8 Jul 2014


Walter E. Williams

During last year's budget negotiation meetings, President Barack Obama told House Speaker John Boehner, "We don't have a spending problem." When Boehner responded with "But, Mr. President, we have a very serious spending problem," Obama replied, "I'm getting tired of hearing you say that." In one sense, the president is right. What's being called a spending problem is really a symptom of an unappreciated deep-seated national moral rot. Let's examine it with a few questions.

Is it moral for Congress to forcibly use one person to serve the purposes of another? I believe that most Americans would pretend that to do so is offensive. Think about it this way. Suppose I saw a homeless, hungry elderly woman huddled on a heating grate in the dead of winter. To help the woman, I ask somebody for a $200 donation to help her out. If the person refuses, I then use intimidation, threats and coercion to take the person's money. I then purchase food and shelter for the needy woman. My question to you: Have I committed a crime? I hope that most people would answer yes. It's theft to take the property of one person to give to another.

Now comes the hard part. Would it be theft if I managed to get three people to agree that I should take the person's money to help the woman? What if I got 100, 1 million or 300 million people to agree to take the person's $200? Would it be theft then? What if instead of personally taking the person's $200, I got together with other Americans and asked Congress to use Internal Revenue Service agents to take the person's $200? The bottom-line question is: Does an act that's clearly immoral when done privately become moral when it is done collectively and under the color of law? Put another way, does legality establish morality?

For most of our history, Congress did a far better job of limiting its activities to what was both moral and constitutional. As a result, federal spending was only 3 to 5 percent of the gross domestic product from our founding until the 1920s, in contrast with today's 25 percent. Close to three-quarters of today's federal spending can be described as Congress taking the earnings of one American to give to another through thousands of handout programs, such as farm subsidies, business bailouts and welfare.

During earlier times, such spending was deemed unconstitutional and immoral. James Madison, the acknowledged father of our Constitution, said, "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." In 1794, when Congress appropriated $15,000 to assist some French refugees, Madison stood on the floor of the House of Representatives to object, saying, "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." Today's Americans would crucify a politician expressing similar statements.
There may be nitwits out there who'd assert, "That James Madison guy forgot about the Constitution's general welfare clause." Madison had that covered, explaining in a letter, "If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the general welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one." Thomas Jefferson agreed, writing: Members of Congress "are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare. ... It would reduce the (Constitution) to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and, as they would be the sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please."

The bottom line is that spending is not our basic problem. We've become an immoral people demanding that Congress forcibly use one American to serve the purposes of another. Deficits and runaway national debt are merely symptoms of that larger problem.


Armstrong Williams

This past weekend, Americans located all over the country step out onto their patios, decks, and backyards, to partake in a delicious barbeque with family, friends, and loved ones. A drink or two was sure certainly spilled and chances are, kids fought over who gets to eat the biggest burger.

By the time the evening rolled around, families set up their chairs and picnic blankets as anticipation of the night’s display of fireworks continued to grow. Once the first cracks were heard, all eyes were fixed into the night sky until the anchor was complete.

Throughout the day you would have overheard talk of patriotism and what a sacrifice our veterans have made, but chances are you were too stuffed with food to listen or you were already taking an afternoon nap.

For most Americans, Independence Day is a lot like the beginning of a baseball game. A famous artist sings the National Anthem and everyone in the stadium stands and places their hand upon their heart. Some people sing along or at least mouth the words, but most put on a fake look of sincerity thinking, “I can’t wait till the song ends so the game can begin.”

Americans are very good at looking and sounding patriotic, but it’s fake. We put on face paint and wear ridiculous costumes for the world cup, but we fail to ponder the sacrifice made by past and present American military heroes.

We get more excited at the beginning of a sports game than when a soldier safely returns home to his wife and kids or when soldiers on a helicopter crash narrowly escape the jaws of death. We are more proud when the American soccer team scores a goal in overtime than when American soldiers successfully bring freedom to millions of people across the Atlantic.

Disagree with the last few years of American foreign policy all you want, but at the end of the day the individuals who put their lives on the line for our freedom deserve the upmost respect. We are quick to politicize American military operations, but slow to pray for our troops and support their dedication no matter what the circumstance.
The ongoing scandal at the Veterans Affairs office is disgraceful. The fact that thousands of American veterans are not receiving care or have waited over 90 days to receive care is shameful. Whatever political party you identify with doesn’t matter. All Americans should be outraged over the corruption and scandal and disrespect shown to those soldiers we owe our lives to.

Two years ago, Army Sgt. Brendan Marrocco successfully underwent double arm transplant surgery. He lost both of his arms back in 2009 from a bomb explosion in Iraq. Marrocco’sability to even squeeze and throw a tennis ball is a miracle. He deserves our thanks and praise.

In 2010, Lance Cpl. William "Kyle" Carpenter heroically saved a fellow soldier after the two of them came under heavy fire on a rooftop in Afghanistan. Kyle dove on a live grenade losing his eye and sustaining serious injuries, but saving the life of hisfriend. This is what true love and courage look like.

Our troops demonstrate their willingness to lay down their lives for a friend each and every day they’re on the battlefield.

Think about the courage of the American soldiers who knowingly crawled up a French beach filled with bullets on June 6, 1944 to save a continent from tyranny. Or those outnumbered American soldiers in South Vietnam who fended off attack after attack from the enemy for over three days in the valley of IaDrang.

One trip to the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia will open your eyes to the costly sacrifices made to secure our freedom. Watching the tears fall from the eyes of one broken family is enough to break your heart.

In an interview after receiving the Medal of Honor, Kyle said, “I receive it with a heavy heart. It’s a huge honor and I’m very appreciative and I'm very humbled by it, but at the same time there is - not just from Iraq and Afghanistan, but previous wars since this country was founded - there have been those who didn’t make it back and those who did make it back and had worse injuries than mine. Courageous things happen on the battlefield every day and all of us raise our right hand in the exact same way to serve our country.”

The heroism of Marrocco and Kyle and so many others shouldfill us with a sense of deep gratitude. This weekend say a prayer for our troops. Care for those veterans who live in your community and care for those broken families who have given everything to secure your freedom.

If you see a veteran in the local grocery store don’t let him pass by. Stop for a moment and say thank you. It’s not enough to sing a song before a baseball game. True patriotism is lived out in daily life. It’s time all Americans start living it out.


David Limbaugh

Do we conservatives really mean it when we say that we need to promote our ideas in the popular culture through books, movies and other media? If so, we need to support people like Dinesh D'Souza and his latest movie and book, "America: Imagine the World Without Her." I saw the movie, and I loved it.

Dinesh is a passionate patriot who "chose this country" and loves it with every fiber of his being. Like many of the rest of us, he recognizes that America is under assault, and he is doing all he can to save it.

In the movie, Dinesh describes how the political left has infiltrated our culture and educational institutions and presented a damning moral indictment of this nation and free market capitalism.

In the eyes of the left, America is intrinsically evil -- a predatory colonial power that acquired its wealth by conquest. Avowed leftist Howard Zinn advanced these noxious themes in "A People's History of the United States," which has been a staple American history book in our universities and high schools.

According to the leftist "shame narrative," which is driven more by ideology than a commitment to historical accuracy, America conquered, exploited, enslaved and stole its way to wealth and power. Our forefathers committed genocide against the Native Americans while stealing their land; we gobbled up the southwestern part of the country from Mexico as warmongering imperialists; we built our businesses and industries on the backs of African-American slaves; and through our system of free market capitalism and foreign policy imperialism, we have stolen the lion's share of the world's wealth. Also, under our system, the "haves" in the United States continue to extort resources from the "have-nots," robbing the common man of his fair share.

Dinesh answers this bill of particulars against the United States, admitting our transgressions, when warranted, and setting the record straight with the other side of history, which has been purposely hidden from us.

Don't assume that you are fully aware of the other side. Dinesh presents evidence that you probably haven't heard or read before -- but it's vitally important evidence that tells an entirely different story from what recent generations of Americans have been led (and brainwashed) to believe. The institution of slavery, for example, has been present in almost every culture in world history; America is the only nation that endured a bloody civil war to eradicate the inhuman practice.
As a political commentator and American patriot, I am troubled constantly by our cultural amnesia about what is so great about America. I find too many people, including on the conservative side, forever apologizing for their beliefs and defensive about traditional values, capitalism and even the American idea. It's as if the leftist "shame narrative" has done a number on us -- as if much of our side is now comfortable with a gargantuan welfare state and doesn't dare promote capitalism from a moral perspective.

What has always attracted me most to Dinesh's approach is his unapologetic championing of America -- its founding principles and its historical record. He takes a back seat to no one in proclaiming America's foundational and historical greatness. America has been a force for good like no other in the history of mankind.

In fact, America didn't steal its wealth; it created it, because its free market system, undergirded by Christian values, gave rise to an explosion of entrepreneurship, growth and unprecedented prosperity. Moreover, but for America, world history would remain a story of wealth by conquest.

Dinesh rightly points out, however, that the leftist narrative continues virtually unabated: America stole its resources, so it must pay for this monumental injustice. It is our duty to return these "stolen goods" to the rest of the world, those it exploited historically and the "have-nots" in our society.

The left has trained generations of Americans, in our schools and in our media, that we need to atone for our alleged sins. Barack Obama is a product of this training -- as is Hillary Clinton. Yesterday's radicals are today's leading government officials, and they are doing their very best to fundamentally change America from the inside. At this point, they're succeeding. "We are witnessing economic redistribution at a level never before imagined," Dinesh says.

