1 Jun 2014


The United Nations is an organization that focuses on
developing and enforcing international laws and policies.
The main goals of the UN are to achieve peace, social
progress and economic development. The organization
was founded after the end of World War II in 1945 as a
way of replacing the failing League of Nations. There
are currently 192 nations that are a member of the
United Nations, and this includes all sovereign nations
in the world except the Vatican. The Headquarters of the
United Nations is located in New York City in the United
States; the current President is Li Baodong of China.
The UN has several assemblies. The General Assembly
is the main body of the UN and meets yearly. Each
session lasts several weeks. During the first two weeks,
all members are given the opportunity to address the
assembly and bring items to the attention of the board.
The General Assembly also votes on important issues. A
two-thirds majority is needed in order to approve a law,
an election or expulsion of a member.
The Security Council is a division of the United Nations
whose goal is to maintain peace between nations. This
is the only council with the power to make binding
decisions which the members must carry out. All other
councils can only make recommendations. Fifteen
nations have members on the Security Council. Five of
these are permanent and ten are temporary. China,
Russia, France, the United Kingdom and the United
States are the only permanent members.
The International Court of Justice is a division of the
United Nations that is responsible for international trials
and legal decisions. Its headquarters are located in the
Netherlands. This court has heard cases of war crimes,
ethnic cleansing and the like. The International Criminal
Court is a division that began operation in 2002. This
court judges those who have tried to commit war crimes
and genocide across several nations and have violated
international law in doing so.
The United Nations also includes several specialized
agencies that work on particular issues. For example,
the World Health Organization is dedicated to improving
the health status of those in impoverished nations and
ensuring that nations provide adequate health care for
their citizens.
Funding for the United Nations comes from voluntary
donations by member nations. The General Assembly is
responsible for overseeing the budget and determining
the capacity of each nation to pay based on their gross
domestic product, or GDP. Less developed nations are
asked to contribute less and instead advised to use
their resources to improve the status of their nations.
Debating the Effectiveness of the United Nations
In recent years, participants in the United Nations
debate have questioned the organization̢۪s
effectiveness. Those who criticize the organization often
feel that the small administrative structure undermines
the UN's peace keeping mission. Also, there are few
repercussions in place for nations that do not follow
mandates. Permanent members of the Security Council
have been known to avoid mandates themselves
because they cannot lose their status as members as
easily. Still, many people believe that the United Nations
provides a great basis for international relationships.
Though the organization was founded over 50 years
ago, it is still able to oversee the international court
system and bring justice to many dangerous criminals.
Without the United Nations, the world would be a very
different place.


Minimum wage is defined as the lowest amount that
employers can legally pay their workers per hour of
labor. Most jurisdictions do have laws in place to
enforce a minimum wage. However, there are both
benefits and drawbacks of this type of policy. Many
supporters of minimum wage say that it increases the
standard of living and keeps people out of poverty.
Those who are opposed to it tend to believe that it
increases unemployment and harms the less skilled
The first minimum wage law was passed in New
Zealand in 1894. Since then, many other nations have
adopted similar policies. In the United States, the
current minimum wage is $7.25. The state of
Washington has chosen to establish a higher minimum
wage of $8.67. These rates are not established
randomly. In fact, they are the result of much research
in the areas of economics, standard of living and
inflation. Labor supply and the effects of rising
unemployment are also considered when establishing
minimum wage.
Minimum wage laws were established and are upheld
with certain goals in mind. Those who support minimum
wage laws usually believe that these goals are being
adequately achieved and that this alone is enough
justification to keep the laws in place. Minimum wage
was initially established to reduce poverty. Establishing
a minimum wage in the United States helped do away
with sweat shops and insures that people are paid
properly for their work. Minimum wage also protects
younger workers and minorities from being paid less
than others to some extent.
Proponents of Minimum Wage
Many do believe that minimum wage laws achieve these
goals. They do ensure that workers on the low end of
the pay scale are not underpaid because of their gender
or race. They also do ensure that workers are given a
fair wage. However, their effect on society as a whole
and on those who are not currently employed is
questionable. Supporters of minimum wage also believe
that a minimum wage stimulates consumption and thus
puts more money into the economy by allowing low
paid workers to spend more. They also believe that it
may increase the work ethic of those who are paid little
and thus benefit employers. It also encourages people
to join the work force, rather than seek other illegal
means of earning money such as selling drugs or
Opponents of Minimum Wage
Some people who are opposed to the idea of minimum
wage believe that it is not accomplishing the goals it
was designed to meet. In several instances,
employment has decreased more than the increase in
wages and thereby overall earnings are still reduced.
Businesses are sometimes forced to hire fewer
employees because they must pay minimum wage.
Thus, fewer people have a job. Studies also show that
very few low-wage workers actually come from families
in poverty. Thus, minimum wage is more often imposed
on the sixteen-year-old worker with his first job than on
people who would otherwise be unemployed.
Other opponents of minimum wage believe that it can
cause price inflation as businesses must raise their
prices to accommodate the higher wages. They also
believe it discourages further education of the poor. The
United States currently has laws in place to ensure a
minimum wage. Whether or not these laws should
remain in place is a matter of debate. There are benefits
and downfalls to minimum wage laws and nothing is
cut and dry.


