21 Jun 2014


John Ransom

10) In six short years as president, Obama has
taken the Democratic Party from the One to
done. While it’s way too early to write off the
party even for 2014, the wounds created by
supporting this colossal bozo will be even
longer to heal than the wounds inflicted by
Jimmy Carter. Obama said way more then he
knows when he admitted that the problem is
that he’s president, not emperor.
9) Remember when the Fawning News Media
said that comedians would have a tough time
making fun of Obama because he was so
serious, so perfect, so black? Well the FNM
seems to get under that bar no matter how
low we set it, don’t they? Comedians aren’t
just making fun of the president now; they’re
making fun of the media as well. In a recent
poll, 82% of people that I asked randomly as I
met them on the street said about journalists
in general… well, I can’t repeat it.
8) Remember bullet number 9 above? About
the Fawning News Media? Well if you can’t
be funny at the expense of Obama these days,
you just can’t be funny. Look, the dude has a
stick permanently stuck up his rear end—I
said stick, ok? It would be tough to not be
funny about a guy who takes himself as
seriously as Obama does. Stopping the seas
from rising? Healing the earth? The guy can’t
even run a website with less monthly traffic
than your typical news organization.
Comedians have been placer mining that stake
for six years, more or less. When Obama’s
gone they’ll have to go back to hard rock
mining like the rest of us. Let’s hope they’ll
find the courage and resourcefulness to be
funny about Hillary too, even though she
doesn’t have a stick in her rear.
7) Electricity has gone from the rainbow-
powered, “free” energy source made possible
by windmills and magic rays of sunshine, to
a dirty, pollution emitting source of danger
that hunts us down while we sleep. The
culprit? Cheap, reliable sources of Domestic
Coal that power electric all over the USA. So
Obama says, “no more coal power plants,”
even as his energy policy—if it can be really
called that—depends on generating more
electricity for the growing number of bumper
cars, known ironically as “Smart cars”. The
result is that coal prices will come down, and
we’ll ship cheap, reliable domestic coal to
China at much cheaper prices thus allowing
Chinese consumers to get the low, low prices
that Americans can’t enjoy. Oh, and we’ve
lost 50,000 coal jobs so far, with another
17,000 power plant jobs expected to go. Add
in an additional 80,000 coal jobs waiting for
the axe to fall, multiply by the numbers of
jobs that support coal workers and you get
about 600,000 jobs lost.
6) Get ready to die. Really. We all gotta go
sometime, and with this president it’s more
and more likely that patients will die
unattended when their oxygen tube gets
pinched and they suffocate in a VA style
healthcare environment. In the meantime,
they’ll have the privilege of paying higher
premiums for someone else’s right to die
from what used to be known as “medical
malpractice” but now gets the distinction of
being called natural causes…of Obamacare.
5) Someone you may not have met yet will
likely curse you in a future too predictable to
deny. That’s right: They’re called grandkids .
Today our debt is $155,000 per US taxpayer.
And if you raised their parents the right way,
the grandkids, who are taxpayers in a future
too predictable to deny, will get the honor of
paying down that balance, interest and
principal. Just tell them that food and shelter
are overrated. After all, if they get the
benefits that we enjoyed, the president says
the world will boil over. Why can’t grandkids
just be grateful for our sacrifice?
4) I feel sorry for the next African-American
candidate for president of the United States.
There will be an enormous amount of
scrutiny on the next candidate because there
was so little on Obama. While we have all
suffered under Obama, no population has
suffered more than the black community.
Poverty rates are up, along with
unemployment for blacks. It’s an amazing
fact that while Obama has literally pledged
trillions to backstop Wall Street, he has spent
nothing to stop the violence in the
neighborhoods surrounding his Hyde Park
mansion. Black people need their own Tea
3) Hillary Clinton’s wounds are mostly self-
inflicted, but the world’s first woman
president of the United States has gone from
a certainty to a casualty under Obama. If
Obama doesn’t hate the Clintons, he does a
reasonable facsimile of it, as expressed by his
inattention to foreign policy under Hillary.
She was foolish to even take a place in his
cabinet. The proper stance for the power
hungry Hillary would have been to remain
aloof. I know: You’re shocked too that a
Clinton didn’t do the right thing.
2) The intelligence community (IC) is an
anonymous group of people who quietly go
through their day, keeping America’s secrets
—even from their own family. They live
amongst us-- and we are unaware of it-- and
they truly have been at war since 9/11. If you
think they aren’t suffering under this
president, then you aren’t paying attention.
From the Snowden disclosures, to the sacking
of General Petraeus, to the Gitmo fiasco, to
the drone strikes, to Benghazi, the IC knows
the truth but never has a voice. It kills them.
Literally. So if you see a field agent of any
one of the dozen intel agencies from the
Defense Intelligence Agency, to the CIA to the
National Security Agency, give them a hug.
They need it. Of course you won’t see them,
yet alone hear from them. That’s why you
need to speak up for them.
1) Speaking of war, people are dying in
Afghanistan right now in a war that Obama’s
former Secretary of Defense says that Obama
doesn’t believe in. That’s right: American
military forces are taking casualties because
Obama lacks the political courage to pull our
troops out of Afghanistan. In almost a
textbook repeat of Vietnam, the president has
asked the troops to do a job that he doesn’t
believe in. According to Col. Allen West “we
lost 630 U.S. soldiers [in Afghanistan under
Bush]. In early 2009, the Obama
administration authorized the
implementation of the COIN (Counter-
Insurgent) strategy, more focused on
‘winning hearts and minds’ than winning a
war, and over the next five years, the U.S.
death toll nearly tripled.” There were 4,800
coalition casualties in Iraq and 3,400 in
Afghanistan. As I have noted previously, over
70 percent of US casualties in Afghanistan
happened under Obama. That’s a really steep
price to pay for something Obama doesn’t
want: namely victory. That’s the biggest
betrayal by Obama’s presidency, yet gets the
least ink of anything he’s done.
For that I apologize to our troops, since
Obama never will. We should never again
elect a commander-in-chief who will let our
troops down like that. It's one thing to fight a
war poorly. Lincoln did that without losing
his integrity. It's another thing to ask men
and women to die because the polls tell you

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