30 Jul 2016

KU Leuven Travel Grants for Researchers from Developing Countries 2016

Brief description: KU Leuven is offering travel grants to researchers from OECD countries. The grants are meant to help the researchers pay for a research visit to Belgium.
Application Deadline: 30th September 2016
Offered annually? Yes
Eligible Countries: Developing countries (See list below)
To be taken at (country): Belgium
Eligible Fields of Study: Funding is available for research stays at KU Leuven:
  • with the aim of specializing in a certain research field, preparing a publication or participating in a training programme
  • in the context of university development cooperation.
About the Award: With this programme, KU Leuven wishes to stimulate South-North exchanges. The programme intends to offer new opportunities to researchers to stimulate capacity-building in the South.
The programme is funded from the KU Leuven development cooperation budget, which is managed by the Interfaculty Council for Development Cooperation (IRO). IRO will also select the candidates.
Type: Research Grants
  • Candidates should have obtained their PhD at least three years prior to applying.
  • Candidates should originate from one of the Least Developed Countries, Low Income Countries or Low Middle Income Countries, as indicated on the DAC list of OECD.
  • Candidates should be employed by an institution located in one of the countries mentioned above.
  • Candidates should be invited and supported by a KU Leuven supervisor who is a senior staff member (ZAP).
  • Priority will be given to applicants under the age of fifty.
Selection Criteria: Candidates will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
  • the formal application requirements
  • the applicant’s quality
  • the development relevance of the proposal
  • a well-balanced distribution of the available grants across all nationalities and KU Leuven faculties involved
Number of Awardees: Not stated
List of Countries: Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Armenia, Angola, Kenya, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Cabo Verde, Benin,  Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Bhutan, Congo, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Burundi, Egypt, Cambodia, El Salvador, Central African Republic, Georgia, Chad, Ghana, Comoros, Guatemala, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guyana, Djibouti, Honduras, Equatorial Guinea, India, Eritrea, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Gambia, Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Micronesia, Guinea-Bissau, Moldova, Haiti, Mongolia, Kiribati, Morocco, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nicaragua, Lesotho, Nigeria, Liberia, Pakistan, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Malawi, Paraguay, Mali, Philippines, Mauritania, Samoa, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Swaziland, Nepal, Syrian, Arab Republic, Niger, Tokelau, Rwanda, Ukraine, Sao Tome and Principe, Uzbekistan, Senegal, Vietnam, Sierra Leone, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu,  Yemen and Zambia
Value of Fellowship: Grants will include:
  • a monthly allowance of € 1,500
  • a plane ticket (with a maximum of € 1,200)
  • insurance coverage during the stay in Leuven.
Duration of Fellowship: Minimum duration of 90 days
How to Apply: Candidates:
  1. should send their application to Stefania Schepers before the deadline and use this form to do so
  2. additionally will have to send the following documents:
  • a copy of their doctoral degree certificate
  • an invitation letter from their KU Leuven supervisor
  • their CV
  • a copy of their passport.
Award Provider: KU  Leuven
Important Notes: Please be aware that, in accordance with the visa procedure, selected candidates can only travel to Belgium seven weeks after the selection date.

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