Military intervention is used by the American
government to control what the government perceives
as a foreign conflict. Military intervention is often the
target of protest as well. This multilateral protective
intervention has a number of pros and cons.
Military Intervention Debate Pros
There are a number of advantages to military
intervention. First and foremost, military intervention can
potentially save hundreds or even thousands of lives.
When a government or terrorist organization is inflicting
pain and death upon civilians, military intervention can
often stop the damage. Along those same lines, military
intervention can also force corrupt foreign governments
to disband and step down, saving countries from
corruption and harm.
Military intervention is often legally sanctioned by an
international organization, such as the United Nations.
This support and legality allows the actions to be
justified and not looked upon negatively by foreign
nations. The support also ensures that forces come
from around the globe, rather than just from one
country. Military intervention is a last resort, used when
peaceful methods of intervention are unsuccessful.
Military intervention can potentially deter future corrupt
and tyrannical governments from developing. Seeing
corrupt governments destroyed definitely helps to keep
new individuals from creating a similar government.
Cons to the Military Intervention Debate
While there are certainly some great advantages for
military intervention, there are also a great deal of
disadvantages. Military intervention is an extremely
violent and drastic measure that should be undertaken
only if extremely necessary. Unfortunately, governments
often fail to consider peaceful options, progressing
immediately to violence. Due to this desire to
immediately choose the violent option, interventions
often are not sanctioned. Congress typically does not
get a say, nor does the U.N. Ignoring international
support and sanctioning often means that the
intervention is unsuccessful due to lack of support.
There are no troops sent in from other countries, and
those responsible for the intervention are often
Military interventions cause a great deal of deaths of
military personnel sent in to eliminate the conflict. There
is no international framework in place for military
intervention, especially outside of Europe. Without an
international framework, decisions and responsibilities
are often not well-considered. There is no oversight for
the intervention, leading to problems. Without rules and
guidance, interventions often fail, whether because of
poor strategy or lack of support.


A trade union, or as it is sometimes called a labor
union, is when a group of workers band together to
achieve goals related to their job. Trade Unions are
often in the news, especially when they are striking or
picketing. However, many people do not know the
history behind these organizations, what they do for
members and the pros and cons of trade unions.
Trade unions originated in Europe during the industrial
revolution. Because of the machinery that had become
commonplace, skilled labor became less in demand so
employers had nearly all of the bargaining power.
Employers mistreated the workers and paid them too
little for the work they did. Trade unions were organized
that would help in the improvement of working
The concept of the trade union has evolved over the last
one hundred years, but the underlying concept is the
same. Union members want their employers to treat
them with respect and pay them a fair wage. During the
early and middle portions of the twentieth century,
laborers were a major force in America and around the
world. They have lost some of their influence in the past
few decades, mainly because of financial struggles.
The largest union organization in the United States
today is AFL-CIO, which has millions of members
across the country. What do trade unions do for their
members? It varies from union to union, and not every
union will offer every type of benefit. Unemployment
benefits and insurance are very common benefits and
are useful to members in many industries. Collective
bargaining and industrial action allow members to
negotiate with their employers over wages and working
conditions. A final activity that many unions participate
in is supporting candidates or lobbying for laws to be
passed or repealed.
Public Opinion – Labor Union Debate
With everything the media says about unions, one may
wonder if they are good for our economy and business
in the United States, or if they cause more harm than
good. This is a very good question, and there is no
simple answer. Unions can help workers in industries
that are regularly underpaid or mistreated. With a union,
workers do not have to worry that employers will
drastically cut pay or lay off worker with no notice. But,
with all of these benefits come some risk, and these
risks are what cause criticism of unions by the media.
Unions take the power out of the employer's hands on
many issues. There are examples of cases where
workers were engaging in sexual or racial harassment,
but were protected by their unions and allowed to keep
their jobs. Poor workers and excellent workers often
receive the same pay and raises, giving no reason for a
person to work harder than necessary at their job.
Unions can make workplace politics even more
complicated. There are a lot of issues to consider when
you look at unions. They will likely have a place in
certain industries for quite some time; however, they will
likely never reach the numbers and influence they held
in the early part of the twentieth century.


Censorship refers to any action taken by a society to
control access to ideas and information. Throughout
history, many different types of societies, including
democracies, have used censorship in various ways. The
issue is increasingly important due to the rapid
development of new communication technology. As
innovators continue to create new ways for people to
share information, many people are now arguing over
the issue of censorship.
Pros and Cons of the Internet Censorship Debate
For the proponents of censorship, restricting the access
of information is something that can provide benefits to
society. By censoring pornography on the internet,
children are less likely to encounter it. By censoring
certain types of images and videos, society can prevent
offensive or vulgar material from offending those that it
targets. For example, some would argue that society
should censor material that is insulting to a particular
religion in order to maintain societal harmony. In this
way, censorship is viewed as a way to protect society
as a whole or certain segments of society from material
that is seen as offensive or damaging.
Some argue that censorship is necessary to preserve
national security. Without using any kind of censorship,
they argue that it is impossible to maintain the secrecy
of information necessary for protecting the nation. For
this purpose, censorship protects a state's military or
security secrets from its enemies who can use that
information against the state.
Those who are against censorship argue that the
practice limits the freedoms of speech, the press and
expression and that these limitations are ultimately a
detriment to society. By preventing free access to
information, it is argued that society is fostering
ignorance in its citizens. Through this ignorance,
citizens are more easily controlled by special interest
groups, and groups that are able to take power are able
to use censorship to maintain themselves. Additionally,
they argue that censorship limits a society's ability to
advance in its understanding of the world.
Another main issue for those who are against
censorship is a history of censorship abuse. Those who
argue against censorship can point to a number of
examples of dictators who used censorship to create
flattering yet untrue images of themselves for the
purpose of maintaining control over a society. They
argue that people should control the government instead
of the government controlling its people.


