 2027, Amazon’s annual sales will be just a bit less than 10 percent of GDP. Since much of GDP involves areas like health care, rent, and education, areas in which Amazon does not currently have a presence, it would have to be an incredibly dominant actor in the segments of the market where it does operate.
The other route would imply that Amazon sales will be $166 billion in 2027. From this volume of sales it must generate almost $49 billion in profits. This would imply that its profit margins would have to rise from 2.0 percent of sales at present to more than 29.0 percent of sales in 2027. This is shown in Figure 2 below.
If Amazon were to hike its prices enough to achieve these margins it certainly would imply a very different shopping experience for its customers.
Of course, there can be some mix between these two paths, but it seems unlikely that Amazon would be able to substantially increase its market share even as it is pushing up its profit margins.
Amazon’s Profits, without Amazon Web Services
Amazon’s main source of profits in the last few years has been its web service division. While this division accounts for just 9.0 percent of the company’s revenue, it accounts for almost 75 percent of its profits. While it is possible that this division will continue to expand rapidly like the rest of the company, it is also possible that it will face serious constraints going forward.
Amazon was able to get a huge head start in this market, jumping in ahead of other tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft. Now these companies are all making big pushes into this market. Let’s imagine as one possibility that competition from these companies leaves Amazon’s profits on its web service division unchanged in real terms over the next decade. This could mean that it either is forced to reduce margins substantially to maintain its share or it surrenders much of its share to its rivals, but keeps its margin in web services.
Either way, this assumption would imply that the company must generate $46.6 billion in profits from its non-web services. Excluding web services, Amazon’s current profits are equal to just 0.6 percent of sales. If the company is to generate $46.6 billion in profits in 2027 from its non-web services and keep its profit margins constant, then it will need sales of more than $7.4 trillion in 2027 (in 2017 dollars). This is shown in Figure 3 below.
In this scenario Amazon’s 2027 non-AWS revenue would be roughly equal to 30 percent of US GDP.
The other extreme case is that sales just grow 2.0 percent a year and Amazon gets its $46.6 billion in non-AWS profits by increasing its profit margin. This scenario is only slightly different than the one shown in Figure 2 above, although the profit share on non-AWS sales would now have to be 30.4 percent instead of 29.5 percent. This is shown in Figure 4.
Here we can also envision a mix of rising margins and rising sales, but it is difficult to see how this will get Amazon to $46.6 billion in profits on its non-AWS sales.
Conclusion: Are Amazon Shareholders Suckers?
Amazon has revolutionized the retail market and had an especially large impact in areas like publishing and now television. But that doesn’t mean that its stock is necessarily a good buy. There are of course other factors that could make the picture somewhat better than these numbers indicate, most importantly its profit from the rest of the world, but it’s not clear that would hugely change the picture.
In Europe, Amazon is looking at a slow growing economy and a difficult regulatory environment. China is growing much more rapidly, but it is has very strong domestic competition, which the government is likely to favor in regulatory disputes.  Other developing countries may offer better prospects, but it would take some very optimistic outcomes in these markets to hugely improve the picture.
It may seem strange that sophisticated investors would have hundreds of billions of dollars in a hugely over-valued stock, but we have seen this before. After all, the shareholders of Time-Warner ended up selling one of the largest media companies in the world for almost nothing when they agreed to be taken over by AOL.com. The value of AOL.com stock quickly collapsed, and the value of the combined company was almost entirely based on Time-Warner’s value.
And it was only a decade ago that all the Wall Street geniuses thought that house prices could never fall. The mortgage backed securities that fueled the housing bubble all carried high investment grade ratings, as did Lehman and AIG.
In short, any forecast on Amazon’s future profitability has a huge element of uncertainty, but we should never rule out the possibility that its current investors are clueless.