Steve Deace
The meltdowns, lawlessness, and crises are
coming so “fast and furious” now you can’t
keep track of them all, which is why many of
you probably missed a recent development
that may actually be the biggest threat of them
all to our constitutional republic.
This week, the same people who booed God at
the 2012 Democrat National Convention openly
declared war on their own Maker. For instead
of repenting of their attempted tyranny, the
statist/Marxist Left’s response to last week’s
Supreme Court opinion in favor of Hobby
Lobby (i.e. the First Amendment) was to
remove any pretense whatsoever they still
believe in the U.S. Constitution.
After previously lying…err...claiming that
they’d never do anything to stop you from
practicing your religion in your church “where
it belongs,” the statist/Marxist Left has openly
declared war on God and those who still
believe what the Word of God has to say about
moral matters.
The ACLU and other anti-American groups
announced they are withdrawing their support
for a heinous piece of legislation known as
ENDA. Because with a scant 5-4 majority of
the U.S. Supreme Court still believing in the
First Amendment, it’s obvious to them that
ENDA in its current form wasn’t heinous
enough. ENDA, which stands for the
“Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” is the
unholy grail of the moral depravity lobby. The
immorality peddlers have been peddling
various versions of this bill for years, but the
end result is always the same—you will be
made to care.
The intent of this legislation is for the federal
government to once and for all make
someone’s private sexual behavior a publicly
protected class in all of Obama’s 57 states, and
thus also silence once and for all any moral or
religious dissent to their depravity. Oh, sure,
the version passed out of the Democrat-
controlled U.S. Senate last year included so-
called “religious exemptions.” But absolutely
no one smarter than Joe Biden believes the
same people who think the Feds can order the
“Little Sister of the Poor” to pay for baby-
murder, also believes these people are serious
about protecting religious liberty.
Now that the High Court they’ve relied on so
many times before to impose their statist
edicts on the American people by fiat actually
sided against them for a change, these anti-
American groups on the statist/Marxist Left
aren’t even going to pay lip service to liberty
anymore. So they will no longer support any
legislation that doesn’t tell religious
institutions they have to obey man and not
Nero would be proud.
That means if you’re a Christian school with a
teacher/administrator living an immoral life
that undermines your mission, you can’t fire
them. Like this example courtesy of Denny
Burk at the Southern Baptist Theological
Last year, Azusa Pacific University (a Christian
school) asked a female theology professor to
leave after she began to assume a transgender
identity. “Gender identity” is protected under
ENDA. If ENDA were the law of the land with
no religious exemptions, then it would have
been illegal for this Christian school to dismiss
this professor. Under ENDA, Azusa would have
been in violation of federal law if they were to
follow Christianity’s teaching about gender.
Burk correctly concludes:
These Leftist groups are pursuing a zero-sum
strategy against religious groups and
individuals. They have declared an all-out
culture war and will offer no quarter to sincere
religious dissenters. They are ready to use the
coercive power of the state to trample the
religious consciences of their countrymen. This
is radical and chilling.
If you’re a Democrat that takes their faith
seriously and you think guys like Burk and I
are taking fringe elements of your party too
seriously, consider the fact the Democrat
majority in the U.S. Senate has “fast-tracked”
legislation that would seek to undo the Hobby
Lobby opinion. The bill would demand a
company pay for abortifacients and baby-
murder as Obamacare originally demanded.
Elected Democrats in the U.S. Senate are not
the fringe of their party. They are the party.
This is who this party has become.
The decades-long right-of-center/left-of-center
argument we’ve had since the New Deal about
just how much government should be used to
even the odds is over now. When Democrat
Zell Miller got up and spoke at the 2004
Republican National Convention that was
symbolically the end of the old Democrat
Party. A party that once claimed to represent
the values of working-class and middle-class
Americans, as well as ethnic and racial
minorities, who believed they needed
government as a check-and-balance against
The generation of Democrats who gave us the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act 20 years
ago, which the Supreme Court used as the
basis for its ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby, is
mostly gone now. Replaced by what David
Horowitz calls “the New Left.” This “New Left”
is not mere liberals. They are flat-out Leftists.
They don’t want to grow government as much
as they want to change it. They are Social
Reconstructionists, whose goal is to empower
government to replace our Judeo-Christian
ideals of liberty and morality with what
amounts to Cultural Marxism.
And they won’t stop until the American
Exceptionalism they either don’t understand
or loathe is eradicated once and for all. That’s
why their ultimate goal is silencing the church,
as all tyrants in history have tried to do,
because the church has always been the chief
obstacle to statism in a culture.
For the church says that God alone is God, and
government is not.
Not to mention with God out of the way, so
are your God-given rights, which makes you a
de facto ward of the state and not a free
person. As Chesterton once said, “Whenever
the government removes the god the
government then becomes the god.”
You can’t share a culture with people who
won’t share it with you. There is no
negotiating with these people. You can only
convert or defeat them.
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