The right to keep and bear arms fundamentally is the
assertion that people, either individually or collectively
as a militia, have a personal right to possess weapons.
Often, but not always, the arms at the forefront of the
conversation are firearms, though other kinds of
weapons are involved as well. Debates about the right
to keep and bear arms also usually involve issues such
as the right of individuals to defend themselves, their
families and their property as well as issues such as the
right to protect oneself even against one's own
United States vs. United Kingdom
Although much of the history of the laws in the United
States have their basis in English common law, the
United States and the United Kingdom have very
different approaches to the issue of the right to keep
and bear arms. The right to keep and bear arms is
recognized in the United States Bill of Rights and has
been enacted as the Second Amendment to the United
States Constitution. In contrast, in the United Kingdom,
neither English law nor Scottish law discusses the right
to bear and keep arms. Although they may carry pepper
spray or a side baton, even police officers in Great
Britain do not routinely carry firearms. Further, the
Prevention of Crime Act 1953 prohibited individuals from
carrying offensive weapons, such as firearms and
knives, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.
Moreover, the Firearms (Amendment) (No.2) Act 1997
effectively banned in Great Britain the private possession
of all modern pistols, even for competitive sporting
Unlike the United Kingdom, which has taken a relatively
restrictive approach to the possession of arms, the
United States has taken a more lenient approach. In the
United States, three models have evolved regarding the
interpretation of the meaning of the right to bear and
keep arms as delineated in the Second Amendment.
Proponents of the first model, sometimes referred to as
the collective model, focus on the reference to a militia
in the preamble to the Second Amendment and argue
that the intent of the Second Amendment is to authorize
states to have a militia. Proponents of the second
model, sometimes referred to as the modified collective
model, contend that the right to bear and keep arms is
a right that is limited to individuals who are actively a
part of a militia in accordance with the regulations of
the militia. The third model, which is sometimes referred
to as the individual rights model, holds that the intent of
the Second Amendment is to ensure that individuals
have the right to own and possess firearms.
The third model has given rise to much debate about
whether the right of an individual to own and possess
firearms is unlimited or subject to the imposition of
reasonable limitations. Even among those who believe
the right to bear and keep arms is subject to limitation,
debate rages on about who may impose the limitations.
Should the regulation of firearms be exercised by the
federal government? Or should firearms regulation be
controlled by the individual states? Currently, in the
United States, each of the 50 states regulates firearms
within their own jurisdictions and in accordance with
their own regulations. Debate about the right to keep
and bear arms continues between those who desire
stricter control of firearms and those who believe any
control is unconstitutional.


The European Union is a group of 27 member politically
and economically allied nations. The original union was
based on the trade of coal and steel between six
nations, but it has increased in size since 1958. The EU
has a single market and a set of laws that apply in all
states. People are allowed to move freely from state to
state, and goods and services are also traded freely. In
addition, the EU has its own currency, called the Euro.
Over 500 million people live in the EU, which is about 7
percent of the world population. The GDP is about 16.2
billion US dollars. However, there is still some
controversy regarding whether this is the best economic
arrangement for these European nations. Many believe it
benefits some nations and not others, but supporters
argue that it enhances all economies and builds
stronger cultural ties.
Potential Pros to the European Union Debate
One of the main pros of the EU is that people traveling
from nation to nation, which they often do in Europe,
only have to carry one form of currency. They do not
have to go through the hassle of making exchanges or
figuring out exchange rates.
Another benefit to this system is that it allows people to
move freely between nations, which makes it easier for
people to work internationally. People have more say in
where they live and can move to better climates if they
desire. Supporters of the EU also argue this
arrangement keeps more money in Europe, as it reduces
the amount of trade necessary with nations outside of
the EU. It also allows for competition with larger
nations, such as China and the United States, which is
not possible for small nations on their own.
Arguments to the European Union Debate
Those who are against the EU have several reasons for
their opinions. Many believe the Euro has contributed to
the economic crisis in Europe, since struggling member
nations tend to pull down the entire European Union.
Those that would not struggle on their own endure more
financial hardship as a result. Other opponents of the
EU believe it makes it harder to regulate the influx of
immigrants and refugees. Some nations may also lose
their skilled workers, since they can move to other EU
nations so easily.
Another criticism of the EU is that making changes in
laws across all involved nations costs money and
results in a rise in taxes. In addition, though the EU was
designed to prevent war, some believe disagreements
over policies could result in violence.


Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th President of the
United States, and was sworn into office in November of
2008. Prior to his election to the Presidency, he served
as a Senator for the state of Illinois. He is the first
African American president and was born in Honolulu,
Hawaii in 1961. Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law
School and also holds a degree from Columbia
University. He is a member of the Democratic Party and
serves alongside Joe Biden, the current Vice President of
the United States of America. He has a wife named
Michelle and two children named Malia and Sasha. Like
many US Presidents before him, Obama has many fans
and critics who have varying opinions of his political
tactics and ability to rule the nation.
Pros and Cons of the Barrack Obama Debate
One of the main reasons many people like Obama is
that he comes off as a bright and assertive leader. This
makes him good at rallying the American public behind
certain causes. Many people also like the fact that he is
rather cautious. He thinks before he speaks, especially
when speaking to the public.
The political and economic policies Obama espouses are
also well-liked by a number of citizens. He is very
familiar with political and social issues that affect the
middle and lower classes, not just those of the wealthy.
Many supporters also believe that his religious
upbringing gave him a greater appreciation for the plight
of the oppressed. His actions as President have had the
goal improving the quality of life for those people. For
example, his healthcare plan has provided healthcare to
many Americans who never had care before. As far as
the economy goes, his supporters believe he has
realistic goals of transforming the American economy to
better deal with globalization. He takes into account the
fact that most Americans are concerned about rising
prices, and makes decisions that prevent entering
another Great Depression.
For every Obama supporter, there is someone who
believes that he does an inadequate job as President.
Critics believe that he is inattentive to military and
national security needs. He does not seem interested in
these matters and seems to focus largely on the
Some critics also believe that his ideas are too radical
and simply not feasible in today's economy. They
believe that giving more to the poor means taking more
from the middle and upper classes. For example, the
healthcare plan may bring care to the less fortunate, but
critics argue that it does so at the expense of others,
who may have to pay more for their care in the long


