8 Apr 2016

The Undemocratic Means Of A Democratic State

Muneeb Yousuf

Kashmir has largely been in the media for the violence that took several of its forms in the last few decades. Culturally rich region, beautiful landscape and importantly compassionate subjects of it have severely been affected by the perilous policies of the two rival states that were created by the partition of the British India of which the state of Jammu and Kashmir was one among the several Princely States.
Since the event of partition, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed numerous movements against government machinery in general and the oppression of India in particular. The politics of the valley took several shapes, but has profoundly remained enveloped in the identity of Kashmiriyat. Sheikh Abdullah was successful in bargaining few important issues with the Indian government, which resulted in popular land reforms along with important special status. Sheikh's charisma and his farsightedness injected the democratic coarse in the polity of Jammu and Kashmir. Accession of the state in the Indian camp and Pakistan's response through proxy wars compounded the nature of the conflict. Over the years, both states have claimed the geography of the valley under the rubric of the idea of their respective state formation.
Being the world's largest democratic state, India has always choked the voices for democracy. Begining by sacking, later imprisonment of Sheikh Abdullah, Indian state went against the basic premises for which it feels proud about. The story doesn't end here. Installing center backed leaders who hardly had any support among the masses created a sense of alienation among the larger sections of the valley. Apparently discontentment began to gain ground and already created plebiscite front had a much greater appeal. The mounting resentment was largely dealt with providing subsidies across different sectors. The huge amount of money was fluxed into the valley to undercover the basic issue. Till now the state of India has not deviated from this policy. The successive governments of India have announced massive economic packages which have like the past being failures in dealing Kashmir issue or building democracy in it.
Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute! No, it is not. The Indian state has a deep skepticism of such recognition. Then what does India think of Kashmir? For India, Kashmir is its integral part. The state that fulfills the India's idea of secularism and heterogeneity for which India makes a proud distinction from rival Pakistan has successively undergone atrocious policies by the state whose idea has been deeply shaped by those of Gandhi and Tagore.
Coming to the terms of human rights which are the core values of any democratic state, India has been alleged of gross human rights violations in the valley of Kashmir. International Human rights organizations established in South Asia and elsewhere have time and again reported the violations and have been calling up the state to end these atrocities.
Media, they say, is the engine of a progressive nation which has a job to unfold reality and to discuss different tales and narratives among others. There are certain codes to every profession and few responsibilities also. Anchors of few popular news channels of India have taken the agenda of projecting Kashmiri's in anti-national and terrorist framework which aggravates the prevalent sense of alienation. Paradoxically speaking, these agendas signify the dubious character of a much talked democracy.
Even after six decades of turmoil and violence, Kashmir is witnessing a new form of violence that seems to be much more potent and lethal. Several recent reports have suggested that more educated youths have joined militancy which has serious consequences on the polity and stability of Kashmir. India has considerably and continuously failed in providing a healthy and peaceful environment which an "integral area" deserves.

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