4 Jun 2014


A problem that is related to Global Warming concerns
the availability of water resources to the worlds people.
It has been estimated by the United Nations that due to
population growth, pollution and global warming the
average persons water supply will be cut by a third over
the next 20 years. This would be a major inconvenience
in the developed and industrialized countries but in the
Third World where 90% of the water supply is used for
agriculture, the consequences will be disastrous. Even in
Australia which at the time of writing this, is in a
drought that has lasted 6 years, is facing the ruin of
large swathes of its agricultural industry. It has been
said by strategists that in the future wars will be fought
over water, this most essential of requirements for
sustaining life. For instance, King Abdullah of Jordan
has said ‘future potential conflict in our area is not over
land, it is over water.' It is a certainty that the problems
deriving from water scarcity will increase sharply over
the years to come.

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