The War on Terror is an international campaign to end
terrorism. The effort is overseen by the United States
and the United Kingdom and also receives much support
from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO.
The effort has included several wars, most recently the
Iraq War and also the War in Afghanistan. It is being
fought predominantly in the Middle East, but also in
Southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa.
The War on Terror officially began on October 7, 2001
and was spurred by the attack on the World Trade
Center of the United States on September 11, 2001. The
initial phase of the War on Terror was the War in
Afghanistan. This resulted in the fall of the Taliban
government as well as the destruction of the Al 'Qaeda
camps. The Iraq War began in 2003 and has resulted in
the overthrow of the Baath Party government as well as
the execution of Saddam Hussein, the nation's former
leader. Free elections and a democratic government
have been instated in Iraq, but insurgency and loss of
civilian lives continues.
The phrase "War on Terror" was initially used by
President George W. Bush. However, it has not been
used by the administration of President Barack Obama.
Instead, this administration prefers to refer to the effort
as the Overseas Contingency Operation. This is largely
because the concept of a war on terror has been
criticized for its lack of a framework and defined enemy.
Proponents of the War on Terror
Proponents in the War on Terror debate commonly
support the cause because they believe the government
will be able to end terrorism through the effort. It has
been shown that ending terrorism is nearly impossible
and many people feel, in fact, that the world is less safe
since the invasion of Iraq.
Opponents of the War on Terror
Critics in the War on Terror debate commonly charge
that it has been exploited by governments to reduce civil
liberties and take away basic human rights. Many argue
that the term war is not appropriately used in this
context since there is no one enemy. Ken McDonald, the
Director of Public Prosecutions in the United Kingdom,
has stated that those responsible for terrorist attacks
like the London Bombings are not, in fact, soldiers.
Thus, they should be dealt with through the criminal
justice system, not through military action.
One other problem with the War on Terror is the lack of
agreement on the very definition of terrorism. Some who
are labeled terrorists in one nation may be considered
freedom fighters in another. In fact, citizens of Iran and
Venezuela commonly use the work "terrorism" to
describe the actions of the United States during the
Some also believe that the War on Terror is very
inefficient in achieving its goals. In a 2005 paper, an
Oxford Group showed that the Al Qaeda was still alive
and active, despite efforts of American forces. George
Bush pledged that the War on Terror would not end until
every global terrorist group had been found and
defeated. This initially rallied support for the war, but
upon further examination proved to be rather unrealistic
and seems to denote a perpetual war.


The debate over whether a college education is worth it
may have begun when the colonists arrived from Europe
and founded "New College" (later renamed Harvard
University) in 1636. With 19.9 million US college
students in 2013 and average student debt at over
$26,500, the debate continues today.
People who argue that college is worth it contend that
college graduates have higher employment rates, bigger
salaries, and more work benefits than high school
graduates. They say college graduates also have better
interpersonal skills, live longer, have healthier children,
and have proven their ability to achieve a major
People who argue that college is not worth it contend
that the debt from college loans is too high and delays
graduates from saving for retirement, buying a house, or
getting married. They say many successful people never
graduated from college and that many jobs, especially
trades jobs, do not require college degrees.
Colonial America produced nine colleges that still
operate: Harvard University (1636), the College of
William & Mary (1693), Yale University (1701), Princeton
University (1746), Columbia University (1754), Brown
University (1764), Dartmouth College (1769), Rutgers
University (1766), and the University of Pennsylvania
(1740 or 1749). [3, 78 , 79, 80, 81 , 82, 83 , 84, 85, 86 ]
These universities were funded by the colony or England
and usually catered to a specific religious denomination
such as Congregational or Presbyterian (Puritan). [3, 78,
79 , 80, 81 , 82, 83, 84 , 85, 86 ] Primary and secondary
school systems were not yet established so "college
students" were sometimes boys as young as fourteen or
fifteen years old and were admitted to receive
preparatory education with the assumption that they
would matriculate to college-level courses. [3 ]


William Jefferson Clinton, known as Bill Clinton, served
as the 42nd President of the United States from Jan. 20,
1993 to Jan. 19, 2001.
His proponents contend that under his presidency the
US enjoyed the lowest unemployment and inflation rates
in recent history, high home ownership, low crime rates,
and a budget surplus. They give him credit for
eliminating the federal deficit and reforming welfare,
despite being forced to deal with a Republican-
controlled Congress.
His opponents say that Clinton cannot take credit for
the economic prosperity experienced during his scandal-
plagued presidency because it was the result of other
factors. In fact, they blame his policies for the financial
crisis that began in 2007. They point to his
impeachment by Congress and his failure to pass
universal health care coverage as further evidence that
he was not a good president.
Bill Clinton was born on Aug. 19, 1946 in Hope,
Arkansas. He graduated with a BS from the Georgetown
University School of Foreign Service in 1968, then
attended Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship,
then earned his JD from Yale Law School in 1973. He
married Hillary Rodham in 1975, and was first elected
Governor of Arkansas in 1978. After serving five terms
(12 years) as Governor, Clinton announced his
candidacy for US president on Oct. 3, 1991. Despite
scandals involving accusations of draft dodging and
cheating on his wife, Clinton and his running mate,
then-Senator Al Gore (D-TN), won the Nov. 3, 1992
election with 370 electoral votes and 43 percent of the
popular vote. [47 ] By defeating incumbent Republican
George H.W. Bush and independent Ross Perot, Clinton
became the first Democratic president in 12 years. [ 48].
At the age of 46, Clinton was the youngest president
since John F. Kennedy and the third-youngest ever. [ 1]
His campaign staff was also considered young and
inexperienced at dealing with the challenges of
transitioning from the campaign trail to the White
House. This led to some alleged missteps early in his
presidency, which were compounded by the inheritance
of problems such as the annual deficit being $60 billion
worse than the first Bush administration originally


Originally developed in the 1970s, direct recording
electronic (DRE) voting machines have become
increasingly used nationwide. After the 2000 US
presidential election's troubles with "pregnant” and
"hanging” chads and the subsequent passage of the
2002 Help America Vote Act which swelled use of DREs,
electronic voting technology became widely debated.
Proponents argue that electronic voting machines are
secure, able to unambiguously capture the intent of a
voter, capable of preventing residual votes, reliable, easy
to use, calculate and report voting results faster, and
are accessible to disabled, illiterate, and non-English
speaking voters.
Opponents of electronic voting machines argue that
DREs give too much power over public elections to their
private manufacturers, are vulnerable to hacking and
other forms of tampering, do not allow for meaningful
audits and recounts, and do not offer voters a
trustworthy way to verify their votes.


Proponents of euthanasia and physician-assisted
suicide (PAS) contend that terminally ill people should
have the right to end their suffering with a quick,
dignified, and compassionate death. They argue that the
right to die is protected by the same constitutional
safeguards that guarantee such rights as marriage,
procreation, and the refusal or termination of life-saving
medical treatment.
Opponents of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide
contend that doctors have a moral responsibility to keep
their patients alive as reflected by the Hippocratic Oath.
They argue there may be a "slippery slope" from
euthanasia to murder, and that legalizing euthanasia
will unfairly target the poor and disabled and create
incentives for insurance companies to terminate lives in
order to save money.


