7 Jun 2014


Same-sex marriage is defined as a union between two
people who are of the same gender or biological sex.
Since 2001, ten nations and other jurisdictions have
made this type of union legal. Whether or not to
recognize such marriages remains a source of debate as
far as civil rights, political and social issues go.
Definition of Marriage
The definition of the word marriage is a topic that often
comes up when discussing same-sex marriages. The
word "marriage" is not defined uniformly across
cultures. In 1922, the word was taken to refer to a
relationship of one or more men with one or more
women that is recognized by law and involves certain
legal and social rights and duties. Individuals who are
married also carry a legal responsibility for children that
they produce together. Modern definitions of the word
have much more variation. The Oxford English
Dictionary, for example, has acknowledged same-sex
marriage in its definition since 2000; however, many
conservative publications have not yet changed their
definitions. For example, Accuracy in Media argues for
the use of quotation marks when referring to a marriage
between two people of the same gender. Associated
Press uses the term "gay marriage" and warns that this
can refer to marriage of both gay men and lesbian
Gay Marriage Debate Controversy
It is obvious from the varying definitions of marriage
that this topic carries with it a large amount of
controversy. Those who support same-sex marriage
often argue that love is grounds enough for marriage,
regardless of sexual orientation. Those who are opposed
often cite religious viewpoints and concerns about the
rearing of children as the main reasons for their
opposition. The conflict over same-sex marriage is not
a simple one. It involves many legislative, cultural,
religious and family issues.
From a legal standpoint, those on the opposing side of
the gay marriage debate often believe that the rights of
marriage should be restricted to couples who are of the
opposite sex. Those who are for it believe that marriage
is a civil right and should not have restrictions to those
of a particular sexual orientation.
Gay Marriage and Religion
Arguments for and against the gay marriage debate
often involve religious factors. Some religious
associations refuse to employ or offer services to same-
sex couples. Christian groups who argue for same-sex
marriage tend to believe that lesbian and gay people
were created as such by God and should have the same
rights as others. Those who are against it argue that
same-sex relationships are immoral, against God's will
and subvert the goal of human sexuality, which is to
produce children. The Jewish church also varies in its
approach to same-sex marriage. The Islamic faith
openly rejects homosexuality, citing the story of Lot in
Sodom as a condemnation of homosexuality.
Many of those who take a particular position on same-
sex marriage do so because of their beliefs about family.
Many argue that a child has a right to grow up with a
father and a mother, and to raise him or her in a
homosexual household is to deny him that right. On the
other hand, scientific studies have found that children
raised by homosexual parents are every bit as capable
of providing heterosexual parenting to their own children
later in life.
The conflict over same-sex marriage is a big one
because of the many social and legal factors involved.
Though there is no cut-and-dry definition of marriage,
political and social groups everywhere are working hard
to form their own opinions and arguments.

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