4 Jun 2014


A serious problem looming over the horizon is that of
fuel shortages due to the peaking in production and
subsequent decline in output of three of the Worlds
most important energy sources, that is Oil, Gas and
Uranium Ore. The Worlds output of all these
commodities is described by what’s known as the
Hubbert Curve, which describes how the output of each
of these energy resources will peak at a certain point in
time but thereafter production of the commodity go into
terminal decline. At the same time the World demand for
the same commodity will either grow or remain constant
thereby producing a supply shortfall, pushing up prices
and producing a state of scarcity for that resource. This
can lead to Political instability, Economic problems and
even War when countries use force of arms to try to
secure their energy supplies. The dates for these
eventualities are around 2010 for Peak Oil, though some
commentators think we have already got there. The
estimates for the time of Peak Gas range from around
2020 to 2030 and that for Peak Uranium at around 2025
to 2035.

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