Milk is one of the most popular beverages in the United
States. We have been told it "does a body good," but
some scientific studies have found that contrary to
popular belief, drinking milk may do more harm to our
bodies than good.
Proponents of milk say calcium and other vitamins and
minerals in milk make it an important part of a healthful
diet for people of all ages. They argue that milk’s
benefits include weight loss, strengthening bones,
improved cardiovascular and oral health, cancer
prevention, and relief of PMS.
Opponents of milk argue that it contributes to obesity,
calcium deficiency, allergies, heart disease, cancer, and
other health ailments. They argue that claims regarding
milk's benefits are merely advertising campaigns
designed to promote dairy sales and


The United States is the second most obese
industrialized country in the world. [52] A 2013 report
stated that 31.8% of Americans were obese, compared
to 14% in the mid-1970s. [54] [52] Obesity accounts for
10% of deaths and healthcare spending in the United
States. [2]
Proponents contend that obesity is a disease because it
meets the definition of disease; it decreases life
expectancy and impairs the normal functioning of the
body; and it can be caused by genetic factors.
Opponents contend that obesity is not a disease
because it is a preventable risk factor for other
diseases; is the result of eating too much; and is
caused by exercising too little


In March 2010, the US Congress passed HR 3590, the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and
HR 4872, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation
Act of 2010. President Barack Obama signed them both
into law, along with Executive Order 13535 restricting
federal funds from being used for abortion services. On
Thursday June 28, 2012 the US Supreme Court upheld
the constitutionality of the PPACA in a 5-4 ruling.
Proponents of the health care legislation have called it a
"historic victory" and "landmark legislation" that reforms
the US health care system by reigning in health care
costs, making health care more affordable, and
protecting consumers from unfair insurance practices.
They cite the Congressional Budget Office which reports
that by 2021, it will reduce the nation's deficit by about
$210 billion.
Opponents have called it a "socialist" and
"unconstitutional" government takeover of the health
care system that will increase the cost of health care,
decrease the quality, and entrench a new entitlement.
They say the law will increase the nation's deficit $340-
$700 billion over the next decade. In 2011 and 2012 the
House of Representatives voted 36 different times to
repeal or replace Obamacare.


The debate over whether or not abortion should be a
legal option continues to divide Americans long after the
US Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision on Roe v. Wade [49]
declared the procedure a "fundamental right" on Jan. 22,
Proponents, identifying themselves as pro-choice,
contend that choosing abortion is a right that should
not be limited by governmental or religious authority,
and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or
fetus. They say that pregnant women will resort to
unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option.
Opponents, identifying themselves as pro-life, contend
that personhood begins at conception, and therefore
abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human
being. They say abortion inflicts suffering on the unborn
child, and that it is unfair to allow abortion when
couples who cannot biologically conceive are waiting to
Variations exist in arguments on both sides of the
debate. Some pro-choice proponents believe abortion
should only be used as a last resort, while others
advocate unrestricted access to abortion services under
any circumstance. Pro-life positions range from
opposing abortion under any circumstance to accepting
it for situations of rape, incest, or when a woman's life
is at risk.


Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?
47% of American adults used social networking sites like
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Classmates.com in 2011, up from 26% in 2008. [26] On
social media sites like these, users may develop
biographical profiles, communicate with friends and
strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos,
music, links, and more.
Proponents of social networking sites say that the
online communities promote increased interaction with
friends and family; offer teachers, librarians, and
students valuable access to educational support and
materials; facilitate social and political change; and
disseminate useful information rapidly.
Opponents of social networking say that the sites
prevent face-to-face communication; waste time on
frivolous activity; alter children’s brains and behavior
making them more prone to ADHD; expose users to
predators like pedophiles and burglars; and spread false
and potentially dangerous information.
Did You Know?
Pro & Con Arguments
Top Pro & Con Quotes
Video Gallery
Social Networking ProCon.org is a nonpartisan,
nonprofit website that presents facts, studies, and pro
and con statements on questions related to social
networking and its impact on society.
Did You Know?
1. Social networking sites are a top news source for 27.8%
of Americans, ranking below newspapers (28.8%) and
above radio (18.8%) and print publications (6%). [1]
2. Students who used social networking sites while
studying scored 20% lower on tests and students who
used social media had an average GPA of 3.06 versus
non-users who had an average GPA of 3.82. [ 84]
3. 35 global heads of state, every US Cabinet agency, 84%
of US state governors, every major candidate for US
President, and more than 40% of top global religious
leaders are on Twitter. [157 ]
4. 10% of people younger than 25 years old respond to
social media and text messages during sex. [100 ] [173 ]
5. In July 2012 Americans spent 74.0 billion minutes on
social media via a home computer, 40.8 billion minutes
via apps, and 5.7 billion minutes via mobile web
browsers, a total of 121.1 billion minutes on social
networking sites. [ 147]
Background: "Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our
47% of American adults used social networking sites like
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
Classmates.com in 2011, up from 26% in 2008. [26 ] On
social media sites like these, users may develop
biographical profiles, communicate with friends and
strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos,
music, links, and more.
Proponents of social networking sites say that the
online communities promote increased interaction with
friends and family; offer teachers, librarians, and
students valuable access to educational support and
materials; facilitate social and political change; and
disseminate useful information rapidly.
Opponents of social networking say that the sites
prevent face-to-face communication; waste time on
frivolous activity; alter children’s brains and behavior
making them more prone to ADHD; expose users to
predators like pedophiles and burglars; and spread false
and potentially dangerous information.
SixDegrees.com, which existed from 1997-2001, is
considered the first social networking site because it
allowed users to create personal spaces and connect to
friends online. Friendster, created in 2002, popularized
social networking in the United States but was quickly
outpaced by other social networking sites like: MySpace
(2003), Facebook (2004), Twitter (2006), Pinterest
(2009), and Google+ (2012). Facebook reported one
billion monthly users worldwide on October 4, 2012,
making it the most popular social networking site with
one in seven people on the planet using the site. [142 ]
Every day, Facebook manages 2.7 billion "Likes,” 300
million photo uploads, and 2.5 billion status updates
and check-ins. [143 ] Twitter, the second largest social
networking site, had an estimated 107.7 million users in
the United States (as of Jan. 31, 2012) [ 144] and 500
million worldwide users (as of Sep. 28, 2012). [ 172]
Pinterest is the third largest social network with 23
million unique visitors in July 2012, followed by
LinkedIn, Tagged, Google+, and MySpace [145 ] [146 ]
59% of all Internet users use at least one social
networking site and 56% of social networking users are
female. [ 26]