Dinesh also points out that Obama did not create the radical left's comprehensive assault on America; it created him, but he has accelerated the pace of our decline to an alarming degree.

You would have to be blind or oblivious not to recognize that America is at a crossroads. A dire challenge confronts us. The clock is ticking, and those hellbent on permanently transforming this nation into a utopian paradise (read: atheist, socialist state) are working overtime and relentlessly.

We may not have a Washington, Lincoln or Reagan right now, cautions Dinesh, but we have ourselves.

Will we stand up to this challenge? Will we rise up to save America and preserve its unique greatness? Or will we abandon its future and that of our children to the designs of those who are presently transforming it into something unrecognizable, a place where robust political freedom is but a distant memory?


Thomas Sowell

Back in the heyday of the British Empire, a man from one of the colonies addressed a London audience.
"Please do not do any more good in my country," he said. "We have suffered too much already from all the good that you have done."

That is essentially the message of an outstanding new book by Jason Riley about blacks in America. Its title is "Please Stop Helping Us." Its theme is that many policies designed to help blacks are in fact harmful, sometimes devastatingly so. These counterproductive policies range from minimum wage laws to "affirmative action" quotas.

This book untangles the controversies, the confusions, and the irresponsible rhetoric in which issues involving minimum wage laws are usually discussed. As someone who has followed minimum wage controversies for decades, I must say that I have never seen the subject explained more clearly or more convincingly.

Black teenage unemployment rates ranging from 20 to 50 percent have been so common over the past 60 years that many people are unaware that this was not true before there were minimum wage laws, or even during years when inflation rendered minimum wage laws ineffective, as in the late 1940s.

Pricing young people out of work deprives them not only of income but also of work experience, which can be even more valuable. Pricing young people out of legal work, when illegal work is always available, is just asking for trouble. So is having large numbers of idle young males hanging out together on the streets.

When it comes to affirmative action, Jason Riley asks the key question: "Do racial preferences work? What is the track record?" Like many other well-meaning and nice-sounding policies, affirmative action cannot survive factual scrutiny.

Some individuals may get jobs they would not get otherwise but many black students who are quite capable of getting a good college education are admitted, under racial quotas, to institutions whose pace alone is enough to make it unlikely that they will graduate.
Studies that show how many artificial failures are created by affirmative action admissions policies are summarized in "Please Stop Helping Us," in language much easier to understand than in the original studies.

There are many ponderous academic studies of blacks, if you have a few months in which to read them, but there is nothing to match Jason Riley's book as a primer that will quickly bring you up to speed on the complicated subject of race in a week, or perhaps over a weekend.

As an experienced journalist, rather than an academic, Riley knows how to use plain English to get to the point. He also has the integrity to give it to you straight, instead of in the jargon and euphemisms too often found in discussions of race. The result is a book that provides more knowledge and insight in a couple of hundred pages than are usually found in books twice that length.

Unlike academics who just tell facts, Riley knows which facts are telling.

For example, in response to claims that blacks don't do well academically because the schools use an approach geared to white students, he points out that blacks from foreign, non-English-speaking countries do better in American schools than black, English-speaking American students.

Asian students do better than whites in schools supposedly geared to whites. In New York City's three academically elite public high schools -- Stuyvesant, Bronx Science and Brooklyn Tech -- there are more than twice as many Asian students as white students in all three institutions.

So much for the theory that non-whites can't do well in schools supposedly geared to whites.

On issue after issue, "Please Stop Helping Us" cites facts to destroy propaganda and puncture inflated rhetoric. It is impossible to do justice to the wide range of racial issues -- from crime to family disintegration -- explored in this book. Pick up a copy and open pages at random to see how the author annihilates nonsense.

His brief comments pack a lot of punch. For example, "having a black man in the Oval Office is less important than having one in the home."


D Suba Chandra

Hundreds of militants have been killed ever since the military in Pakistan launched an offensive against the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in the country’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in June 2014. There have also been numerous reports that ever since the military operations began, there has been an exodus of militants and civilians from the FATA into Afghanistan cutting across the Durand Line.

As a headline in one of the leading news papers read, Pakistan today wants Afghanistan to either “extradite” Mullah Fazlullah, the leader of the TTP, or “eliminate” him. Will such an approach with Afghanistan succeed, given the large-scale differences between Kabul and Islamabad?

After innumerable deliberations within Pakistan and the chimera of a dialogue with the TTP, the military operations have begun only now. But the harsh reality for Pakistan is: there are no similar operations from the other side of the Durand Line, or even a basic security template in Afghanistan to deal with those who are currently crossing the border between the two.

General Asim Saleem Bajwa, in one of his Inter-Service Public Relations (ISPR) briefings in early July commented that “the leader of the TTP Mullah Fazlullah is sitting across the border in Kunar or Nuristan and Afghanistan needs to do something about it.” Perhaps he is, and perhaps Afghanistan should do something about it.

Is Fazlullah a priority for Kabul?
Despite complaints from Pakistan, the Afghan government could not deal with Pakistani militants who have been hiding in Paktia, Paktika, Kunar and Nuristan provinces adjoining the Durand Line. Perhaps, they were not the priority for the present Afghan government that is facing the exit of the US troops, national and provincial elections, and more importantly, its own security threats from the Afghan Taliban and its affiliates including the Haqqani Network.

Though a section within Pakistan believes that Kabul in fact colludes with Fazlullah (along with India and the US of course), it is a farfetched proposition. Fazlullah may not be a priority for Afghanistan, as Hafiz Saeed and Mullah Omar are not for Pakistan.

The politics of “trump cards” and “not our problem” approach have been played so far and will continue to play a crucial role in the role neighbours’ perceptions and subsequent actions against militancy and terrorism.

Across the Durand: Trust Deficit and Militancy
Second, there has been a huge trust deficit between Pakistan and Afghanistan in terms of providing support to militancy. Kabul has repeatedly complained that the roots and bases of Taliban militancy in Afghanistan are inside Pakistan; in particular, the Pakistani military’s reluctance to go after Mullah Omar’s Quetta Shura and the Haqqani Network was viewed that way not only by the Afghan government, but also the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) leadership.
Similarly, a section within Pakistan even believes that the Afghan government secretly supports the TTP. Inherent tensions over the Durand Line between the two countries and the recent border clashes have created a huge gap between the Islamabad and Kabul. An added disadvantage for Pakistan is – many in Afghanistan do not trust Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), even if they find the political leadership sincere; and since the days of jihad against the Soviets, the Afghans believe that the ISI abused the relationship and would like to control Afghanistan rather than cooperating with them.

Neutralising the TTP: Is Pakistan Serious Now?
Islamabad and Rawalpindi, have, until recently, been reluctant to go after even the Pakistani Taliban. Islamabad (under Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif now, and President Asif Ali Zardari earlier) had been attempting to initiate a dialogue with the TTP, as has been pointed out by the former Director General of the ISPR in a recent interview to the BBC, and Rawalpindi was hesitant to engage the militants through military operations. According to Maj Gen Athar Abbas, “it had been decided in principle that preparations for the operation would take place between 2010 and 2011, and that it would be launched in 2011 to rid North Waziristan of extremists once and for all... He (Gen Kayani) was very reluctant when it came to the North Waziristan operation. Kayani thought the decision to launch the operation would reflect on his personality and people would take it as his personal decision, which is why he kept delaying the operation.”

Given the reluctance within the political and military leadership in Pakistan to go against even the TTP, it would be a Herculean task to convince them to neutralise the Quetta Shura and the Haqqani Network.

Will Afghanistan prevent the movement of the TTP within its soil without a quid pro quo? Even if it wants to pursue the TTP in its border provinces, does Kabul have enough firepower to undertake a parallel operation across the Durand Line? No doubt, the militants belonging to the Afghan Taliban, or the TTP or the al Qaeda – are a threat to the entire region. But until now, despite the pressure from its own public, the leadership in Pakistan has not realised it.

This will pose a huge challenge for Pakistan to achieve any substantial success in Operation Zarb-e-Azb.


Asanga Abeyagoonasekera

The month of June marked the first International Seminar on South Asia Development organised by the Xinhua news agency in Hong Kong, where this author was invited to speak on the topic of Sri Lanka at the centre of the Maritime Silk Road (MSR). On the same day of the seminar, Pakistan suffered a terrorist attack on Karachi Airport. Sri Lanka’s international airport was attacked in 2001 by LTTE terrorists in a similar manner. After three decades of combat with one of the world’s worst terrorist organisations, Sri Lanka can share its experience in fighting terrorism. The importance of fighting terrorism together with the nations of the Maritime Silk Road cannot be ignored.

In the current context of a very uncertain global stage, many parts of the world are being targeted by organised terrorist groups. In Tikrit and Mosul for example, thousands have been massacred by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s militants from the Islam State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). More than 150 children have been kidnapped, many others have been recruited as child soldiers, and the ISIS has appointed its own administration. The rise of the non-state actor is clear. The national security threat is spreading to many regional nations due to militant groups such as the ISIS. States should work together to combat such threats rather than evade the situation.

In the south of Sri Lanka, Buddhists and Muslims have clashed due to extremism within the society. While the majority of the society focuses on building a harmonious community with space for ethnic and religious reconciliation, this incident has created a negative image of Sri Lanka on a local and global scale. With all positive economic indicators and a record growth in the tourism industry, a negative image globally could have adverse consequences on the country. As reconciliation is essential to the progress and development of Sri Lanka, other non-violent ways to address societal issues must be found. Terrorism cannot be answered by terrorism. Instead, the government must work towards curbing extremist elements that give prominence to nationalistic ideas, which disturb the county’s social fabric. Nationalism is used to guard and protect one’s own identity.

