6 Oct 2016

220 Fully-funded ARES Masters and Training Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Countries 2017/2018

Application Deadlines: starting from 5th October 2016 to 10th February 2017
Before 13th January, 2017 for the following courses:
  • Internship recovery of secondary resources for sustainable construction
  • Quality Control in placement and quality assurance of medicines and health products
Offered annually? Yes
Scholarship Name: Academy of Research and Higher Education  ARES Masters and Training Scholarships Programme for Developing Countries Belgium
Eligible Countries: Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia (only for courses in English ), Haiti, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Peru, Philippines, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Vietnam.
Accepted Subject Areas (Masters): 
  • Master specialization in Development, Environment and Communities
  • Master specialization in Human Rights
  • Master of Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management specialization
  • Master specialization in risk management and disaster
  • Master specialization in integrated management of health risks in developing countries
  • Advanced Master in International Economics and development
  • Master specialization in Transfusion Medicine
  • European Master in Microfinance
  • Master specialization in integrated production and conservation of natural resources in urban and peri-urban
  • Advanced Master in Public Health Methodology
  • Master specialization in Public Health Sciences – Research methods applied to overall health
  • Science specialization Master and environmental management in developing countries
  • Master specialization in transport and logistics
Accepted Subject Areas (Training): 
  • Internship control and quality assurance of medicines and health products
  • Research Initiation course for strengthening health systems
  • GIS internship
  • Internship recovery of secondary resources for sustainable construction
  • methodological training in support to innovation in family farming
Type: Masters and training scholarship programmes
About Scholarship: Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions with the preparation of Postgraduate Programmes (Advanced Masters) and Training Programmes that are specifically oriented towards young professionals from developing countries.
International Courses and Training Programmes are part of the global study programmes of the Higher Education Institutions. They are open to all students who satisfy the conditions of qualification, but aim at proposing training units that distinguish themselves by their openness towards specific development issues.
Within the programme for International Courses and Training Programmes 2016-2017, ARES grants 130 scholarships for participation into the masters and 67 scholarships for participation into the training programmes.
Eligiblilty: The following will apply for the selection of holders of scholarships:
  1. originate from a developing country. To be eligible, applicants must reside and work in their country at the time of introduction of the file;
  2. only nationals of the following countries are allowed to apply for scholarships from the ARES: Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia (only for courses in English ), Haiti, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Peru, Philippines, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal, Vietnam ;
  3. is aged less than 40 years for the masters, and less than 45 for courses , and at the start of training;
  4. is carrying a comparable degree from a diploma of second cycle of the Belgian university.However, for some formations, different requirements can be set, which will be specified below;
  5. demonstrates a professional occupation in developing countries of at least two years after the end of its graduate level , or three years after the end of his studies when the candidate holds a 3rd cycle degree from one university in an industrialized country;
  6. have a good knowledge of written and spoken French. For training organized in another language, it is necessary to have good knowledge of the course language, written and spoken. We also ask the candidate to commit to learn French in order to participate in daily life in Belgium;
  7. applies for a single formation .
Selection Criteria: 
  • The academic curriculum
  • For courses, priority will be given to candidates who are already holders of a diploma third cycle, save in exceptional circumstances duly justified in the application.
  • Priority will be given to candidates who have not already received a grant in Belgium.
  • Professional experience
  • Belonging to a partner institution: The commitment of the candidate in development activities
  • Nationality requirements
  • Gender equality
  • The future reintegration prospects
Number of Scholarships: ARES grants 150 scholarships for participation into the masters and 70 scholarships for participation into the training programmes.
Value of Scholarship: Travel (internal and external), Monthly living allowance, Indirect mission costs, Installation costs, Tuition fees, Registration fee, Insurance costs, Housing allowance, Allowances for dependents, Return fees, In 1st session completion bonus (June).
Duration of Scholarship:  For the duration of the program
Eligible Countries: Students from African and  developing countries
To be taken in: Belgium
How to Apply: 
Download the 2017-2018 form French (16 pages – 980 KB) (in French for specialization Masters).
Download the application form 2017-2018 in English (16 pages – 972 Kb) (for the Specialized Masters in English)
It will be carefully completed and sent to the ARES (rue Royale 180, 1000 Brussels, Belgium)ONLY by MAIL or EXPRESS MAIL , to be in his possession for 10 FEBRUARY 2017 * at the latest (we do not take account of postmark, we take into account only the files arrived in our offices by the deadline at the latest ).
Sponsors: The University Commission for Development
Important: Applying for a ARES Masters and Training scholarship is absolutely free of charge. ARES does not charge any fee at any stage of the application or selection process. You may raise any question or concern about persons or companies claiming to be acting on behalf of ARES and requesting the payment of a fee by emailing ARES at maryvonne.aubry[at]ares-ac.be.
Any application containing cash will be automatically rejected.

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