Prior to 1971, the United States was on various forms of
a gold standard where the value of the dollar was
backed by gold reserves and paper money could be
redeemed for gold upon demand. Since 1971, the United
States dollar has been a fiat currency backed by the
"full faith and credit” of the government and not backed
by, valued in, or convertible into gold.
Proponents of the gold standard argue it provides long-
term economic stability and growth, prevents inflation,
and would reduce the size of government. They say a
gold standard would restrict the ability of government to
print money at will, run up large deficits, and increase
the national debt. They say the economy has historically
performed best under a gold standard.
Opponents argue a gold standard would create
economic instability, spur periodic economic deflation
and contraction, and hamper government's ability to
stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment during
recessions and financial crises. They say returning to a
gold standard would be extremely difficult given the
scarcity of gold and could severely harm the already
fragile US economy.
Since its founding in 1776, the United States has had a
variety of monetary systems including bimetallic
systems where the dollar was backed by both gold and
silver (1792-1862), a fiat monetary system
(1862-1879), a full gold standard (1879-1933), and a
partial gold standard (1933-1971). From 1971 to
present the United States has been on a fiat monetary
standard. [71 ]


The creation of the federal corporate income tax
occurred in 1909, when the uniform rate was 1% for all
business income above $5,000. Since then the rate has
increased to as high as 52.8% in 1969, and the single
rate has become eight different rates for different
income levels. Today's rate for companies with over
$18.3 million in income (the top category) is 35%.
Throughout US corporate tax history, Americans have
debated whether or not lowering the rate results in job
Proponents of lowering the corporate tax rate to create
jobs argue that it incentivizes job creation in the United
States instead of overseas, encourages increased
investment in research and infrastructure, and passes
savings on to consumers through lower prices. They say
that the United States already has the highest corporate
income tax rates in the world, which creates a
competitive disadvantage for US businesses.
Opponents of lowering the corporate tax rate to create
jobs argue that it results in more profits for corporations
without affecting job creation, and that unemployment
rates were the lowest in recorded US history during the
time when corporate income tax rates were highest.
They say that lowering the rate would increase the US
deficit, and that companies hire employees based on
need, not because of corporate tax rates.

31 May 2014


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's
longest standing conflicts. Many people feel that
resolving this conflict is the key to resolving the various
conflicts throughout the Middle East. Some observers
see this conflict creating Arab resentment towards the
"West" and fueling radical Islamic terrorism. Although
the conflict generates massive public discussion and
debate, there are relatively few (if any) forums that
inherently maintain an impartial and non-partisan
approach to understanding it. We intentionally expose
the massive variations of opinion, narrative and fact, to
give our readers the best "big picture" understanding of
the conflict and its potential solutions.


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), otherwise known as
drones, are remotely-controlled aircraft which may be
armed with missiles and bombs for attack missions.
Since the World Trade Center attacks of Sep. 11, 2001
and the subsequent "War on Terror," the United States
has used drones to kill suspected terrorists in Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and other countries.
Proponents say that drones have decimated terrorist
networks abroad via precise strikes with minimal civilian
casualties. They contend that drones are relatively
inexpensive weapons, are used under proper government
oversight, and that their use helps prevent "boots on the
ground" combat and makes America safer.
Opponents say that drone strikes create more terrorists
than they kill. They contend that drone strikes kill large
numbers of civilians, violate international law, lack
sufficient congressional oversight, violate the
sovereignty of other nations, and make the horrors of
war appear as innocuous as a video game.
Civilians accounted for 8-17% of all deaths from US
drones in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia.


February 7, 2012 marked the 50th anniversary of the
ongoing US embargo against Cuba, an island nation 90
miles off the coast of Florida. The embargo, known
among Cubans as "el bloqueo" or "the blockade,"
consists of economic sanctions against Cuba and
restrictions on Cuban travel and commerce for all
people and companies under US jurisdiction.
Proponents of the embargo argue that Cuba has not
met the US conditions for lifting the embargo, including
transitioning to democracy and improving human rights.
They say that backing down without getting
concessions from the Castro regime will make the
United States appear weak, and that only the Cuban
elite would benefit from open trade.
Opponents of the Cuba embargo argue that it should be
lifted because the failed policy is a Cold War relic and
has clearly not achieved its goals. They say the
sanctions harm the US economy and Cuban citizens,
and prevent opportunities to promote change and
democracy in Cuba. They say the embargo hurts
international opinion of the United States.


Proponents of accepting performance enhancing drugs
(PEDs) in sports argue that their harmful health effects
have been overstated, that health risks are an athlete’s
decision to make, that using drugs is part of the
evolution of sports much like improved training
techniques and new technologies, and that efforts to
keep athletes from using PEDs are overzealous,
unproductive, unfairly administered, and bound to fail.
Opponents argue that PEDs are harmful and potentially
fatal, and that athletes who use them are cheaters who
gain an unfair advantage, violate the spirit of
competition, and send the wrong message to children.
They say PED users unfairly diminish the historic
achievements of clean athletes, and that efforts to stop
PED use in sports should remain strong.


Proponents of legalizing prostitution believe it would
reduce crime, improve public health, increase tax
revenue, help people out of poverty, get prostitutes off
the streets, and allow consenting adults to make their
own choices. They contend that prostitution is a
victimless crime, especially in the 11 Nevada counties
where it remains legal.
Opponents believe that legalizing prostitution would
lead to increases in sexually transmitted diseases such
as AIDS, global human trafficking, and violent crime
including rape and homicide. They contend that
prostitution is inherently immoral, commercially
exploitative, empowers the criminal underworld, and
promotes the repression of women by men.