Sri Lanka should use the influence of nationalism to address serious issues such as the decline in the use of Sinhala and Tamil languages in younger and future generations. With approximately 40,000 students enrolled, 90 per cent of whom are Sri Lankans, the international schools in the country have become a popular choice for schooling. Sinhala or Tamil, however, are only offered as an optional language taught once a week and not calculated into the grade point average. Without proper incentives to learn the language, the outcome is that most children from these schools are unable to read or write in their own dialect: Sinhala or Tamil. Language has the power to provide a connection to a culture and loyalty to a nation. Without it, people are not as tied to the country, and are not afraid to leave for work. The lack of knowledge of one’s own language is a directly related to the growth of the brain drain. This should be looked at as a serious issue. Nationalism should focus on cultural aspects such as protection of the language instead of concentrating on creating disharmony among different groups within society.
While the government faces many internal challenges such as the southern riots, it also faces external issues from the UNHRC. The high level committee was appointed and will advise the team set up to conduct a comprehensive investigation of alleged human rights violations in Sri Lanka. The question is, will the government cooperate and allow the team to enter the country to proceed with the investigation? After the announcement of the experts by UNHRC, the Finnish President was talked about on the front page of a local newspaper as “Bribe-taker Ahtisaari to probe SL.” This is not a positive note. The next Presidential election marks the third round of President Rajapaksa. The news that Rajapaksa will be the first Executive President to contest for the third time was also discussed in the political columns.

In order to assist the reconciliation process, the government of Sri Lanka has invited Special Envoy Cyril Ramaposha from South Africa. Some groups inside the government coalition, however, are against outside assistance. It is seen in a negative light by some in the government and public. Furthermore, the USAID program for Citizen Education on voting was stopped by the government as it was seen as a threat to the sovereignty of the nation. The tension is high with the accumulation of internal and external pressure. Amidst this tension, President Rajapaksa invited President Xi Jinping to visit the country as a move towards strengthening bilateral relations with China.

As Rabindranath Tagore says “When old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with its wonders.” Sri Lanka could find a better and new melody in the post war era, which will create a better society.

7 Jul 2014


Michael Brown

There have been and will continue to be Jewish terrorists who use their religion to justify murder, but the difference between Jewish jihad and Islamic jihad is that only in Islam is jihad a legitimate expression of the faith.

It is true that there have been religious Jews like Baruch Goldstein, who gunned down 29 Muslim worshipers and wounded more than 125 others before being beaten to death in 1994. And it is true that his epitaph reads, “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”

And it is true that in 2009, an ultra-Orthodox rabbi wrote a book in Hebrew entitled “The King’s Torah,” in which he made outrageous statements like, “Hurting small children makes sense if it's clear that they'll grow up to harm us, and in such a situation – the injury will be directed at them of all people.” And he did this in the name of Jewish law.

And it is true that Jewish extremists in Israel have chanted “Death to the Arabs,” especially in the aftermath of atrocities committed against their own people – especially children – by Muslim terrorists.

And it is true that Yitkhak Ginzburg, an ultra-Orthodox Israeli rabbi, responded to the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teenagers with calls for revenge, stating, “Revenge is a natural, spontaneous reaction, and it is led by a feeling that until I find the power to hurt whoever has hurt me I will not experience revival.”

The difference, however, between orthodox expressions of Judaism and orthodox expressions of Islam is that these murderous sentiments and actions represent the rarest exception in Judaism while they represent a common theme in Islam, both in ideology and in practice.
How many organizations are found in Judaism that parallel substantial Muslim groups like Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram, or ISIS?

How many religious Jews studying in yeshivas are trained in the art of blowing themselves up with bombs?

How many rabbinic texts (in comparison with Koranic texts) can legitimately be used to justify the murder of innocent people in the name of holy war?

And if Jews are indeed guilty of the kidnapping and horrific murder of a Palestinian teen in revenge for the murder of the Israeli teens, there will be national horror, not jubilation.

As noted by Ben-Dror Yemini, “Here an absolute majority opposes the murder. In the Gaza Strip, Hamas is the government. We have no cries of joy. They have celebrations of joy, and the murderers’ families hand out candy. Here, the state stopped funding the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva [led by the aforementioned Rabbi Ginzburg]. There, the murderers continue to receive regular monthly funding from the Palestinian Authority.”

Again, this is not to say that the people of Israel – my people – are incapable of committing atrocities. And it is not to say that, in coming days, there will not be more and more violent Jewish extremists.

It is simply to say that to do so requires a fundamental violation of many of the tenets of Judaism, while in Islam, such violence can be easily justified.

All that being said, at volatile times like this in the Middle East, we would do well to remember the classic words of Golda Meir spoken to Anwar Sadat: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children [meaning, in war]. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”

The power of hate, which goes far beyond the call to justice, shows no favoritism and, if not checked, will destroy not only Muslims but also Jews.

Let us then, without reserve or qualification, utterly renounce “Jewish jihad.”


Vijay Sakhuja

The much awaited European Union Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS) was approved last month by the General Affairs Council of the European Union (EU). The document builds on the European Commission’s Joint Communication, titled ‘for an open and secure global maritime domain: elements for a European Union maritime security strategy’, and is a link between the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) and the European Security Strategy (ESS). This paves the way for the 28 nations of the EU to identify and undertake concrete actions and projects to enhance the EU’s maritime security.

To implement the strategy, a rolling action plan is expected to be in place by the end of 2014 – that will focus on pan-Europe maritime domain awareness, exchange of information among the EU member states, navies, civil and marine authorities; addresses issues of technology development, common training; and multinational research programmes.

In its geographic scope, the EUMSS covers the European sea basins (the Mediterranean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, North Sea, Arctic waters, the Atlantic Ocean) and as far beyond as Asia, Africa and the Americas –  thus giving it both an internal and external dimensions. The strategy aims to address a number of asymmetric threats and challenges, at home and overseas, that impact the freedom of navigation at sea. These include piracy and armed robbery, maritime terrorism, trans-national organised crimes such as drug smuggling, gun-running, human trafficking, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, security of maritime infrastructure, cyber warfare and environmental risks.

The EUMSS action plan will also have to address the issue of material and humans resources. This is likely to pose a major challenge for the EU since some member states have scaled down their defence spending resulting in significant reduction in inventories of the respective naval and maritime forces. Although France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, and the UK are major naval powers, possess significant capabilities, and are forward-deployed across the globe, there are others who can barely manage to protect their national waters.

One of the significant aspects of the EUMSS is maritime multilateralism. The strategy acknowledges that modern day maritime threats and challenges are complex and some of these may require ‘international response’ that would necessitate engagements with international partners and participation in regional and global forums. In that context, EU’s engagement in the Indian Ocean through the EU Naval Force in Operation Atlanta in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia to counter piracy is significant.  EU naval and air assets work closely with the US-led Task Force 150, NATO, and other Asian navies to fight piracy.

The EUMSS also notes that sea lanes between Asia and Europe are of critical importance to the EU. A huge proportion of EU commercial traffic passes through Asian waters and according to an assessment, the volume of trade is expected to increase by 121 per cent between 2006 and 2016. Therefore, the Indian Ocean is strategically important to the EU’s economic vitality.


Ranjit Gupta

Though Iraq has been a particularly good and politically supportive friend and had episodically been the top oil supplier to India in the past, relations perforce started losing momentum in the wake of the US policies after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait; finally, India lost interest in Iraq after the US invaded it in 2003 – so much so that there was no Indian ambassador in Baghdad from 2005-2011.

Iraq has suddenly dominated Indian public attention for the past month with India’s 24x7 TV news channels orchestrating a shrill campaign highlighting the woes of the families of 40 Indian construction workers abducted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after they took control of Mosul and of 46 Indian nurses posted in a hospital in Tikrit; and pillorying the government’s alleged "failure" to protect and/or rescue its nationals.

The Indian public needs to be made aware of ground realities because of which these things happen.

The 39 construction workers are in a war zone and their exact whereabouts are not known. Since neither the territory, nor the captors, nor the evolution of developments are under Indian control or influence, the government is inevitably completely dependent on others – governments of friendly countries who may have local influence; central and regional governments in Iraq; national and international humanitarian and relief agencies; tribal leaders; militants themselves or other individuals or entities who have influence with the militants etc for their safety and return to India. Efforts have been continuing on a 24 hour basis with such entities – that is the best that any government can do. That is how the rescue of the nurses was secured. India and Indians have always enjoyed enormous goodwill in the Gulf region in particular and in the Arab world in general. This is one of the reasons why Indian nurses were not ill-treated and released. If, despite all efforts, the workers are harmed the government should not be blamed.

Not a single country, even those with extremely competent intelligence agencies and foreign ministries, and those that intensively interact with Iraq on a daily basis, had anticipated the blitzkrieg of the ISIL in taking over the Sunni provinces of Iraq. The consul general of Turkey in Mosul and 23 other consulate personnel were abducted and are yet to be rescued. 100 Kurdish school children have been missing for weeks. Numerous others of many nationalities are missing. Therefore, there was nothing that the Indian government or the embassy could have done to prevent the abduction of the Indian workers.

Suggestions that they could have been evacuated in anticipation of events made in hindsight completely ignore how the real world functions. They themselves would not have wanted to leave having made large payments to recruitment and travel agents in India. Suggestions that the commando operations can be mounted to rescue them are completely irresponsible.

