Prostitution is defined as the act of providing sexual
services to a person in exchange for money, goods or
other services. Worldwide, this practice produces over
$100 billion in revenue annually. Prostitution practices
vary greatly from country to country. Prostitution is
legal in some countries; however, prostitution is
considered so serious a crime that it is punishable by
death in other countries. Currently, prostitution is illegal
in the United States with the exception of a few small
jurisdictions in Nevada. Some believe that legalizing this
industry would bring many benefits, while others have
identified many negatives of legalized prostitution.
Arguments in Favor of the Legalized Prostitution Debate
Proponents for the legalization of prostitution generally
believe that, since prostitution is a harmless act, it
should not, by definition, be considered a crime. Many
believe that criminalizing prostitution only exacerbates
the spread of diseases, and if the practice were legal, it
would encourage cleaner working conditions and better
STD testing for prostitutes. Those who support
legalization also believe that there is nothing immoral
about sex, and since it is freely dispensed, there is no
harm in charging for it. Many also believe that
criminalizing the industry only brings discrimination and
poor working conditions for sex providers and
purchasers. Current laws do not stop prostitutes from
selling sex, but seems only to make them more prone to
violent acts while working. Many also think that if
women could legally participate on their own free will,
the likelihood of underage prostitution and sex slaves
would decrease.
Arguments Opposed to the Legalized Prostitution Debate
Proponents opposed to the legalized prostitution debate
believe that prostitution is simply immoral and should
be considered a crime. They also believe that legalizing
prostitution would increase the spread of disease,
stating that it takes several weeks to get the results
from STD tests allowing an infected prostitute to
continue infecting her clients. Many also believe that
since most sex workers are female, the practice is
demeaning to women and enhances the changes of rape
and violence. Some go so far as defining prostitution as
a type of rape, since it turns a woman into an object for
a man's use. Others state that prostitution increases
the involvement of sexual predators and the use of
minors as sex slaves.
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