Whether sexual orientation is a trait we are born with
(nature) or is caused by the environment we are raised
in (nurture) has been debated by scientists, religious
leaders, elected officials, and the general public.
Proponents argue that sexual orientation, much like
handedness or tongue curling, is determined by natural,
immutable biological factors such as genes or
hormones, and therefore gay people should be entitled
to the same legal rights and protections as other human
Opponents argue that homosexuality is a reversible and
unfortunate lifestyle choice resulting from poor child-
parent relationships, sexual abuse, brainwashing by
pro-gay influences, or other developmental causes.
Some contend that gay people should be denied
marriage, discrimination protection, and social and
religious acceptance.


The US National Academies of Science, the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), and many others, say that greenhouse gas
levels are rising due to human activities such as burning
fossil fuels and deforestation which are causing
significant climate changes including global warming,
loss of sea ice, glacier retreat, more intense heat waves,
stronger hurricanes, and more droughts. They contend
that climate change requires immediate international
action to prevent dire consequences.
The Heartland Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and
the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and
many others, argue that human-generated greenhouse
gas emissions are too small to substantially change the
earth’s climate. They contend that our forests and
oceans are capable of absorbing these small increases,
and that 20th century warming has resulted from
natural processes including fluctuations in the sun's
heat and ocean currents. They say that global climate
change is based on bunk science and scare tactics.
Human activities release greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide
(NO2), into the atmosphere. As of Apr. 2010, CO2 levels
were 389 parts per million (ppm) - reportedly higher
than at any time in the last 650,000 years when levels
fluctuated between 180 and 300 ppm. [3] This rise took
place alongside a 20th century global temperature
increase of between 1°F and 1.4°F.[ 1][ 43]
Although there was a period of cooling from 1940 to
1970 [ 2], and uncertainty exists in computer climate
models, [ 8] many researchers think the earth will
continue to warm by 3-10°F [ 1] over the 21st century.


The radiation emitted by cell phones, known as
radiofrequency (RF) radiation, is regulated by the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Hundreds
of millions of Americans use cell phones and many of
them wonder if there are any health risks.
People who say cell phones are safe reference
statements by the FCC and Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and point to peer-reviewed studies
which conclude that cell phone use is not associated
with an increased risk of brain tumors or the onset of
other health problems. They contend there has been no
increase in brain tumor rates despite hundreds of
millions of people now using cell phones.
People who say cell phones are not safe cite peer-
reviewed studies showing an association between cell
phone use and tumor growth, DNA damage, and
decreased fertility. They say cancers take 20-30 years
to develop and cell phone studies have monitored
periods of 10 years or less. They highlight the
International Agency for Research on Cancer’s
classification of cell phone radiation as a possible
Cordless home phones, television, radio, laptops, and
tablet computers all produce radiofrequency (RF)
radiation, the same type of radiation that is produced by
cell phones.
The radiation emitted by a cell phone can penetrate 4 -
6 cm (1.6 - 2.4 in) into an adult human brain. [ 1] The
amount of RF absorbed into the head can be reduced by
using a wired ear-piece (not a Bluetooth) rather than
placing the phone against the ear.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
of the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on
May 31, 2011 that it had added cell phone radiation to
its list of physical agents which are "possibly
carcinogenic to humans" (group 2B agents). [ 37] Other
group 2B agents include coffee, DDT, pickled vegetables,
and lead.


Whether alternative energy sources such as biofuels,
hydrogen, solar, geothermal, or nuclear energy can meet
energy demands better than finite fossil fuels such as
oil and coal remains hotly debated.
Proponents of alternative energy argue that fossil fuels
are inefficient, unsustainable, environmentally
destructive, and the primary contributor to global
climate change. They say renewable energies are a
viable and immediately needed alternative to fossil fuel
use that could boost the US economy and reduce
reliance on foreign energy sources.
Opponents contend that many technological hurdles
have to be overcome before alternative energy can
replace even a small portion of the power provided by
fossil fuels. They say that fossil fuels will last hundreds
of years longer, be made increasingly efficient, remain
the most economical choice, and that reliance on
inefficient alternative energies will hurt the economy.


US churches* received an official federal income tax
exemption in 1894, and they have been unofficially tax-
exempt since the country's founding. All 50 US states
and the District of Columbia exempt churches from
paying property tax. Donations to churches are tax-
deductible. The debate continues over whether or not
these tax benefits should be retained.
Proponents argue that a tax exemption keeps the
government out of church finances and thus upholds the
separation of church and state. They say that churches
deserve a tax break because they provide crucial social
services, and that 200 years of church tax exemptions
have not turned America into a theocracy.
Opponents argue that giving churches special tax
exemptions violates the separation of church and state,
and that tax exemptions are a privilege, not a
constitutional right. They say that in tough economic
times the government cannot afford what amounts to a
subsidy worth billions of dollars every year.
The first recorded tax exemption for churches was
during the Roman Empire, when Constantine, Emperor of
Rome from 306-337, granted the Christian church a
complete exemption from all forms of taxation following
his conversion to Christianity circa 312.


With over 11 million immigrants in the United States
illegally (as of 2011), the issue of illegal immigration
continues to divide Americans.
Some people say that illegal immigration benefits the
US economy through additional tax revenue, expansion
of the low-cost labor pool, and increased money in
circulation. They contend that immigrants bring good
values, have motivations consistent with the American
dream, perform jobs that Americans won’t take, and
that opposition to immigration stems from racism.
Opponents of illegal immigration say that people who
break the law by crossing the US border without proper
documentation or by overstaying their visas should be
deported and not rewarded with a path to citizenship
and access to social services. They argue that people in
the country illegally are criminals and social and
economic burdens to law-abiding, tax-paying


1,188 people were executed in the US from 1977
through 2009, primarily by means of lethal injection.
Most death penalty cases involve the execution of
murderers although capital punishment can also be
applied for treason, espionage, and other crimes.
Proponents of the death penalty say it is an important
tool for preserving law and order, deters crime, and
costs less than life imprisonment. They argue that
retribution or "an eye for an eye" honors the victim,
helps console grieving families, and ensures that the
perpetrators of heinous crimes never have an
opportunity to cause future tragedy.
Opponents of capital punishment say it has no deterrent
effect on crime, wrongly gives governments the power to
take human life, and perpetuates social injustices by
disproportionately targeting people of color (racist) and
people who cannot afford good attorneys (classist).
They say lifetime jail sentences are a more severe and
less expensive punishment than death.