Exactly 10 years ago something similar had happened. Three Indian truck drivers were kidnapped in Iraq in July 2004 while working for a Kuwaiti company that ferried supplies to the US military in Iraq. An Indian diplomatic team was sent to Baghdad and successfully negotiated their release – they had been captive for 41 days. While negotiations were underway, India witnessed similar frenetic TV coverage as now. However, within a few months of their release, the drivers were back in Kuwait. When interviewed on TV, the same family members who had earlier complained about and criticised the government aggressively said that the men had to earn a living for their family members!
This team had learnt to its great surprise that as many as 20,000 Indians were working in Iraq, many of them in various US military camps, the attraction obviously being the high salaries being paid for duty in war zones. In the context of the kidnapping of the drivers, the government banned the movement of Indians to Iraq for employment, which continued till May 2010. This was lifted after a public demand and hence the trouble now.

All this highlights the sad fact and national shame that 67 years after independence, millions of Indians have to go abroad to work in conditions that are conducive to their easy exploitation. In the short term, it is difficult to see how this can be prevented. However, one domestic issue needs to be addressed proactively with a sense of priority which unfortunately no government in the past has done: the nexus between the recruiting and travel agents in India and employment agents in the Gulf countries – the main reason for the exploitation of Indian workers. This unsavoury nexus must be broken and stricter regulations must be stringently enforced.

Last week the ISIL announced the establishment of an Islamic Emirate, which in due course, they hope, would include India. However, there is no reason for major concern because the ISIL is going to be extremely busy in Syria and Iraq to stave off defeat ultimately. However, the Caliphate could be an ideological beacon for misguided or unemployed Indian Muslim youth; however, ultimately causes and remedies thereof lie with the Indian government and civil society, not outside India.


Sandip Kumar Mishra 

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s two-day visit to South Korea on 3-4 July 2014 is symbolic of a nascent but important change in East Asian political equations. For the first time, a Chinese President visited South Korea before meeting with the North Korean leader. Many observers feel that this is an important shift in Chinese policy towards the Korean peninsula. The growing Chinese exchanges with South Korea in economic and other spheres are not new, but Beijing has always maintained that this does not mean a dilution of its relations with Pyongyang, which has until now been characterised as ‘a special relation’. However, it seems that the recent North Korea behaviour has annoyed China decisively.

North Korea of late appears to not be listening to Chinese suggestions and seems to be creating problems for Chinese interests in regional politics. The third nuclear test, execution of Chang Seong-thaek and several missile tests might be seen as an embarrassing situation for China; China has thus been moving closer to South Korean position. Beijing stressed a “nuclear weapons-free Korean peninsula” during the summit meet with the South Korean President Park Geun-hye in Beijing in 2013. However, he was more direct during the recent visit to Seoul and expressed that China would not like “any development of nuclear weapons on the peninsula.” It is an important achievement for South Korea, which wanted China to be more direct in opposing the North Korean nuclear programme.

Xi Jinping has seemingly been trying to use the growing gap between the US and South Korea over the aggressive Japanese postures on territorial, history and security issues. The US has not been keen to stop Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s revisionist behaviour. China perceives it an important opportunity to reach out to South Korea, who is an important partner in the US-Japan-South Korea security partnership. The Chinese attempt to use South Korean discontent with the US over conceding to the aggressive Japanese postures would not be easy and immediate but in the long-term it may bring very important changes in the regional political equations. Xi Jinping’s visit to Seoul has challenged US foreign policy-makers to reconsider their generous concessions to Japan.

Xi Jinping’s visit also has to do with the growing assertiveness of Japan. China is aware that South Korea has been equally worried about the Japanese claim over the Dokdo/Takeshima Islands, the review of Kano’s statement, insensitive statements on the comfort women issue, and regular visits to Yasukuni shrine by Japanese leaders. One day before Xi Jinping’s visit to Seoul, Japan reinterpreted its constitutional provision and expressed that it has every right to keep defence forces. China is also interested in using South Korean anger against Japan for deciding to conduct a joint investigation with North Korea on the Japanese abductees who were abducted by North Korea in the late 1970s. Japan has relaxed some sanctions on North Korea in the context of this joint investigation.

Xi Jinping has been very subtle in his approach to reach out to South Korea. He has been trying to placate South Korea by indicating to Seoul that the US gives more priority to its alliance with Japan than South Korea. He is also sending a clear signal to South Korea that if Seoul reconsiders its alliance with the US, China is also ready to re-think its relations with North Korea. However, China is aware that South Korean connections with the US and Japan are strong and it would not be easy or straight forward for South Korea to change sides from the US to China. In the immediate future, China would be satisfied if South Korea takes up more autonomous foreign policy-making. Xi Jinping has been working to create a broader plan for an alternate Asian economic and security architecture in which he emphasises the notion of ‘Asia for Asians’, and any change in South Korean policy towards autonomy would be a welcome development for China.
From the South Korean perspective as well, its relationship with China is quite delicate. Economic cooperation between the two countries has been indispensable for Seoul. Furthermore, its most reliable partner (the US) is not doing enough to address its concern vis-à-vis Japan. There is a sense of betrayal in South Korea towards the recent American generosity towards Shinzo Abe. South Korea therefore wants to express its displeasure by dealing more closely with China. Moreover, South Korea sees a golden opportunity to break the close relations between China and North Korea, which would make North Korean survival more problematic. However, Seoul in still not prepared to give up its alliance with the US and the warm welcome to the Chinese President in Seoul is basically a political game to send messages to the US and Japan.

In brief, a chessboard in East Asian politics have been laid out on which both South Korea and China have been moving carefully, with the aware that it would be too early to trust each other at this point of time. However, the future course of East Asian relations would depend on how the US and Japan respond to these moves.


 Amit Gupta

Once every four years Americans discover football - or as they like to call it, soccer. Yet this temporary attraction to the game has little to do with a real understanding of the global sport but more with the ability to project sporting nationalism. So is soccer catching on in the US? The answer is no and yes and it reflects on the changing demographics and socioeconomic patterns of the US.

In the US, football comes in a distant fourth to the premier sports of American football, basketball, and baseball. These games have been around for over a 100 years and young Americans have been socialised to play and watch these sports. Thus when the US hosted the World Cup in 1994 it did not even have a domestic professional league. Further, there remains a belief that soccer is too foreign, too slow, too low-scoring, and if one is to go by the musings of the conservative commentator Ann Coulter, too socialist in its orientation. In her dismissal of soccer as being un-American, Ms. Coulter stated that in the game there, “are no heroes, no losers, no accountability, and no child's fragile self-esteem is bruised. There's a reason perpetually alarmed women are called "soccer moms," not "football moms." Not one to be pithy, Ms Coulter added that soccer was loved by The New York Times (a politically unsound newspaper to the lunatic faction of America’s right), it was not liked by African-Americans, and not a serious game since men and women played together on the same field - and no serious game from kindergarten onwards was ever co-ed. She ended by stating, “If more "Americans" are watching soccer today, it's only because of the demographic switch effected by Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration law. I promise you: No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer. One can only hope that, in addition to learning English, these new Americans will drop their soccer fetish with time.” Such feelings of xenophobia, however, do not explain why 18.2 million viewers saw the US-Portugal game on ESPN.

Ms Coulter is partially correct when she states that most Americans are not interested in soccer but like any other nation they love the nationalistic sentiments and tribal behavior that the game stirs up.  American sports are dubbed “world championships” but they only involve one American city playing another. In contrast, the World Cup is America against the world. So Americans want their national team to win even though many have trouble understanding soccer and are particularly troubled by the fact that the game is not full of technological solutions, time-outs (convenient for going to the bathroom), and legalese - the rules of an American sport like football or basketball read like an extensive contract for a corporate merger. The fact is that for the older American who has not played the game, it is as confusing and boring as cricket. Further, sports commentators, team owners in major professional sports, and even some players have an economic interest in denigrating soccer since it could threaten the established sporting hierarchy in the US. But things are not as gloomy as they seem because socioeconomic and demographic changes are making soccer assume a more prominent role in the US.
First, America’s suburban white middle-class has embraced the game because it easy and inexpensive to play, it is injury-free, and consequently the game is mainly played by children from middle class and affluent families. It is this educated, globalised class that is the future of the game in the US particularly since the sport is so participation-friendly for young women. And women, secondly, are slowly bringing about a socioeconomic and educational shift in America. Since 1980 the ratio of women to men going to college has been 3:2, in major metropolitan areas women in their twenties make more than their male counterparts and, according to the Pew Research Center, in nearly 40 per cent of American households, women are either the sole or primary breadwinner - and a lot of these women have played soccer. This is a major difference from the big American sports where women’s participation has been reduced to being cheerleaders and earning minimum wage. In contrast, the US women’s team has won the World Cup and it is a very common sight in urban areas to see twenty and thirty-somethings play co-ed pickup games.  Soccer fits into the narrative of the urban, educated, environmentally conscious, globalised, and well to do person. It is these people who man the information technology giants like Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. They are the people who have well-paying jobs in hedge funds, too big to fail banks, Hollywood, and advertising. So soccer may not appeal to the gun-toting, NASCAR watching, rural to semi-rural population of America but it resonates extremely well with those who run the innovative America that is a world power. Thus soccer reflects broader class differences in America where the less educated treat the game, like other changes to American society, with suspicion while the better educated see it part of their lifestyle.

