10 Aug 2017

AVAC HIV Prevention Research Advocacy Fellows Program for Young Leaders in Africa and Asia 2018

Application Deadline: Friday, 8th September 2017
Eligible Countries: African and Asian countries
About the Award: The HIV Prevention Research Advocacy Fellows Program pairs emerging leaders in advocacy and activism with existing organizations to develop and execute creative, context-specific projects focused on HIV prevention research.
The overall goal of Advocacy Fellows is to expand and strengthen the capacity of civil society advocates and Organisations to monitor, support and help shape HIV prevention research and rapid rollout of new effective interventions in low- and middle-income countries with high HIV burdens. The program is guided by the belief that effective, sustainable advocacy grows out of work that reflects country level Organisational and individual interests and priorities and is led by passionate advocates who are motivated to bring change.
Fellows projects focus primarily on advocacy around biomedical HIV prevention research (such as clinical trials of vaccines, microbicides, pre-exposure prophylaxis) or rollout of male circumcision for HIV prevention. Fellows projects may also focus on “test and treat” or ARV treatment as prevention strategies, which are under active discussion in many contexts. Fellows receive training, financial support, and technical assistance to plan and implement a targeted one-year project within host organizations focused on HIV/AIDS.
Founded in 1995, AVAC is a non-profit organization that uses education, policy analysis, advocacy and a network of global collaborations to accelerate the ethical development and global delivery of HIV prevention options as part of a comprehensive, integrated and sustained response to the pandemic.
Join an informational conference call to learn more about the program and ask questions directly to those who lead the program and/or have been a part of it on Thursday, August 10 at 8am New York / 9am Rio / 2pm Johannesburg / 3pm Nairobi / 6pm Mumbai.
Type: Fellowship
Eligibility: The Advocacy Fellows Program seeks the following:
  • Emerging or mid-career community leaders and advocates involved or interested in advocacy around HIV prevention research and implementation, particularly the areas described in question (3).
  • Individuals with some experience or education in the areas of HIV and AIDS, public health, medicine, international development, women’s rights, communications, or advocacy with key populations, such as sex workers, LGBTQ individuals and drug users.
  • Individuals based in low- and middle-income countries with high HIV burdens and where biomedical HIV prevention clinical research is planned or ongoing and/or where there is current work on implementation of new preventions strategies (such as voluntary medical male circumcision, pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP, early treatment and “combination prevention” packages.) Advocates can also develop proposals that seek to catalyze plans and policies in countries where little activity on these issues has happened to date. Please visit www.avac.org/pxrdwww.avac.org/trial-map and specific resources noted in the appendix to identify countries where research and implementation is ongoing or planned.
  • Those proficient in the English language. Applications are encouraged from all countries where prevention research is ongoing or rolling out, however the Advocacy Fellow and key staff at his/her Organisation must be able to communicate with AVAC staff in English.
  • Demonstrated awareness of and willingness to learn about ongoing prevention research and implementation in their respective countries, although extensive knowledge in biomedical HIV prevention is not required. They must also be able to demonstrate strategic analysis of how Fellows Program activities will relate to local prevention landscapes.
Number of Awards: Not specified
Value of Award: 
  • Full-time compensation for the Fellow, small project budget and technical assistance from AVAC for 12 months.
  • Mentoring and capacity building in biomedical HIV prevention research and implementation advocacy from AVAC for both Advocacy Fellows and Host Organisations.
  • Connection to a global network of biomedical HIV prevention research advocates including current and former Advocacy Fellows, researchers, civil society leaders and other individuals and/or organisations working in similar fields.
Duration of Program: 2018 Fellow Projects run from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
How to Apply: Applications go through a thorough review process, including by an external review panel made up of advocates, researchers, past Fellows and Host Supervisors recommendations. Short-listed applicants are interviewed. Selected Fellows will be notified by the end of November.
  • Applicants must submit the individual and Host Organisation information forms, the essay/short answer questions, the Host Organisation letter of support and the CV/resume by 8 September 2017.
  • Short-listed candidates and proposed Host Organisations are contacted for further documentation and interviews that aim to get to know each applicant a little better.
  • Successful applicants and Host Organisations are notified in November 2017.
Award Providers: AVAC

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