All 50 US states have set their minimum drinking age to
21 although exceptions do exist on a state-by-state
basis for consumption at home, under adult supervision,
for medical necessity, and other reasons.
Proponents of lowering the minimum legal drinking age
(MLDA) from 21 argue that it has not stopped teen
drinking, and has instead pushed underage binge
drinking into private and less controlled environments,
leading to more health and life-endangering behavior by
Opponents of lowering the MLDA argue that teens have
not yet reached an age where they can handle alcohol
responsibly, and thus are more likely to harm or even
kill themselves and others by drinking prior to 21. They
contend that traffic fatalities decreased when the MLDA
increased .
Although many believe that anyone under the age of 21
is prohibited from consuming alcohol in the United
States, underage drinking is allowed in 29 states if done
on private premises with parental consent, 25 states if
for religious purposes, and 11 states if for educational
purposes .


As of May 21, 2014, gay marriage has been legalized
in 19 US states (CA, CT, DE, HI, IA, IL, MA, MD, ME, MN,
NH, NJ, NM, NY, OR, PA, RI, VT, and WA) and the
District of Columbia. 31 states have gay marriage
bans through either laws or constitutional amendments
or both.
Proponents argue that same-sex couples should have
access to the same marriage benefits and public
acknowledgment enjoyed by heterosexual couples and
that prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional
Opponents argue that altering the traditional definition
of marriage as between a man and a woman will further
weaken a threatened institution and that legalizing gay
marriage is a slippery slope that may lead to
polygamous and interspecies marriages.
As of Apr. 11, 2014, 15 out of 194 countries allow
same-sex couples to marry: the Netherlands (2000),
Belgium (2003), Canada (2005), Spain (2005), South
Africa (2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Argentina
(2010), Iceland (2010), Portugal (2010), Denmark
(2012), Uruguay (2013), New Zealand (2013), Brazil
(2013), and France (2013). Same-sex marriage is legal
in some jurisdictions of Mexico, the United Kingdom
(England, Scotland, and Wales), and the United States.


97% of 12-17 year olds in the US played video games in
2008, thus fueling an $11.7 billion domestic video game
industry. In 2008, 10 of the top 20 best-selling video
games in the US contained violence.
Violent video games have been blamed for school
shootings, increases in bullying, and violence towards
women. Critics argue that these games desensitize
players to violence, reward players for simulating
violence, and teach children that violence is an
acceptable way to resolve conflicts.
Video game advocates contend that a majority of the
research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no
causal relationship has been found between video
games and social violence. They argue that violent video
games may reduce violence by serving as a substitute
for rough and tumble play and by providing a safe outlet
for aggressive and angry feelings.


In 1972, the US Congress placed marijuana in Schedule I
of the Controlled Substances Act because they
considered it to have "no accepted medical use." Since
then, 22 of 50 US states and DC have legalized the
medical use of marijuana.
Proponents of medical marijuana argue that it can be a
safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of
cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma,
epilepsy, and other conditions. They cite dozens of peer-
reviewed studies, prominent medical organizations,
major government reports, and the use of marijuana as
medicine throughout world history.
Opponents of medical marijuana argue that it is too
dangerous to use, lacks FDA-approval, and that various
legal drugs make marijuana use unnecessary. They say
marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use,
interferes with fertility, impairs driving ability, and injures
the lungs, immune system, and brain. They say that
medical marijuana is a front for drug legalization and
recreational use.


In 2012 the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) estimated that Americans ate an average of
52.3 pounds of beef, 57.4 pounds of chicken, and 43.5
pounds of pork, per person. [ 126] Vegetarians, about 5%
of the US population, do not eat meat (including poultry
and seafood). [ 127] The USDA includes meat as part of
a balanced diet, but it also states that a vegetarian diet
can meet "the recommended dietary allowances for
Many proponents of vegetarianism say that eating meat
harms health, wastes resources, causes deforestation,
and creates pollution. They often argue that killing
animals for food is cruel and unethical since non-animal
food sources are plentiful.
Many opponents of a vegetarian diet say that meat
consumption is healthful and humane, and that
producing vegetables causes many of the same
environmental problems as producing meat. They also
argue that humans have been eating and enjoying meat
for 2.3 million years. [ 14]
In Western culture vegetarianism dates back to Ancient
Greece. The mathematician Pythagoras (570 BC - 495
BC) advocated vegetarianism; a meatless diet was
commonly called the "Pythagorean diet" until the term
vegetarian became popular during the 1800s. [120 ] The
philosopher Plato (428 BC - 348 BC) described a
vegetarian diet as "divinely ordained." [70]
Other well-known vegetarians include Leonardo da Vinci
(1452-1519), George Bernard Shaw (1712-1778), Leo
Tolstoy (1828-1910), Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948),
and Franz Kafka (1883-1924). [ 71] [81 ] More recent
vegetarians include César Chávez (1927-1993), Jane
Goodall, Paul McCartney, Ellen DeGeneres, Carl Lewis,
Russell Brand, Pamela Anderson, and Dennis Kucinich

25 May 2014


Evil is always use to depict something bad or contradictory to the accepted belief/custom,nevertheless, not minding the fact that evil always precede good in life. Every individual is made up of good and evil ,but what he/she is being referred by the society is what manifest/dominate in his/her thinking.
Is WAR evil?how will weapon manufacturing companies survive?
Is ILLNESS /DISEASE evil? how will medical practitioners/hospitals survive? and others.....
Evil and Good are balance mechanism of NATURE. Often a time, EVIL is Good,because it brings a Greater Good.
NOTE: Always ensure you balance the effects of every action taken in life with the measuring force of Nature called Evil and Good.

23 May 2014


The universe existence seems to pose unquenchable search of its connection to TIME and DEATH in the minds of scholars,nevertheless, both LIFE and DEATH are determined by TIME. Death is inevitable for the living as d quote that state “Everyone lives to die”,nevertheless, anyone can choose to live on even after death by leaving a moment to be remembered by the living which invariably, make him/her a mastermind of the living generation.