Lastly, as we witness the browning of America we are seeing more and more Latin migrants in the country and their family passions run to soccer. In the World Cup Americans have been cheering two teams: Team USA and the Mexican team, which has a large fan base in the country.

Soccer, therefore, will grow in America since it is now patronised by the educated and dynamic young people of the country - and America will be sucked into the global frenzy of football.

6 Jul 2014


Tony Katz

As the expression goes, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." When it comes to the Clinton Family the apple never fell, and all associations with the tree leave one contemptuous, elitist and complete incapable of relating to real human beings, real life and reality.

The associations can be wide reaching, like the entire Democrat party. Only the Democrats, who claim to champion women's rights, could think of former President Bill Clinton as a hero. President Clinton was a national embarrassment; he molested an intern in the Oval Office while on the taxpayer's dime.

Make no mistake, Clinton molested Monica Lewinsky. She may say it was consensual. She may believe it was consensual, and I may have no right to disagree with her assessment of what happened to her. But she was a child (she was 22 when Clinton molested her. Based on the new math that kids up till the age 26 can be on their parents' insurance, she was, in fact, a child.)

President Clinton was 51. He was the adult in the room. He chose to molest Lewinsky. He chose the easiest path to what he wanted. Like David Letterman, he didn't even have the decency to pay a professional. That's not someone who should be hailed as a hero. That's a criminal who should spend time in jail.

With former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, contempt and elitism are the standard; the Clinton Family Motto. It was thought the zenith of her Clinton-tude were on full display during the Benghazi hearings when she - quite angrily, as if her child had died in Benghazi - lashed out, screeching, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

But she reached new heights (depths?) when she spoke with Diane Sawyer about how tough life was after the White House:

 "We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt,” Clinton told Diane Sawyer in an interview with ABC News. “We had no money when we got there, and we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea’s education. You know, it was not easy.
That's not a typo. That's mortgages and houses. Plural.

Only the elitist thinks that line is connecting with Americans. Next, she'll be talking about conscious uncoupling, or how she was pinned down by gunfire in Bosnia. Oh...wait...

We've come to expect these things from Hillary and Bill, but it came as a surprise (though it shouldn't have) when Chelsea Clinton out-contempted and out-elited the two of them.
As reported by National Review:

In the latest Clinton money quote, the career first daughter pronounced in a Fast Company interview that she has “tried really hard to care about things that were very different from my parents. I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t. That wasn’t the metric of success that I wanted in my life.

Chelsea's entire adult life has been about and around money. Constant money. Floods of money. Tons of money. Her parents have earned over $100 million since they left office. Her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, is a successful investment banker and now has his own hedge fund.

Their wedding cost $3 million. They live in a $10 million apartment in Manhattan.

For her part-time work as the worst interviewer ever to exist on planet Earth (and that includes Bill Press AND Magic Johnson!) she earned $600,000. Some say earned, some say received an untraceable campaign contribution to her mother. Po-tay-toe, Po-tah-toe.

For Chelsea to claim that she doesn't care about money is not just a lie, it's part of the elitism and contempt that the Clintons, as a family, share. Contempt for the little people. Contempt for the truth. Contempt for honesty. And the belief that they are above it all; Specifically, things like money, decency and human life.

The only thing more embarrassing than the Clinton's are those who look up to them.


Paul Jacob

It takes all kinds.

When I write that, alone and naked like that, without context, the old saw seems kind of sneering. That’s a pity. I mean it in earnest. It takes all kinds not merely to make up the world as it is, but to improve the world, re-make it for the better.

Sometimes we should try to sneer less and revel in the differences more.

Even where principles are involved.

I remember in the days of my youth, when environmentalists began really ramping up their advocacy. More than one person cooked up a “Declaration of Inter-dependence.” These were politically earnest people, too, who thought they’d seen what was wrong in traditional American politics. And echoes of these manifestoes can be heard in the ways and byways of politics. “What we need is co-operation, not competition!” and “We’re all in this together!”

And we are all in this together. And we do need co-operation.

But we are also all in this separately. And we do need competition.

Truth is, as Ludwig von Mises and many an august social philosopher has made clear, co-operation —voluntaryco-operation — is the main gig in a free society. And even (dare I say it?) the free market.

Interdependence is inevitable. It’s how society works. No one dissents from this. So the crying need for declarations of inter-dependence was about up there with declarations that water is wet.

Declarations of independence are necessary, on the other hand, because voluntary co-operation faces a real danger in governmental mission creep.

In 1776, resisting “mission creep” (and much worse) became the principal issue. Could we be approaching something similar, today?

It takes all kinds.

Independence Day came and went, and it’s worth looking back at the very different men who made the day. And the era.

Could any two men be more different than John Adams and Thomas Jefferson? And yet, I doubt if the United States would exist were it not for both. Somehow, they worked together when it counted. And worked against each other, when it seemed necessary.

They were friends and colleagues, bitter opponents, and friends again: after a long estrangement, they re-established their friendship.

The end of the story is well known: on his deathbed on July 4, 1826, Adams whispered, “Thomas Jefferson survives!” He was wrong. Jefferson had died earlier that day, on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

Adams was also wrong about Independence Day itself. On July 2, 1776, after the Lee Resolution for independence passed the Continental Congress, he wrote that “the second day of July” would become the day of “a great anniversary festival.” But “by 1777,” Steve Tally noted in Bland Ambition, his jovial history of the vice presidency, “people were already celebrating the Fourth of July.”
But give him his due: it was Adams who insisted that Jefferson write the Declaration, and it was indeed its words — especially that of its “mission statement” preamble — that resonate almost universally to this day. And gave birth to the annual festivities. On July 2, Congress voted to sever ties with Britain; on July 4, Congress voted to accept Jefferson’s amended Declaration of Independence. The first was an act without the right words; the second supplied the words that embodied the act.

But what did these men embody?

Adams, Tally tells us, was “short, round, peevish, a loudmouth, and frequently a bore.” Jefferson, on the other hand, was tall, handsome, polite, and much more popular. And a much better writer. Which is why he was given his great job, to produce the Declaration.

Great writer or no, it’s not as if the tall redhead’s initial draft was acceptable as it flowed from the pen. Adams, Franklin, and the whole congress got in on the editing job. “Jefferson liked to recall that his document survived further [extensive] editing,” Tally explains, “because of the meeting hall’s proximity to a livery stable.” Still, it’s obvious that Jefferson wasn’t the only genius in the room, and that without Adams’s tireless work, independence might not have gotten off the ground.

The later history of both men, in service to the country they helped found, is riddled with ambiguities and even horrible moral and political lapses. Adams was the kind of politician who not only opposed term limits, but opposedterms: he thought men raised to office should be kept there forever. Jefferson leaned not merely the other direction, but flirted with the notion of a revolution every generation.

I adhere to the anti-federalist slogan of their day, “that where annual elections end, tyranny begins.”

Between the two extremes of these two great men, somehow, the republic survived. And thrived. Their correspondence is a mine of great wisdom, their biographies well worth reading.

Most of all, their legacy — of July 2 and July 4, 1776, and the universal rights of man — remains worth fighting for.

It takes all kinds.

A colleague of mine, Krist Novoselic, former bassist of the great band Nirvana and now chair of the board of FairVote (upon which I also serve), puts the current political and constitutional crisis in a few words: “America is just really stuck.”

And it’s apparent that we, the people, are going to have to take the lead and unstick ourselves. Our leaders sure seem incapable of that.

What to do?

Well, leverage our diversity to pull apart the logjam. Work for general, non-partisan — “transpartisan” — reforms, like term limits . . . and other measures aimed at greater representation, from mandating smaller districts to establishing ranked choice voting.

Remember, in 24 states and most cities and towns, citizens also have the initiative and referendum process to act directly. Staying focused on issues is the key to working across partisan divides.

Who knows what improvements we might be able to make?

Declare what you like, independence, inter-dependence, or what-have-you, until you are willing to work with all kinds, for some shared goals that can do some strategic and general good, things aren’t going to get better.


Joanne Moudy

While the world moves forward and focuses on other issues, one innocent 27 year-old woman is stuck in a never-ending nightmare from which it seems she cannot escape. And instead of her situation improving, things are only getting worse.

Dr. Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, the Sudanese Christian mother of two who was arrested last summer on grounds of apostasy and adultery, still remains captive in Sudan. Although the apostasy conviction was overturned and she is not currently imprisoned, she has been re-charged with fraud for attempting to use South Sudan travel documents bearing her Christian name and not the name of her biological father.

And now, to make matters much worse, a civil suit has been filed against her by an alleged family member for ‘leaving her family,’ ‘converting from Islam,’ and participating in an ‘illegal marriage’ to a Christian U.S. citizen.

But aside from the obvious, what’s frequently overlooked in all of this mess is that the U.S. has botched this situation from the outset. The U.S. is – quite possibly – completely responsible for all of Meriam’s troubles in the first place, and for that there is no excuse.

As a matter of fact, our U.S. Embassy’s repeated failures to assist Meriam’s U.S. citizen husband, Daniel Wani, prompted 38 bi-partisan members of Congress, spearheaded by U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, AZ D-8, to send a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry requesting that he facilitate extrication of the family from the hostile Sudan to safety in the U.S. where they would be granted sanctuary. Evidence indicates Mr. Kerry disregarded the letter.

