Kevin McCullough
When the President was first elected, I
pledged to wait from the day of his election--
to his then swearing in--to begin critique of
his public policy. I promised to do so because
in the day of the first "post racial" President I
felt it was a necessary discipline to criticize
him on policy, actions, behaviors, and
decisions rather than abstract arguments like
birth certificates and "the President is a
secret Muslim" conspiracies.
For the duration of his presidency I have kept
this rule. I have not bought into the
conspiracies, I have observed what our courts
have said about the birth certificate, and I
have narrowed my critique to what his
actions are. In my nine-week number one
political best-seller NO HE CAN'T I refined
those arguments to four specific sections of
critique--and even complimented him on an
attribute I found admirable.
None of the above has shielded me from the
irrationally insane defenders of the President
from labeling me racist, homophobic, bigoted,
and the usually invoked stuff the left throws
out when they have absolutely nothing to
debate you of substance over.
Early in his Presidency I felt his view points
were just wrong, as time went by I believed
his goals were misguided/short-sighted, as his
term continued I believed his policies were
damaging, but now I believe his decision
making is treacherous.
It is for that final item that I have publicly
now finally called for what many normal
people who listen to me on close to a 1000
affiliates a day have been saying--some for
months--that the time for impeaching
President Obama has come. They believe this
is imperatively important if the Senate is won
by the opposing party in November.
For the record I was on-the-air and on the
record supporting the impeachment of
William Jefferson Clinton. Lying to a federal
prosecutor is a felony and in every sense of
the word a felony is a high crime. But I also
believe direct imperilment of the nation--
treachery--is as well. And on the level of
treacherous acts the President's
administration stands singularly cast as the
worst Presidential administration in
American history.
Highlights as to why:
1. Fast and Furious Scandal : running high powered weapons to
major drug cartels on purpose ended up
getting border patrol personnel killed with
the same weapons in just days to weeks
2. Black Panther Case Nullification: with an
actual conviction in hand against the Black
Panthers for voter intimidation, blocking the
free access to polling stations, and literal
threatening of press who showed up to cover
it, as well as those they believed to be against
the President, the administration
purposefully voids the consequences of the
behavior that was dangerous to the welfare of
the voting public.
3. 2009 State Dinner Breaches : any breach of
security is problematic but to do so more
than once is pure recklessness.
4. Benghazi Attack on 9.11.12 : No idea where
the President was during the attack from
5:16pm the night of till nearly 6:30am the
next morning. His lack of action the evening
of the battle, seems to have led to a deadly
malaise that comes with voids in leadership
5. The Benghazi Cover-Up : The lack of truth
telling about everything related to the attack
is a crime that still haunts the victims'
families of the ambassador, the navy seals,
and the retired air-man who all lost their
lives that night. What we know that the
President knew was that as of 5:30-5:45pm
the night of the attack, the Pentagon notified
the White House that this was not a
spontaneous demonstration, that it was
terrorism, and connected to the Muslim
Brotherhood. We know that the White House
then developed talking points--in the midst of
a contested Presidential election--that told
factually untrue things about the origin of the
attack. The Ambassador to the United
Nations--at the President's behest--told these
to the nation on five separate Sunday
morning news network broadcasts. The
President then repeated these points, along
with the Secretary of State to the victims'
families at Andrews Air Force base. The
President then repeated these false
assumptions again to the world at the United
Nations' general assembly. And even as the
military has now supposedly found and
arrested the terrorist behind the Benghazi
attack, the administration has yet to admit
that the action of 9.11.12 was an orchestrated
terror attack.
7. The Bowe Bergdahl disaster: Pretending to
obtain the "freedom" of an individual who
walked away from his unit, in betrayal of his
nation, who declared jihad against America,
and desired to become and be part of the
Taliban is a national embarrassment. But on
it's own it is an acceptance of the betrayal of
the nation. Hosting this individual's parents
in a Rose Garden ceremony, while his dad
speaks to him via television in the language
of the terrorists is unfathomable.
8. The Release of the Taliban 5: Allowing five of
the worst terrorists captured in the fight
against us, admitting that he fully believes
they will return to the fight against us, and in
a straight face attempting to argue that it was
the right thing to do defies credulity. The
problem that they have already taken visitors
from Al Qaeda, the Taliban of Pakistan, the
Taliban of Afghanistan, the Muslim
Brotherhood, Hamas and Hezbollah
demonstrates that they are far from being "in
custody" and likely are already scouting out
locales to begin planning their next
contribution to the intifada against the USA.
9. Changing the Rules of Engagement on USA
Border : With a flurry of rules being changed
and implemented in the last two weeks,
Border Patrol have been turned into a
feckless, powerless, agency that is disallowed
to do even what their name implies. And
since the rule changes have gone into effect,
hundreds per hour, and thousands per day
are violating our border's sovereignty--
among them Syrians, Egyptians, and Saudis.
10. Watching Al Qaeda Take Iraq: Forgetting
that 4000 brave Americans paid the ultimate
price to give freedom to the Iraqi people, the
greatest cost of this passive action is the
possible beginning of a testing ground for a
new Al Qaeda territory, where they may plan,
train, refine, and execute plans against the
free world. The confiscation of vehicles,
weapons, and ammunition coupled with the
robbery of up to one half billion dollars will
make defeating them difficult under any
circumstances--much less ones where a
complete lack of discernment or priorities is
Each of these ten items has contributed to the
direct treachery that we face as a people.
Each of them crossing a threshold by which
the President's actions went from being
merely offensive or damaging to the health of
the United States, to actually being dangerous
to our welfare.
One could make an argument that any of
them singularly might be grounds for
impeachment. But the sum total of their
impact collectively leaves little doubt that
whether his motives are negligent or
intentional, his decisions are not trust
worthy, and for this he deserves to be
removed from office.
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