According to Daniel, he has tried unsuccessfully for three years to obtain a visa for his wife so that they could travel to the U.S. When his wife became pregnant with their second child last summer he tried to meet with Embassy personnel on three separate occasions to plead for rightful travel permits for Meriam and their toddler son, Martin, also a legal U.S. citizen. During each visit Daniel was told by Embassy employees they didn’t have time to deal with the matter.
Interestingly enough, it was when the small family departed the embassy after the third visit that a stranger, claiming to be Meriam’s relative, showed up with the religious police and had her arrested. Even now it remains unclear how the man knew of Meriam’s desire to exit Sudan, especially considering such an Embassy meeting should have been a private matter and Meriam claims she’d never met the stranger prior to that fateful day.

Another fact rarely mentioned is that according to the Daily Mail, Meriam is the owner of at least one successful business in Khartoum, possibly more. If her marriage were to be annulled and she were to be conveniently murdered per Shari’a law, then it would be easy for a shyster to usurp her businesses and take control. The man who originally accused her of apostasy is also the man who filed the recent civil suit.

Also of serious note is that the U.S. Embassy personnel do not recognize the couple’s two children as U.S. citizens because they don’t recognize Daniel as their father. In an absurd twist, U.S. Embassy officials are demanding proof in the form of a DNA test, which they are requiring be completed by a U.S. laboratory. That’s a little tricky when you’re stuck in Khartoum.

Such an unusual demand begs the question of how deep the corruption goes within the employees working at an Embassy paid for by our tax dollars. Because let’s face it, if Meriam is eliminated and it’s deemed she has no legal spouse or children – then voila, no one can stand in the way of taking away her businesses.

Embassy incompetence also exemplifies the corrupt disparity in our immigration policy. While Obama opens the floodgates to illegal illiterates expecting decades of handouts, he denies access to intelligent, educated people ready to contribute something positive to our society.

Instead of the U.S. personnel doing their job and assisting the family, they allowed the Shari’a police to arrest and imprison Meriam in Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in Khartoum, where she was repeatedly beaten, assaulted, malnourished, and denied all medical treatment. When Meriam’s baby girl, Maya, was birthed two weeks prematurely, the guards refused to remove the chains binding Meriam’s feet together, causing Maya to be forced out through the birth canal in a restricted position.

Although Meriam pleaded to have her legs freed from the chains, her screams fell upon the guard’s deaf ears and she was forced to deliver in a terribly contorted position. Sadly, this was just another example of their unimaginable torture of a Christian woman and now there is concern her baby girl may be disabled and may have difficulty walking.

Bottom line. All of this was allowed to happen by U.S. Embassy personnel who are supervised by our embarrassing U.S. State Department, and ultimately overseen by a president who is incompetent in all foreign policy matters and demonstrates sympathy to radical Islamists.
One other small fact worth mentioning is that according to multiple sources, President Obama’s Kenyan half-brother, Malik Obama, is closely associated with Sudan’s President al-Bashir and has direct ties to their radical Islamist government. It’s hard to know whether Malik is involved in Meriam’s plight or not but the brotherly relationship definitely brings President Obama’s deafening silence about Meriam into question.

Let’s face it. The entire situation stinks and the longer it goes on the more suspicious the U.S. appears in all of it. What should have been a slam-dunk one-way ticket to freedom for the entire family has become a kangaroo circus of monumental and international proportions and four innocent lives still hang in the balance.

Without questions, the Shari’a deck is stacked against all women and particularly against this gentle mother who’s only crime has been defying radical Islamists by being an intelligent, hardworking, educated, Christian mother of two U.S. citizens.

5 Jul 2014


Mike Shedlock

Logically, one might assume that "foreign" aid is legitimate aid to foreigners. A little digging reveals the true nature of "aid".

For example, please consider the Foreign Policy Journal report Monsanto and Foreign Aid: Forcing El Salvador’s Hand.

 U.S. foreign aid is expected to promote poverty alleviation and facilitate developmental growth in impoverished countries. Yet, corporations and special interest groups have permeated even the most well-intended of U.S. policies.

El Salvador is a recent example of corporate domination in U.S. foreign aid. The United States will withhold the Millennium Challenge Compact aid deal, approximately $277 million in aid, unless El Salvador purchases genetically-modified seeds from biotech giant, Monsanto.

The Millennium Challenge Corporation is “a U.S. foreign aid agency that was created by the U.S. Congress in January 2004,” according to Sustainable Pulse, and serves as a conduit for foreign aid funds. MCC’s unethical aid conditions would force El Salvador to purchase controversial seeds from the American biotech corporation instead of purchasing non-GMO seeds from the country’s local farmers – an action that would have negative effects on El Salvador’s agricultural industry in addition to presenting serious health and environmental risks.

The conditional foreign aid from MCC is an attempt to break into El Salvador’s non-GMO agricultural sector and exploit the food market. Because El Salvador has high food insecurity, it imports 85% of its food. This allows U.S. foreign aid organizations to take advantage of the dire need for their own monetary gain. The United States used similar aid policies in Haiti to force open Haiti’s agricultural market for U.S. food products – effectively destroying Haiti’s agricultural economy and creating an overreliance on food aid.
Due to powerful lobbying by corporate giants like Monsanto, in addition to the shipping and agricultural industries, the U.S. government’s foreign aid program has become an encroaching business. Just when the U.S. foreign aid program couldn’t appear to be more corrupt, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, U.S. Congress, and Monsanto have raised the bar.
The remedy is simple. Stop all foreign aid.

Most foreign "aid" isn't really "aid" but rather handouts to US corporations. Monsanto is a prime example of agricultural "aid". Weapons manufacturers are the true beneficiaries of military "aid".

Very little "aid" actually gets to the actual citizens of the countries we allegedly attempt to help. In the case of Haiti and El Salvador, our "aid" actually does harm.


Derek Hunter

We don’t have a president leading our government; we have a petulant child throwing a series of temper tantrums.

Barack Obama has never shown an aptitude for leadership, mostly because he’s never led anything. But in his limited pre-government career as a community organizer, his job was not to accomplish anything. It simply was to get people riled up over the “injustice du-jour,” make them believe he has the cure for what ails them, and raise money. He’s run his presidency on this snake-oil-salesman mentality; only now, he’s begun to run out of suckers to bilk.

There always will be a base of sycophants, ideologues, profiteers, lemmings, low-information voters and, to put it simply, idiots, who will support any politician, no matter how awful. A Quinnipiac Poll released this week pegs that number at 8 percent for President Obama.

Yes, after doubling the national debt, sustained high unemployment, the self-inflicted border crisis, the VA body count, weaponizing the IRS, all the scandals, the broken promises, the proven lies, the golf, the lavish vacations, the Supreme Court smack-downs, there is still 8 percent of the American public who think Barack Obama is the greatest president since World War II.

But 33 percent believe he’s the worst in the same time period, more than any other president.

People are waking up. Unfortunately, it’s too late.

It seems every week now the president gives a speech on how he’s going to act as though he’s a dictator because Congress won’t give him everything he wants. The “constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office” takes great joy in pretending the other two co-equal branches of government do not exist. And they might as well not exist, given the president’s interaction with them.

When not jetting off to public events around the country, always conveniently scheduled around Democratic fundraisers so taxpayers can pick up the travel tab, the president golfs. In fact, while on his “official trips” the president golfs. The only thing that can pull him off the links are campaign-style rallies and fundraisers. There’s never been a president more interested in the trappings of the office but less interested in the duties of it.

Even Democrats on Capitol Hill are grumbling about how disinterested President Obama has become in engaging Congress. The president never again will face the voters, but members of Congress will this fall. And they are the only conduit through which the people can take out their frustration over Obama’s failures. His allies are trying to push the tired mantra of a “do-nothing Congress,” but that can’t trump a “do-everything-wrong president.”
Even as the president golfs and ignores his duties, he still has an agenda. He could, through the traditional method of compromise and working with Congress, get a sizable portion of his agenda passed. But that doesn’t interest Barack Obama because compromise would mean giving Republicans something. You can’t “fundamentally transform” the country through giving an inch or doing things that will improve the economy. It must fall, people must be scared to death, if they are to accept a full-on intrusive, progressive government.

Barack Obama chooses to ignore tradition, ignore precedent, ignore the Constitution and use his magical pen to impose his will and his magical phone to rally his 8 percent mob. He has bet his place in history not on results, but on the cult of personality his handlers and minions in the media have built around him. And it is formidable.

The president’s “legend” was built before a single vote was cast. He was the smartest, most gifted man to ever run for office because, well, people sitting in front of television cameras said he was. There was more proof of Bigfoot than his brilliance, but a lie repeated earnestly enough, especially to a people trained to look externally for solutions to problems in their lives, has a way of obtaining credibility that the truth has difficulty overcoming. The truth is a tree and the lie a weed – it needs time to truly take root and grow, but it then sprouts quickly and can choke out anything else near it.

Barack Obama can give a speech, but his words are petty, small and meaningless. But the delivery, the visual of his Mussolini jaw jutting forward with confidence, the cheering crowd reminiscent of a revival meeting, the follow-up shameless repetition of known untruths all served a small part in intoxicating people into believing in the messenger and ignoring the message.

The euphoria has worn off all but the lost few unreachables. With his own dictates being rejected by the courts and the masses, his desperation is growing. Impotent in most legal ways, his shallow brand of leadership leaves him only with public temper tantrums, insults and complaints unworthy of his office. His “desperation bottom” has not yet been reached; he will keep falling because the alternative is beyond him.

That the American people have seen through the veneer of Barack Obama means there will be more late-night stand-up routines packaged as policy speeches, more complaints about people he won’t talk to being unwilling to work with him. Were there not an infinite supply of strawmen, they would be sacrificed to extinction in his remaining years. The only thing Obama will use more frequently than strawmen between now and Jan. 20, 2017, is the “mulligan.”

Our nation deserves better and will be better. The United States is strong enough to survive even the amount of damage one petulant man determined to destroy it can inflict. Not matter how many temper-tantrums he throws.


Jeff Jacoby

HAD THE Supreme Court struck down the Massachusetts abortion clinic buffer-zone law over a strenuous dissent from the four liberal justices, the truculent reaction from many state politicians — who promptly vowed to find some new restriction that would get around the ruling — might have been easier to justify.

But all nine justices agreed that the Massachusetts law indefensibly violated the First Amendment. Even the court's staunchest defenders of abortion rights — three of them women — had to remind Beacon Hill that citizens have a right to speak on public sidewalks. That's a pretty basic component of American liberty. It would have been reassuring to hear Bay State officials acknowledge as much.

Instead, Attorney General Martha Coakley proclaimed that "this fight is just beginning again" and blamed the 9-0 ruling not on Massachusetts overreach but on a Supreme Court that "from the beginning was hostile." One of the Democrats running to succeed Coakley, prosecutor Maura Healey, declared it "unconscionable" that the justices would "deny a few seconds of privacy to women going to see their doctors." Warren Tolman, another AG hopeful, urged lawmakers to "identify immediate action enforceable by the legislature and by local municipalities" to replace the 35-foot barrier. House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senate President Therese Murray signaled support for passing a bill before formal legislative sessions end on July 31.

But before rushing to enact another misguided law, Massachusetts politicians might want to reflect on the message at the heart of the court's rebuke: Assuring safe access to clinics is a legitimate and important concern, but it doesn't validate a sweeping deprivation of the free-speech rights of people who pose no safety threat.

"A painted line on the sidewalk is easy to enforce," the court ruled, "but the prime objective of the First Amendment is not efficiency." If troublemakers block the entrance to a clinic, you have every right to stop them. You don't have the right to draw an arbitrary barrier across public sidewalks and used to criminalize peaceful speech or leafleting.

There are far less obnoxious ways to maintain public order than by taking "the extreme step" of a no-free-speech zone. Beacon Hill should have known that, the Supreme Court said. It wasn't a close call.


Paul Driessen

Fossil fuel and insurance company executives “could face personal liability for funding climate denialism and opposing policies to fight climate change,” Greenpeace recently warned several corporations. In a letter co-signed by WWF International and the Center for International Environmental Law, the Rainbow Warriors ($155 million in 2013 global income) suggested that legal action might be possible.

Meanwhile, the WWF ($927 million in 2013 global income) filed a formal complaint against Peabody Energy for “misleading readers” in advertisements that say coal-based electricity can improve lives in developing countries. The ads are not “decent, honest and veracious,” as required by Belgian law, the World Wildlife ethicists sniffed. Other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) make similar demands.

These are novel tactics. But the entire exercise might be little more than a clever attempt to distract people from developments that could create problems for thus far unaccountable Big Green organizations.

I don’t mean Greenpeace International’s $5.2 million loss a couple weeks ago, when a rogue employee (since fired) used company cash to conduct unauthorized trades on global currency markets. Other recent events portend far rougher legal and political waters ahead for radical eco-activists, especially if countries and companies take a few more pages out of the Big Green playbook.

India’s Intelligence Bureau recently identified Greenpeace as “a threat to national economic security,” noting that these and other groups have been “spawning” and funding internal protest movements and campaigns that have delayed or blocked numerous mines, electricity projects and other infrastructure programs vitally needed to create jobs and lift people out of poverty and disease. The anti-development NGOs are costing India’s economy 2-3% in lost GDP every year, the Bureau estimates.

The Indian government has now banned direct foreign funding of local campaign groups by foreign NGOs like Greenpeace, the WWF and US-based Center for Media and Democracy. India and other nations could do much more. Simply holding these über-wealthy nonprofit environmentalist corporations to the same ethical standards they demand of for-profit corporations could be a fascinating start.
Greenpeace, WWF and other Big Green campaigners constantly demand environmental and climate justice for poor families. They insist that for-profit corporations be socially responsible, honest, transparent, accountable, and liable for damages and injustices that the NGOs allege the companies have committed, by supposedly altering Earth’s climate and weather, for example.

Meanwhile, more than 300 million Indians (equal to the US population) still have no access to electricity, or only sporadic access. 700 million Africans likewise have no or only occasional access. Worldwide, almost 2.5 billion people (nearly a third of our Earth’s population) still lack electricity or must rely on little solar panels on their huts, a single wind turbine in their village or terribly unreliable networks, to charge a cell phone and power a few light bulbs or a tiny refrigerator.

These energy-deprived people do not merely suffer abject poverty. They must burn wood and dung for heating and cooking, which results in debilitating lung diseases that kill a million people every year. They lack refrigeration, safe water and decent hospitals, resulting in virulent intestinal diseases that send almost two million people to their graves annually. The vast majority of these victims are women and children.

The energy deprivation is due in large part to unrelenting, aggressive, deceitful eco-activist campaigns against coal-fired power plants, natural gas-fueled turbines, and nuclear and hydroelectric facilities in India, Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and elsewhere. The Obama Administration joined Big Greeen in refusing to support loans for these critically needed projects, citing climate change and other claims.

As American University adjunct professor Caleb Rossiter asked in a recent Wall Street Journal article, “Where is the justice when the U.S. discourages World Bank funding for electricity-generation projects in Africa that involve fossil fuels, and when the European Union places a ‘global warming’ tax on cargo flights importing perishable African goods?”

Where is the justice in Obama advisor John Holdren saying ultra-green elites in rich countries should define and dictate “ecologically feasible development” for poor countries? As the Indian government said in banning foreign NGO funding of anti-development groups, poor nations have “a right to grow.”

Imagine your life without abundant, reliable, affordable electricity and transportation fuels. Imagine living under conditions endured by impoverished, malnourished, diseased Indians and Africans whose life expectancy is 49 to 59 years. And then dare to object to their pleas and aspirations, especially on the basis of “dangerous manmade global warming” speculation and GIGO computer models. Real pollution from modern coal-fired power plants (particulates, sulfates, nitrates and so on) is a tiny fraction of what they emitted 40 years ago – and far less harmful than pollutants from zero-electricity wood fires.
Big Green activists say anything other than solar panels and bird-butchering wind turbines would not be “sustainable.” Like climate change, “sustainability” is infinitely elastic and malleable, making it a perfect weapon for anti-development activists. Whatever they support is sustainable. Whatever they oppose is unsustainable. To them, apparently, the diseases and death tolls are sustainable, just, ethical and moral.

Whatever they advocate also complies with the “precautionary principle.” Whatever they disdain violates it. Worse, their perverse guideline always focuses on the risks of using technologies – but never on the risks of not using them. It spotlights risks that a technology – coal-fired power plants, biotech foods or DDT, for example – might cause, but ignores risks the technology would reduce or prevent.

Genetically engineered Golden Rice incorporates a gene from corn (maize) to make it rich in beta-carotene, which humans can convert to Vitamin A, to prevent blindness and save lives. The rice would be made available at no cost to poor farmers. Just two ounces a day would virtually end the childhood malnutrition, blindness and deaths. But Greenpeace and its “ethical” collaborators have battled Golden Rice for years, while eight million children died from Vitamin A deficiency since the rice was invented.

In Uganda malnourished people depend as heavily on Vitamin A-deficient bananas, as their Asian counterparts do on minimally nutritious rice. A new banana incorporates genes from wild bananas, to boost the fruit’s Vitamin A levels tenfold. But anti-biotechnology activists repeatedly pressure legislators not to approve biotech crops for sale. Other crops are genetically engineered to resist insects, drought and diseases, reducing the need for pesticides and allowing farmers to grow more food on less land with less water. However, Big Green opposes them too, while millions die from malnutrition and starvation.

Sprayed in tiny amounts on walls of homes, DDT repels mosquitoes for six months or more. It kills any that land on the walls and irritates those it does not kill or repel, so they leave the house without biting anyone. No other chemical – at any price – can do all that. Where DDT and other insecticides are used, malaria cases and deaths plummet – by as much as 80 percent. Used this way, the chemical is safe for humans and animals, and malaria-carrying mosquitoes are far less likely to build immunities to DDT than to other pesticides, which are still used heavily in agriculture and do pose risks to humans.

But in another crime against humanity, Greenpeace, WWF and their ilk constantly battle DDT use – while half a billion people get malaria every year, making them unable to work for weeks on end, leaving millions with permanent brain damage, and killing a million people per year, mostly women and children.

India and other countries can fight back, by terminating the NGOs’ tax-exempt status, as Canada did with Greenpeace. They could hold the pressure groups to the same standards they demand of for-profit corporations: honesty, transparency, social responsibility, accountability and personal liability. They could excoriate the Big Green groups for their crimes against humanity – and penalize them for the malnutrition, disease, economic retractions and deaths they perpetrate or perpetuate.

Actions like these would improve people’s lives and make Big Green at least somewhat accountable.


 Rahul Mishra

Ever since Narendra Modi assumed office as the Indian Prime Minister, speculations regarding his foreign policy priorities have been rife. Many in the Indian media suggest that since this is the first time Modi is at the helm of central government affairs, he would find it tricky to deal with the foreign policy challenges on a day-to-day basis, while vigorously pursuing the domestic agenda that not only involves revamping the economy but also improving governance in the country crippled by corruption.

Though at a purely symbolic level, Modi’s invitation to the South Asian leaders to attend his swearing-in ceremony gave signals regarding his foreign policy preferences: greater attention towards the immediate neighbourhood to ensure peace, partnership and development. Modi invited the heads of governments of of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries, and Mauritius, who willingly attended the event. One may argue that like Mauritius, Myanmar could have also been invited as both the countries are, in geographical terms, part of Southern Asia.

At the substantive level, the highlights of Modi’s foreign policy were showcased in Indian President Pranab Mukherjee’s address to the joint session of the Indian Parliament on June 9, 2014. While there was no direct mention of Myanmar in the president’s speech, several issues hint at the country’s salience in Modi’s neighbourhood policy.

Promoting Inter-regional Connectivity 
In his address, President Mukherjee spoke at length about inter-regional connectivity. In the recent years, India has actively pursued the idea of trans-South Asian connectivity, links with Myanmar and countries in the Southeast Asian region. Road and rail links with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan have been worked on, with some success. In that context, India’s initiatives to connect with Myanmar have been remarkable. It has ‘travelled more than half’ to bring Myanmar along in terms of infrastructure development and road, rail, waterways and air connectivity. Inter alia, India has initiated projects such as the Kaladan Multi-modal Transit Transport Project, and revamping national waterways to link with Myanmar. In June 2014, India and Myanmar agreed on a weekly bus service connecting Imphal, Moreh, Tamu, Kalewa, Monywa and Mandalay towns. Visa-on-arrival facility will also be extended to travellers. The 579kilometer route is likely to be inaugurated in October 2014, marking the beginning of direct road links between India and Myanmar.

While it is expected that the Kaladan Multi-modal Transit Transport Project will be completed by the end of 2014, Sittwe is also being revamped. Slow progress in the Sittwe project has hurt India’s energy interests. So far, as the National waterways are concerned, with the restructuring of the Ministry of Water Resources to make it the Ministry for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, the government has made its intentions clear on the issue of cleaning up of the river Ganga – that wasn’t just evident in Modi’s pre-election campaign speeches, but has also attracted huge funds from the central government to make Ganga and other eastern rivers fully navigable, which will also benefits hinterlands. The Chennai-Dawei Corridor is another great opportunity involving Myanmar.

Illegal immigration
Illegal immigration from the eastern flank has been a major challenge for India. Due to porous borders, lack of proper fencing along the Myanmar and Bangladesh borders, lack of requisite security apparatus and strict vigil, India has be unable to check illegal immigration. While Bangladesh has been the most prominent source, Rohingya immigrants from Myanmar have also come in hoards. According to estimates, New Delhi alone has over 5000 Rohingya immigrants while an estimated 20,000 Rohingyas are present in India.

In that context, fencing along India’s borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh is a critically important matter. India has been facing opposition along both the Bangladesh and Myanmar borders. Without addressing the problem resolutely, India’s boundary woes are not likely to be addressed.

Bringing Northeast India into the Mainstream
The central government has already initiated plans to improve connectivity within India’s Northeastern states. Developing infrastructure projects automatically involves working on energy projects. In both India and Myanmar, demand for energy far outweighs the supplies. In Myanmar, only 26% of the population has access to the electricity.

One of the most dreadful consequences of the neglect of India’s Northeastern regions has been the illegal production and sale of the narcotic substances. According to some estimates, the Northeastern region has become the hub of drug trafficking, and has become the channel for drug trade from the golden triangle.

Role of Japan and the US
At the regional geopolitical level too, Myanmar will remain a key country for the Modi government. For instance, the recently conceptualised India-Japan-US trilateral dialogue has been projected as one of the major initiatives to bring India closer to the US and Japan. Myanmar is a country of great interest for India, Japan and the US.

One may argue that while the US, President Barack Obama, played a key role in bringing Myanmar back to the international system, Japan has become one of the biggest investors and a major player in Myanmar’s economy. India, naturally, has direct stakes in Myanmar at all levels. If the three countries are able to devise a common strategy on Myanmar, it will not only help Myanmar, but will also bring India, Japan and the US closer.

4 Jul 2014


Steve Deace

Now that we’re done celebrating a rare victory, it’s time to get back to work. Because if you’ve spent any amount of time perusing the arguments against free speech and religious liberty in the Hobby Lobby case, you realize there is another country flying our same flag that looks more like the U.S.S.R. than the U.S.A.

Check out this collection of “tolerance” from some on the Left.

“F-SCOTUS. F-Hobby Lobby. F-Religion. F-America.”

“I will not take my dollars or my less-than uterus to Hobby Lobby again.”

“High court rules in favor of #HobbyLobby” – what the fuck is #SCOTUS smoking? Kochcaine?”

“F-you Hobby Lobby, I hope all your stores burn to the ground.”

“Literally burn hobby lobby to the ground.”

“Hobby Lobby are scum of the earth. Burn every single one down, build a homeless shelter there instead.”

Can’t you just feel the diversity?

Then there’s Cecile Richards, an especially troubled soul, for she is one of the mucky-mucks over at Planned Parenthood, the leading child-killer in the country. She said, “It’s unbelievable that in 2014 we’re still fighting about whether women should have access to birth control.”

Um, we’re not.

Hobby Lobby already was offering its employees 16 of the 20 contraception methods Obamacare mandates before this argument arose. Hobby Lobby was simply posing the question is government allowed to violate the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of religion? Since Hobby Lobby’s religion teaches extinguishing innocent life is murder, and murder is against God’s Law, they claimed their freedom of religion exempts them from committing acts of murder according to their moral conscience. This battle wasn’t about access to birth control. It was about access to liberty.

Next is this post made by a liberal on my Facebook wall:

“What about the religious liberty of the employees? Besides it’s not a religious argument. Nothing in the Bible covers this topic. We get upset when anyone is denied equal protection under the law. Even you. Hobby Lobby invests in companies that make contraceptives. The height of hypocrisy.”
Here is how I replied to this gentleman:

“That is probably the stupidest thing I’ve seen said yet about this, and I’ve seen some absolutely idiotic feces spewed about this. You don’t have a religious liberty to have your behaviors subsidized by somebody else. Come on, man, please tell me you’re smarter than that. Besides, of their own free will the Greens were already offering their employees 16 of the 20 contraceptions Obamacare demands. There simply isn’t a logical argument for this, which is why they all sound dumb and amount to ‘I want to do what I want, and I want someone else to pay for it.’ As to your point about the Greens’ alleged hypocrisy, even if they were the worst hypocrites ever it wouldn’t change one word of the First Amendment. See, that’s the whole point of having the law based on a fixed standard so that your freedoms aren’t subject to the whims of fallible human beings like ourselves. This case isn’t about the Greens, it’s about the words written into the Constitution more than 200 years before Hobby Lobby was created.”

Sadly, the disputes did get dumber. Check out this email a listener sent to me after discussing this with one of his liberal friends:

“One of my liberal friends made an interesting point about the Hobby Lobby verdict. Their comment was what if you work for a Jehovah’s Witness and they deny you coverage because they don’t believe in blood transfusions? And the one I thought of was what if your boss is a Christian Scientist and doesn’t believe in doctors at all, only the power of prayer? Do they have the right to deny coverage to their employees even though the employees believe in doctors? What about the Amish?”

Here’s how I replied:

“Their argument is deeply flawed. It begins with the premise you’re entitled to any coverage from your employer, or anything else for that matter at all. You’re not entitled to anything. If you don’t like that employer and the salary/benefits they offer then don’t work there. Your employer can simply get around the Obamacare mandate altogether by having all his employees work part-time fewer than 29 hours a week, and some already are. Besides, in the example you’re citing the liberal is decrying a decision that he believes will kill people. However, not wanting to kill people is exactly why Hobby Lobby took this stand.


Oh, and if your sexual behavior is private then why does someone else have to pay for it?”

Finally, for the absolutely dumbest poop to flow from any pie-hole about this, look no further than presumptive 2016 Democrat nominee for president.

Hillary Clinton described the Hobby Lobby ruling as Sharia Law: “It is a disturbing trend that you see in a lot of societies that are very unstable, anti-democratic, and frankly prone to extremism,” Clinton said. “Where women and women’s bodies are used as the defining and unifying issue, because of their religion, their sect, their tribe, whatever.”

Where do I even begin?

You know why this isn’t like Sharia Law? Because Hillary hasn’t been “honor killed” for wearing a pant suit yet. The feminist icon is still alive, unlike the four dead Americans she left behind at Benghazi, but if she lived in a nation with Sharia Law she probably wouldn’t be.

Secondly, the legislation the majority of Supreme Court justices based their opinion on was signed by…wait for it…wait for it…President Bill Clinton! Justice Alito in the majority opinion specifically cited the “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” signed into law by President Clinton in 1993. Oh, by the way, that bill was sent to President Clinton’s desk by Democrat majorities in both chambers of Congress.

The Left’s hysterical reaction to the Hobby Lobby ruling shows yet again the difference between the GOP establishment and the grassroots. The establishment still wants to negotiate with these people, but we realize you cannot negotiate with people who fundamentally don’t believe in basic liberties like free speech and religious liberty. Combine those anti-American views with their entitlement mentality, and we’re essentially talking about Statists/Marxists here.

In the 1980s the Republican Party understood it couldn’t negotiate with the Statists in Moscow, but had to defeat them. I pray it will realize that about the Statists in our own nation today.